public ResourceInvoker getInvoker(HttpRequest request) throws Failure { logger.debug("PathInfo: " + request.getUri().getPath()); if (!request.isInitial()) { throw new InternalServerErrorException( request.getUri().getPath() + " is not initial request. Its suspended and retried. Aborting."); } ResourceInvoker invoker = registry.getResourceInvoker(request); if (invoker == null) { throw new NotFoundException( "Unable to find JAX-RS resource associated with path: " + request.getUri().getPath()); } return invoker; }
public BuiltResponse invoke(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, Object target) { request.setAttribute(ResourceMethod.class.getName(), this); incrementMethodCount(request.getHttpMethod()); ResteasyUriInfo uriInfo = (ResteasyUriInfo) request.getUri(); uriInfo.pushCurrentResource(target); try { BuiltResponse jaxrsResponse = invokeOnTarget(request, response, target); if (jaxrsResponse != null && jaxrsResponse.getEntity() != null) { // if the content type isn't set, then set it to be either most desired type from the Accept // header // or the first media type in the @Produces annotation // See RESTEASY-144 Object type = jaxrsResponse.getMetadata().getFirst(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE); if (type == null) jaxrsResponse .getMetadata() .putSingle( HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, resolveContentType(request, jaxrsResponse.getEntity())); } return jaxrsResponse; } finally { uriInfo.popCurrentResource(); } }
public HandlerExecutionChain getHandler(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { ResteasyRequestWrapper requestWrapper = RequestUtil.getRequestWrapper(request, request.getMethod(), prefix); try { // NOTE: if invoker isn't found, RESTEasy throw NoReourceFoundFailure HttpRequest httpRequest = requestWrapper.getHttpRequest(); if (!httpRequest.isInitial()) { String message = httpRequest.getUri().getPath() + " is not initial request. Its suspended and retried. Aborting."; logger.error(message); requestWrapper.setError(500, message); } else { Response response = dispatcher.preprocess(httpRequest); if (response != null) { requestWrapper.setAbortedResponse(response); } else { requestWrapper.setInvoker(getInvoker(httpRequest)); } } return new HandlerExecutionChain(requestWrapper, interceptors); } catch (NotFoundException e) { if (throwNotFound) { throw e; } logger.error("Resource Not Found: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (Failure e) { logger.error("ResourceFailure: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } return null; }
public void handleException(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, Throwable e) { // See if there is an ExceptionMapper for the exact class of the exception instance being thrown if (executeExactExceptionMapper(request, response, e)) return; // These are wrapper exceptions so they need to be processed first as they map e.getCause() if (e instanceof ApplicationException) { handleApplicationException(request, response, (ApplicationException) e); return; } else if (e instanceof WriterException) { handleWriterException(request, response, (WriterException) e); return; } else if (e instanceof ReaderException) { handleReaderException(request, response, (ReaderException) e); return; } // First try and handle it with a mapper if (executeExceptionMapper(request, response, e)) { return; } // Otherwise do specific things else if (e instanceof WebApplicationException) { handleWebApplicationException(request, response, (WebApplicationException) e); } else if (e instanceof Failure) { handleFailure(request, response, (Failure) e); } else { logger.error( "Unknown exception while executing " + request.getHttpMethod() + " " + request.getUri().getPath(), e); throw new UnhandledException(e); } }
public static MockHttpRequest deepCopy(HttpRequest request) throws IOException { MockHttpRequest mock = new MockHttpRequest(); mock.uri = request.getUri(); mock.httpHeaders = (ResteasyHttpHeaders) request.getHttpHeaders(); mock.httpMethod = request.getHttpMethod(); byte[] bytes = ReadFromStream.readFromStream(1024, request.getInputStream()); mock.inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); return mock; }
public BuiltResponse invoke(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, Object target) { request.setAttribute(ResourceMethodInvoker.class.getName(), this); incrementMethodCount(request.getHttpMethod()); ResteasyUriInfo uriInfo = (ResteasyUriInfo) request.getUri(); if (method.getPath() != null) { uriInfo.pushMatchedURI(uriInfo.getMatchingPath()); } uriInfo.pushCurrentResource(target); BuiltResponse rtn = invokeOnTarget(request, response, target); return rtn; }
public void pushContextObjects(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) { Map contextDataMap = ResteasyProviderFactory.getContextDataMap(); contextDataMap.put(HttpRequest.class, request); contextDataMap.put(HttpResponse.class, response); contextDataMap.put(HttpHeaders.class, request.getHttpHeaders()); contextDataMap.put(UriInfo.class, request.getUri()); contextDataMap.put(Request.class, new RequestImpl(request)); contextDataMap.put(ResteasyAsynchronousContext.class, request.getAsyncContext()); contextDataMap.putAll(defaultContextObjects); }
public ServerResponse preProcess(HttpRequest request, ResourceMethod method) throws Failure, WebApplicationException { ServerResponse response = null; Long requestId = RequestLogger.getInstance().getLogger().getRequestId();"Request Interceptor: Processing request #%d", requestId); List<NameValuePair> params = URLEncodedUtils.parse(request.getUri().getRequestUri(), "UTF-8"); // Handle paging parameters. processPaging(request, params, requestId); return response; }
/** * Interrogates the request and sets the principal for the request. * * @throws WebApplicationException when no auths result in a valid principal * @throws Failure when there is an unkown failure in the code * @return the Server Response */ public ServerResponse preProcess(HttpRequest request, ResourceMethod method) throws Failure, WebApplicationException { SecurityHole securityHole = AuthUtil.checkForSecurityHoleAnnotation(method.getMethod()); Principal principal = null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Authentication check for " + request.getUri().getPath()); } // Check for anonymous calls, and let them through if (securityHole != null && securityHole.anon()) { log.debug("Request is anonymous, adding NoAuth Principal"); principal = new NoAuthPrincipal(); } else { // This method is not anonymous, so attempt to // establish the identity. for (AuthProvider provider : providers) { principal = provider.getPrincipal(request); if (principal != null) { break; } } } // At this point, there is no provider that has given a valid principal, // so we use the NoAuthPrincipal here if it is set. if (principal == null) { if (securityHole != null && securityHole.noAuth()) { log.debug("No auth allowed for resource; setting NoAuth principal"); principal = new NoAuthPrincipal(); } else { throw new UnauthorizedException("Invalid credentials."); } } // Expose the principal for Resteasy to inject via @Context ResteasyProviderFactory.pushContext(Principal.class, principal); if (principal instanceof ConsumerPrincipal) { // HACK: We need to do this after the principal has been pushed, // lest our security settings start getting upset when we try to // update a consumer without any roles: ConsumerPrincipal p = (ConsumerPrincipal) principal; consumerCurator.updateLastCheckin(p.getConsumer()); } return null; }
protected void handleFailure(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, Failure failure) { if (failure.isLoggable()) logger.error( "Failed executing " + request.getHttpMethod() + " " + request.getUri().getPath(), failure); else logger.debug( "Failed executing " + request.getHttpMethod() + " " + request.getUri().getPath(), failure); if (failure.getResponse() != null) { writeFailure(request, response, failure.getResponse()); } else { try { if (failure.getMessage() != null) { response.sendError(failure.getErrorCode(), failure.getMessage()); } else { response.sendError(failure.getErrorCode()); } } catch (IOException e1) { throw new UnhandledException(e1); } } }
public static ChannelFuture handshake( final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final HttpRequest request, final String websocketPath, final ChannelHandler handler) { final String connHead = request.getHttpHeaders().getHeaderString(HttpHeaders.Names.CONNECTION); final String upHead = request.getHttpHeaders().getHeaderString(HttpHeaders.Names.UPGRADE); final String sockHead = request.getHttpHeaders().getHeaderString(HttpHeaders.Names.SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION); final String keyHead = request.getHttpHeaders().getHeaderString(HttpHeaders.Names.SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY); try { DefaultHttpRequest req = new DefaultHttpRequest( HttpVersion.HTTP_1_0, HttpMethod.GET, request.getUri().getAbsolutePath().toString()); req.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION, sockHead); req.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY, keyHead); final Channel channel =; final String location = getWebSocketLocation(channel.pipeline(), request, websocketPath); final WebSocketServerHandshakerFactory wsFactory = new WebSocketServerHandshakerFactory(location, null, false); final WebSocketServerHandshaker handshaker = wsFactory.newHandshaker(req); if (handshaker == null) { WebSocketServerHandshakerFactory.sendUnsupportedWebSocketVersionResponse(channel); return null; } else if (!connHead.toLowerCase().contains(HttpHeaders.Values.UPGRADE.toLowerCase()) || !upHead.toLowerCase().contains(HttpHeaders.Values.WEBSOCKET.toLowerCase())) { // Not a valid socket open request"Invalid request: " + request.getUri()); return null; } else { // We need to remove the RESTEasy stuff otherwise the Netty logic to write the handshake to // the channel // will never make it back to the client channel.pipeline().remove("resteasyEncoder"); channel.pipeline().remove("resteasyDecoder"); final ChannelFuture handshakeFuture = handshaker.handshake(channel, req); handshakeFuture.addListener( new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception { if (!future.isSuccess()) { ctx.fireExceptionCaught(future.cause()); } else { final ChannelPipeline pipeline =; pipeline.replace(pipeline.last(), "customSocketHandler", handler); pipeline.addBefore( "customSocketHandler", "socketHandler", new WebSocketProtocolHandler()); } } }); WebSocketProtocolHandler.setHandshaker(ctx, handshaker); return handshakeFuture; // channel.pipeline().addBefore("timeout", "WS403Responder", // WebSocketProtocolHandler.forbiddenHttpRequestResponder()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error trying to upgrade the channel to a socket", e); } return null; }