public Integer getObsAnswerBetweenDates( Integer patientId, List<Integer> questions, Integer answerId, Date beforeDate, Date afterDate, Date targetDate) { SQLQuery obsBeforeDate = sessionFactory .getCurrentSession() .createSQLQuery( "select obs_id from obs where person_id = :patientId and value_coded = :conceptId and concept_id in (:questions) and voided = 0 and obs_dateTime > :beforeDate and obs_dateTime < :afterDate ORDER BY abs(:targetDate - obs_dateTime)"); obsBeforeDate.setInteger("patientId", patientId); obsBeforeDate.setInteger("conceptId", answerId); obsBeforeDate.setDate("beforeDate", beforeDate); obsBeforeDate.setDate("afterDate", afterDate); obsBeforeDate.setDate("targetDate", targetDate); obsBeforeDate.setParameterList("questions", questions); List<Integer> obs = obsBeforeDate.list(); if (obs != null && obs.size() > 0) { return obs.get(0); } return null; }
public Integer getObsValueBetweenDates( Integer patientId, Integer conceptId, Integer groupId, Date beforeDate, Date afterDate, Date targetDate) { SQLQuery obsBeforeDate = sessionFactory .getCurrentSession() .createSQLQuery( "select o.obs_id from obs o, obs og where o.person_id = :patientId and o.concept_id = :conceptId and o.voided = 0 and o.obs_dateTime > :beforeDate and o.obs_dateTime < :afterDate and o.obs_group_id = og.obs_id and og.voided = 0 and og.concept_id = :groupId ORDER BY abs(:targetDate - obs_dateTime)"); obsBeforeDate.setInteger("patientId", patientId); obsBeforeDate.setInteger("conceptId", conceptId); obsBeforeDate.setDate("beforeDate", beforeDate); obsBeforeDate.setInteger("groupId", groupId); obsBeforeDate.setDate("afterDate", afterDate); obsBeforeDate.setDate("targetDate", targetDate); List<Integer> obs = obsBeforeDate.list(); if (obs != null && obs.size() > 0) { return obs.get(0); } return null; }
public Date getDateOfWorkflowStateChange( Integer patientId, List<Integer> conceptIds, Date startDate, Date endDate) { Date sDate = new Date(); sDate.setTime(0); Date eDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); if (startDate != null) { sDate = startDate; } if (endDate != null) { eDate = endDate; } StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder( "select start_date from patient_state ps, patient_program pp, program_workflow_state pws where pp.patient_program_id = ps.patient_program_id and pws.program_workflow_state_id = ps.state and ps.voided = 0 and pp.patient_id = :patientId and pws.concept_id in("); int i = 1; for (Integer conceptId : conceptIds) { if (i > 1) { sql.append(","); } sql.append(" :conceptId"); sql.append(i); i++; } sql.append(") and ps.start_date >= :startDate and ps.start_date <= :endDate"); SQLQuery dateOfWorkFlowStateQuery = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sql.toString()); dateOfWorkFlowStateQuery.setInteger("patientId", patientId); i = 1; for (Integer conceptId : conceptIds) { String variableName = "conceptId" + i; i++; dateOfWorkFlowStateQuery.setInteger(variableName, conceptId); } dateOfWorkFlowStateQuery.setDate("startDate", sDate); dateOfWorkFlowStateQuery.setDate("endDate", eDate); List<Date> dateOfWorkflow = (List<Date>) dateOfWorkFlowStateQuery.list(); // TODO: figure out what is the most logical date to return when multiples are found if (dateOfWorkflow != null && dateOfWorkflow.size() > 0) { return dateOfWorkflow.get(0); } return null; }
public Date getDateOfWorkflowStateChange( Integer patientId, Integer conceptId, Date startDate, Date endDate) { Date sDate = new Date(); sDate.setTime(0); Date eDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); if (startDate != null) { sDate = startDate; } if (endDate != null) { eDate = endDate; } SQLQuery dateOfWorkFlowStateQuery = sessionFactory .getCurrentSession() .createSQLQuery( "select start_date from patient_state ps, patient_program pp, program_workflow_state pws where pp.patient_program_id = ps.patient_program_id and pws.program_workflow_state_id = ps.state and ps.voided = 0 and pws.concept_id = :conceptId and pp.patient_id = :patientId and ps.start_date >= :startDate and ps.start_date <= :endDate"); dateOfWorkFlowStateQuery.setInteger("patientId", patientId); dateOfWorkFlowStateQuery.setInteger("conceptId", conceptId); dateOfWorkFlowStateQuery.setDate("startDate", sDate); dateOfWorkFlowStateQuery.setDate("endDate", eDate); List<Date> dateOfWorkflow = (List<Date>) dateOfWorkFlowStateQuery.list(); // TODO: figure out what is the most logical date to return when multiples are found if (dateOfWorkflow != null && dateOfWorkflow.size() > 0) { return dateOfWorkflow.get(0); } return null; }
public Date getDateOfProgramEnrolmentAscending( Integer patientId, Integer programId, Date startDate, Date endDate) { Date sDate = new Date(); sDate.setTime(0); Date eDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); if (startDate != null) { sDate = startDate; } if (endDate != null) { eDate = endDate; } SQLQuery dateOfProgramEnrolment = sessionFactory .getCurrentSession() .createSQLQuery( "select date_enrolled from patient_program where patient_id = :patientId and program_id = :programId and voided = 0 and date_enrolled >= :startDate and date_enrolled <= :endDate order by date_enrolled asc"); dateOfProgramEnrolment.setInteger("patientId", patientId); dateOfProgramEnrolment.setInteger("programId", programId); dateOfProgramEnrolment.setDate("startDate", sDate); dateOfProgramEnrolment.setDate("endDate", eDate); List<Date> dateOfEnrolment = (List<Date>) dateOfProgramEnrolment.list(); // TODO: figure out what is the most logical date to return when multiples are found if (dateOfEnrolment != null && dateOfEnrolment.size() > 0) { return dateOfEnrolment.get(0); } return null; }
public Integer getObsValueAfterDate( Integer patientId, Integer conceptId, Integer groupId, Date compareDate) { SQLQuery obsBeforeDate = sessionFactory .getCurrentSession() .createSQLQuery( "select o.obs_id from obs o, obs og where o.person_id = :patientId and o.concept_id = :conceptId and o.voided = 0 and o.obs_dateTime > :compareDate and o.obs_group_id = og.obs_id and og.voided = 0 and og.concept_id = :groupId order by o.obs_dateTime"); obsBeforeDate.setInteger("patientId", patientId); obsBeforeDate.setInteger("conceptId", conceptId); obsBeforeDate.setInteger("groupId", groupId); obsBeforeDate.setDate("compareDate", compareDate); List<Integer> obs = obsBeforeDate.list(); if (obs != null && obs.size() > 0) { return obs.get(0); } return null; }
public Date getBirthDate(Integer patientId) { SQLQuery birthDateQuery = sessionFactory .getCurrentSession() .createSQLQuery("select birthdate from person where person_id=:personId"); birthDateQuery.setInteger("personId", patientId); Date birthDate = (Date) birthDateQuery.uniqueResult(); return birthDate; }
public Date getDateOfProgramCompletionAscending(Integer patientId, Integer programId) { SQLQuery dateOfProgramEnrolment = sessionFactory .getCurrentSession() .createSQLQuery( "select date_completed from patient_program where patient_id = :patientId and program_id = :programId and voided = 0 order by date_enrolled asc"); dateOfProgramEnrolment.setInteger("patientId", patientId); dateOfProgramEnrolment.setInteger("programId", programId); List<Date> dateOfEnrolment = (List<Date>) dateOfProgramEnrolment.list(); // TODO: figure out what is the most logical date to return when multiples are found if (dateOfEnrolment != null && dateOfEnrolment.size() > 0) { return dateOfEnrolment.get(0); } return null; }
public Integer getObsValueBeforeDate(Integer patientId, Integer conceptId, Date compareDate) { SQLQuery obsBeforeDate = sessionFactory .getCurrentSession() .createSQLQuery( "select obs_id from obs where person_id = :patientId and concept_id = :conceptId and voided = 0 and obs_dateTime < :compareDate order by obs_dateTime"); obsBeforeDate.setInteger("patientId", patientId); obsBeforeDate.setInteger("conceptId", conceptId); obsBeforeDate.setDate("compareDate", compareDate); List<Integer> obs = obsBeforeDate.list(); if (obs != null && obs.size() > 0) { return obs.get(0); } return null; }
/** * the fid can get really long in the future. Also it should ideally be internal to the system. * hence a cache id is being generated (auto-increment primary key) and stored in the * followupcache table. the user response for a followup question is uniquely identified using * this cache id this is particularly required in cases such as one patient having mutiple * followups around the same time, multiple patients using the same number etc. * * <p>TODO: Clear the database in regular intervals to reuse previous smaller cache ids. * * @param fid * @return */ private int getCacheId(int fid) { int cacheId = 0; try { String sql = "INSERT INTO followupcache (fid) VALUES (?)"; Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); query.setInteger(0, fid); query.executeUpdate(); sql = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM followupcache"; BigInteger result = (BigInteger) session.createSQLQuery(sql).uniqueResult(); cacheId = result.intValue(); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); } catch (Exception ex) {"Some error occured while fetching followupChoices"); logger.error("\n ERROR Caused by\n", ex); } return cacheId; }
public Integer getEncounterBetweenDates( Integer patientId, List<Integer> encounterTypes, Date beforeDate, Date afterDate, Date targetDate) { SQLQuery obsBeforeDate = sessionFactory .getCurrentSession() .createSQLQuery( "select encounter_id from encounter where patient_id = :patientId and encounter_type in (:encounterTypes) and voided = 0 and encounter_datetime > :beforeDate and encounter_datetime < :afterDate ORDER BY abs(:targetDate - encounter_datetime)"); obsBeforeDate.setInteger("patientId", patientId); obsBeforeDate.setDate("beforeDate", beforeDate); obsBeforeDate.setDate("afterDate", afterDate); obsBeforeDate.setDate("targetDate", targetDate); obsBeforeDate.setParameterList("encounterTypes", encounterTypes); List<Integer> obs = obsBeforeDate.list(); if (obs != null && obs.size() > 0) { return obs.get(0); } return null; }