@Test public void testPostAsJSON() throws Exception { if (!RemoteOWSTestSupport.isRemoteWMSStatesAvailable(LOGGER)) { LOGGER.warning("Skipping layer posting test as remote server is not available"); return; } assertNull(catalog.getResourceByName("sf", "bugsites", WMSLayerInfo.class)); String json = "{" + "'wmsLayer':{" + "'name':'bugsites'," + "'nativeName':'og:bugsites'," + "'srs':'EPSG:4326'," + "'nativeCRS':'EPSG:4326'," + "'store':'demo'" + "}" + "}"; MockHttpServletResponse response = postAsServletResponse("/rest/workspaces/sf/wmsstores/demo/wmslayers/", json, "text/json"); assertEquals(201, response.getStatusCode()); assertNotNull(response.getHeader("Location")); assertTrue( response .getHeader("Location") .endsWith("/workspaces/sf/wmsstores/demo/wmslayers/bugsites")); WMSLayerInfo layer = catalog.getResourceByName("sf", "bugsites", WMSLayerInfo.class); assertNotNull(layer.getNativeBoundingBox()); }
@Test public void testPostAsXML() throws Exception { if (!RemoteOWSTestSupport.isRemoteWMSStatesAvailable(LOGGER)) { LOGGER.warning("Skipping layer posting test as remote server is not available"); return; } assertNull(catalog.getResourceByName("sf", "bugsites", WMSLayerInfo.class)); String xml = "<wmsLayer>" + "<name>bugsites</name>" + "<nativeName>og:bugsites</nativeName>" + "<srs>EPSG:4326</srs>" + "<nativeCRS>EPSG:4326</nativeCRS>" + "<store>demo</store>" + "</wmsLayer>"; MockHttpServletResponse response = postAsServletResponse("/rest/workspaces/sf/wmsstores/demo/wmslayers/", xml, "text/xml"); assertEquals(201, response.getStatusCode()); assertNotNull(response.getHeader("Location")); assertTrue( response .getHeader("Location") .endsWith("/workspaces/sf/wmsstores/demo/wmslayers/bugsites")); WMSLayerInfo layer = catalog.getResourceByName("sf", "bugsites", WMSLayerInfo.class); assertNotNull(layer.getNativeBoundingBox()); }
@Test public void testPut() throws Exception { String xml = "<wmsLayer>" + "<title>Lots of states here</title>" + "</wmsLayer>"; MockHttpServletResponse response = putAsServletResponse( "/rest/workspaces/sf/wmsstores/demo/wmslayers/states", xml, "text/xml"); assertEquals(200, response.getStatusCode()); Document dom = getAsDOM("/rest/workspaces/sf/wmsstores/demo/wmslayers/states.xml"); assertXpathEvaluatesTo("Lots of states here", "/wmsLayer/title", dom); WMSLayerInfo wli = catalog.getResourceByName("sf", "states", WMSLayerInfo.class); assertEquals("Lots of states here", wli.getTitle()); }
public Integer getCascadedHopCount(LayerInfo layer) { if (!(layer.getResource() instanceof WMSLayerInfo)) { return null; } WMSLayerInfo wmsLayerInfo = (WMSLayerInfo) layer.getResource(); Layer wmsLayer; int cascaded = 1; try { wmsLayer = wmsLayerInfo.getWMSLayer(null); cascaded = 1 + wmsLayer.getCascaded(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Unable to determina WMSLayer cascaded hop count", e); } return cascaded; }
@Test public void testGetAsXML() throws Exception { Document dom = getAsDOM("/rest/workspaces/sf/wmslayers/states.xml"); assertEquals("wmsLayer", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName()); assertXpathEvaluatesTo("states", "/wmsLayer/name", dom); assertXpathEvaluatesTo("EPSG:4326", "/wmsLayer/srs", dom); assertEquals(CRS.decode("EPSG:4326").toWKT(), xp.evaluate("/wmsLayer/nativeCRS", dom)); WMSLayerInfo wml = catalog.getResourceByName("sf", "states", WMSLayerInfo.class); ReferencedEnvelope re = wml.getLatLonBoundingBox(); assertXpathEvaluatesTo(re.getMinX() + "", "/wmsLayer/latLonBoundingBox/minx", dom); assertXpathEvaluatesTo(re.getMaxX() + "", "/wmsLayer/latLonBoundingBox/maxx", dom); assertXpathEvaluatesTo(re.getMinY() + "", "/wmsLayer/latLonBoundingBox/miny", dom); assertXpathEvaluatesTo(re.getMaxY() + "", "/wmsLayer/latLonBoundingBox/maxy", dom); }
@Before public void addStatesWmsLayer() throws Exception { WMSLayerInfo wml = catalog.getResourceByName("sf", "states", WMSLayerInfo.class); if (wml == null) { wml = catalog.getFactory().createWMSLayer(); wml.setName("states"); wml.setNativeName("topp:states"); wml.setStore(catalog.getStoreByName("demo", WMSStoreInfo.class)); wml.setCatalog(catalog); wml.setNamespace(catalog.getNamespaceByPrefix("sf")); wml.setSRS("EPSG:4326"); CoordinateReferenceSystem wgs84 = CRS.decode("EPSG:4326"); wml.setNativeCRS(wgs84); wml.setLatLonBoundingBox(new ReferencedEnvelope(-110, 0, -60, 50, wgs84)); wml.setProjectionPolicy(ProjectionPolicy.FORCE_DECLARED); catalog.add(wml); } }
/** Returns true if the layer can be queried */ public boolean isQueryable(LayerInfo layer) { try { if (layer.getResource() instanceof WMSLayerInfo) { WMSLayerInfo info = (WMSLayerInfo) layer.getResource(); Layer wl = info.getWMSLayer(null); if (!wl.isQueryable()) { return false; } WMSCapabilities caps = info.getStore().getWebMapServer(null).getCapabilities(); OperationType featureInfo = caps.getRequest().getGetFeatureInfo(); if (featureInfo == null || !featureInfo.getFormats().contains("application/vnd.ogc.gml")) { return false; } } return layer.isQueryable(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Failed to determin if the layer is queryable, assuming it's not", e); return false; } }
/** Reads the catalog from disk. */ Catalog readCatalog(XStreamPersister xp) throws Exception { CatalogImpl catalog = new CatalogImpl(); catalog.setResourceLoader(resourceLoader); xp.setCatalog(catalog); xp.setUnwrapNulls(false); CatalogFactory factory = catalog.getFactory(); // global styles loadStyles(resourceLoader.find("styles"), catalog, xp); // workspaces, stores, and resources File workspaces = resourceLoader.find("workspaces"); if (workspaces != null) { // do a first quick scan over all workspaces, setting the default File dws = new File(workspaces, "default.xml"); WorkspaceInfo defaultWorkspace = null; if (dws.exists()) { try { defaultWorkspace = depersist(xp, dws, WorkspaceInfo.class); LOGGER.info("Loaded default workspace " + defaultWorkspace.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load default workspace", e); } } else { LOGGER.warning("No default workspace was found."); } for (File wsd : list(workspaces, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) { File f = new File(wsd, "workspace.xml"); if (!f.exists()) { continue; } WorkspaceInfo ws = null; try { ws = depersist(xp, f, WorkspaceInfo.class); catalog.add(ws); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load workspace '" + wsd.getName() + "'", e); continue; } LOGGER.info("Loaded workspace '" + ws.getName() + "'"); // load the namespace File nsf = new File(wsd, "namespace.xml"); NamespaceInfo ns = null; if (nsf.exists()) { try { ns = depersist(xp, nsf, NamespaceInfo.class); catalog.add(ns); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load namespace for '" + wsd.getName() + "'", e); } } // set the default workspace, this value might be null in the case of coming from a // 2.0.0 data directory. See http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOS-3440 if (defaultWorkspace != null) { if (ws.getName().equals(defaultWorkspace.getName())) { catalog.setDefaultWorkspace(ws); if (ns != null) { catalog.setDefaultNamespace(ns); } } } else { // create the default.xml file defaultWorkspace = catalog.getDefaultWorkspace(); if (defaultWorkspace != null) { try { persist(xp, defaultWorkspace, dws); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to persist default workspace '" + wsd.getName() + "'", e); } } } // load the styles for the workspace File styles = resourceLoader.find(wsd, "styles"); if (styles != null) { loadStyles(styles, catalog, xp); } } for (File wsd : list(workspaces, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) { // load the stores for this workspace for (File sd : list(wsd, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) { File f = new File(sd, "datastore.xml"); if (f.exists()) { // load as a datastore DataStoreInfo ds = null; try { ds = depersist(xp, f, DataStoreInfo.class); catalog.add(ds); LOGGER.info("Loaded data store '" + ds.getName() + "'"); if (ds.isEnabled()) { // connect to the datastore to determine if we should disable it try { ds.getDataStore(null); } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.warning("Error connecting to '" + ds.getName() + "'. Disabling."); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "", t); ds.setError(t); ds.setEnabled(false); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load data store '" + sd.getName() + "'", e); continue; } // load feature types for (File ftd : list(sd, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) { f = new File(ftd, "featuretype.xml"); if (f.exists()) { FeatureTypeInfo ft = null; try { ft = depersist(xp, f, FeatureTypeInfo.class); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load feature type '" + ftd.getName() + "'", e); continue; } catalog.add(ft); LOGGER.info("Loaded feature type '" + ds.getName() + "'"); f = new File(ftd, "layer.xml"); if (f.exists()) { try { LayerInfo l = depersist(xp, f, LayerInfo.class); catalog.add(l); LOGGER.info("Loaded layer '" + l.getName() + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load layer for feature type '" + ft.getName() + "'", e); } } } else { LOGGER.warning("Ignoring feature type directory " + ftd.getAbsolutePath()); } } } else { // look for a coverage store f = new File(sd, "coveragestore.xml"); if (f.exists()) { CoverageStoreInfo cs = null; try { cs = depersist(xp, f, CoverageStoreInfo.class); catalog.add(cs); LOGGER.info("Loaded coverage store '" + cs.getName() + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load coverage store '" + sd.getName() + "'", e); continue; } // load coverages for (File cd : list(sd, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) { f = new File(cd, "coverage.xml"); if (f.exists()) { CoverageInfo c = null; try { c = depersist(xp, f, CoverageInfo.class); catalog.add(c); LOGGER.info("Loaded coverage '" + cs.getName() + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load coverage '" + cd.getName() + "'", e); continue; } f = new File(cd, "layer.xml"); if (f.exists()) { try { LayerInfo l = depersist(xp, f, LayerInfo.class); catalog.add(l); LOGGER.info("Loaded layer '" + l.getName() + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load layer coverage '" + c.getName() + "'", e); } } } else { LOGGER.warning("Ignoring coverage directory " + cd.getAbsolutePath()); } } } else { f = new File(sd, "wmsstore.xml"); if (f.exists()) { WMSStoreInfo wms = null; try { wms = depersist(xp, f, WMSStoreInfo.class); catalog.add(wms); LOGGER.info("Loaded wmsstore '" + wms.getName() + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load wms store '" + sd.getName() + "'", e); continue; } // load wms layers for (File cd : list(sd, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE)) { f = new File(cd, "wmslayer.xml"); if (f.exists()) { WMSLayerInfo wl = null; try { wl = depersist(xp, f, WMSLayerInfo.class); catalog.add(wl); LOGGER.info("Loaded wms layer'" + wl.getName() + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load wms layer '" + cd.getName() + "'", e); continue; } f = new File(cd, "layer.xml"); if (f.exists()) { try { LayerInfo l = depersist(xp, f, LayerInfo.class); catalog.add(l); LOGGER.info("Loaded layer '" + l.getName() + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load cascaded wms layer '" + wl.getName() + "'", e); } } } else { LOGGER.warning("Ignoring coverage directory " + cd.getAbsolutePath()); } } } else if (!isConfigDirectory(sd)) { LOGGER.warning("Ignoring store directory '" + sd.getName() + "'"); continue; } } } } // load hte layer groups for this workspace File layergroups = resourceLoader.find(wsd, "layergroups"); if (layergroups != null) { loadLayerGroups(layergroups, catalog, xp); } } } else { LOGGER.warning("No 'workspaces' directory found, unable to load any stores."); } // namespaces // layergroups File layergroups = resourceLoader.find("layergroups"); if (layergroups != null) { loadLayerGroups(layergroups, catalog, xp); } xp.setUnwrapNulls(true); catalog.resolve(); return catalog; }