public void onStartRequest(final Application app, final WebuiRequestContext context) throws Exception { PortalRequestContext pcontext = (PortalRequestContext) context; String requestPath = pcontext.getControllerContext().getParameter(RequestNavigationData.REQUEST_PATH); if (pcontext.getSiteType().equals(SiteType.GROUP) && pcontext.getSiteName().startsWith("/spaces") && (requestPath != null) && (requestPath.length() > 0)) { // Check if user want to access to wiki application String currentUser = Utils.getCurrentUser(); String[] params = requestPath.split("/"); if ((params.length > 1) && params[1].equals(WIKI_PORTLET_NAME)) { String spaceId = params[0]; String owner = "/spaces/" + spaceId; String pageId = "WikiHome"; if (params.length > 2) { pageId = params[2]; } // Get page WikiService wikiService = (WikiService) PortalContainer.getComponent(WikiService.class); // If user is not member of space but has view permission if (!wikiService.isHiddenSpace(owner) && !wikiService.isSpaceMember(spaceId, currentUser)) { WikiPageParams wikiPageParams = new WikiPageParams(PortalConfig.GROUP_TYPE, owner, pageId); String permalink = Utils.getPermanlink(wikiPageParams); redirect(permalink); } } } }
public SelectOptionGroup getGroupWikiOptions() throws Exception { SelectOptionGroup groupSpaceOptions = new SelectOptionGroup(getLabel("GroupWikis")); Collection<Wiki> groupWikis = Utils.getWikisByType(WikiType.GROUP); for (Wiki wiki : groupWikis) { groupSpaceOptions.addOption( new SelectOption( wiki.getOwner(), PortalConfig.GROUP_TYPE + "/" + Utils.validateWikiOwner(wiki.getType(), wiki.getOwner()))); } return groupSpaceOptions; }
public SelectOptionGroup getPortalWikiOptions() throws Exception { SelectOptionGroup portalSpaceOptions = new SelectOptionGroup(getLabel("PortalWikis")); Collection<Wiki> portalWikis = Utils.getWikisByType(WikiType.PORTAL); for (Wiki wiki : portalWikis) { portalSpaceOptions.addOption( new SelectOption(wiki.getOwner(), PortalConfig.PORTAL_TYPE + "/" + wiki.getOwner())); } return portalSpaceOptions; }
public SelectOptionGroup getUserWikiOptions() throws Exception { SelectOptionGroup userSpaceOptions = new SelectOptionGroup(getLabel("UserWikis")); Collection<Wiki> userWikis = Utils.getWikisByType(WikiType.USER); for (Wiki wiki : userWikis) { userSpaceOptions.addOption( new SelectOption(wiki.getOwner(), PortalConfig.USER_TYPE + "/" + wiki.getOwner())); } return userSpaceOptions; }
public static List<JsonRelatedData> pageToJson(List<Page> pages) { List<JsonRelatedData> jsonObjs = new ArrayList<>(); for (Page page : pages) { String name = page.getName(); String title = page.getTitle(); String path = TreeUtils.getPathFromPageParams(Utils.getWikiPageParams(page)); JsonRelatedData dataObj = new JsonRelatedData(name, title, path); jsonObjs.add(dataObj); } return jsonObjs; }
/** * convert wiki page info to path string. <br> * The format: [wiki type]/[wiki owner]/[page id] * * @param params * @return */ public static String getPath(WikiPageParams params) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (params.getType() != null) { sb.append(params.getType()); } if (params.getOwner() != null) { sb.append("/").append(Utils.validateWikiOwner(params.getType(), params.getOwner())); } if (params.getPageName() != null) { sb.append("/").append(params.getPageName()); } return sb.toString(); }
private String getDefaultSelectWikiValue() throws Exception { WikiPageParams currentParams =; String wikiType = currentParams.getType(); String owner = currentParams.getOwner(); return wikiType + "/" + Utils.validateWikiOwner(wikiType, owner); }
/** * Get the permalink of current wiki page <br> * * <ul> * With the current page param: * </ul> * * <li>type = "group" * <li>owner = "spaces/test_space" * <li>pageId = "test_page" <br> * * <ul> * The permalink will be: * </ul> * * <li> <br> * * @return The permalink of current wiki page * @throws Exception */ protected static String getPermanlink() throws Exception { WikiPageParams params = Utils.getCurrentWikiPageParams(); return, true); }