Exemple #1
  * Returns reciproc Wiener denominator. 'Reciproc' means the vector can directly be multiplied to
  * spectrum.
  * @param wParam Wiener filter parameter
 public Vec2d.Real getDenominator(double wParam) {
   Vec2d.Real ret = wDenom.duplicate();
   final int w = ret.vectorWidth(), h = ret.vectorHeight();
   for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
     for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) ret.set(x, y, 1 / (ret.get(x, y) + (float) (wParam * wParam)));
   return ret;
Exemple #2
   * Returns a denominator for filtering the wide-field, OTF band 0 with no attenuation.
   * @param wParam Wiener filter parameter
  public Vec2d.Real getWidefieldDenominator(double wParam) {

    Vec2d.Real ret = Vec2d.createReal(sp, 2);
    addWienerDenominator(ret, 0, 0, false);

    final int w = ret.vectorWidth(), h = ret.vectorHeight();
    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
      for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) ret.set(x, y, 1 / (ret.get(x, y) + (float) (wParam * wParam)));
    return ret;
Exemple #3
   * Returns a copy of a per-band, per-direction Wiener denominator. This is used mostly for
   * filtering intermediate results.
   * @param d Direction
   * @param b Band
   * @param wParam Wiener filter parameter
  public Vec2d.Real getIntermediateDenominator(int d, int b, double wParam) {

    // get the otf
    Vec2d.Real ret = Vec2d.createReal(sp, 2);
    addWienerDenominator(ret, d, b, sp.otf().isAttenuate());

    // add the wiener parameter
    final int w = ret.vectorWidth(), h = ret.vectorHeight();
    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
      for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) ret.set(x, y, 1 / (ret.get(x, y) + (float) (wParam * wParam)));
    return ret;
Exemple #4
   * Add OTF^2, for band and direction, to a vector.
   * @param d Direction
   * @param b Band
   * @param useAtt Include attenuation
  public void addWienerDenominator(
      final Vec2d.Real vec, final int d, final int b, final boolean useAtt) {

    // parameters
    final int w = vec.vectorWidth(), h = vec.vectorHeight();
    final SimParam.Dir dir = sp.dir(d);
    final double cyclMicron = sp.pxlSizeCyclesMicron();

    // loop the vector x,y
    new SimpleMT.PFor(0, h) {
      public void at(int y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {

          // wrap to coordinates: x in [-w,w], y in [-h, h]
          double xh = (x < w / 2) ? (x) : (x - w);
          double yh = (y < h / 2) ? (-y) : (h - y);

          // from these, calculate distance to +-(kx,ky), convert to cycl/microns
          double rad1 = MTool.fhypot(xh - dir.px(b), yh - dir.py(b)) * cyclMicron;
          double rad2 = MTool.fhypot(xh + dir.px(b), yh + dir.py(b)) * cyclMicron;

          // get OTF, at that distance, for that band, un-attenuated
          float otfVal1 = sp.otf().getOtfVal(b, rad1, false).absSq();
          float otfVal2 = sp.otf().getOtfVal(b, rad2, false).absSq();

          // if attenuate, do so
          if (useAtt) {
            otfVal1 *= sp.otf().getAttVal(b, rad1);
            otfVal2 *= sp.otf().getAttVal(b, rad2);

          // store for Wiener denominator
          vec.set(x, y, vec.get(x, y) + otfVal1 + otfVal2);