/** * Encodes contact information in the WMS capabilities document * * @param geoServer */ public void handleContactInfo(ContactInfo contact) { start("ContactInformation"); start("ContactPersonPrimary"); element("ContactPerson", contact.getContactPerson()); element("ContactOrganization", contact.getContactOrganization()); end("ContactPersonPrimary"); element("ContactPosition", contact.getContactPosition()); start("ContactAddress"); element("AddressType", contact.getAddressType()); element("Address", contact.getAddress()); element("City", contact.getAddressCity()); element("StateOrProvince", contact.getAddressState()); element("PostCode", contact.getAddressPostalCode()); element("Country", contact.getAddressCountry()); end("ContactAddress"); element("ContactVoiceTelephone", contact.getContactVoice()); element("ContactFacsimileTelephone", contact.getContactFacsimile()); element("ContactElectronicMailAddress", contact.getContactEmail()); end("ContactInformation"); }
protected void handleAttribution(LayerInfo layer) { AttributionInfo attribution = layer.getAttribution(); String title = attribution.getTitle(); String url = attribution.getHref(); String logoURL = attribution.getLogoURL(); String logoType = attribution.getLogoType(); int logoWidth = attribution.getLogoWidth(); int logoHeight = attribution.getLogoHeight(); boolean titleGood = (title != null), urlGood = (url != null), logoGood = (logoURL != null && logoType != null && logoWidth > 0 && logoHeight > 0); if (titleGood || urlGood || logoGood) { start("Attribution"); if (titleGood) element("Title", title); if (urlGood) { AttributesImpl urlAttributes = new AttributesImpl(); urlAttributes.addAttribute("", "xmlns:xlink", "xmlns:xlink", "", XLINK_NS); urlAttributes.addAttribute(XLINK_NS, "type", "xlink:type", "", "simple"); urlAttributes.addAttribute(XLINK_NS, "href", "xlink:href", "", url); element("OnlineResource", null, urlAttributes); } if (logoGood) { AttributesImpl logoAttributes = new AttributesImpl(); logoAttributes.addAttribute("", "", "height", "", "" + logoHeight); logoAttributes.addAttribute("", "", "width", "", "" + logoWidth); start("LogoURL", logoAttributes); element("Format", logoType); AttributesImpl urlAttributes = new AttributesImpl(); urlAttributes.addAttribute("", "xmlns:xlink", "xmlns:xlink", "", XLINK_NS); urlAttributes.addAttribute(XLINK_NS, "type", "xlink:type", "", "simple"); urlAttributes.addAttribute(XLINK_NS, "href", "xlink:href", "", logoURL); element("OnlineResource", null, urlAttributes); end("LogoURL"); } end("Attribution"); } }
/** Encodes the capabilities metadata section of a WMS capabilities document */ private void handleCapability() { start("Capability"); handleRequest(); handleException(); handleVendorSpecificCapabilities(); handleSLD(); handleLayers(); end("Capability"); }
private void handleException() { start("Exception"); for (String exceptionFormat : GetCapabilitiesTransformer.EXCEPTION_FORMATS) { element("Format", exceptionFormat); } end("Exception"); }
/** * Turns the keyword list to XML * * @param keywords */ private void handleKeywordList(List<String> keywords) { start("KeywordList"); if (keywords != null) { for (Iterator<String> it = keywords.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { element("Keyword", it.next()); } } end("KeywordList"); }
/** @param layerTree */ private void handleLayerTree(final LayerTree layerTree) { final List<LayerInfo> data = new ArrayList<LayerInfo>(layerTree.getData()); final Collection<LayerTree> children = layerTree.getChildrens(); Collections.sort( data, new Comparator<LayerInfo>() { public int compare(LayerInfo o1, LayerInfo o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }); for (LayerInfo layer : data) { // no sense in exposing a geometryless layer through wms... boolean wmsExposable = false; if (layer.getType() == Type.RASTER || layer.getType() == Type.WMS) { wmsExposable = true; } else { try { wmsExposable = layer.getType() == Type.VECTOR && ((FeatureTypeInfo) layer.getResource()) .getFeatureType() .getGeometryDescriptor() != null; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log( Level.SEVERE, "An error occurred trying to determine if" + " the layer is geometryless", e); } } // ask for enabled() instead of isEnabled() to account for disabled resource/store if (layer.enabled() && wmsExposable) { try { handleLayer(layer); } catch (Exception e) { // report what layer we failed on to help the admin locate and fix it throw new ServiceException( "Error occurred trying to write out metadata for layer: " + layer.getName(), e); } } } for (LayerTree childLayerTree : children) { start("Layer"); element("Name", childLayerTree.getName()); element("Title", childLayerTree.getName()); handleLayerTree(childLayerTree); end("Layer"); } }
/** * Handles the encoding of the layers elements. * * <p>This method does a search over the SRS of all the layers to see if there are at least a * common one, as needed by the spec: "<i>The root Layer element shall include a sequence of * zero or more <SRS> elements listing all SRSes that are common to all subsidiary layers. * Use a single SRS element with empty content (like so: "<SRS></SRS>") if there is * no common SRS."</i> * * <p>By the other hand, this search is also used to collecto the whole latlon bbox, as stated * by the spec: <i>"The bounding box metadata in Capabilities XML specify the minimum enclosing * rectangle for the layer as a whole."</i> * * @task TODO: manage this differently when we have the layer list of the WMS service decoupled * from the feature types configured for the server instance. (This involves nested layers, * gridcoverages, etc) */ private void handleLayers() { start("Layer"); final List<LayerInfo> layers; // filter the layers if a namespace filter has been set if (request.getNamespace() != null) { final List<LayerInfo> allLayers = wmsConfig.getLayers(); layers = new ArrayList<LayerInfo>(); String namespace = wmsConfig.getNamespaceByPrefix(request.getNamespace()); for (LayerInfo layer : allLayers) { Name name = layer.getResource().getQualifiedName(); if (name.getNamespaceURI().equals(namespace)) { layers.add(layer); } } } else { layers = wmsConfig.getLayers(); } WMSInfo serviceInfo = wmsConfig.getServiceInfo(); element("Title", serviceInfo.getTitle()); element("Abstract", serviceInfo.getAbstract()); List<String> srsList = serviceInfo.getSRS(); Set<String> srs = new HashSet<String>(); if (srsList != null) { srs.addAll(srsList); } handleRootCrsList(srs); handleRootBbox(layers); // now encode each layer individually LayerTree featuresLayerTree = new LayerTree(layers); handleLayerTree(featuresLayerTree); try { List<LayerGroupInfo> layerGroups = wmsConfig.getLayerGroups(); handleLayerGroups(new ArrayList<LayerGroupInfo>(layerGroups)); } catch (FactoryException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't obtain Envelope of Layer-Groups: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (TransformException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't obtain Envelope of Layer-Groups: " + e.getMessage(), e); } end("Layer"); }
/** * Encodes a <code>DCPType</code> fragment for HTTP GET and POST methods. * * @param getUrl the URL of the onlineresource for HTTP GET method requests * @param postUrl the URL of the onlineresource for HTTP POST method requests */ private void handleDcpType(String getUrl, String postUrl) { AttributesImpl orAtts = new AttributesImpl(); orAtts.addAttribute("", "xmlns:xlink", "xmlns:xlink", "", XLINK_NS); orAtts.addAttribute("", "xlink:type", "xlink:type", "", "simple"); orAtts.addAttribute("", "xlink:href", "xlink:href", "", getUrl); start("DCPType"); start("HTTP"); if (getUrl != null) { start("Get"); element("OnlineResource", null, orAtts); end("Get"); } if (postUrl != null) { orAtts.setAttribute(2, "", "xlink:href", "xlink:href", "", postUrl); start("Post"); element("OnlineResource", null, orAtts); end("Post"); } end("HTTP"); end("DCPType"); }
private void handleVendorSpecificCapabilities() { /* * Check whether some caps provider contributes to the internal DTD. If not, there's no * need to output the VendorSpecificCapabilities element. Moreover, the document will * not validate if it's there but not declared in the internal DTD */ for (ExtendedCapabilitiesProvider cp : extCapsProviders) { List<String> roots = cp.getVendorSpecificCapabilitiesRoots(request); if (roots == null || roots.size() == 0) { return; } } start("VendorSpecificCapabilities"); for (ExtendedCapabilitiesProvider cp : extCapsProviders) { try { cp.encode( new ExtendedCapabilitiesProvider.Translator() { public void start(String element) { CapabilitiesTranslator.this.start(element); } public void start(String element, Attributes attributes) { CapabilitiesTranslator.this.start(element, attributes); } public void chars(String text) { CapabilitiesTranslator.this.chars(text); } public void end(String element) { CapabilitiesTranslator.this.end(element); } }, wmsConfig.getServiceInfo(), request); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServiceException("Extended capabilities provider threw error", e); } } end("VendorSpecificCapabilities"); }
/** * @param o the {@link GetCapabilitiesRequest} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code o} is not of the expected type */ public void encode(Object o) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!(o instanceof GetCapabilitiesRequest)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } this.request = (GetCapabilitiesRequest) o; if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOGGER.fine( new StringBuffer("producing a capabilities document for ").append(request).toString()); } AttributesImpl rootAtts = new AttributesImpl(wmsVersion); rootAtts.addAttribute( "", "updateSequence", "updateSequence", "", wmsConfig.getUpdateSequence() + ""); start("WMT_MS_Capabilities", rootAtts); handleService(); handleCapability(); end("WMT_MS_Capabilities"); }
private void handleSLD() { AttributesImpl sldAtts = new AttributesImpl(); String supportsSLD = wmsConfig.supportsSLD() ? "1" : "0"; String supportsUserLayer = wmsConfig.supportsUserLayer() ? "1" : "0"; String supportsUserStyle = wmsConfig.supportsUserStyle() ? "1" : "0"; String supportsRemoteWFS = wmsConfig.supportsRemoteWFS() ? "1" : "0"; sldAtts.addAttribute("", "SupportSLD", "SupportSLD", "", supportsSLD); sldAtts.addAttribute("", "UserLayer", "UserLayer", "", supportsUserLayer); sldAtts.addAttribute("", "UserStyle", "UserStyle", "", supportsUserStyle); sldAtts.addAttribute("", "RemoteWFS", "RemoteWFS", "", supportsRemoteWFS); start("UserDefinedSymbolization", sldAtts); // djb: this was removed, even though they are correct - the CITE tests have an // incorrect DTD // element("SupportedSLDVersion","1.0.0"); //djb: added that we support this. We support // partial 1.1 end("UserDefinedSymbolization"); // element("UserDefinedSymbolization", null, sldAtts); }
/** * Turns the metadata URL list to XML * * @param keywords */ private void handleMetadataList(Collection<MetadataLinkInfo> metadataURLs) { if (metadataURLs == null) { return; } for (MetadataLinkInfo link : metadataURLs) { AttributesImpl lnkAtts = new AttributesImpl(); lnkAtts.addAttribute("", "type", "type", "", link.getMetadataType()); start("MetadataURL", lnkAtts); element("Format", link.getType()); AttributesImpl orAtts = new AttributesImpl(); orAtts.addAttribute("", "xmlns:xlink", "xmlns:xlink", "", XLINK_NS); orAtts.addAttribute(XLINK_NS, "xlink:type", "xlink:type", "", "simple"); orAtts.addAttribute("", "xlink:href", "xlink:href", "", link.getContent()); element("OnlineResource", null, orAtts); end("MetadataURL"); } }
/** Encodes the service metadata section of a WMS capabilities document. */ private void handleService() { start("Service"); final WMSInfo serviceInfo = wmsConfig.getServiceInfo(); element("Name", "OGC:WMS"); element("Title", serviceInfo.getTitle()); element("Abstract", serviceInfo.getAbstract()); handleKeywordList(serviceInfo.getKeywords()); AttributesImpl orAtts = new AttributesImpl(); orAtts.addAttribute("", "xmlns:xlink", "xmlns:xlink", "", XLINK_NS); orAtts.addAttribute(XLINK_NS, "xlink:type", "xlink:type", "", "simple"); String onlineResource = serviceInfo.getOnlineResource(); if (onlineResource == null || onlineResource.trim().length() == 0) { String requestBaseUrl = request.getBaseUrl(); onlineResource = buildURL(requestBaseUrl, null, null, URLType.SERVICE); } else { try { new URL(onlineResource); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "WMS online resource seems to be an invalid URL: '" + onlineResource + "'"); } } orAtts.addAttribute("", "xlink:href", "xlink:href", "", onlineResource); element("OnlineResource", null, orAtts); GeoServer geoServer = wmsConfig.getGeoServer(); ContactInfo contact = geoServer.getGlobal().getContact(); handleContactInfo(contact); element("Fees", serviceInfo.getFees()); element("AccessConstraints", serviceInfo.getAccessConstraints()); end("Service"); }
/** * Writes layer LegendURL pointing to the user supplied icon URL, if any, or to the proper * GetLegendGraphic operation if an URL was not supplied by configuration file. * * <p>It is common practice to supply a URL to a WMS accesible legend graphic when it is * difficult to create a dynamic legend for a layer. * * @param ft The FeatureTypeInfo that holds the legendURL to write out, or<code>null</code> if * dynamically generated. * @task TODO: figure out how to unhack legend parameters such as WIDTH, HEIGHT and FORMAT */ protected void handleLegendURL(String layerName, LegendInfo legend, StyleInfo style) { if (legend != null) { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOGGER.fine("using user supplied legend URL"); } AttributesImpl attrs = new AttributesImpl(); attrs.addAttribute("", "width", "width", "", String.valueOf(legend.getWidth())); attrs.addAttribute("", "height", "height", "", String.valueOf(legend.getHeight())); start("LegendURL", attrs); element("Format", legend.getFormat()); attrs.clear(); attrs.addAttribute("", "xmlns:xlink", "xmlns:xlink", "", XLINK_NS); attrs.addAttribute(XLINK_NS, "type", "xlink:type", "", "simple"); attrs.addAttribute(XLINK_NS, "href", "xlink:href", "", legend.getOnlineResource()); element("OnlineResource", null, attrs); end("LegendURL"); } else { String defaultFormat = GetLegendGraphicRequest.DEFAULT_FORMAT; if (null == wmsConfig.getLegendGraphicOutputFormat(defaultFormat)) { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { LOGGER.warning( new StringBuffer("Default legend format (") .append(defaultFormat) .append(")is not supported (jai not available?), can't add LegendURL element") .toString()); } return; } if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOGGER.fine("Adding GetLegendGraphic call as LegendURL"); } AttributesImpl attrs = new AttributesImpl(); attrs.addAttribute( "", "width", "width", "", String.valueOf(GetLegendGraphicRequest.DEFAULT_WIDTH)); // DJB: problem here is that we do not know the size of the // legend apriori - we need // to make one and find its height. Not the best way, but it // would work quite well. // This was advertising a 20*20 icon, but actually producing // ones of a different size. // An alternative is to just scale the resulting icon to what // the server requested, but this isnt // the nicest thing since warped images dont look nice. The // client should do the warping. // however, to actually estimate the size is a bit difficult. // I'm going to do the scaling // so it obeys the what the request says. For people with a // problem with that should consider // changing the default size here so that the request is for the // correct size. attrs.addAttribute( "", "height", "height", "", String.valueOf(GetLegendGraphicRequest.DEFAULT_HEIGHT)); start("LegendURL", attrs); element("Format", defaultFormat); attrs.clear(); Map<String, String> params = params( "request", "GetLegendGraphic", "format", defaultFormat, "width", String.valueOf(GetLegendGraphicRequest.DEFAULT_WIDTH), "height", String.valueOf(GetLegendGraphicRequest.DEFAULT_HEIGHT), "layer", layerName); if (style != null) { params.put("style", style.getName()); } String legendURL = buildURL(request.getBaseUrl(), "wms", params, URLType.SERVICE); attrs.addAttribute("", "xmlns:xlink", "xmlns:xlink", "", XLINK_NS); attrs.addAttribute(XLINK_NS, "type", "xlink:type", "", "simple"); attrs.addAttribute(XLINK_NS, "href", "xlink:href", "", legendURL); element("OnlineResource", null, attrs); end("LegendURL"); } }
protected void handleLayerGroups(List<LayerGroupInfo> layerGroups) throws FactoryException, TransformException { if (layerGroups == null || layerGroups.size() == 0) { return; } Collections.sort( layerGroups, new Comparator<LayerGroupInfo>() { public int compare(LayerGroupInfo o1, LayerGroupInfo o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }); for (LayerGroupInfo layerGroup : layerGroups) { String layerName = layerGroup.getName(); AttributesImpl qatts = new AttributesImpl(); boolean queryable = wmsConfig.isQueryable(layerGroup); qatts.addAttribute("", "queryable", "queryable", "", queryable ? "1" : "0"); // qatts.addAttribute("", "opaque", "opaque", "", "1"); // qatts.addAttribute("", "cascaded", "cascaded", "", "1"); start("Layer", qatts); element("Name", layerName); element("Title", layerName); element("Abstract", "Layer-Group type layer: " + layerName); final ReferencedEnvelope layerGroupBounds = layerGroup.getBounds(); final ReferencedEnvelope latLonBounds = layerGroupBounds.transform(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84, true); String authority = layerGroupBounds .getCoordinateReferenceSystem() .getIdentifiers() .toArray()[0] .toString(); element("SRS", authority); handleLatLonBBox(latLonBounds); handleBBox(layerGroupBounds, authority); // Aggregated metadata links (see GEOS-4500) List<LayerInfo> layers = layerGroup.getLayers(); Set<MetadataLinkInfo> aggregatedLinks = new HashSet<MetadataLinkInfo>(); for (LayerInfo layer : layers) { List<MetadataLinkInfo> metadataLinks = layer.getResource().getMetadataLinks(); if (metadataLinks != null) { aggregatedLinks.addAll(metadataLinks); } } handleMetadataList(aggregatedLinks); // the layer style is not provided since the group does just have // one possibility, the lack of styles that will make it use // the default ones for each layer end("Layer"); } }
/** * Calls super.handleFeatureType to add common FeatureType content such as Name, Title and * LatLonBoundingBox, and then writes WMS specific layer properties as Styles, Scale Hint, etc. * * @throws IOException * @task TODO: write wms specific elements. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected void handleLayer(final LayerInfo layer) { // HACK: by now all our layers are queryable, since they reference // only featuretypes managed by this server AttributesImpl qatts = new AttributesImpl(); boolean queryable = wmsConfig.isQueryable(layer); qatts.addAttribute("", "queryable", "queryable", "", queryable ? "1" : "0"); start("Layer", qatts); element("Name", layer.getResource().getNamespace().getPrefix() + ":" + layer.getName()); // REVISIT: this is bad, layer should have title and anbstract by itself element("Title", layer.getResource().getTitle()); element("Abstract", layer.getResource().getAbstract()); handleKeywordList(layer.getResource().getKeywords()); /** * @task REVISIT: should getSRS() return the full URL? no - the spec says it should be a set * of <SRS>EPSG:#</SRS>... */ final String srs = layer.getResource().getSRS(); element("SRS", srs); // DJB: I want to be nice to the people reading the capabilities // file - I'm going to get the // human readable name and stick it in the capabilities file // NOTE: this isnt well done because "comment()" isnt in the // ContentHandler interface... try { CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = layer.getResource().getCRS(); String desc = "WKT definition of this CRS:\n" + crs; comment(desc); } catch (Exception e) { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } Envelope bbox; try { bbox = layer.getResource().boundingBox(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected error obtaining bounding box for layer " + layer.getName(), e); } Envelope llbbox = layer.getResource().getLatLonBoundingBox(); handleLatLonBBox(llbbox); // the native bbox might be null if (bbox != null) { handleBBox(bbox, srs); } // handle dimensions String timeMetadata = null; String elevationMetadata = null; if (layer.getType() == Type.VECTOR) { dimensionHelper.handleVectorLayerDimensions(layer); } else if (layer.getType() == Type.RASTER) { dimensionHelper.handleRasterLayerDimensions(layer); } // handle data attribution handleAttribution(layer); // handle metadata URLs handleMetadataList(layer.getResource().getMetadataLinks()); if (layer.getResource() instanceof WMSLayerInfo) { // do nothing for the moment, we may want to list the set of cascaded named styles // in the future (when we add support for that) } else { // add the layer style start("Style"); StyleInfo defaultStyle = layer.getDefaultStyle(); if (defaultStyle == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Layer " + layer.getName() + " has no default style"); } Style ftStyle; try { ftStyle = defaultStyle.getStyle(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } element("Name", defaultStyle.getName()); element("Title", ftStyle.getTitle()); element("Abstract", ftStyle.getAbstract()); handleLegendURL(layer.getName(), layer.getLegend(), null); end("Style"); Set<StyleInfo> styles = layer.getStyles(); for (StyleInfo styleInfo : styles) { try { ftStyle = styleInfo.getStyle(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } start("Style"); element("Name", styleInfo.getName()); element("Title", ftStyle.getTitle()); element("Abstract", ftStyle.getAbstract()); handleLegendURL(layer.getName(), null, styleInfo); end("Style"); } } end("Layer"); }
private void handleRequest() { start("Request"); start("GetCapabilities"); element("Format", WMS_CAPS_MIME); // build the service URL and make sure it ends with & String serviceUrl = buildURL(request.getBaseUrl(), "wms", params("SERVICE", "WMS"), URLType.SERVICE); serviceUrl = appendQueryString(serviceUrl, ""); handleDcpType(serviceUrl, serviceUrl); end("GetCapabilities"); start("GetMap"); List<String> sortedFormats = new ArrayList<String>(getMapFormats); Collections.sort(sortedFormats); // this is a hack necessary to make cite tests pass: we need an output format // that is equal to the mime type as the first one.... if (sortedFormats.contains("image/png")) { sortedFormats.remove("image/png"); sortedFormats.add(0, "image/png"); } for (Iterator<String> it = sortedFormats.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { element("Format", String.valueOf(it.next())); } handleDcpType(serviceUrl, null); end("GetMap"); start("GetFeatureInfo"); for (String format : wmsConfig.getAvailableFeatureInfoFormats()) { element("Format", format); } handleDcpType(serviceUrl, serviceUrl); end("GetFeatureInfo"); start("DescribeLayer"); element("Format", DescribeLayerResponse.DESCLAYER_MIME_TYPE); handleDcpType(serviceUrl, null); end("DescribeLayer"); start("GetLegendGraphic"); for (String format : getLegendGraphicFormats) { element("Format", format); } handleDcpType(serviceUrl, null); end("GetLegendGraphic"); start("GetStyles"); element("Format", GetStylesResponse.SLD_MIME_TYPE); handleDcpType(serviceUrl, null); end("GetStyles"); end("Request"); }