public static Book getByFile(ZLFile bookFile) { if (bookFile == null) { return null; } final ZLPhysicalFile physicalFile = bookFile.getPhysicalFile(); if (physicalFile != null && !physicalFile.exists()) { return null; } final FileInfoSet fileInfos = new FileInfoSet(bookFile); Book book = BooksDatabase.Instance().loadBookByFile(fileInfos.getId(bookFile), bookFile); if (book != null) { book.loadLists(); } if (book != null && fileInfos.check(physicalFile, physicalFile != bookFile)) { return book; }; if (book == null) { book = new Book(bookFile); } if (book.readMetaInfo()) {; return book; } return null; }
public List<CancelActionDescription> getCancelActionsList() { myCancelActionsList.clear(); if (ShowLibraryInCancelMenuOption.getValue()) { myCancelActionsList.add(new CancelActionDescription(CancelActionType.library, null)); } if (ShowNetworkLibraryInCancelMenuOption.getValue()) { myCancelActionsList.add(new CancelActionDescription(CancelActionType.networkLibrary, null)); } if (ShowPreviousBookInCancelMenuOption.getValue()) { final Book previousBook = Library.Instance().getPreviousBook(); if (previousBook != null) { myCancelActionsList.add( new CancelActionDescription(CancelActionType.previousBook, previousBook.getTitle())); } } if (ShowPositionsInCancelMenuOption.getValue()) { if (Model != null && Model.Book != null) { for (Bookmark bookmark : Library.Instance().invisibleBookmarks(Model.Book)) { myCancelActionsList.add(new BookmarkDescription(bookmark)); } } } myCancelActionsList.add(new CancelActionDescription(CancelActionType.close, null)); return myCancelActionsList; }
private void onPreferencesUpdate(int resultCode) { final FBReaderApp fbReader = (FBReaderApp) FBReaderApp.Instance(); switch (resultCode) { case RESULT_DO_NOTHING: break; case RESULT_REPAINT: { AndroidFontUtil.clearFontCache(); final BookModel model = fbReader.Model; if (model != null) { final Book book = model.Book; if (book != null) { book.reloadInfoFromDatabase(); ZLTextHyphenator.Instance().load(book.getLanguage()); } } fbReader.clearTextCaches(); fbReader.getViewWidget().repaint(); break; } case RESULT_RELOAD_BOOK: fbReader.reloadBook(); break; } }
@Override public void detectLanguageAndEncoding(Book book) throws BookReadingException { InputStream stream = null; try { stream = book.File.getInputStream(); final PdbHeader header = new PdbHeader(stream); PdbUtil.skip(stream, header.Offsets[0] + 16 - header.length()); if (PdbUtil.readInt(stream) != 0x4D4F4249) /* "MOBI" */ { throw new BookReadingException("unsupportedFileFormat", book.File); } final int length = (int) PdbUtil.readInt(stream); PdbUtil.skip(stream, 4); final int encodingCode = (int) PdbUtil.readInt(stream); final Encoding encoding = supportedEncodings().getEncoding(encodingCode); final String encodingName = encoding != null ? encoding.Name : "utf-8"; book.setEncoding(encodingName); PdbUtil.skip(stream, 52); final int fullNameOffset = (int) PdbUtil.readInt(stream); final int fullNameLength = (int) PdbUtil.readInt(stream); final int languageCode = (int) PdbUtil.readInt(stream); book.setLanguage( ZLLanguageUtil.languageByIntCode(languageCode & 0xFF, (languageCode >> 8) & 0xFF)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BookReadingException(e, book.File); } finally { if (stream != null) { try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } }
@Override public void characterDataHandler(char[] ch, int start, int length) { // TODO + length -- remove final String text = new String(ch).substring(start, start + length); if (myReadTitle) { myBook.setTitle(myBook.getTitle() + text); } }
@Override protected void onDialogClosed(boolean result) { super.onDialogClosed(result); if (result) { final String value = getValue(); if (!value.equalsIgnoreCase(myBook.getEncoding())) { myBook.setEncoding(value); ((EditBookInfoActivity) getContext()).setResult(FBReader.RESULT_RELOAD_BOOK); } } }
@Override protected void reloadBook(Book book) { final Cursor cursor = myDatabase.rawQuery( "SELECT title,encoding,language FROM Books WHERE book_id = " + book.getId(), null); if (cursor.moveToNext()) { book.setTitle(cursor.getString(0)); book.setEncoding(cursor.getString(1)); book.setLanguage(cursor.getString(2)); } cursor.close(); }
@Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); if (myBook != null) {; } }
@Override protected void onDialogClosed(boolean result) { super.onDialogClosed(result); if (result) { final String value = getValue(); myBook.setLanguage(value.length() > 0 ? value : null); } }
@Override public boolean startElementHandler(String tagName, ZLStringMap attributes) { switch (FB2Tag.getTagByName(tagName)) { case FB2Tag.BODY: return true; case FB2Tag.TITLE_INFO: myReadState = READ_SOMETHING; break; case FB2Tag.BOOK_TITLE: if (myReadState == READ_SOMETHING) { myReadState = READ_TITLE; } break; case FB2Tag.GENRE: if (myReadState == READ_SOMETHING) { myReadState = READ_GENRE; } break; case FB2Tag.AUTHOR: if (myReadState == READ_SOMETHING) { myReadState = READ_AUTHOR; } break; case FB2Tag.LANG: if (myReadState == READ_SOMETHING) { myReadState = READ_LANGUAGE; } break; case FB2Tag.FIRST_NAME: if (myReadState == READ_AUTHOR) { myReadState = READ_AUTHOR_NAME_0; } break; case FB2Tag.MIDDLE_NAME: if (myReadState == READ_AUTHOR) { myReadState = READ_AUTHOR_NAME_1; } break; case FB2Tag.LAST_NAME: if (myReadState == READ_AUTHOR) { myReadState = READ_AUTHOR_NAME_2; } break; case FB2Tag.SEQUENCE: if (myReadState == READ_SOMETHING) { String name = attributes.getValue("name"); if (name != null) { name.trim(); if (name.length() != 0) { myBook.setSeriesInfo(name, attributes.getValue("number")); } } } break; } return false; }
@Override protected void setExistingFlag(Collection<Book> books, boolean flag) { if (books.isEmpty()) { return; } final StringBuilder bookSet = new StringBuilder("("); boolean first = true; for (Book b : books) { if (first) { first = false; } else { bookSet.append(","); } bookSet.append(b.getId()); } bookSet.append(")"); myDatabase.execSQL( "UPDATE Books SET `exists` = " + (flag ? 1 : 0) + " WHERE book_id IN " + bookSet); }
@Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int returnCode, Intent intent) { if (requestCode == BOOK_INFO_REQUEST && intent != null) { final String path = intent.getStringExtra(BookInfoActivity.CURRENT_BOOK_PATH_KEY); final Book book = Book.getByFile(ZLFile.createFileByPath(path)); myLibrary.refreshBookInfo(book); getListView().invalidateViews(); } else { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, returnCode, intent); } }
private Book createBookForFile(ZLFile file) { if (file == null) { return null; } Book book = Book.getByFile(file); if (book != null) { book.insertIntoBookList(); return book; } if (file.isArchive()) { for (ZLFile child : file.children()) { book = Book.getByFile(child); if (book != null) { book.insertIntoBookList(); return book; } } } return null; }
EncodingPreference(Context context, ZLResource rootResource, String resourceKey, Book book) { super(context, rootResource, resourceKey); myBook = book; final FormatPlugin plugin; try { plugin = book.getPlugin(); } catch (BookReadingException e) { return; } final List<Encoding> encodings = new ArrayList<Encoding>(plugin.supportedEncodings().encodings()); Collections.sort( encodings, new Comparator<Encoding>() { public int compare(Encoding e1, Encoding e2) { return e1.DisplayName.compareTo(e2.DisplayName); } }); final String[] codes = new String[encodings.size()]; final String[] names = new String[encodings.size()]; int index = 0; for (Encoding e : encodings) { // addItem(e.Family, e.Name, e.DisplayName); codes[index] = e.Name; names[index] = e.DisplayName; ++index; } setLists(codes, names); if (encodings.size() == 1) { setInitialValue(codes[0]); setEnabled(false); } else { final String bookEncoding = book.getEncoding(); if (bookEncoding != null) { setInitialValue(bookEncoding.toLowerCase()); } } }
synchronized void openBookInternal(Book book, Bookmark bookmark) { if (book == null) { book = Library.Instance().getRecentBook(); if (book == null || !book.File.exists()) { book = Book.getByFile(Library.getHelpFile()); } if (book == null) { return; } } if (Model != null) { if (bookmark == null & book.File.getPath().equals(Model.Book.File.getPath())) { return; } } if (book != null) { onViewChanged(); if (Model != null) { Model.Book.storePosition(BookTextView.getStartCursor()); } BookTextView.setModel(null); FootnoteView.setModel(null); clearTextCaches(); Model = null; System.gc(); System.gc(); try { Model = BookModel.createModel(book); ZLTextHyphenator.Instance().load(book.getLanguage()); BookTextView.setModel(Model.getTextModel()); BookTextView.gotoPosition(book.getStoredPosition()); if (bookmark == null) { setView(BookTextView); } else { gotoBookmark(bookmark); } Library.Instance().addBookToRecentList(book); final StringBuilder title = new StringBuilder(book.getTitle()); if (!book.authors().isEmpty()) { boolean first = true; for (Author a : book.authors()) { title.append(first ? " (" : ", "); title.append(a.DisplayName); first = false; } title.append(")"); } setTitle(title.toString()); } catch (BookReadingException e) { processException(e); } } getViewWidget().reset(); getViewWidget().repaint(); }
@Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { final FBReaderApp fbreader = (FBReaderApp) FBReaderApp.Instance(); switch (requestCode) { case REPAINT_CODE: { final BookModel model = fbreader.Model; if (model != null) { final Book book = model.Book; if (book != null) { book.reloadInfoFromDatabase(); ZLTextHyphenator.Instance().load(book.getLanguage()); } } fbreader.clearTextCaches(); fbreader.getViewWidget().repaint(); break; } case CANCEL_CODE: fbreader.runCancelAction(resultCode - 1); break; } }
public static Book getById(long bookId) { final Book book = BooksDatabase.Instance().loadBook(bookId); if (book == null) { return null; } book.loadLists(); final ZLFile bookFile = book.File; final ZLPhysicalFile physicalFile = bookFile.getPhysicalFile(); if (physicalFile == null) { return book; } if (!physicalFile.exists()) { return null; } FileInfoSet fileInfos = new FileInfoSet(physicalFile); if (fileInfos.check(physicalFile, physicalFile != bookFile)) { return book; }; return book.readMetaInfo() ? book : null; }
private void tryToDeleteBook(Book book) { final ZLResource dialogResource = ZLResource.resource("dialog"); final ZLResource buttonResource = dialogResource.getResource("button"); final ZLResource boxResource = dialogResource.getResource("deleteBookBox"); new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setTitle(book.getTitle()) .setMessage(boxResource.getResource("message").getValue()) .setIcon(0) .setPositiveButton( buttonResource.getResource("yes").getValue(), new BookDeleter(book, Library.REMOVE_FROM_DISK)) .setNegativeButton(buttonResource.getResource("no").getValue(), null) .create() .show(); }
@Override public String getSummary() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); int count = 0; for (Author author : Book.authors()) { if (count++ > 0) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(author.DisplayName); if (count == 5) { break; } } return builder.toString(); }
private void createBookContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, Book book) { final ZLResource resource = Library.resource(); menu.setHeaderTitle(book.getTitle()); menu.add(0, OPEN_BOOK_ITEM_ID, 0, resource.getResource("openBook").getValue()); menu.add(0, SHOW_BOOK_INFO_ITEM_ID, 0, resource.getResource("showBookInfo").getValue()); if (myLibrary.isBookInFavorites(book)) { menu.add( 0, REMOVE_FROM_FAVORITES_ITEM_ID, 0, resource.getResource("removeFromFavorites").getValue()); } else { menu.add(0, ADD_TO_FAVORITES_ITEM_ID, 0, resource.getResource("addToFavorites").getValue()); } if ((myLibrary.getRemoveBookMode(book) & Library.REMOVE_FROM_DISK) != 0) { menu.add(0, DELETE_BOOK_ITEM_ID, 0, resource.getResource("deleteBook").getValue()); } }
public static void shareBook(Activity activity, Book book) { try { final ZLPhysicalFile file = book.File.getPhysicalFile(); if (file == null) { // That should be impossible return; } final CharSequence sharedFrom = Html.fromHtml(ZLResource.resource("sharing").getResource("sharedFrom").getValue()); activity.startActivity( new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND) .setType(FileTypeCollection.Instance.simplifiedMimeType(file).Name) .putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, book.getTitle()) .putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, sharedFrom) .putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.fromFile(file.javaFile()))); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { // TODO: show toast } }
@Override protected void init(Intent intent) { if (SQLiteBooksDatabase.Instance() == null) { new SQLiteBooksDatabase(this, "LIBRARY"); } final String path = intent.getStringExtra(BookInfoActivity.CURRENT_BOOK_PATH_KEY); final ZLFile file = ZLFile.createFileByPath(path); myBook = Book.getByFile(file); setResult(FBReader.RESULT_REPAINT); if (myBook == null) { finish(); return; } addPreference(new BookTitlePreference(this, Resource, "title", myBook)); addPreference(new LanguagePreference(this, Resource, "language", myBook)); addPreference(new EncodingPreference(this, Resource, "encoding", myBook)); }
private void gotoBookmark(Bookmark bookmark) { bookmark.onOpen(); final FBReader fbreader = (FBReader) FBReader.Instance(); final long bookId = bookmark.getBookId(); if ((fbreader.Model == null) || (fbreader.Model.Book.getId() != bookId)) { final Book book = Book.getById(bookId); if (book != null) { finish(); fbreader.openBook(book, bookmark); } else { Toast.makeText( this, ZLResource.resource("errorMessage").getResource("cannotOpenBook").getValue(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } } else { finish(); fbreader.gotoBookmark(bookmark); } }
LanguagePreference(Context context, ZLResource rootResource, String resourceKey, Book book) { super(context, rootResource, resourceKey); myBook = book; final TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(new ZLLanguageUtil.CodeComparator()); set.addAll(ZLTextHyphenator.Instance().languageCodes()); set.add(ZLLanguageUtil.OTHER_LANGUAGE_CODE); final int size = set.size(); String[] codes = new String[size]; String[] names = new String[size]; int index = 0; for (String code : set) { codes[index] = code; names[index] = ZLLanguageUtil.languageName(code); ++index; } setLists(codes, names); final String language = myBook.getLanguage(); if (language == null || !setInitialValue(language)) { setInitialValue(ZLLanguageUtil.OTHER_LANGUAGE_CODE); } }
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); myDatabase = SQLiteBooksDatabase.Instance(); if (myDatabase == null) { myDatabase = new SQLiteBooksDatabase(this, "LIBRARY"); } if (myLibrary == null) { myLibrary = Library.Instance(); myLibrary.addChangeListener(this); myLibrary.startBuild(); } final String selectedBookPath = getIntent().getStringExtra(SELECTED_BOOK_PATH_KEY); mySelectedBook = null; if (selectedBookPath != null) { final ZLFile file = ZLFile.createFileByPath(selectedBookPath); if (file != null) { mySelectedBook = Book.getByFile(file); } } new LibraryTreeAdapter(this); myActivity = this; init(getIntent()); // commenting out to prevent soft keyboard when using Eyes-Free keyboard // getListView().setTextFilterEnabled(true); getListView().setOnCreateContextMenuListener(this); dialog = new Dialog(this); dialog.setContentView(R.layout.accessible_long_press_dialog); list = (ListView) dialog.findViewById(; }
@Override public void readMetaInfo(Book book) throws BookReadingException { InputStream stream = null; try { stream = book.File.getInputStream(); final PdbHeader header = new PdbHeader(stream); PdbUtil.skip(stream, header.Offsets[0] + 16 - header.length()); if (PdbUtil.readInt(stream) != 0x4D4F4249) /* "MOBI" */ { throw new BookReadingException("unsupportedFileFormat", book.File); } final int length = (int) PdbUtil.readInt(stream); PdbUtil.skip(stream, 4); final int encodingCode = (int) PdbUtil.readInt(stream); final Encoding encoding = supportedEncodings().getEncoding(encodingCode); final String encodingName = encoding != null ? encoding.Name : "utf-8"; book.setEncoding(encodingName); PdbUtil.skip(stream, 52); final int fullNameOffset = (int) PdbUtil.readInt(stream); final int fullNameLength = (int) PdbUtil.readInt(stream); final int languageCode = (int) PdbUtil.readInt(stream); book.setLanguage( ZLLanguageUtil.languageByIntCode(languageCode & 0xFF, (languageCode >> 8) & 0xFF)); PdbUtil.skip(stream, 32); int offset = 132; if ((PdbUtil.readInt(stream) & 0x40) != 0) { PdbUtil.skip(stream, length - 116); offset = length + 20; if (PdbUtil.readInt(stream) == 0x45585448) /* "EXTH" */ { PdbUtil.skip(stream, 4); final int recordsNumber = (int) PdbUtil.readInt(stream); offset += 8; for (int i = 0; i < recordsNumber; ++i) { final int type = (int) PdbUtil.readInt(stream); final int size = (int) PdbUtil.readInt(stream); offset += size; if (size <= 8) { continue; } switch (type) { default: PdbUtil.skip(stream, size - 8); break; case 100: { final byte[] buffer = new byte[size - 8];; String author = new String(buffer, encodingName); final int index = author.indexOf(','); if (index != -1) { author = author.substring(index + 1).trim() + ' ' + author.substring(0, index).trim(); } else { author = author.trim(); } book.addAuthor(author); break; } case 105: { final byte[] buffer = new byte[size - 8];; book.addTag(new String(buffer, encodingName)); break; } } } } } PdbUtil.skip(stream, fullNameOffset - offset); final byte[] titleBuffer = new byte[fullNameLength];; book.setTitle(new String(titleBuffer, encodingName)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BookReadingException(e, book.File); } finally { if (stream != null) { try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } }
@Override protected void setValue(String value) { super.setValue(value); myBook.setTitle(value); }
BookTitlePreference(Context context, ZLResource rootResource, String resourceKey, Book book) { super(context, rootResource, resourceKey); myBook = book; super.setValue(book.getTitle()); }
protected void setSeriesInfo(Book book, String series, String index) { book.setSeriesInfoWithNoCheck(series, SeriesInfo.createIndex(index)); }
public HtmlMetaInfoReader(Book book) { myBook = book; myBook.setTitle(""); }