  public static Collection<JetFile> allFilesInNamespaces(
      BindingContext bindingContext, Collection<JetFile> files) {
    // todo: we use Set and add given files but ignoring other scripts because something non-clear
    // kept in binding
    // for scripts especially in case of REPL

    HashSet<FqName> names = new HashSet<FqName>();
    for (JetFile file : files) {
      if (!file.isScript()) {

    HashSet<JetFile> answer = new HashSet<JetFile>();

    for (FqName name : names) {
      NamespaceDescriptor namespaceDescriptor =
          bindingContext.get(BindingContext.FQNAME_TO_NAMESPACE_DESCRIPTOR, name);
      Collection<JetFile> jetFiles = bindingContext.get(NAMESPACE_TO_FILES, namespaceDescriptor);
      if (jetFiles != null) answer.addAll(jetFiles);

    List<JetFile> sortedAnswer = new ArrayList<JetFile>(answer);
        new Comparator<JetFile>() {
          private String path(JetFile file) {
            VirtualFile virtualFile = file.getVirtualFile();
            assert virtualFile != null : "VirtualFile is null for JetFile: " + file.getName();
            return virtualFile.getPath();

          public int compare(JetFile first, JetFile second) {
            return path(first).compareTo(path(second));

    return sortedAnswer;