   * Write String into byte array
   * <p>It will remove a trailing null terminator if exists if the option
   * RemoveTrailingTerminatorOnWrite has been set.
   * @return the data as a byte array in format to write to file
  public byte[] writeByteArray() {
    byte[] data;
    // Try and write to buffer using the CharSet defined by getTextEncodingCharSet()
    String charSetName = getTextEncodingCharSet();
    try {


      // Special Handling because there is no UTF16 BOM LE charset
      String stringValue = (String) value;
      String actualCharSet = null;
      if (charSetName.equals(TextEncoding.CHARSET_UTF_16)) {
        if (TagOptionSingleton.getInstance().isEncodeUTF16BomAsLittleEndian()) {
          actualCharSet = TextEncoding.CHARSET_UTF_16_LE_ENCODING_FORMAT;
        } else {
          actualCharSet = TextEncoding.CHARSET_UTF_16_BE_ENCODING_FORMAT;

      // Ensure large enough for any encoding
      ByteBuffer outputBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate((stringValue.length() + 3) * 3);

      // Ensure each string (if multiple values) is written with BOM by writing separately
      List<String> values = splitByNullSeperator(stringValue);
      checkTrailingNull(values, stringValue);

      // For each value
      for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
        String next = values.get(i);
        if (actualCharSet != null) {
          if (actualCharSet.equals(TextEncoding.CHARSET_UTF_16_LE_ENCODING_FORMAT)) {
            outputBuffer.put(writeStringUTF16LEBOM(next, i, values.size()));
          } else if (actualCharSet.equals(TextEncoding.CHARSET_UTF_16_BE_ENCODING_FORMAT)) {
            outputBuffer.put(writeStringUTF16BEBOM(next, i, values.size()));
        } else {
          CharsetEncoder charsetEncoder = Charset.forName(charSetName).newEncoder();
          outputBuffer.put(writeString(charsetEncoder, next, i, values.size()));
      data = new byte[outputBuffer.limit()];
      outputBuffer.get(data, 0, outputBuffer.limit());
    // https://bitbucket.org/ijabz/jaudiotagger/issue/1/encoding-metadata-to-utf-16-can-fail-if
    catch (CharacterCodingException ce) {
      logger.severe(ce.getMessage() + ":" + charSetName + ":" + value);
      throw new RuntimeException(ce);
    return data;