public Element exec(Element params, ServiceContext context) throws Exception { Path harvestingLogoDirectory = Resources.locateHarvesterLogosDir(context); Path nodeLogoDirectory = Resources.locateLogosDir(context); String file = Util.getParam(params, Params.FNAME); String asFavicon = Util.getParam(params, Params.FAVICON, "0"); if (file.contains("..")) { throw new BadParameterEx("Invalid character found in resource name.", file); } if ("".equals(file)) { throw new Exception("Logo name is not defined."); } SettingManager settingMan = context.getBean(SettingManager.class); String nodeUuid = settingMan.getSiteId(); try { Path logoFilePath = harvestingLogoDirectory.resolve(file); if (!Files.exists(logoFilePath)) { logoFilePath = context.getAppPath().resolve("images/harvesting/" + file); } try (InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(logoFilePath)) { BufferedImage source =; if ("1".equals(asFavicon)) { createFavicon(source, nodeLogoDirectory.resolve("favicon.png")); } else { Path logo = nodeLogoDirectory.resolve(nodeUuid + ".png"); Path defaultLogo = nodeLogoDirectory.resolve("logo.png"); if (!file.endsWith(".png")) { try (OutputStream logoOut = Files.newOutputStream(logo); OutputStream defLogoOut = Files.newOutputStream(defaultLogo); ) { ImageIO.write(source, "png", logoOut); ImageIO.write(source, "png", defLogoOut); } } else { Files.deleteIfExists(logo); IO.copyDirectoryOrFile(logoFilePath, logo, false); Files.deleteIfExists(defaultLogo); IO.copyDirectoryOrFile(logoFilePath, defaultLogo, false); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception( "Unable to move uploaded thumbnail to destination directory. Error: " + e.getMessage()); } Element response = new Element("response"); response.addContent(new Element("status").setText("Logo set.")); return response; }
private void updateSources(Dbms dbms, Set<RecordInfo> records, Map<String, String> remoteSources) throws SQLException, MalformedURLException {"Aligning source logos from for : " +; // --- collect all different sources that have been harvested Set<String> sources = new HashSet<String>(); for (RecordInfo ri : records) sources.add(ri.source); // --- update local sources and retrieve logos (if the case) String siteId = getSiteId(); for (String sourceUuid : sources) if (!siteId.equals(sourceUuid)) { String sourceName = remoteSources.get(sourceUuid); if (sourceName != null) Lib.sources.retrieveLogo(context,, sourceUuid); else { sourceName = "(unknown)"; Resources.copyUnknownLogo(context, sourceUuid); } Lib.sources.update(dbms, sourceUuid, sourceName, false); } }