/** * Reconstructs object on demarshalling. * * @return Reconstructed object. * @throws ObjectStreamException Thrown in case of demarshalling error. */ private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { GridTuple2<GridCacheContext, String> t = stash.get(); try { return t.get1().dataStructures().sequence(t.get2(), 0L, false, false); } catch (GridException e) { throw U.withCause(new InvalidObjectException(e.getMessage()), e); } }
/** * Reconstructs object on demarshalling. * * @return Reconstructed object. * @throws ObjectStreamException Thrown in case of demarshalling error. */ @SuppressWarnings({"ConstantConditions"}) private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { GridTuple2<GridCacheContext, String> t = stash.get(); try { return t.get1().dataStructures().countDownLatch(t.get2(), 0, false, false); } catch (GridException e) { throw U.withCause(new InvalidObjectException(e.getMessage()), e); } }
/** * Reconstructs object on demarshalling. * * @return Reconstructed object. * @throws ObjectStreamException Thrown in case of demarshalling error. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { try { GridBiTuple<GridCacheContext, String> t = stash.get(); return t.get1().dataStructures().atomicReference(t.get2(), null, false); } catch (GridException e) { throw U.withCause(new InvalidObjectException(e.getMessage()), e); } finally { stash.remove(); } }