private void testSimpleUpdateWithCombinedPrimaryKey() { Order o = new Order(); Order ourOrder = db.from(o).where(o.orderDate).is(valueOf("2007-01-02")).selectFirst(); ourOrder.orderDate = valueOf("2007-01-03"); db.update(ourOrder); Order ourUpdatedOrder = db.from(o).where(o.orderDate).is(valueOf("2007-01-03")).selectFirst(); assertTrue("updated order not found", ourUpdatedOrder != null); // undo update ourOrder.orderDate = valueOf("2007-01-02"); db.update(ourOrder); }
public static int addNullWarranty() { DBWrapper dbw = new DBWrapper(); Db db = dbw.openConnection(); Warranty w = new Warranty(); w.Note = "неопределено"; w.Warr = "нет"; db.insert(w); w = db.from(w).orderByDesc(w.Kodwarr).selectFirst(); return w.Kodwarr; }
private void testSimpleMerge() { Product p = new Product(); Product pChang = db.from(p).where(p.productName).is("Chang").selectFirst(); // update unitPrice from 19.0 to 19.5 pChang.unitPrice = 19.5; // update unitsInStock from 17 to 16 pChang.unitsInStock = 16; db.merge(pChang); Product p2 = new Product(); Product pChang2 = db.from(p2).where(p2.productName).is("Chang").selectFirst(); assertEquals(19.5, pChang2.unitPrice); assertEquals(16, pChang2.unitsInStock.intValue()); // undo update pChang.unitPrice = 19.0; pChang.unitsInStock = 17; db.merge(pChang); }
public static int addWarranty(String warr) { DBWrapper dbw = new DBWrapper(); Db db = dbw.openConnection(); Warranty w = new Warranty(); if (warr.isEmpty()) { w.Warr = "нет"; } else w.Warr = warr; db.insert(w); w = db.from(w).orderByDesc(w.Kodwarr).selectFirst(); return w.Kodwarr; }
public void setTableItem(String pasport, int column, String text) { DBWrapper dbw = new DBWrapper(); Db db = dbw.openConnection(); Clients c = new Clients(); switch (column) { case 0: db.from(c).set(c.Surname).to(text).where(c.Passport).is(pasport).update(); break; case 1: db.from(c).set(c.Name).to(text).where(c.Passport).is(pasport).update(); break; case 2: db.from(c).set(c.Ochestvo).to(text).where(c.Passport).is(pasport).update(); break; case 3: db.from(c).set(c.Mphone).to(text).where(c.Passport).is(pasport).update(); break; case 4: db.from(c).set(c.Passport).to(text).where(c.Passport).is(pasport).update(); break; case 5: db.from(c).set(c.Prava).to(text).where(c.Passport).is(pasport).update(); break; default: } }
public static Map<Integer, String> getClientCarsList(int clientId) { DBWrapper dbw = new DBWrapper(); Db db = dbw.openConnection(); Car c = new Car(); Map<Integer, String> mp = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); List<Car> ls = db.from(c).where(c.Kodclient).is(clientId).select(); Iterator<Car> it = ls.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Car temp = (Car); mp.put(temp.Kodavto, temp.Mark); } return mp; }
public static Map<Integer, String> getClientsList() { DBWrapper dbw = new DBWrapper(); Db db = dbw.openConnection(); Clients c = new Clients(); Map<Integer, String> mp = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); List<Clients> ls = db.from(c).select(); Iterator<Clients> it = ls.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Clients temp = (Clients); mp.put(temp.Kodclient, temp.Surname + " " + temp.Name + " " + temp.Ochestvo); } return mp; }
private void testSetColumns() { Product p = new Product(); Product original = db.from(p).where(p.productId).is(1).selectFirst(); // update string and double columns db.from(p) .set(p.productName) .to("updated") .increment(p.unitPrice) .by(3.14) .increment(p.unitsInStock) .by(2) .where(p.productId) .is(1) .update(); // confirm the data was properly updated Product revised = db.from(p).where(p.productId).is(1).selectFirst(); assertEquals("updated", revised.productName); assertEquals(original.unitPrice + 3.14, revised.unitPrice); assertEquals(original.unitsInStock + 2, revised.unitsInStock.intValue()); // restore the data db.from(p) .set(p.productName) .to(original.productName) .set(p.unitPrice) .to(original.unitPrice) .increment(p.unitsInStock) .by(-2) .where(p.productId) .is(1) .update(); // confirm the data was properly restored Product restored = db.from(p).where(p.productId).is(1).selectFirst(); assertEquals(original.productName, restored.productName); assertEquals(original.unitPrice, restored.unitPrice); assertEquals(original.unitsInStock, restored.unitsInStock); double unitPriceOld = db.from(p).where(p.productId).is(1).selectFirst().unitPrice; // double the unit price db.from(p).increment(p.unitPrice).by(p.unitPrice).where(p.productId).is(1).update(); double unitPriceNew = db.from(p).where(p.productId).is(1).selectFirst().unitPrice; assertEquals(unitPriceOld * 2, unitPriceNew); }
public void fillingTable(Table table) { DBWrapper dbw = new DBWrapper(); Db db = dbw.openConnection(); Clients c = new Clients(); List<Clients> idd = db.from(c).select(); Iterator<Clients> it1 = idd.iterator(); while (it1.hasNext()) { Clients temp = (Clients); TableItem item = new TableItem(table, SWT.NONE); item.setText(0, temp.Surname); item.setText(1, temp.Name); item.setText(2, temp.Ochestvo); item.setText(3, temp.Mphone); item.setText(4, temp.Passport); item.setText(5, temp.Prava); } }
public static void delWarranty(int id) { DBWrapper dbw = new DBWrapper(); Db db = dbw.openConnection(); Warranty w = new Warranty(); db.from(w).where(w.Kodwarr).is(id).delete(); }
public void deleteTableItem(String pasport) { DBWrapper dbw = new DBWrapper(); Db db = dbw.openConnection(); Clients cc = new Clients(); db.from(cc).where(cc.Passport).is(pasport).delete(); }