/** * Set the sleep state of the body. A sleeping body has very low CPU cost. * * @param flag set to true to put body to sleep, false to wake it. * @param flag */ public void setAwake(boolean flag) { if (flag) { if ((m_flags & e_awakeFlag) == 0) { m_flags |= e_awakeFlag; m_sleepTime = 0.0f; } } else { m_flags &= ~e_awakeFlag; m_sleepTime = 0.0f; m_linearVelocity.setZero(); m_angularVelocity = 0.0f; m_force.setZero(); m_torque = 0.0f; } }
/** * Build vertices to represent an axis-aligned box. * * @param hx the half-width. * @param hy the half-height. */ public final void setAsBox(final float hx, final float hy) { m_count = 4; m_vertices[0].set(-hx, -hy); m_vertices[1].set(hx, -hy); m_vertices[2].set(hx, hy); m_vertices[3].set(-hx, hy); m_normals[0].set(0.0f, -1.0f); m_normals[1].set(1.0f, 0.0f); m_normals[2].set(0.0f, 1.0f); m_normals[3].set(-1.0f, 0.0f); m_centroid.setZero(); }
public PolygonShape() { super(ShapeType.POLYGON); m_count = 0; m_vertices = new Vec2[Settings.maxPolygonVertices]; for (int i = 0; i < m_vertices.length; i++) { m_vertices[i] = new Vec2(); } m_normals = new Vec2[Settings.maxPolygonVertices]; for (int i = 0; i < m_normals.length; i++) { m_normals[i] = new Vec2(); } setRadius(Settings.polygonRadius); m_centroid.setZero(); }
/** * Set the type of this body. This may alter the mass and velocity. * * @param type */ public void setType(BodyType type) { if (m_type == type) { return; } m_type = type; resetMassData(); if (m_type == BodyType.STATIC) { m_linearVelocity.setZero(); m_angularVelocity = 0.0f; } setAwake(true); m_force.setZero(); m_torque = 0.0f; // Since the body type changed, we need to flag contacts for filtering. for (ContactEdge ce = m_contactList; ce != null; ce = ce.next) { ce.contact.flagForFiltering(); } }
protected MouseJoint(IWorldPool argWorld, MouseJointDef def) { super(argWorld, def); assert (def.target.isValid()); assert (def.maxForce >= 0); assert (def.frequencyHz >= 0); assert (def.dampingRatio >= 0); m_target.set(def.target); Transform.mulTransToOut(m_bodyB.getTransform(), m_target, m_localAnchor); m_maxForce = def.maxForce; m_impulse.setZero(); m_frequencyHz = def.frequencyHz; m_dampingRatio = def.dampingRatio; m_beta = 0; m_gamma = 0; }
public final void computeCentroidToOut(final Vec2[] vs, final int count, final Vec2 out) { assert (count >= 3); out.set(0.0f, 0.0f); float area = 0.0f; // pRef is the reference point for forming triangles. // It's location doesn't change the result (except for rounding error). final Vec2 pRef = pool1; pRef.setZero(); final Vec2 e1 = pool2; final Vec2 e2 = pool3; final float inv3 = 1.0f / 3.0f; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { // Triangle vertices. final Vec2 p1 = pRef; final Vec2 p2 = vs[i]; final Vec2 p3 = i + 1 < count ? vs[i + 1] : vs[0]; e1.set(p2).subLocal(p1); e2.set(p3).subLocal(p1); final float D = Vec2.cross(e1, e2); final float triangleArea = 0.5f * D; area += triangleArea; // Area weighted centroid e1.set(p1).addLocal(p2).addLocal(p3).mulLocal(triangleArea * inv3); out.addLocal(e1); } // Centroid assert (area > Settings.EPSILON); out.mulLocal(1.0f / area); }
@Override public void drawTransform(Transform xf) { Graphics2D g = getGraphics(); getWorldToScreenToOut(xf.p, temp); temp2.setZero(); float k_axisScale = 0.4f; Color c = cpool.getColor(1, 0, 0); g.setColor(c); temp2.x = xf.p.x + k_axisScale * xf.q.c; temp2.y = xf.p.y + k_axisScale * xf.q.s; getWorldToScreenToOut(temp2, temp2); g.drawLine((int) temp.x, (int) temp.y, (int) temp2.x, (int) temp2.y); c = cpool.getColor(0, 1, 0); g.setColor(c); temp2.x = xf.p.x + -k_axisScale * xf.q.s; temp2.y = xf.p.y + k_axisScale * xf.q.c; getWorldToScreenToOut(temp2, temp2); g.drawLine((int) temp.x, (int) temp.y, (int) temp2.x, (int) temp2.y); }
public void computeMass(final MassData massData, float density) { // Polygon mass, centroid, and inertia. // Let rho be the polygon density in mass per unit area. // Then: // mass = rho * int(dA) // centroid.x = (1/mass) * rho * int(x * dA) // centroid.y = (1/mass) * rho * int(y * dA) // I = rho * int((x*x + y*y) * dA) // // We can compute these integrals by summing all the integrals // for each triangle of the polygon. To evaluate the integral // for a single triangle, we make a change of variables to // the (u,v) coordinates of the triangle: // x = x0 + e1x * u + e2x * v // y = y0 + e1y * u + e2y * v // where 0 <= u && 0 <= v && u + v <= 1. // // We integrate u from [0,1-v] and then v from [0,1]. // We also need to use the Jacobian of the transformation: // D = cross(e1, e2) // // Simplification: triangle centroid = (1/3) * (p1 + p2 + p3) // // The rest of the derivation is handled by computer algebra. assert (m_count >= 3); final Vec2 center = pool1; center.setZero(); float area = 0.0f; float I = 0.0f; // pRef is the reference point for forming triangles. // It's location doesn't change the result (except for rounding error). final Vec2 s = pool2; s.setZero(); // This code would put the reference point inside the polygon. for (int i = 0; i < m_count; ++i) { s.addLocal(m_vertices[i]); } s.mulLocal(1.0f / m_count); final float k_inv3 = 1.0f / 3.0f; final Vec2 e1 = pool3; final Vec2 e2 = pool4; for (int i = 0; i < m_count; ++i) { // Triangle vertices. e1.set(m_vertices[i]).subLocal(s); e2.set(s).negateLocal().addLocal(i + 1 < m_count ? m_vertices[i + 1] : m_vertices[0]); final float D = Vec2.cross(e1, e2); final float triangleArea = 0.5f * D; area += triangleArea; // Area weighted centroid center.x += triangleArea * k_inv3 * (e1.x + e2.x); center.y += triangleArea * k_inv3 * (e1.y + e2.y); final float ex1 = e1.x, ey1 = e1.y; final float ex2 = e2.x, ey2 = e2.y; float intx2 = ex1 * ex1 + ex2 * ex1 + ex2 * ex2; float inty2 = ey1 * ey1 + ey2 * ey1 + ey2 * ey2; I += (0.25f * k_inv3 * D) * (intx2 + inty2); } // Total mass massData.mass = density * area; // Center of mass assert (area > Settings.EPSILON); center.mulLocal(1.0f / area); massData.center.set(center).addLocal(s); // Inertia tensor relative to the local origin (point s) massData.I = I * density; // Shift to center of mass then to original body origin. massData.I += massData.mass * (Vec2.dot(massData.center, massData.center)); }
public Body(final BodyDef bd, World world) { assert (bd.position.isValid()); assert (bd.linearVelocity.isValid()); assert (bd.inertiaScale >= 0.0f); assert (bd.angularDamping >= 0.0f); assert (bd.linearDamping >= 0.0f); m_flags = 0; if (bd.bullet) { m_flags |= e_bulletFlag; } if (bd.fixedRotation) { m_flags |= e_fixedRotationFlag; } if (bd.allowSleep) { m_flags |= e_autoSleepFlag; } if (bd.awake) { m_flags |= e_awakeFlag; } if (bd.active) { m_flags |= e_activeFlag; } m_world = world; m_xf.position.set(bd.position); m_xf.R.set(bd.angle); m_sweep.localCenter.setZero(); m_sweep.a0 = m_sweep.a = bd.angle; // m_sweep.c0 = m_sweep.c = Transform.mul(m_xf, m_sweep.localCenter); Transform.mulToOut(m_xf, m_sweep.localCenter, m_sweep.c0); m_sweep.c.set(m_sweep.c0); m_jointList = null; m_contactList = null; m_prev = null; m_next = null; m_linearVelocity.set(bd.linearVelocity); m_angularVelocity = bd.angularVelocity; m_linearDamping = bd.linearDamping; m_angularDamping = bd.angularDamping; m_force.setZero(); m_torque = 0.0f; m_sleepTime = 0.0f; m_type = bd.type; if (m_type == BodyType.DYNAMIC) { m_mass = 1f; m_invMass = 1f; } else { m_mass = 0f; m_invMass = 0f; } m_I = 0.0f; m_invI = 0.0f; m_userData = bd.userData; m_fixtureList = null; m_fixtureCount = 0; }
/** * This resets the mass properties to the sum of the mass properties of the fixtures. This * normally does not need to be called unless you called setMassData to override the mass and you * later want to reset the mass. */ public final void resetMassData() { // Compute mass data from shapes. Each shape has its own density. m_mass = 0.0f; m_invMass = 0.0f; m_I = 0.0f; m_invI = 0.0f; m_sweep.localCenter.setZero(); // Static and kinematic bodies have zero mass. if (m_type == BodyType.STATIC || m_type == BodyType.KINEMATIC) { // m_sweep.c0 = m_sweep.c = m_xf.position; m_sweep.c.set(m_xf.position); m_sweep.c0.set(m_xf.position); return; } assert (m_type == BodyType.DYNAMIC); // Accumulate mass over all fixtures. final Vec2 center = m_world.getPool().popVec2(); center.setZero(); final Vec2 temp = m_world.getPool().popVec2(); final MassData massData = pmd; for (Fixture f = m_fixtureList; f != null; f = f.m_next) { if (f.m_density == 0.0f) { continue; } f.getMassData(massData); m_mass += massData.mass; // center += massData.mass * massData.center; temp.set(massData.center).mulLocal(massData.mass); center.addLocal(temp); m_I += massData.I; } // Compute center of mass. if (m_mass > 0.0f) { m_invMass = 1.0f / m_mass; center.mulLocal(m_invMass); } else { // Force all dynamic bodies to have a positive mass. m_mass = 1.0f; m_invMass = 1.0f; } if (m_I > 0.0f && (m_flags & e_fixedRotationFlag) == 0) { // Center the inertia about the center of mass. m_I -= m_mass * Vec2.dot(center, center); assert (m_I > 0.0f); m_invI = 1.0f / m_I; } else { m_I = 0.0f; m_invI = 0.0f; } Vec2 oldCenter = m_world.getPool().popVec2(); // Move center of mass. oldCenter.set(m_sweep.c); m_sweep.localCenter.set(center); // m_sweep.c0 = m_sweep.c = Mul(m_xf, m_sweep.localCenter); Transform.mulToOut(m_xf, m_sweep.localCenter, m_sweep.c0); m_sweep.c.set(m_sweep.c0); // Update center of mass velocity. // m_linearVelocity += Cross(m_angularVelocity, m_sweep.c - oldCenter); temp.set(m_sweep.c).subLocal(oldCenter); Vec2.crossToOut(m_angularVelocity, temp, temp); m_linearVelocity.addLocal(temp); m_world.getPool().pushVec2(3); }