public static BufferedImage ConvertPageToImage(File afile, int i) throws IOException, InterruptedException, IM4JavaException { IMOperation op = new IMOperation(); op.addImage(afile.getAbsolutePath() + "[" + i + "]"); // look at op.colorspace("RGB"); op.resize(640, 830); op.type("TrueColor"); op.addImage("jpg:-"); // place holder for output file // op.alpha("off"); //this command is slow and not needed anymore // op.interpolate("spline"); // op.colorspace("RGB"); ConvertCmd convert = new ConvertCmd(); // convert.setSearchPath("/usr/local/Cellar/imagemagick/6.7.7-6/bin/convert"); // convert.setSearchPath("/usr/bin/convert"); // convert.setSearchPath("/Volumes/Main // Drive/Users/angellopozo/ImageMagick-6.7.8/bin/convert"); // convert.setSearchPath("Users/angellopozo/ImageMagick-6.7.8/bin/convert"); // convert.setSearchPath("/usr/local/bin"); Stream2BufferedImage s2b = new Stream2BufferedImage(); convert.setOutputConsumer(s2b);; // convert.createScript("",op);//debug`` line BufferedImage aPDF_img = s2b.getImage(); // PDF_img is the pdf_image ImageIO.write( aPDF_img, "jpeg", new File("Page_" + (i + 1) + "of_PDF.jpg")); // write whole pdf page to png return aPDF_img; } // end of ConvertPagetoImage
/** * 等比例图片缩放. * * @param srcFile 源文件 * @param destFile 目标文件 * @param destWidth 目标宽度(>0) * @param destHeight 目标高度(>0) */ public static void zoom(File srcFile, File destFile, int destWidth, int destHeight) { if (type == Type.jdk) { try { BufferedImage srcBufferedImage =; int srcWidth = srcBufferedImage.getWidth(); int srcHeight = srcBufferedImage.getHeight(); int width = destWidth; int height = destHeight; if (srcHeight >= srcWidth) { width = (int) Math.round(((destHeight * 1.0 / srcHeight) * srcWidth)); } else { height = (int) Math.round(((destWidth * 1.0 / srcWidth) * srcHeight)); } BufferedImage destBufferedImage = new BufferedImage(destWidth, destHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D graphics2D = destBufferedImage.createGraphics(); graphics2D.setBackground(BACKGROUND_COLOR); graphics2D.clearRect(0, 0, destWidth, destHeight); graphics2D.drawImage( srcBufferedImage.getScaledInstance(width, height, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH), (destWidth / 2) - (width / 2), (destHeight / 2) - (height / 2), null); graphics2D.dispose(); ImageIO.write(destBufferedImage, FileUtil.getExtension(destFile), destFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { IMOperation operation = new IMOperation(); operation.thumbnail(destWidth, destHeight); operation.gravity("center"); operation.background(toHexEncoding(BACKGROUND_COLOR)); operation.extent(destWidth, destHeight); operation.quality((double) DEST_QUALITY); operation.addImage(srcFile.getPath()); operation.addImage(destFile.getPath()); if (type == Type.graphicsMagick) { ConvertCmd convertCmd = new ConvertCmd(true); if (graphicsMagickPath != null) { convertCmd.setSearchPath(graphicsMagickPath); } try {; } catch (IOException | InterruptedException | IM4JavaException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { ConvertCmd convertCmd = new ConvertCmd(false); if (imageMagickPath != null) { convertCmd.setSearchPath(imageMagickPath); } try {; } catch (IOException | InterruptedException | IM4JavaException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } }
/** * 根据尺寸缩放图片 * * @param angle 旋转过图片的角度 * @param srcPath 源图片路径 * @param newPath 缩放后图片的路径 */ public static void rotateImage(String srcPath, String newPath, Double angle) throws InterruptedException, IOException, IM4JavaException { IMOperation op = new IMOperation(); op.addImage(srcPath); op.rotate(angle); op.addImage(newPath); // linux下不要设置此值,不然会报错 if (isWin) { convertCmd.setSearchPath(imageMagickPath); }; }
/** * 根据尺寸缩放图片 * * @param width 缩放后的图片宽度 * @param height 缩放后的图片高度 * @param srcPath 源图片路径 * @param newPath 缩放后图片的路径 */ public static void resizeImage(String srcPath, String newPath, int width, int height) throws InterruptedException, IOException, IM4JavaException { IMOperation op = new IMOperation(); op.addImage(srcPath); op.resize(width, height); op.addImage(newPath); // linux下不要设置此值,不然会报错 if (isWin) { convertCmd.setSearchPath(imageMagickPath); }; }
/** * 根据坐标裁剪图片 * * @param srcPath 要裁剪图片的路径 * @param newPath 裁剪图片后的路径 * @param x 起始横坐标 * @param y 起始挫坐标 * @param x1 结束横坐标 * @param y1 结束挫坐标 */ public static void cropImage(String srcPath, String newPath, int x, int y, int x1, int y1) throws InterruptedException, IOException, IM4JavaException { int width = x1 - x; int height = y1 - y; IMOperation op = new IMOperation(); op.addImage(srcPath); /** width:裁剪的宽度 height:裁剪的高度 x:裁剪的横坐标 y:裁剪的挫坐标 */ op.crop(width, height, x, y); op.addImage(newPath); if (isWin) { convertCmd.setSearchPath(imageMagickPath); }; }
public RenderedImage convertCMYKtoRGB(byte[] bytes, String type, boolean fork) { ImageMagick imageMagick = getImageMagick(); if (!imageMagick.isEnabled()) { return null; } File inputFile = _fileUtil.createTempFile(type); File outputFile = _fileUtil.createTempFile(type); try { _fileUtil.write(inputFile, bytes); IMOperation imOperation = new IMOperation(); imOperation.addRawArgs("-format", "%[colorspace]"); imOperation.addImage(inputFile.getPath()); String[] output = imageMagick.identify(imOperation.getCmdArgs(), fork); if ((output.length == 1) && output[0].equalsIgnoreCase("CMYK")) { if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {"The image is in the CMYK colorspace"); } imOperation = new IMOperation(); imOperation.addRawArgs("-colorspace", "RGB"); imOperation.addImage(inputFile.getPath()); imOperation.addImage(outputFile.getPath()); imageMagick.convert(imOperation.getCmdArgs(), fork); bytes = _fileUtil.getBytes(outputFile); return read(bytes, type); } } catch (Exception e) { if (_log.isErrorEnabled()) { _log.error(e, e); } } finally { _fileUtil.delete(inputFile); _fileUtil.delete(outputFile); } return null; }
/** * 给图片加水印 * * @param srcPath 源图片路径 */ public static void addImgText(String srcPath) throws InterruptedException, IOException, IM4JavaException { IMOperation op = new IMOperation(); op.font("宋体").gravity("southeast").pointsize(18).fill("#BCBFC8").draw("text 5,5"); op.addImage(); op.addImage(); // linux下不要设置此值,不然会报错 if (isWin) { convertCmd.setSearchPath(imageMagickPath); }, srcPath, srcPath); }
/** * 根据尺寸缩放图片[等比例缩放:参数height为null,按宽度缩放比例缩放;参数width为null,按高度缩放比例缩放] * * @param imagePath 源图片路径 * @param newPath 处理后图片路径 * @param width 缩放后的图片宽度 * @param height 缩放后的图片高度 * @return 返回true说明缩放成功,否则失败 */ public static boolean zoomImage( String imagePath, String newPath, Integer width, Integer height, String quality) { boolean flag = false; try { IMOperation op = new IMOperation(); op.addImage(imagePath); if (width == null) { // 根据高度缩放图片 op.resize(null, height); } else if (height == null) { // 根据宽度缩放图片 op.resize(width, null); } else { op.resize(width, height); } op.addImage(newPath); if ((quality != null && quality.equals(""))) { op.addRawArgs("-quality", quality); } ConvertCmd convert = new ConvertCmd(true); if (OS_NAME.indexOf("win") >= 0) { // linux下不要设置此值,不然会报错 String path = getGraphicsMagickPath(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(path)) convert.setSearchPath(path); }; flag = true; } catch (IOException e) { flag = false; e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { flag = false; e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IM4JavaException e) { flag = false; e.printStackTrace(); } finally { } return flag; }
/** * @param inputPath Absolute filename pathname or "-" to use a stream * @param inputStream Can be null * @param params * @param sourceFormat * @param fullSize * @param outputStream Stream to write to * @throws ProcessorException */ private void doProcess( String inputPath, InputStream inputStream, Parameters params, SourceFormat sourceFormat, Dimension fullSize, OutputStream outputStream) throws ProcessorException { final Set<OutputFormat> availableOutputFormats = getAvailableOutputFormats(sourceFormat); if (getAvailableOutputFormats(sourceFormat).size() < 1) { throw new UnsupportedSourceFormatException(sourceFormat); } else if (!availableOutputFormats.contains(params.getOutputFormat())) { throw new UnsupportedOutputFormatException(); } try { IMOperation op = new IMOperation(); op.addImage(inputPath); assembleOperation(op, params, fullSize); op.addImage(params.getOutputFormat().getExtension() + ":-"); // write to stdout ConvertCmd convert = new ConvertCmd(true); String binaryPath = Application.getConfiguration().getString("GraphicsMagickProcessor.path_to_binaries", ""); if (binaryPath.length() > 0) { convert.setSearchPath(binaryPath); } if (inputStream != null) { convert.setInputProvider(new Pipe(inputStream, null)); } convert.setOutputConsumer(new Pipe(null, outputStream));; } catch (InterruptedException | IM4JavaException | IOException e) { throw new ProcessorException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { IMOperation op = new IMOperation(); op.addImage(); op.addImage(); ConvertCmd convert = new ConvertCmd(); try { convert.createScript("", op);, (Object[]) args); } catch (CommandException ce) { ce.printStackTrace(); ArrayList<String> cmdError = ce.getErrorText(); for (String line : cmdError) { System.err.println(line); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void addWatermark(File srcFile, File destFile, File watermarkFile, int alpha) { Assert.notNull(srcFile); Assert.notNull(destFile); Assert.state(alpha >= 0); Assert.state(alpha <= 100); if (watermarkFile == null || !watermarkFile.exists()) { try { FileUtils.copyFile(srcFile, destFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return; } if (type == Type.jdk) { Graphics2D graphics2D = null; ImageOutputStream imageOutputStream = null; ImageWriter imageWriter = null; try { BufferedImage srcBufferedImage =; int srcWidth = srcBufferedImage.getWidth(); int srcHeight = srcBufferedImage.getHeight(); BufferedImage destBufferedImage = new BufferedImage(srcWidth, srcHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); graphics2D = destBufferedImage.createGraphics(); graphics2D.setBackground(BACKGROUND_COLOR); graphics2D.clearRect(0, 0, srcWidth, srcHeight); graphics2D.drawImage(srcBufferedImage, 0, 0, null); graphics2D.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_ATOP, alpha / 100F)); BufferedImage watermarkBufferedImage =; int watermarkImageWidth = watermarkBufferedImage.getWidth(); int watermarkImageHeight = watermarkBufferedImage.getHeight(); int x = srcWidth - watermarkImageWidth; int y = srcHeight - watermarkImageHeight; graphics2D.drawImage( watermarkBufferedImage, x, y, watermarkImageWidth, watermarkImageHeight, null); imageOutputStream = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(destFile); imageWriter = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName(FilenameUtils.getExtension(destFile.getName())) .next(); imageWriter.setOutput(imageOutputStream); ImageWriteParam imageWriteParam = imageWriter.getDefaultWriteParam(); imageWriteParam.setCompressionMode(ImageWriteParam.MODE_EXPLICIT); imageWriteParam.setCompressionQuality(DEST_QUALITY / 100F); imageWriter.write(null, new IIOImage(destBufferedImage, null, null), imageWriteParam); imageOutputStream.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (graphics2D != null) { graphics2D.dispose(); } if (imageWriter != null) { imageWriter.dispose(); } if (imageOutputStream != null) { try { imageOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } } else { IMOperation operation = new IMOperation(); operation.dissolve(alpha); operation.quality((double) DEST_QUALITY); operation.addImage(watermarkFile.getPath()); operation.addImage(srcFile.getPath()); operation.addImage(destFile.getPath()); if (type == Type.graphicsMagick) { CompositeCmd compositeCmd = new CompositeCmd(true); if (graphicsMagickPath != null) { compositeCmd.setSearchPath(graphicsMagickPath); } try {; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IM4JavaException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { CompositeCmd compositeCmd = new CompositeCmd(false); if (imageMagickPath != null) { compositeCmd.setSearchPath(imageMagickPath); } try {; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IM4JavaException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
public static void zoom(File srcFile, File destFile, int destWidth, int destHeight) { Assert.notNull(srcFile); Assert.notNull(destFile); Assert.state(destWidth > 0); Assert.state(destHeight > 0); if (type == Type.jdk) { Graphics2D graphics2D = null; ImageOutputStream imageOutputStream = null; ImageWriter imageWriter = null; try { BufferedImage srcBufferedImage =; int srcWidth = srcBufferedImage.getWidth(); int srcHeight = srcBufferedImage.getHeight(); int width = destWidth; int height = destHeight; if (srcHeight >= srcWidth) { width = (int) Math.round(((destHeight * 1.0 / srcHeight) * srcWidth)); } else { height = (int) Math.round(((destWidth * 1.0 / srcWidth) * srcHeight)); } BufferedImage destBufferedImage = new BufferedImage(destWidth, destHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); graphics2D = destBufferedImage.createGraphics(); graphics2D.setBackground(BACKGROUND_COLOR); graphics2D.clearRect(0, 0, destWidth, destHeight); graphics2D.drawImage( srcBufferedImage.getScaledInstance(width, height, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH), (destWidth / 2) - (width / 2), (destHeight / 2) - (height / 2), null); imageOutputStream = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(destFile); imageWriter = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName(FilenameUtils.getExtension(destFile.getName())) .next(); imageWriter.setOutput(imageOutputStream); ImageWriteParam imageWriteParam = imageWriter.getDefaultWriteParam(); imageWriteParam.setCompressionMode(ImageWriteParam.MODE_EXPLICIT); imageWriteParam.setCompressionQuality((float) (DEST_QUALITY / 100.0)); imageWriter.write(null, new IIOImage(destBufferedImage, null, null), imageWriteParam); imageOutputStream.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (graphics2D != null) { graphics2D.dispose(); } if (imageWriter != null) { imageWriter.dispose(); } if (imageOutputStream != null) { try { imageOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } } else { IMOperation operation = new IMOperation(); operation.thumbnail(destWidth, destHeight); operation.gravity("center"); operation.background(toHexEncoding(BACKGROUND_COLOR)); operation.extent(destWidth, destHeight); operation.quality((double) DEST_QUALITY); operation.addImage(srcFile.getPath()); operation.addImage(destFile.getPath()); if (type == Type.graphicsMagick) { ConvertCmd convertCmd = new ConvertCmd(true); if (graphicsMagickPath != null) { convertCmd.setSearchPath(graphicsMagickPath); } try {; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IM4JavaException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { ConvertCmd convertCmd = new ConvertCmd(false); if (imageMagickPath != null) { convertCmd.setSearchPath(imageMagickPath); } try {; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IM4JavaException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
private void _generateImagesIM( FileVersion fileVersion, File file, int depth, int dpi, int height, int width, boolean thumbnail) throws Exception { // Generate images String tempFileId = DLUtil.getTempFileId(fileVersion.getFileEntryId(), fileVersion.getVersion()); IMOperation imOperation = new IMOperation(); imOperation.alpha("off"); imOperation.density(dpi, dpi); if (height != 0) { imOperation.adaptiveResize(width, height); } else { imOperation.adaptiveResize(width); } imOperation.depth(depth); if (thumbnail) { imOperation.addImage(file.getPath() + "[0]"); imOperation.addImage(getThumbnailTempFilePath(tempFileId)); } else { imOperation.addImage(file.getPath()); imOperation.addImage(getPreviewTempFilePath(tempFileId, -1)); }; // Store images if (thumbnail) { File thumbnailTempFile = getThumbnailTempFile(tempFileId); try { addFileToStore( fileVersion.getCompanyId(), THUMBNAIL_PATH, getThumbnailFilePath(fileVersion), thumbnailTempFile); } finally { FileUtil.delete(thumbnailTempFile); } } else { // ImageMagick converts single page PDFs without appending an // index. Rename file for consistency. File singlePagePreviewFile = getPreviewTempFile(tempFileId, -1); if (singlePagePreviewFile.exists()) { singlePagePreviewFile.renameTo(getPreviewTempFile(tempFileId, 1)); } int total = getPreviewTempFileCount(fileVersion); for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { File previewTempFile = getPreviewTempFile(tempFileId, i + 1); try { addFileToStore( fileVersion.getCompanyId(), PREVIEW_PATH, getPreviewFilePath(fileVersion, i + 1), previewTempFile); } finally { FileUtil.delete(previewTempFile); } } } }
/** * 添加水印. * * @param srcFile 源文件 * @param destFile 目标文件 * @param watermarkFile 水印文件 * @param watermarkPosition 水印位置 * @param alpha 水印透明度(0-100) */ public static void addWatermark( File srcFile, File destFile, File watermarkFile, WatermarkPosition watermarkPosition, int alpha) { if (watermarkFile == null || !watermarkFile.exists() || watermarkPosition == null || watermarkPosition == { return; } if (type == Type.jdk) { try { BufferedImage srcBufferedImage =; int srcWidth = srcBufferedImage.getWidth(); int srcHeight = srcBufferedImage.getHeight(); BufferedImage destBufferedImage = new BufferedImage(srcWidth, srcHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D graphics2D = destBufferedImage.createGraphics(); graphics2D.setBackground(BACKGROUND_COLOR); graphics2D.clearRect(0, 0, srcWidth, srcHeight); graphics2D.drawImage(srcBufferedImage, 0, 0, null); graphics2D.setComposite( AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_ATOP, alpha / 100.0F)); BufferedImage watermarkBufferedImage =; int watermarkImageWidth = watermarkBufferedImage.getWidth(); int watermarkImageHeight = watermarkBufferedImage.getHeight(); int x = srcWidth - watermarkImageWidth; int y = srcHeight - watermarkImageHeight; if (watermarkPosition == WatermarkPosition.topLeft) { x = 0; y = 0; } else if (watermarkPosition == WatermarkPosition.topRight) { x = srcWidth - watermarkImageWidth; y = 0; } else if (watermarkPosition == { x = (srcWidth - watermarkImageWidth) / 2; y = (srcHeight - watermarkImageHeight) / 2; } else if (watermarkPosition == WatermarkPosition.bottomLeft) { x = 0; y = srcHeight - watermarkImageHeight; } else if (watermarkPosition == WatermarkPosition.bottomRight) { x = srcWidth - watermarkImageWidth; y = srcHeight - watermarkImageHeight; } graphics2D.drawImage( watermarkBufferedImage, x, y, watermarkImageWidth, watermarkImageHeight, null); graphics2D.dispose(); ImageIO.write(destBufferedImage, FileUtil.getExtension(destFile), destFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { String gravity = "SouthEast"; if (watermarkPosition == WatermarkPosition.topLeft) { gravity = "NorthWest"; } else if (watermarkPosition == WatermarkPosition.topRight) { gravity = "NorthEast"; } else if (watermarkPosition == { gravity = "Center"; } else if (watermarkPosition == WatermarkPosition.bottomLeft) { gravity = "SouthWest"; } else if (watermarkPosition == WatermarkPosition.bottomRight) { gravity = "SouthEast"; } IMOperation operation = new IMOperation(); operation.gravity(gravity); operation.dissolve(alpha); operation.quality((double) DEST_QUALITY); operation.addImage(watermarkFile.getPath()); operation.addImage(srcFile.getPath()); operation.addImage(destFile.getPath()); if (type == Type.graphicsMagick) { CompositeCmd compositeCmd = new CompositeCmd(true); if (graphicsMagickPath != null) { compositeCmd.setSearchPath(graphicsMagickPath); } try {; } catch (IOException | InterruptedException | IM4JavaException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { CompositeCmd compositeCmd = new CompositeCmd(false); if (imageMagickPath != null) { compositeCmd.setSearchPath(imageMagickPath); } try {; } catch (IOException | InterruptedException | IM4JavaException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } }