private static void validateAnalyzerMessage( Map<IssueAttribute, String> attrs, AnalyzerMessage analyzerMessage) { Double effortToFix = analyzerMessage.getCost(); if (effortToFix != null) { assertEquals(Integer.toString(effortToFix.intValue()), attrs, IssueAttribute.EFFORT_TO_FIX); } AnalyzerMessage.TextSpan textSpan = analyzerMessage.primaryLocation(); assertEquals(normalizeColumn(textSpan.startCharacter), attrs, IssueAttribute.START_COLUMN); assertEquals(Integer.toString(textSpan.endLine), attrs, IssueAttribute.END_LINE); assertEquals(normalizeColumn(textSpan.endCharacter), attrs, IssueAttribute.END_COLUMN); if (attrs.containsKey(IssueAttribute.SECONDARY_LOCATIONS)) { List<AnalyzerMessage> secondaryLocations = analyzerMessage.secondaryLocations; Multiset<String> actualLines = HashMultiset.create(); for (AnalyzerMessage secondaryLocation : secondaryLocations) { actualLines.add(Integer.toString(secondaryLocation.getLine())); } List<String> expected = Lists.newArrayList( Splitter.on(",") .omitEmptyStrings() .trimResults() .split(attrs.get(IssueAttribute.SECONDARY_LOCATIONS))); List<String> unexpected = new ArrayList<>(); for (String actualLine : actualLines) { if (expected.contains(actualLine)) { expected.remove(actualLine); } else { unexpected.add(actualLine); } } if (!expected.isEmpty() || !unexpected.isEmpty()) {"Secondary locations: expected: " + expected + " unexpected:" + unexpected); } } }
private static void updateEndLine(int expectedLine, EnumMap<IssueAttribute, String> attr) { if (attr.containsKey(IssueAttribute.END_LINE)) { String endLineStr = attr.get(IssueAttribute.END_LINE); if (endLineStr.charAt(0) == '+') { int endLine = Integer.parseInt(endLineStr); attr.put(IssueAttribute.END_LINE, Integer.toString(expectedLine + endLine)); } else {"endLine attribute should be relative to the line and must be +N with N integer"); } } }
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void shouldNotAcceptNullValues() { // given SmallMap<String, Integer> newSmallMap = SmallMap.newSmallMap(); // when newSmallMap.put("abc", null); // then"NullPointerException expected"); }
private static String extractAttributes(String comment, Map<IssueAttribute, String> attr) { String attributesSubstr = StringUtils.substringBetween(comment, "[[", "]]"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(attributesSubstr)) { Iterable<String> attributes = Splitter.on(";").split(attributesSubstr); for (String attribute : attributes) { String[] split = StringUtils.split(attribute, '='); if (split.length == 2 && CheckVerifier.ATTRIBUTE_MAP.containsKey(split[0])) { attr.put(CheckVerifier.ATTRIBUTE_MAP.get(split[0]), split[1]); } else {"// Noncompliant attributes not valid: " + attributesSubstr); } } } return attributesSubstr; }
@Test public void loadInto_FromNonClassPath() { // prepare Load01 cfg = new Load01(); // execute TestConfigurationBuilder sut = TestConfigurationBuilder.buildTestConfig().sourcePath("/other/path"); try { sut.loadInto(cfg);; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessage("currently only classpath: is a supported location"); } }
@Test public void shouldNotAcceptnInvalidGroup() { // given Agent underTest = null; String invalidValue = null; // when try { underTest = new Agent(1, "", "", 1, invalidValue);"IllegalArgumentException expected"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // then assertThat(underTest).isNull(); } }
@Test public void shouldNotAcceptInvalidLastCheck() { // given Agent underTest = null; int invalidValue = -1; // when try { underTest = new Agent(1, "", "", invalidValue, "");"IllegalArgumentException expected"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // then assertThat(underTest).isNull(); } }
private void assertMultipleIssue(Set<AnalyzerMessage> issues) throws AssertionError { Preconditions.checkState(!issues.isEmpty(), "At least one issue expected"); List<Integer> unexpectedLines = Lists.newLinkedList(); boolean isLinear = isLinear(issues.iterator().next()); for (AnalyzerMessage issue : issues) { validateIssue(expected, unexpectedLines, issue, isLinear); } if (!expected.isEmpty() || !unexpectedLines.isEmpty()) { Collections.sort(unexpectedLines); String expectedMsg = !expected.isEmpty() ? ("Expected " + expected) : ""; String unexpectedMsg = !unexpectedLines.isEmpty() ? ((expectedMsg.isEmpty() ? "" : ", ") + "Unexpected at " + unexpectedLines) : ""; + unexpectedMsg); } }
private static void validateIssue( Multimap<Integer, Map<IssueAttribute, String>> expected, List<Integer> unexpectedLines, AnalyzerMessage issue, boolean isLinear) { int line = issue.getLine(); if (expected.containsKey(line)) { Map<IssueAttribute, String> attrs = Iterables.getLast(expected.get(line)); assertEquals(issue.getMessage(), attrs, IssueAttribute.MESSAGE); Double cost = issue.getCost(); if (cost != null) { assertEquals(Integer.toString(cost.intValue()), attrs, IssueAttribute.EFFORT_TO_FIX); } else if (isLinear) {"A cost should be provided for a rule with linear remediation function"); } validateAnalyzerMessage(attrs, issue); expected.remove(line, attrs); } else { unexpectedLines.add(line); } }
protected void collectExpectedIssues(String comment, int line) { String expectedStart = getExpectedIssueTrigger(); if (comment.startsWith(expectedStart)) { String cleanedComment = StringUtils.remove(comment, expectedStart); EnumMap<IssueAttribute, String> attr = new EnumMap<>(IssueAttribute.class); String expectedMessage = StringUtils.substringBetween(cleanedComment, "{{", "}}"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(expectedMessage)) { attr.put(IssueAttribute.MESSAGE, expectedMessage); } int expectedLine = line; String attributesSubstr = extractAttributes(comment, attr); cleanedComment = StringUtils.stripEnd( StringUtils.remove( StringUtils.remove(cleanedComment, "[[" + attributesSubstr + "]]"), "{{" + expectedMessage + "}}"), " \t"); if (StringUtils.startsWith(cleanedComment, "@")) { final int lineAdjustment; final char firstChar = cleanedComment.charAt(1); final int endIndex = cleanedComment.indexOf(' '); if (endIndex == -1) { lineAdjustment = Integer.parseInt(cleanedComment.substring(2)); } else { lineAdjustment = Integer.parseInt(cleanedComment.substring(2, endIndex)); } if (firstChar == '+') { expectedLine += lineAdjustment; } else if (firstChar == '-') { expectedLine -= lineAdjustment; } else {"Use only '@+N' or '@-N' to shifts messages."); } } updateEndLine(expectedLine, attr); expected.put(expectedLine, attr); } }