Exemple #1
   * Tests the "Resample" operation with a stereographic coordinate system.
   * @throws FactoryException
   * @throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException
  public void testReproject() throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException, FactoryException {

    // do it again, make sure the image does not turn black since
    GridCoverage2D coverage_ =
        project(ushortCoverage, CRS.parseWKT(GOOGLE_MERCATOR_WKT), null, "nearest", null, true);

    // reproject the ushort and check that things did not go bad, that is it turned black
    coverage_ = (GridCoverage2D) Operations.DEFAULT.extrema(coverage_);
    Object minimums = coverage_.getProperty(Extrema.GT_SYNTHETIC_PROPERTY_MINIMUM);
    Assert.assertTrue(minimums instanceof double[]);
    final double[] mins = (double[]) minimums;
    Object maximums = coverage_.getProperty(Extrema.GT_SYNTHETIC_PROPERTY_MAXIMUM);
    Assert.assertTrue(maximums instanceof double[]);
    final double[] max = (double[]) maximums;
    boolean fail = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < mins.length; i++) if (mins[i] != max[i] && max[i] > 0) fail = false;
    Assert.assertFalse("Reprojection failed", fail);

    // exception in case the target crs does not comply with the target gg crs
    try {
      // we supplied both crs and target gg in different crs, we get an exception backS
              coverage, CRS.parseWKT(GOOGLE_MERCATOR_WKT), coverage.getGridGeometry(), null, true));
          "We should not be allowed to set different crs for target crs and target gg", false);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // ok!
  public void testMissingNullValuesInCoverageDimensions() throws IOException {
    CoverageInfo ci = getCatalog().getCoverageByName(getLayerId(MockData.TASMANIA_DEM));
    List<CoverageDimensionInfo> dimensions = ci.getDimensions();
    // legacy layers have no null value list

    // and now go back and ask for the reader
    ci = getCatalog().getCoverageByName(getLayerId(MockData.TASMANIA_DEM));
    GridCoverageReader reader = ci.getGridCoverageReader(null, null);
    GridCoverage2D gc = null;
    try {
      // check that we maintain the native info if we don't have any
      gc = (GridCoverage2D) reader.read(null);
      assertEquals(-9999d, (Double) gc.getProperty("GC_NODATA"), 0d);
    } finally {
      if (gc != null) {
        RenderedImage ri = gc.getRenderedImage();
        if (gc instanceof GridCoverage2D) {
          ((GridCoverage2D) gc).dispose(true);
        if (ri instanceof PlanarImage) {
          ImageUtilities.disposePlanarImageChain((PlanarImage) ri);
Exemple #3
   * Tests the "Resample" operation with a stereographic coordinate system on a paletted image
   * @throws FactoryException
   * @throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException
  public void testReprojectPalette() throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException, FactoryException {

    // do it again, make sure the image does not turn black since
    GridCoverage2D input = ushortCoverage;
    // Create a Palette image from the input coverage
    RenderedImage src = input.getRenderedImage();
    ImageWorker iw = new ImageWorker(src).rescaleToBytes().forceIndexColorModel(false);
    src = iw.getRenderedOperation();

    // Setting Force ReplaceIndexColorModel and CoverageProcessingView as SAME
    Hints hints = GeoTools.getDefaultHints().clone();
    hints.put(Hints.COVERAGE_PROCESSING_VIEW, ViewType.SAME);

    // Create a new GridCoverage
    GridCoverageFactory factory = new GridCoverageFactory(hints);
    GridCoverage2D palette = factory.create("test", src, input.getEnvelope());

    CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = CRS.parseWKT(GOOGLE_MERCATOR_WKT);
    GridCoverage2D coverage_ = project(palette, targetCRS, null, "bilinear", hints, true);

    // reproject the ushort and check that things did not go bad, that is it turned black
    coverage_ = (GridCoverage2D) Operations.DEFAULT.extrema(coverage_);
    Object minimums = coverage_.getProperty(Extrema.GT_SYNTHETIC_PROPERTY_MINIMUM);
    Assert.assertTrue(minimums instanceof double[]);
    final double[] mins = (double[]) minimums;
    Object maximums = coverage_.getProperty(Extrema.GT_SYNTHETIC_PROPERTY_MAXIMUM);
    Assert.assertTrue(maximums instanceof double[]);
    final double[] max = (double[]) maximums;
    boolean fail = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < mins.length; i++) if (mins[i] != max[i] && max[i] > 0) fail = false;
    Assert.assertFalse("Reprojection failed", fail);

    // Ensure the CRS is correct
    CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCoverageCRS = coverage_.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
    Assert.assertTrue(CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(targetCRS, targetCoverageCRS));