public static Node getNodeSymLink(Node node) throws Exception { LinkManager linkManager = Util.getUIPortal().getApplicationComponent(LinkManager.class); Node realNode = null; if (linkManager.isLink(node)) { if (linkManager.isTargetReachable(node)) { realNode = linkManager.getTarget(node); } } else { realNode = node; } return realNode; }
private Node getTargetNode(Node showingNode) throws Exception { Node targetNode = null; if (linkManager.isLink(showingNode)) { try { targetNode = linkManager.getTarget(showingNode); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { targetNode = showingNode; } } else { targetNode = showingNode; } return targetNode; }
/** * refine node for validation * * @param currentNode * @throws Exception */ private static void refineNode(Node currentNode) throws Exception { if (currentNode instanceof NodeImpl && !((NodeImpl) currentNode).isValid()) { ExoContainer container = ExoContainerContext.getCurrentContainer(); LinkManager linkManager = (LinkManager) container.getComponentInstanceOfType(LinkManager.class); if (linkManager.isLink(currentNode)) { try { currentNode = linkManager.getTarget(currentNode, false); } catch (RepositoryException ex) { currentNode = linkManager.getTarget(currentNode, true); } } } }
/** * Test method TaxonomyService.init() Expect: Create system taxonomy tree in dms-system * * @see {@link # testInit()} */ public void testInit() throws Exception { Node systemTreeDef = (Node) dmsSesssion.getItem(definitionPath + "/System"); Node systemTreeStorage = (Node) dmsSesssion.getItem(storagePath + "/System"); assertNotNull(systemTreeDef); assertNotNull(systemTreeStorage); assertEquals(systemTreeStorage, linkManage.getTarget(systemTreeDef, true)); }
/** * Test method TaxonomyService.addCategories() Input: add 2 categories in article node Output: * create 2 exo:taxonomyLink in each category * * @throws RepositoryException * @throws TaxonomyNodeAlreadyExistsException * @throws TaxonomyAlreadyExistsException */ public void testAddCategories() throws RepositoryException, TaxonomyNodeAlreadyExistsException, TaxonomyAlreadyExistsException { session.getRootNode().addNode("MyDocuments"); Node article = session.getRootNode().addNode("Article");; taxonomyService.addTaxonomyNode(COLLABORATION_WS, "/MyDocuments", "Serie", "root"); taxonomyService.addTaxonomyNode(COLLABORATION_WS, "/MyDocuments/Serie", "A", "root"); taxonomyService.addTaxonomyNode(COLLABORATION_WS, "/MyDocuments/Serie", "B", "root"); Node rootTree = (Node) session.getItem("/MyDocuments/Serie"); taxonomyService.addTaxonomyTree(rootTree); taxonomyService.addCategories(article, "Serie", new String[] {"A", "B"}, true); Node link1 = (Node) session.getItem("/MyDocuments/Serie/A/Article"); Node link2 = (Node) session.getItem("/MyDocuments/Serie/B/Article"); assertTrue(link1.isNodeType("exo:taxonomyLink")); assertEquals(article, linkManage.getTarget(link1)); assertTrue(link2.isNodeType("exo:taxonomyLink")); assertEquals(article, linkManage.getTarget(link2)); }
/** * Gets the node by category. * * @param parameters the parameters * @return the node by category * @throws Exception the exception */ private Node getNodeByCategory(String parameters) throws Exception { try { if (taxonomyService == null) taxonomyService = WCMCoreUtils.getService(TaxonomyService.class); Node taxonomyTree = taxonomyService.getTaxonomyTree(parameters.split("/")[0]); Node symlink = taxonomyTree.getNode(parameters.substring(parameters.indexOf("/") + 1)); return linkManager.getTarget(symlink); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } }
private CategoryNode getCategoryNode(Node node, String parentPath) { CategoryNode categoryNode = null; try { if (node.isNodeType("exo:taxonomy")) { categoryNode = new CategoryNode(node.getName(), "", parentPath, getType(node)); } else if (linkManager_.isLink(node)) { // In case document type, don't need parentId node = linkManager_.getTarget(node); categoryNode = new CategoryNode(node.getName(), "", "", getType(node)); } } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { LOG.error(e); } catch (RepositoryException e) { LOG.error(e); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } return categoryNode; }
/** * Test method TaxonomyService.getTaxonomyTree(String repository, String taxonomyName) Input: * Create taxonomy tree Music Expect: Node Music * * @throws RepositoryException * @throws TaxonomyNodeAlreadyExistsException * @throws TaxonomyAlreadyExistsException */ public void testGetTaxonomyTree2() throws RepositoryException, TaxonomyNodeAlreadyExistsException, TaxonomyAlreadyExistsException { session.getRootNode().addNode("MyDocuments");; taxonomyService.addTaxonomyNode(COLLABORATION_WS, "/MyDocuments", "Music", "root"); Node musicTree = (Node) session.getItem("/MyDocuments/Music"); taxonomyService.addTaxonomyTree(musicTree); assertTrue(dmsSesssion.itemExists(definitionPath + "/Music")); Node musicTreeDefinition = (Node) dmsSesssion.getItem(definitionPath + "/Music"); assertEquals(musicTree, linkManage.getTarget(musicTreeDefinition, true)); }
private List<DocumentContent> getArticleNode(Node node, List<String> allDocumentType) throws Exception { List<DocumentContent> docs = new ArrayList<DocumentContent>(); NodeIterator nodes = node.getNodes(); Node docNode; List<Node> taxonomyTrees = taxonomyService_.getAllTaxonomyTrees( ((ManageableRepository) node.getSession().getRepository()) .getConfiguration() .getName()); while (nodes.hasNext()) { docNode = nodes.nextNode(); if (linkManager_.isLink(docNode)) { docNode = linkManager_.getTarget(docNode); if (allDocumentType.contains(docNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName())) { docs.add(getArticleContent(docNode, taxonomyTrees)); } } } return docs; }
@GET @Path("/articles/{repoName}/{docPath:.*}/") public Response getArticles( @PathParam("repoName") String repoName, @PathParam("docPath") String docPath) { DocumentContent docNode = null; ListResultNode listResultNode = new ListResultNode(); if (docPath != null) { String taxonomyTree = docPath.split("/")[0]; String path = docPath.substring(taxonomyTree.length()); if (path.startsWith("/")) { path = path.substring(1); } try { if (documentTypes.isEmpty()) documentTypes = templateService_.getAllDocumentNodeTypes(repoName); Node taxonomyNode = taxonomyService_.getTaxonomyTree(repoName, taxonomyTree); if (taxonomyNode == null) throw new PathNotFoundException("Can't find category " + taxonomyTree); if (!path.equals("")) { taxonomyNode = taxonomyNode.getNode(path); } if (linkManager_.isLink(taxonomyNode)) { List<Node> taxonomyTrees = taxonomyService_.getAllTaxonomyTrees(repoName); docNode = getArticleContent(linkManager_.getTarget(taxonomyNode), taxonomyTrees); return Response.ok(docNode, new MediaType("application", "json")).build(); } else if (taxonomyNode.isNodeType("exo:taxonomy")) { listResultNode.setLstNode(getArticleNode(taxonomyNode, documentTypes)); Collections.sort(listResultNode.getLstNode(), new NameComparator()); return Response.ok(listResultNode, new MediaType("application", "json")).build(); } } catch (PathNotFoundException exc) { LOG.error("Path Not found " + exc.getMessage(), exc); return Response.status(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND).entity(exc.getMessage()).build(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); return Response.serverError().build(); } } return Response.ok().build(); }
/** * GetRealNode * * @param strRepository * @param strWorkspace * @param strIdentifier * @param cacheVisibility the visibility of cache * @return the required node/ the target of a symlink node / null if node was in trash. * @throws RepositoryException */ public static Node getRealNode( String strRepository, String strWorkspace, String strIdentifier, boolean isWCMBase, String cacheVisibility) throws RepositoryException { LinkManager linkManager = WCMCoreUtils.getService(LinkManager.class); Node selectedNode; if (isWCMBase) { selectedNode = getViewableNodeByComposer( strRepository, strWorkspace, strIdentifier, WCMComposer.BASE_VERSION, cacheVisibility); } else { selectedNode = getViewableNodeByComposer( strRepository, strWorkspace, strIdentifier, null, cacheVisibility); } if (selectedNode != null) { if (!org.exoplatform.ecm.webui.utils.Utils.isInTrash(selectedNode)) { if (linkManager.isLink(selectedNode)) { if (linkManager.isTargetReachable(selectedNode)) { selectedNode = linkManager.getTarget(selectedNode); if (!org.exoplatform.ecm.webui.utils.Utils.isInTrash(selectedNode)) { return selectedNode; } } } else { return selectedNode; } } } return null; }
private void updateSymlinkByQuery( String workspace, String statement, SessionProvider sessionProvider) { try { ManageableRepository manageableRepository = repositoryService.getCurrentRepository(); Session session = sessionProvider.getSession(workspace, manageableRepository); QueryManager manager = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); NodeIterator iter = manager.createQuery(statement, Query.SQL).execute().getNodes(); while (iter.hasNext()) { try { Node currentNode = iter.nextNode(); linkManager.updateSymlink(currentNode); } catch (Exception ex) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Can not update symlink data", ex); } } } } catch (RepositoryException e) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Can not update symlinks data", e); } } }
public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException { Session session = null; try { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Start Execute ImportXMLJob"); } if (stagingStorage == null) { JobDataMap jdatamap = context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap(); stagingStorage = jdatamap.getString("stagingStorage"); temporaryStorge = jdatamap.getString("temporaryStorge"); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Init parameters first time :"); } } SessionProvider sessionProvider = SessionProvider.createSystemProvider(); String containerName = WCMCoreUtils.getContainerNameFromJobContext(context); RepositoryService repositoryService_ = WCMCoreUtils.getService(RepositoryService.class, containerName); ManageableRepository manageableRepository = repositoryService_.getCurrentRepository(); PublicationService publicationService = WCMCoreUtils.getService(PublicationService.class, containerName); PublicationPlugin publicationPlugin = publicationService .getPublicationPlugins() .get(AuthoringPublicationConstant.LIFECYCLE_NAME); XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); File stagingFolder = new File(stagingStorage); File tempfolder = new File(temporaryStorge); File[] files = null; File xmlFile = null; XMLStreamReader reader = null; InputStream xmlInputStream = null; int eventType; List<LinkObject> listLink = new ArrayList<LinkObject>(); LinkObject linkObj = new LinkObject(); boolean hasNewContent = false; if (stagingFolder.exists()) { files = stagingFolder.listFiles(); if (files != null) { hasNewContent = true; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { xmlFile = files[i]; if (xmlFile.isFile()) { MimeTypeResolver resolver = new MimeTypeResolver(); String fileName = xmlFile.getName(); String hashCode = fileName.split("-")[0]; String mimeType = resolver.getMimeType(xmlFile.getName()); if ("text/xml".equals(mimeType)) { xmlInputStream = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); reader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(xmlInputStream); while (reader.hasNext()) { eventType =; if (eventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT && "data".equals(reader.getLocalName())) { String data = reader.getElementText(); if (!tempfolder.exists()) tempfolder.mkdirs(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); File file = new File( temporaryStorge + File.separator + "-" + hashCode + "-" + time + ".xml.tmp"); InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getBytes()); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = > 0) out.write(buf, 0, len); out.close(); inputStream.close(); } try { if (eventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT && "published-content".equals(reader.getLocalName())) { linkObj.setSourcePath(reader.getAttributeValue(0)); // --Attribute // number // 0 = // targetPath } if (eventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT && "type".equals(reader.getLocalName())) { linkObj.setLinkType(reader.getElementText()); } if (eventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT && "title".equals(reader.getLocalName())) { linkObj.setLinkTitle(reader.getElementText()); } if (eventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT && "targetPath".equals(reader.getLocalName())) { linkObj.setLinkTargetPath(reader.getElementText()); listLink.add(linkObj); } if (eventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT && "unpublished-content".equals(reader.getLocalName())) { String contentTargetPath = reader.getAttributeValue(0); String[] strContentPath = contentTargetPath.split(":"); StringBuffer sbContPath = new StringBuffer(); boolean flag = true; for (int index = 2; index < strContentPath.length; index++) { if (flag) { sbContPath.append(strContentPath[index]); flag = false; } else { sbContPath.append(":").append(strContentPath[index]); } } sessionProvider = SessionProvider.createSystemProvider(); manageableRepository = repositoryService_.getCurrentRepository(); String workspace = strContentPath[1]; session = sessionProvider.getSession(workspace, manageableRepository); String contentPath = sbContPath.toString(); if (session.itemExists(contentPath)) { Node currentContent = (Node) session.getItem(contentPath); HashMap<String, String> variables = new HashMap<String, String>(); variables.put("nodePath", contentTargetPath); variables.put("workspaceName", workspace); if (currentContent.hasProperty( StageAndVersionPublicationConstant.PUBLICATION_LIFECYCLE_NAME) && AuthoringPublicationConstant.LIFECYCLE_NAME.equals( currentContent .getProperty( StageAndVersionPublicationConstant .PUBLICATION_LIFECYCLE_NAME) .getString()) && PublicationDefaultStates.PUBLISHED.equals( currentContent .getProperty(StageAndVersionPublicationConstant.CURRENT_STATE) .getString())) { publicationPlugin.changeState( currentContent, PublicationDefaultStates.UNPUBLISHED, variables); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { "Change the status of the node " + currentContent.getPath() + " from " + PublicationDefaultStates.PUBLISHED + " to " + PublicationDefaultStates.UNPUBLISHED); } } } else { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("The node " + contentPath + " does not exist"); } } } } catch (Exception ie) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("Error in ImportContentsJob: " + ie.getMessage()); } } } reader.close(); xmlInputStream.close(); xmlFile.delete(); } } } } } files = tempfolder.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { xmlFile = files[i]; InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); reader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(inputStream); String workspace = null; String nodePath = new String(); while (reader.hasNext()) { eventType =; if (eventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT) { if (reader.getLocalName().equals("property")) { String value = reader.getAttributeValue(0); if (MIX_TARGET_PATH.equals(value)) { eventType =; if (eventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT) {; nodePath = reader.getText(); } } else if (MIX_TARGET_WORKSPACE.equals(value)) { eventType =; if (eventType == XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT) {; workspace = reader.getText(); } } } } } reader.close(); inputStream.close(); session = sessionProvider.getSession(workspace, manageableRepository); if (session.itemExists(nodePath)) session.getItem(nodePath).remove();; String path = nodePath.substring(0, nodePath.lastIndexOf(JCR_File_SEPARATOR)); if (!session.itemExists(path)) { String[] pathTab = path.split(JCR_File_SEPARATOR); Node node_ = session.getRootNode(); StringBuffer path_ = new StringBuffer(JCR_File_SEPARATOR); for (int j = 1; j < pathTab.length; j++) { path_ = path_.append(pathTab[j] + JCR_File_SEPARATOR); if (!session.itemExists(path_.toString())) { node_.addNode(pathTab[j], "nt:unstructured"); } node_ = (Node) session.getItem(path_.toString()); } } session.importXML(path, new FileInputStream(xmlFile), 0);; xmlFile.delete(); if (hasNewContent) { for (LinkObject obj : listLink) { String[] linkTarget = obj.getLinkTargetPath().split(":"); StringBuffer itemPath = new StringBuffer(); boolean flag = true; for (int index = 2; index < linkTarget.length; index++) { if (flag) { itemPath.append(linkTarget[index]); flag = false; } else { itemPath.append(":"); itemPath.append(linkTarget[index]); } } String[] linkSource = obj.getSourcePath().split(":"); session = sessionProvider.getSession(linkTarget[1], manageableRepository); Node parentNode = (Node) session.getItem(itemPath.toString()); StringBuffer sourcePath = new StringBuffer(); boolean flagSource = true; for (int index = 2; index < linkSource.length; index++) { if (flagSource) { sourcePath.append(linkSource[index]); flagSource = false; } else { sourcePath.append(":"); sourcePath.append(linkSource[index]); } } if (parentNode.hasNode(obj.getLinkTitle())) { Node existedNode = (Node) session.getItem(itemPath + "/" + obj.getLinkTitle()); existedNode.remove(); } session = sessionProvider.getSession(linkSource[1], manageableRepository); Node targetNode = (Node) session.getItem(sourcePath.toString()); LinkManager linkManager = WCMCoreUtils.getService(LinkManager.class, containerName); linkManager.createLink(parentNode, obj.getLinkType(), targetNode, obj.getLinkTitle()); } } } } if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"End Execute ImportXMLJob"); } } catch (RepositoryException ex) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Repository 'repository ' not found."); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error when importing Contents : " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } finally { if (session != null) session.logout(); } }
public static boolean isSymLink(Node node) throws RepositoryException { LinkManager linkManager = Util.getUIPortal().getApplicationComponent(LinkManager.class); return linkManager.isLink(node); }
public boolean accept(Map<String, Object> context) throws Exception { if (context == null) return true; LinkManager linkManager = WCMCoreUtils.getService(LinkManager.class); Node currentNode = (Node) context.get(Node.class.getName()); return linkManager.isLink(currentNode) || !Utils.isTrashHomeNode(currentNode); }