protected void setLiveIconStyle( Style style, org.geotools.styling.Style sld, IconProperties properties, KmlEncodingContext context) { final Double opacity = properties.getOpacity(); final Double scale = properties.getScale(); final Double heading = properties.getHeading(); IconStyle is = style.createAndSetIconStyle(); if (opacity != null) { is.setColor(colorToHex(Color.WHITE, opacity)); } if (scale != null) { is.setScale(scale); } if (heading != null) { is.setHeading(heading); } // Get the name of the workspace WorkspaceInfo ws = context.getWms().getCatalog().getStyleByName(sld.getName()).getWorkspace(); String wsName = null; if (ws != null) wsName = ws.getName(); Icon icon = is.createAndSetIcon(); icon.setHref( properties.href( context.getMapContent().getRequest().getBaseUrl(), wsName, sld.getName())); }
private void configureGeogigDataStore() throws Exception { helper.insertAndAdd(helper.lines1); helper.getGeogig().command(CommitOp.class).call(); Catalog catalog = getCatalog(); CatalogFactory factory = catalog.getFactory(); NamespaceInfo ns = factory.createNamespace(); ns.setPrefix(WORKSPACE); ns.setURI(NAMESPACE); catalog.add(ns); WorkspaceInfo ws = factory.createWorkspace(); ws.setName(ns.getName()); catalog.add(ws); DataStoreInfo ds = factory.createDataStore(); ds.setEnabled(true); ds.setDescription("Test Geogig DataStore"); ds.setName(STORE); ds.setType(GeoGigDataStoreFactory.DISPLAY_NAME); ds.setWorkspace(ws); Map<String, Serializable> connParams = ds.getConnectionParameters(); Optional<URI> geogigDir = helper.getGeogig().command(ResolveGeogigURI.class).call(); File repositoryUrl = new File(geogigDir.get()).getParentFile(); assertTrue(repositoryUrl.exists() && repositoryUrl.isDirectory()); connParams.put(GeoGigDataStoreFactory.REPOSITORY.key, repositoryUrl); connParams.put(GeoGigDataStoreFactory.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.key, ns.getURI()); catalog.add(ds); DataStoreInfo dsInfo = catalog.getDataStoreByName(WORKSPACE, STORE); assertNotNull(dsInfo); assertEquals(GeoGigDataStoreFactory.DISPLAY_NAME, dsInfo.getType()); DataAccess<? extends FeatureType, ? extends Feature> dataStore = dsInfo.getDataStore(null); assertNotNull(dataStore); assertTrue(dataStore instanceof GeoGigDataStore); FeatureTypeInfo fti = factory.createFeatureType(); fti.setNamespace(ns); fti.setCatalog(catalog); fti.setStore(dsInfo); fti.setSRS("EPSG:4326"); fti.setName("Lines"); fti.setAdvertised(true); fti.setEnabled(true); fti.setCqlFilter("INCLUDE"); fti.setProjectionPolicy(ProjectionPolicy.FORCE_DECLARED); ReferencedEnvelope bounds = new ReferencedEnvelope(-180, 180, -90, 90, CRS.decode("EPSG:4326")); fti.setNativeBoundingBox(bounds); fti.setLatLonBoundingBox(bounds); catalog.add(fti); fti = catalog.getFeatureType(fti.getId()); FeatureSource<? extends FeatureType, ? extends Feature> featureSource; featureSource = fti.getFeatureSource(null, null); assertNotNull(featureSource); }
public void testLoad() { tester.assertRenderedPage(WorkspacePage.class); tester.assertNoErrorMessage(); DataView dv = (DataView) tester.getComponentFromLastRenderedPage("table:listContainer:items"); assertEquals(dv.size(), getCatalog().getWorkspaces().size()); WorkspaceInfo ws = (WorkspaceInfo) dv.getDataProvider().iterator(0, 1).next(); assertEquals("cdf", ws.getName()); }
public MockCatalogBuilder coverageStore(String name, String filename, String format) { String csId = newId(); WorkspaceInfo ws = workspaces.peekLast(); NamespaceInfo ns = namespaces.peekLast(); final CoverageStoreInfo cs = createNiceMock(CoverageStoreInfo.class); coverageStores.add(cs); initStore(cs, CoverageStoreInfo.class, csId, name, ws); File covDir = new File(dataDirRoot, name); final File covFile = new File(covDir, filename); expect(cs.getURL()).andReturn(DataUtilities.fileToURL(covFile).toString()).anyTimes(); expect(cs.getType()) .andAnswer( new IAnswer<String>() { @Override public String answer() throws Throwable { return lookupGridFormat(covFile).getName(); } }) .anyTimes(); expect(cs.getFormat()) .andAnswer( new IAnswer<AbstractGridFormat>() { @Override public AbstractGridFormat answer() throws Throwable { return lookupGridFormat(covFile); } }) .anyTimes(); expect(cs.getConnectionParameters()).andReturn(new HashMap()).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getCoverageStore(csId)).andReturn(cs).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getCoverageStoreByName(name)).andReturn(cs).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getCoverageStoreByName(ws.getName(), name)).andReturn(cs).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getCoverageStoreByName(ws, name)).andReturn(cs).anyTimes(); cs.accept((CatalogVisitor) anyObject()); expectLastCall() .andAnswer( new VisitAnswer() { @Override protected void doVisit(CatalogVisitor visitor) { visitor.visit(cs); } }) .anyTimes(); callback.onStore(name, cs, ws, this); replay(cs); return this; }
public MockCatalogBuilder workspace(String name, String uri) { String wsId = newId(); String nsId = newId(); final WorkspaceInfo ws = createNiceMock(WorkspaceInfo.class); workspaces.add(ws); expect(ws.getId()).andReturn(wsId).anyTimes(); expect(ws.getName()).andReturn(name).anyTimes(); expect(ws.getMetadata()).andReturn(new MetadataMap()).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getWorkspace(wsId)).andReturn(ws).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getWorkspaceByName(name)).andReturn(ws).anyTimes(); final NamespaceInfo ns = createNiceMock(NamespaceInfo.class); namespaces.add(ns); expect(ns.getId()).andReturn(nsId).anyTimes(); expect(ns.getName()).andReturn(name).anyTimes(); expect(ns.getPrefix()).andReturn(name).anyTimes(); expect(ns.getMetadata()).andReturn(new MetadataMap()).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getNamespace(nsId)).andReturn(ns).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getNamespaceByPrefix(name)).andReturn(ns).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getNamespaceByURI(uri)).andReturn(ns).anyTimes(); ws.accept((CatalogVisitor) anyObject()); expectLastCall() .andAnswer( new VisitAnswer() { @Override protected void doVisit(CatalogVisitor visitor) { visitor.visit(ws); } }) .anyTimes(); ns.accept((CatalogVisitor) anyObject()); expectLastCall() .andAnswer( new VisitAnswer() { @Override protected void doVisit(CatalogVisitor visitor) { visitor.visit(ns); } }) .anyTimes(); callback.onWorkspace(name, ws, this); replay(ws, ns); return this; }
public MockCatalogBuilder dataStore(String name) { String dsId = newId(); final WorkspaceInfo ws = workspaces.peekLast(); final NamespaceInfo ns = namespaces.peekLast(); final DataStoreInfo ds = createNiceMock(DataStoreInfo.class); dataStores.add(ds); initStore(ds, DataStoreInfo.class, dsId, name, ws); // setup the property data store final File propDir = new File(dataDirRoot, name); HashMap cxParams = new HashMap(); cxParams.put(PropertyDataStoreFactory.DIRECTORY.key, propDir); cxParams.put(PropertyDataStoreFactory.NAMESPACE.key, ns.getURI()); expect(ds.getConnectionParameters()).andReturn(cxParams).anyTimes(); try { expect(ds.getDataStore(null)) .andAnswer( (IAnswer) new IAnswer<DataAccess>() { @Override public DataAccess answer() throws Throwable { return new PropertyDataStore(propDir, ns.getURI()); } }) .anyTimes(); } catch (IOException e) { } expect(catalog.getDataStore(dsId)).andReturn(ds).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getDataStoreByName(name)).andReturn(ds).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getDataStoreByName(ws.getName(), name)).andReturn(ds).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getDataStoreByName(ws, name)).andReturn(ds).anyTimes(); ds.accept((CatalogVisitor) anyObject()); expectLastCall() .andAnswer( new VisitAnswer() { @Override protected void doVisit(CatalogVisitor visitor) { visitor.visit(ds); } }) .anyTimes(); callback.onStore(name, ds, ws, this); replay(ds); return this; }
@Test public void testRemoveWorkspace() throws Exception { WorkspaceInfo ws = dao.getCatalog().getFactory().createWorkspace(); ws.setName("baz"); dao.add(ws); assertNotNull(dao.getWorkspaceByName("baz")); int n = dao.getWorkspaces().size(); dao.remove(ws); assertNull(dao.getWorkspaceByName("baz")); assertEquals(n - 1, dao.getWorkspaces().size()); }
@Test public void testCascadeWorkspace() { Catalog catalog = getCatalog(); CascadeRemovalReporter visitor = new CascadeRemovalReporter(catalog); WorkspaceInfo ws = catalog.getWorkspaceByName(MockData.CITE_PREFIX); assertNotNull(ws); List<StoreInfo> stores = getCatalog().getStoresByWorkspace(ws, StoreInfo.class); ws.accept(visitor); assertTrue(stores.containsAll(visitor.getObjects(StoreInfo.class, ModificationType.DELETE))); }
@Test public void testModifyWorkspace() throws Exception { WorkspaceInfo ws = dao.getCatalog().getFactory().createWorkspace(); ws.setName("foo"); dao.add(ws); ws = dao.getWorkspaceByName("foo"); ws.setName("bar");; assertNull(dao.getWorkspaceByName("foo")); assertNotNull(dao.getWorkspaceByName("bar")); }
@Test public void testRemoveWorkspaceLocalService() throws Exception { testAddWorkspaceLocalService(); File dataDirRoot = getTestData().getDataDirectoryRoot(); WorkspaceInfo ws = getCatalog().getDefaultWorkspace(); File f = new File(dataDirRoot, "workspaces" + "/" + ws.getName() + "/service.xml"); assertTrue(f.exists()); ServiceInfo s = geoServer.getServiceByName(ws, "foo", ServiceInfo.class); geoServer.remove(s); assertFalse(f.exists()); }
@Test public void testAddWorkspace() throws Exception { assertEquals(0, dao.getWorkspaces().size()); WorkspaceInfo ws = dao.getCatalog().getFactory().createWorkspace(); ws.setName("acme"); assertNull(ws.getId()); dao.add(ws); assertNotNull(ws.getId()); assertEquals(1, dao.getWorkspaces().size()); assertEquals(ws, dao.getWorkspace(ws.getId())); }
@Test public void testAddWorkspaceLocalService() throws Exception { File dataDirRoot = getTestData().getDataDirectoryRoot(); WorkspaceInfo ws = getCatalog().getDefaultWorkspace(); ServiceInfo s = geoServer.getFactory().createService(); s.setName("foo"); s.setWorkspace(ws); File f = new File(dataDirRoot, "workspaces" + "/" + ws.getName() + "/service.xml"); assertFalse(f.exists()); geoServer.add(s); assertTrue(f.exists()); }
@Override protected String handleObjectPost(Object object) throws Exception { String workspace = getAttribute("workspace"); DataStoreInfo ds = (DataStoreInfo) object; if (ds.getWorkspace() != null) { // ensure the specifried workspace matches the one dictated by the uri WorkspaceInfo ws = (WorkspaceInfo) ds.getWorkspace(); if (!workspace.equals(ws.getName())) { throw new RestletException( "Expected workspace " + workspace + " but client specified " + ws.getName(), Status.CLIENT_ERROR_FORBIDDEN); } } else { ds.setWorkspace(catalog.getWorkspaceByName(workspace)); } ds.setEnabled(true); // if no namespace parameter set, set it // TODO: we should really move this sort of thing to be something central if (!ds.getConnectionParameters().containsKey("namespace")) { WorkspaceInfo ws = ds.getWorkspace(); NamespaceInfo ns = catalog.getNamespaceByPrefix(ws.getName()); if (ns == null) { ns = catalog.getDefaultNamespace(); } if (ns != null) { ds.getConnectionParameters().put("namespace", ns.getURI()); } } // attempt to set the datastore type try { DataAccessFactory factory = DataStoreUtils.aquireFactory(ds.getConnectionParameters()); ds.setType(factory.getDisplayName()); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warning("Unable to determine datastore type from connection parameters"); if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "", e); } } catalog.validate((DataStoreInfo) object, false).throwIfInvalid(); catalog.add((DataStoreInfo) object);"POST data store " + ds.getName()); return ds.getName(); }
private JSONArr layers(StoreInfo store, JSONArr list) throws IOException { Catalog cat = geoServer.getCatalog(); WorkspaceInfo ws = store.getWorkspace(); Filter filter = and(equal("store", store), equal("namespace.prefix", ws.getName())); try (CloseableIterator<ResourceInfo> layers = cat.list(ResourceInfo.class, filter); ) { while (layers.hasNext()) { ResourceInfo r =; for (LayerInfo l : cat.getLayers(r)) { layer(list.addObject(), l, true); } } } return list; }
int layerCount(StoreInfo store) throws IOException { Catalog cat = geoServer.getCatalog(); WorkspaceInfo ws = store.getWorkspace(); Filter filter = and(equal("store", store), equal("namespace.prefix", ws.getName())); int count = 0; try (CloseableIterator<ResourceInfo> layers = cat.list(ResourceInfo.class, filter); ) { while (layers.hasNext()) { ResourceInfo r =; for (LayerInfo l : cat.getLayers(r)) { if (l != null) { count++; } } } } return count; }
/** * Adds a workspace to the test setup. * * @param name The name of the workspace. * @param uri The namespace uri associated with the workspace. */ public void addWorkspace(String name, String uri, Catalog catalog) { WorkspaceInfo ws = catalog.getWorkspaceByName(name); if (ws == null) { ws = catalog.getFactory().createWorkspace(); ws.setName(name); catalog.add(ws); } NamespaceInfo ns = catalog.getNamespaceByPrefix(name); if (ns == null) { ns = catalog.getFactory().createNamespace(); ns.setPrefix(name); ns.setURI(uri); catalog.add(ns); } else { ns.setURI(uri);; } }
@Test public void testDefaultWorkspace() throws Exception { testAddWorkspace(); assertNull(dao.getDefaultWorkspace()); WorkspaceInfo ws = dao.getWorkspaceByName("acme"); dao.setDefaultWorkspace(ws); assertNotNull(dao.getDefaultWorkspace()); assertEquals("acme", dao.getDefaultWorkspace().getName()); ws = dao.getCatalog().getFactory().createWorkspace(); ws.setName("bam"); dao.add(ws); dao.setDefaultWorkspace(ws); assertEquals("bam", dao.getDefaultWorkspace().getName()); dao.setDefaultWorkspace(null); assertNull(dao.getDefaultWorkspace()); }
/** * Test that changing a datastore's workspace updates the datastore's "namespace" parameter as * well as the namespace of its previously configured resources */ public void testWorkspaceSyncsUpWithNamespace() { final Catalog catalog = getCatalog(); final FormTester formTester = tester.newFormTester("rasterStoreForm"); final String wsDropdownPath = "rasterStoreForm:workspacePanel:border:paramValue"; tester.assertModelValue(wsDropdownPath, catalog.getWorkspaceByName(MockData.WCS_PREFIX)); // select the fifth item in the drop down, which is the cdf workspace"workspacePanel:border:paramValue", 2); // weird on this test I need to both call form.submit() and also simulate clicking on the // ajax "save" link for the model to be updated. On a running geoserver instance it works ok // though formTester.submit(); final boolean isAjax = true; tester.clickLink("rasterStoreForm:save", isAjax); // did the save finish normally? tester.assertRenderedPage(StorePage.class); CoverageStoreInfo store = catalog.getCoverageStore(coverageStore.getId()); WorkspaceInfo workspace = store.getWorkspace(); assertFalse(MockData.WCS_PREFIX.equals(workspace.getName())); // was the namespace for the datastore resources updated? List<CoverageInfo> resourcesByStore; resourcesByStore = catalog.getResourcesByStore(store, CoverageInfo.class); assertTrue(resourcesByStore.size() > 0); for (CoverageInfo cv : resourcesByStore) { assertEquals( "Namespace for " + cv.getName() + " was not updated", workspace.getName(), cv.getNamespace().getPrefix()); } }
<T extends StoreInfo> void initStore( T s, Class<T> clazz, String sId, String name, WorkspaceInfo ws) { expect(s.getId()).andReturn(sId).anyTimes(); expect(s.getName()).andReturn(name).anyTimes(); expect(s.getWorkspace()).andReturn(ws).anyTimes(); expect(s.getCatalog()).andReturn(catalog).anyTimes(); expect(s.isEnabled()).andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getStore(sId, clazz)).andReturn(s).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getStore(sId, StoreInfo.class)).andReturn(s).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getStoreByName(name, clazz)).andReturn(s).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getStoreByName(name, StoreInfo.class)).andReturn(s).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getStoreByName(ws.getName(), name, clazz)).andReturn(s).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getStoreByName(ws.getName(), name, StoreInfo.class)).andReturn(s).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getStoreByName(ws, name, clazz)).andReturn(s).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getStoreByName(ws, name, StoreInfo.class)).andReturn(s).anyTimes(); }
/** Reads the catalog from disk. */ Catalog readCatalog(XStreamPersister xp) throws Exception { CatalogImpl catalog = new CatalogImpl(); catalog.setResourceLoader(resourceLoader); xp.setCatalog(catalog); xp.setUnwrapNulls(false); CatalogFactory factory = catalog.getFactory(); // global styles loadStyles(resourceLoader.find("styles"), catalog, xp); // workspaces, stores, and resources File workspaces = resourceLoader.find("workspaces"); if (workspaces != null) { // do a first quick scan over all workspaces, setting the default File dws = new File(workspaces, "default.xml"); WorkspaceInfo defaultWorkspace = null; if (dws.exists()) { try { defaultWorkspace = depersist(xp, dws, WorkspaceInfo.class);"Loaded default workspace " + defaultWorkspace.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load default workspace", e); } } else { LOGGER.warning("No default workspace was found."); } for (File wsd : list(workspaces, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) { File f = new File(wsd, "workspace.xml"); if (!f.exists()) { continue; } WorkspaceInfo ws = null; try { ws = depersist(xp, f, WorkspaceInfo.class); catalog.add(ws); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load workspace '" + wsd.getName() + "'", e); continue; }"Loaded workspace '" + ws.getName() + "'"); // load the namespace File nsf = new File(wsd, "namespace.xml"); NamespaceInfo ns = null; if (nsf.exists()) { try { ns = depersist(xp, nsf, NamespaceInfo.class); catalog.add(ns); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load namespace for '" + wsd.getName() + "'", e); } } // set the default workspace, this value might be null in the case of coming from a // 2.0.0 data directory. See if (defaultWorkspace != null) { if (ws.getName().equals(defaultWorkspace.getName())) { catalog.setDefaultWorkspace(ws); if (ns != null) { catalog.setDefaultNamespace(ns); } } } else { // create the default.xml file defaultWorkspace = catalog.getDefaultWorkspace(); if (defaultWorkspace != null) { try { persist(xp, defaultWorkspace, dws); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to persist default workspace '" + wsd.getName() + "'", e); } } } // load the styles for the workspace File styles = resourceLoader.find(wsd, "styles"); if (styles != null) { loadStyles(styles, catalog, xp); } } for (File wsd : list(workspaces, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) { // load the stores for this workspace for (File sd : list(wsd, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) { File f = new File(sd, "datastore.xml"); if (f.exists()) { // load as a datastore DataStoreInfo ds = null; try { ds = depersist(xp, f, DataStoreInfo.class); catalog.add(ds);"Loaded data store '" + ds.getName() + "'"); if (ds.isEnabled()) { // connect to the datastore to determine if we should disable it try { ds.getDataStore(null); } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.warning("Error connecting to '" + ds.getName() + "'. Disabling."); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "", t); ds.setError(t); ds.setEnabled(false); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load data store '" + sd.getName() + "'", e); continue; } // load feature types for (File ftd : list(sd, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) { f = new File(ftd, "featuretype.xml"); if (f.exists()) { FeatureTypeInfo ft = null; try { ft = depersist(xp, f, FeatureTypeInfo.class); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load feature type '" + ftd.getName() + "'", e); continue; } catalog.add(ft);"Loaded feature type '" + ds.getName() + "'"); f = new File(ftd, "layer.xml"); if (f.exists()) { try { LayerInfo l = depersist(xp, f, LayerInfo.class); catalog.add(l);"Loaded layer '" + l.getName() + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load layer for feature type '" + ft.getName() + "'", e); } } } else { LOGGER.warning("Ignoring feature type directory " + ftd.getAbsolutePath()); } } } else { // look for a coverage store f = new File(sd, "coveragestore.xml"); if (f.exists()) { CoverageStoreInfo cs = null; try { cs = depersist(xp, f, CoverageStoreInfo.class); catalog.add(cs);"Loaded coverage store '" + cs.getName() + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load coverage store '" + sd.getName() + "'", e); continue; } // load coverages for (File cd : list(sd, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) { f = new File(cd, "coverage.xml"); if (f.exists()) { CoverageInfo c = null; try { c = depersist(xp, f, CoverageInfo.class); catalog.add(c);"Loaded coverage '" + cs.getName() + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load coverage '" + cd.getName() + "'", e); continue; } f = new File(cd, "layer.xml"); if (f.exists()) { try { LayerInfo l = depersist(xp, f, LayerInfo.class); catalog.add(l);"Loaded layer '" + l.getName() + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load layer coverage '" + c.getName() + "'", e); } } } else { LOGGER.warning("Ignoring coverage directory " + cd.getAbsolutePath()); } } } else { f = new File(sd, "wmsstore.xml"); if (f.exists()) { WMSStoreInfo wms = null; try { wms = depersist(xp, f, WMSStoreInfo.class); catalog.add(wms);"Loaded wmsstore '" + wms.getName() + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load wms store '" + sd.getName() + "'", e); continue; } // load wms layers for (File cd : list(sd, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) { f = new File(cd, "wmslayer.xml"); if (f.exists()) { WMSLayerInfo wl = null; try { wl = depersist(xp, f, WMSLayerInfo.class); catalog.add(wl);"Loaded wms layer'" + wl.getName() + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load wms layer '" + cd.getName() + "'", e); continue; } f = new File(cd, "layer.xml"); if (f.exists()) { try { LayerInfo l = depersist(xp, f, LayerInfo.class); catalog.add(l);"Loaded layer '" + l.getName() + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load cascaded wms layer '" + wl.getName() + "'", e); } } } else { LOGGER.warning("Ignoring coverage directory " + cd.getAbsolutePath()); } } } else if (!isConfigDirectory(sd)) { LOGGER.warning("Ignoring store directory '" + sd.getName() + "'"); continue; } } } } // load hte layer groups for this workspace File layergroups = resourceLoader.find(wsd, "layergroups"); if (layergroups != null) { loadLayerGroups(layergroups, catalog, xp); } } } else { LOGGER.warning("No 'workspaces' directory found, unable to load any stores."); } // namespaces // layergroups File layergroups = resourceLoader.find("layergroups"); if (layergroups != null) { loadLayerGroups(layergroups, catalog, xp); } xp.setUnwrapNulls(true); catalog.resolve(); return catalog; }
@DescribeResult(name = "layerName", description = "Name of the new featuretype, with workspace") public String execute( @DescribeParameter(name = "features", min = 0, description = "Input feature collection") SimpleFeatureCollection features, @DescribeParameter(name = "coverage", min = 0, description = "Input raster") GridCoverage2D coverage, @DescribeParameter( name = "workspace", min = 0, description = "Target workspace (default is the system default)") String workspace, @DescribeParameter( name = "store", min = 0, description = "Target store (default is the workspace default)") String store, @DescribeParameter( name = "name", min = 0, description = "Name of the new featuretype/coverage (default is the name of the features in the collection)") String name, @DescribeParameter( name = "srs", min = 0, description = "Target coordinate reference system (default is based on source when possible)") CoordinateReferenceSystem srs, @DescribeParameter( name = "srsHandling", min = 0, description = "Desired SRS handling (default is FORCE_DECLARED, others are REPROJECT_TO_DECLARED or NONE)") ProjectionPolicy srsHandling, @DescribeParameter( name = "styleName", min = 0, description = "Name of the style to be associated with the layer (default is a standard geometry-specific style)") String styleName) throws ProcessException { // first off, decide what is the target store WorkspaceInfo ws; if (workspace != null) { ws = catalog.getWorkspaceByName(workspace); if (ws == null) { throw new ProcessException("Could not find workspace " + workspace); } } else { ws = catalog.getDefaultWorkspace(); if (ws == null) { throw new ProcessException("The catalog is empty, could not find a default workspace"); } } // create a builder to help build catalog objects CatalogBuilder cb = new CatalogBuilder(catalog); cb.setWorkspace(ws); // ok, find the target store StoreInfo storeInfo = null; boolean add = false; if (store != null) { if (features != null) { storeInfo = catalog.getDataStoreByName(ws.getName(), store); } else if (coverage != null) { storeInfo = catalog.getCoverageStoreByName(ws.getName(), store); } if (storeInfo == null) { throw new ProcessException("Could not find store " + store + " in workspace " + workspace); // TODO: support store creation } } else if (features != null) { storeInfo = catalog.getDefaultDataStore(ws); if (storeInfo == null) { throw new ProcessException("Could not find a default store in workspace " + ws.getName()); } } else if (coverage != null) { // create a new coverage store "Auto-configuring coverage store: " + (name != null ? name : coverage.getName().toString())); storeInfo = cb.buildCoverageStore((name != null ? name : coverage.getName().toString())); add = true; store = (name != null ? name : coverage.getName().toString()); if (storeInfo == null) { throw new ProcessException("Could not find a default store in workspace " + ws.getName()); } } // check the target style if any StyleInfo targetStyle = null; if (styleName != null) { targetStyle = catalog.getStyleByName(styleName); if (targetStyle == null) { throw new ProcessException("Could not find style " + styleName); } } if (features != null) { // check if the target layer and the target feature type are not // already there (this is a half-assed attempt as we don't have // an API telling us how the feature type name will be changed // by DataStore.createSchema(...), but better than fully importing // the data into the target store to find out we cannot create the layer...) String tentativeTargetName = null; if (name != null) { tentativeTargetName = ws.getName() + ":" + name; } else { tentativeTargetName = ws.getName() + ":" + features.getSchema().getTypeName(); } if (catalog.getLayer(tentativeTargetName) != null) { throw new ProcessException("Target layer " + tentativeTargetName + " already exists"); } // check the target crs String targetSRSCode = null; if (srs != null) { try { Integer code = CRS.lookupEpsgCode(srs, true); if (code == null) { throw new WPSException("Could not find a EPSG code for " + srs); } targetSRSCode = "EPSG:" + code; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProcessException("Could not lookup the EPSG code for the provided srs", e); } } else { // check we can extract a code from the original data GeometryDescriptor gd = features.getSchema().getGeometryDescriptor(); if (gd == null) { // data is geometryless, we need a fake SRS targetSRSCode = "EPSG:4326"; srsHandling = ProjectionPolicy.FORCE_DECLARED; } else { CoordinateReferenceSystem nativeCrs = gd.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(); if (nativeCrs == null) { throw new ProcessException( "The original data has no native CRS, " + "you need to specify the srs parameter"); } else { try { Integer code = CRS.lookupEpsgCode(nativeCrs, true); if (code == null) { throw new ProcessException( "Could not find an EPSG code for data " + "native spatial reference system: " + nativeCrs); } else { targetSRSCode = "EPSG:" + code; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProcessException( "Failed to loookup an official EPSG code for " + "the source data native " + "spatial reference system", e); } } } } // import the data into the target store SimpleFeatureType targetType; try { targetType = importDataIntoStore(features, name, (DataStoreInfo) storeInfo); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProcessException("Failed to import data into the target store", e); } // now import the newly created layer into GeoServer try { cb.setStore(storeInfo); // build the typeInfo and set CRS if necessary FeatureTypeInfo typeInfo = cb.buildFeatureType(targetType.getName()); if (targetSRSCode != null) { typeInfo.setSRS(targetSRSCode); } if (srsHandling != null) { typeInfo.setProjectionPolicy(srsHandling); } // compute the bounds cb.setupBounds(typeInfo); // build the layer and set a style LayerInfo layerInfo = cb.buildLayer(typeInfo); if (targetStyle != null) { layerInfo.setDefaultStyle(targetStyle); } catalog.add(typeInfo); catalog.add(layerInfo); return layerInfo.prefixedName(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProcessException("Failed to complete the import inside the GeoServer catalog", e); } } else if (coverage != null) { try { final File directory = catalog.getResourceLoader().findOrCreateDirectory("data", workspace, store); final File file = File.createTempFile(store, ".tif", directory); ((CoverageStoreInfo) storeInfo).setURL(file.toURL().toExternalForm()); ((CoverageStoreInfo) storeInfo).setType("GeoTIFF"); // check the target crs CoordinateReferenceSystem cvCrs = coverage.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(); String targetSRSCode = null; if (srs != null) { try { Integer code = CRS.lookupEpsgCode(srs, true); if (code == null) { throw new WPSException("Could not find a EPSG code for " + srs); } targetSRSCode = "EPSG:" + code; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProcessException("Could not lookup the EPSG code for the provided srs", e); } } else { // check we can extract a code from the original data if (cvCrs == null) { // data is geometryless, we need a fake SRS targetSRSCode = "EPSG:4326"; srsHandling = ProjectionPolicy.FORCE_DECLARED; srs = DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84; } else { CoordinateReferenceSystem nativeCrs = cvCrs; if (nativeCrs == null) { throw new ProcessException( "The original data has no native CRS, " + "you need to specify the srs parameter"); } else { try { Integer code = CRS.lookupEpsgCode(nativeCrs, true); if (code == null) { throw new ProcessException( "Could not find an EPSG code for data " + "native spatial reference system: " + nativeCrs); } else { targetSRSCode = "EPSG:" + code; srs = CRS.decode(targetSRSCode, true); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProcessException( "Failed to loookup an official EPSG code for " + "the source data native " + "spatial reference system", e); } } } } MathTransform tx = CRS.findMathTransform(cvCrs, srs); if (!tx.isIdentity() || !CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(cvCrs, srs)) { coverage = WCSUtils.resample( coverage, cvCrs, srs, null, Interpolation.getInstance(Interpolation.INTERP_NEAREST)); } GeoTiffWriter writer = new GeoTiffWriter(file); // setting the write parameters for this geotiff final ParameterValueGroup params = new GeoTiffFormat().getWriteParameters(); params .parameter(AbstractGridFormat.GEOTOOLS_WRITE_PARAMS.getName().toString()) .setValue(DEFAULT_WRITE_PARAMS); final GeneralParameterValue[] wps = (GeneralParameterValue[]) params.values().toArray(new GeneralParameterValue[1]); try { writer.write(coverage, wps); } finally { try { writer.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { // we tried, no need to fuss around this one } } // add or update the datastore info if (add) { catalog.add((CoverageStoreInfo) storeInfo); } else { storeInfo); } cb.setStore((CoverageStoreInfo) storeInfo); AbstractGridCoverage2DReader reader = new GeoTiffReader(file); if (reader == null) { throw new ProcessException("Could not aquire reader for coverage."); } // coverage read params final Map customParameters = new HashMap(); /*String useJAIImageReadParam = "USE_JAI_IMAGEREAD"; if (useJAIImageReadParam != null) { customParameters.put(AbstractGridFormat.USE_JAI_IMAGEREAD.getName().toString(), Boolean.valueOf(useJAIImageReadParam)); }*/ CoverageInfo cinfo = cb.buildCoverage(reader, customParameters); // check if the name of the coverage was specified if (name != null) { cinfo.setName(name); } if (!add) { // update the existing CoverageInfo existing = catalog.getCoverageByCoverageStore( (CoverageStoreInfo) storeInfo, name != null ? name : coverage.getName().toString()); if (existing == null) { // grab the first if there is only one List<CoverageInfo> coverages = catalog.getCoveragesByCoverageStore((CoverageStoreInfo) storeInfo); if (coverages.size() == 1) { existing = coverages.get(0); } if (coverages.size() == 0) { // no coverages yet configured, change add flag and continue on add = true; } else { // multiple coverages, and one to configure not specified throw new ProcessException("Unable to determine coverage to configure."); } } if (existing != null) { cb.updateCoverage(existing, cinfo);; cinfo = existing; } } // do some post configuration, if srs is not known or unset, transform to 4326 if ("UNKNOWN".equals(cinfo.getSRS())) { // CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = // cinfo.getBoundingBox().getCoordinateReferenceSystem(); // CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = CRS.decode("EPSG:4326", true); // ReferencedEnvelope re = cinfo.getBoundingBox().transform(targetCRS, true); cinfo.setSRS("EPSG:4326"); // cinfo.setCRS( targetCRS ); // cinfo.setBoundingBox( re ); } // add/save if (add) { catalog.add(cinfo); LayerInfo layerInfo = cb.buildLayer(cinfo); if (styleName != null && targetStyle != null) { layerInfo.setDefaultStyle(targetStyle); } // JD: commenting this out, these sorts of edits should be handled // with a second PUT request on the created coverage /* String styleName = form.getFirstValue("style"); if ( styleName != null ) { StyleInfo style = catalog.getStyleByName( styleName ); if ( style != null ) { layerInfo.setDefaultStyle( style ); if ( !layerInfo.getStyles().contains( style ) ) { layerInfo.getStyles().add( style ); } } else { LOGGER.warning( "Client specified style '" + styleName + "'but no such style exists."); } } String path = form.getFirstValue( "path"); if ( path != null ) { layerInfo.setPath( path ); } */ boolean valid = true; try { if (!catalog.validate(layerInfo, true).isEmpty()) { valid = false; } } catch (Exception e) { valid = false; } layerInfo.setEnabled(valid); catalog.add(layerInfo); return layerInfo.prefixedName(); } else {; LayerInfo layerInfo = catalog.getLayerByName(cinfo.getName()); if (styleName != null && targetStyle != null) { layerInfo.setDefaultStyle(targetStyle); } return layerInfo.prefixedName(); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new ProcessException("URL Error", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProcessException("I/O Exception", e); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ProcessException("Exception", e); } } return null; }
// Would have put this on GeoServerImplTest, but it depends on WMS and WFS InfoImpl classes // which would lead to circular dependencies. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testTypedServicesWithWorkspace() throws Exception { // Make a workspace WorkspaceInfo ws1 = geoServer.getCatalog().getFactory().createWorkspace(); ws1.setName("TEST-WORKSPACE-1"); geoServer.getCatalog().add(ws1); // Make a service for that workspace ServiceInfo ws1wms = new org.geoserver.wms.WMSInfoImpl(); ws1wms.setWorkspace(ws1); ws1wms.setName("WMS1"); ws1wms.setTitle("WMS for WS1"); geoServer.add(ws1wms); // Make a second for that workspace ServiceInfo ws1wfs = new org.geoserver.wfs.WFSInfoImpl(); ws1wfs.setWorkspace(ws1); ws1wfs.setName("WFS1"); ws1wfs.setTitle("WFS for WS1"); geoServer.add(ws1wfs); // Make a global service ServiceInfo gwms = new org.geoserver.wms.WMSInfoImpl(); gwms.setName("WMSG"); gwms.setTitle("Global WMS"); geoServer.add(gwms); // Make a second global service ServiceInfo gwfs = new org.geoserver.wfs.WFSInfoImpl(); gwfs.setName("WFSG"); gwfs.setTitle("Global WFS"); geoServer.add(gwfs); // Make a workspace WorkspaceInfo ws2 = geoServer.getCatalog().getFactory().createWorkspace(); ws2.setName("TEST-WORKSPACE-2"); geoServer.getCatalog().add(ws2); // Make a service for that workspace ServiceInfo ws2wms = new org.geoserver.wms.WMSInfoImpl(); ws2wms.setWorkspace(ws2); ws2wms.setName("WMS2"); ws2wms.setTitle("WMS for WS2"); geoServer.add(ws2wms); // Make a second for that workspace ServiceInfo ws2wfs = new org.geoserver.wfs.WFSInfoImpl(); ws2wfs.setWorkspace(ws2); ws2wfs.setName("WFS2"); ws2wfs.setTitle("WFS for WS2"); geoServer.add(ws2wfs); // Check that we get the services we expect to assertThat(geoServer.getService(org.geoserver.wms.WMSInfo.class), equalTo(gwms)); assertThat(geoServer.getService(org.geoserver.wfs.WFSInfo.class), equalTo(gwfs)); assertThat( (Collection<ServiceInfo>) geoServer.getServices(), allOf(hasItems(gwms, gwfs), not(hasItems(ws1wms, ws1wfs, ws2wms, ws2wfs)))); assertThat(geoServer.getService(ws1, org.geoserver.wms.WMSInfo.class), equalTo(ws1wms)); assertThat(geoServer.getService(ws1, org.geoserver.wfs.WFSInfo.class), equalTo(ws1wfs)); assertThat( (Collection<ServiceInfo>) geoServer.getServices(ws1), allOf(hasItems(ws1wms, ws1wfs), not(hasItems(gwms, gwfs, ws2wms, ws2wfs)))); assertThat(geoServer.getService(ws2, org.geoserver.wms.WMSInfo.class), equalTo(ws2wms)); assertThat(geoServer.getService(ws2, org.geoserver.wfs.WFSInfo.class), equalTo(ws2wfs)); assertThat( (Collection<ServiceInfo>) geoServer.getServices(ws2), allOf(hasItems(ws2wms, ws2wfs), not(hasItems(gwms, gwfs, ws1wms, ws1wfs)))); }
public WorkspaceRequestCtxBuilder(XACMLRole role, WorkspaceInfo workspace, AccessMode mode) { super(role, mode.toString()); this.workspaceName = workspace.getName(); }
public MockCatalogBuilder commit() { if (!featureTypes.isEmpty() || !coverages.isEmpty()) { if (!featureTypes.isEmpty()) { DataStoreInfo ds = dataStores.peekLast(); expect(catalog.getResourcesByStore(ds, FeatureTypeInfo.class)) .andReturn(featureTypes) .anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getResourcesByStore(ds, ResourceInfo.class)) .andReturn((List) featureTypes) .anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getFeatureTypesByDataStore(ds)).andReturn(featureTypes).anyTimes(); } if (!coverages.isEmpty()) { CoverageStoreInfo cs = coverageStores.peekLast(); expect(catalog.getResourcesByStore(cs, CoverageInfo.class)).andReturn(coverages).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getResourcesByStore(cs, ResourceInfo.class)) .andReturn((List) coverages) .anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getCoveragesByCoverageStore(cs)).andReturn(coverages).anyTimes(); } // clear out local lists but push up to be included when this workspace is complete featureTypesByNamespace.addAll(featureTypes); featureTypes = new LinkedList<FeatureTypeInfo>(); coveragesByNamespace.addAll(coverages); coverages = new LinkedList<CoverageInfo>(); } else if (!dataStores.isEmpty() || !coverageStores.isEmpty()) { WorkspaceInfo ws = workspaces.peekLast(); NamespaceInfo ns = namespaces.peekLast(); expect(catalog.getStoresByWorkspace(ws.getName(), DataStoreInfo.class)) .andReturn(dataStores) .anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getStoresByWorkspace(ws, DataStoreInfo.class)) .andReturn(dataStores) .anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getDataStoresByWorkspace(ws.getName())).andReturn(dataStores).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getDataStoresByWorkspace(ws)).andReturn(dataStores).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getStoresByWorkspace(ws.getName(), CoverageStoreInfo.class)) .andReturn(coverageStores) .anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getStoresByWorkspace(ws, CoverageStoreInfo.class)) .andReturn(coverageStores) .anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getCoverageStoresByWorkspace(ws.getName())) .andReturn(coverageStores) .anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getCoverageStoresByWorkspace(ws)).andReturn(coverageStores).anyTimes(); List<StoreInfo> l = new LinkedList<StoreInfo>(dataStores); l.addAll(coverageStores); expect(catalog.getStoresByWorkspace(ws.getName(), StoreInfo.class)).andReturn(l).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getStoresByWorkspace(ws, StoreInfo.class)).andReturn(l).anyTimes(); // add all the resources for this workspace List<ResourceInfo> m = new LinkedList(featureTypesByNamespace); m.addAll(coveragesByNamespace); expect(catalog.getResourcesByNamespace(ns, ResourceInfo.class)).andReturn(m).anyTimes(); // expect(catalog.getResourcesByNamespace(ns.getPrefix(), // ResourceInfo.class)).andReturn(m).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getResourcesByNamespace(ns, FeatureTypeInfo.class)) .andReturn(featureTypesByNamespace) .anyTimes(); // expect(catalog.getResourcesByNamespace(ns.getPrefix(), FeatureTypeInfo.class)) // .andReturn(featureTypesByNamespace).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getResourcesByNamespace(ns, CoverageInfo.class)) .andReturn(coveragesByNamespace) .anyTimes(); // expect(catalog.getResourcesByNamespace(ns.getPrefix(), CoverageInfo.class)) // .andReturn(coveragesByNamespace).anyTimes(); dataStoresAll.addAll(dataStores); dataStores = new LinkedList(); coverageStoresAll.addAll(coverageStores); coverageStores = new LinkedList(); featureTypesAll.addAll(featureTypesByNamespace); featureTypesByNamespace = new LinkedList(); coveragesAll.addAll(coveragesByNamespace); coveragesByNamespace = new LinkedList(); } else if (!workspaces.isEmpty()) { // all the resources List<ResourceInfo> l = new LinkedList<ResourceInfo>(featureTypesAll); l.addAll(coveragesAll); expect(catalog.getResources(ResourceInfo.class)).andReturn(l).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getResources(FeatureTypeInfo.class)).andReturn(featureTypesAll).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getResources(CoverageInfo.class)).andReturn(coverages).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getFeatureTypes()).andReturn(featureTypesAll).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getCoverages()).andReturn(coveragesAll).anyTimes(); // add all the stores List<StoreInfo> m = new LinkedList<StoreInfo>(dataStoresAll); m.addAll(coverageStoresAll); expect(catalog.getStores(StoreInfo.class)).andReturn(m).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getStores(DataStoreInfo.class)).andReturn(dataStoresAll).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getStores(CoverageStoreInfo.class)).andReturn(coverageStoresAll).anyTimes(); // add all the styles expect(catalog.getStyles()).andReturn(styles).anyTimes(); // add all the layer groups expect(catalog.getLayerGroups()).andReturn(layerGroups).anyTimes(); // add all the workspaces/namespaces expect(catalog.getWorkspaces()).andReturn(workspaces).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getNamespaces()).andReturn(namespaces).anyTimes(); // default workspace/namespace expect(catalog.getDefaultWorkspace()).andReturn(workspaces.peekFirst()).anyTimes(); expect(catalog.getDefaultNamespace()).andReturn(namespaces.peekFirst()).anyTimes(); replay(catalog); featureTypesAll = new LinkedList(); coveragesAll = new LinkedList(); dataStoresAll = new LinkedList(); coverageStoresAll = new LinkedList(); styles = new LinkedList(); workspaces = new LinkedList(); namespaces = new LinkedList(); } return this; }