/** * Opens and returns a connection to the database. Throws an {@link DatabaseNotFoundException} if * the database named was not set in the constructor or with a call to {@link #setDatabaseName}, * or if no database configuration exists for the named database. * * @return An open connection to the database * @throws DatabaseNotFoundException Attempted to open a database that does not exist * @throws PersistenceException Database access failed */ public Database getDatabase() throws DatabaseNotFoundException, PersistenceException { InputStream is; if (_dbName == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Called 'getDatabase' without first setting database name"); if (DatabaseRegistry.getDatabaseRegistry(_dbName) == null) { if (_dbConf == null) throw new DatabaseNotFoundException(Messages.format("jdo.dbNoMapping", _dbName)); try { DatabaseRegistry.loadDatabase( new InputSource(_dbConf), _entityResolver, _logInterceptor, _classLoader); } catch (MappingException except) { throw new DatabaseNotFoundException(except); } } if (_tmName != null) { InitialContext ctx; Transaction tx; DatabaseImpl dbImpl; try { if (tm == null) { ctx = new InitialContext(); tm = (TransactionManager) ctx.lookup(_tmName); } tx = tm.getTransaction(); if (_txDbPool != null && _txDbPool.containsTx(tx)) return _txDbPool.get(tx); if (tx != null && tx.getStatus() == Status.STATUS_ACTIVE) { dbImpl = new DatabaseImpl( _dbName, _lockTimeout, _logInterceptor, _callback, _instanceFactory, tx, _classLoader, _autoStore); if (_txDbPool != null) _txDbPool.put(tx, dbImpl); tx.registerSynchronization(dbImpl); return dbImpl; } } catch (NoInitialContextException except) { // No initial context. Just ignore. } catch (NameNotFoundException except) { // No TransactionManager object. Just ignore. } catch (Exception except) { // NamingException, SystemException, RollbackException if (_logInterceptor != null) _logInterceptor.exception(except); } } return new DatabaseImpl( _dbName, _lockTimeout, _logInterceptor, _callback, _instanceFactory, null, _classLoader, _autoStore); }
/** * Opens and returns a connection to the database. Throws an {@link DatabaseNotFoundException} if * the database named was not set in the constructor or with a call to {@link #setDatabaseName}, * or if no database configuration exists for the named database. * * @return An open connection to the database * @throws DatabaseNotFoundException Attempted to open a database that does not exist * @throws PersistenceException Database access failed */ public Database getDatabase() throws DatabaseNotFoundException, PersistenceException { if (_dbName == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Called 'getDatabase' without first setting database name"); if (DatabaseRegistry.getDatabaseRegistry(_dbName) == null) { // use _jdoConfURI to load the JDO configuration if (_jdoConfURI != null) try { DatabaseRegistry.loadDatabase( new InputSource(_jdoConfURI), _entityResolver, _classLoader); } catch (MappingException except) { throw new DatabaseNotFoundException(except); } // alternatively, use a JdoConf instance to load the JDO configuration else if (_jdoConf != null) { try { DatabaseRegistry.loadDatabase(_jdoConf, _entityResolver, _classLoader); } catch (MappingException except) { throw new DatabaseNotFoundException(except); } } else throw new DatabaseNotFoundException(Messages.format("jdo.dbNoMapping", _dbName)); } // load transaction manager factory registry configuration try { TransactionManagerFactoryRegistry.load(new InputSource(_jdoConfURI), _entityResolver); } catch (TransactionManagerAcquireException e) { throw new PersistenceException( Messages.message("jdo.transaction.problemToInitializeTransactionManagerFactory"), e); } if (_transactionManagerFactory == null) { String transactionMode = null; try { TransactionDemarcation demarcation = JDOConfLoader.getTransactionDemarcation(new InputSource(_jdoConfURI), _entityResolver); String demarcationMode = demarcation.getMode(); org.exolab.castor.jdo.conf.TransactionManager transactionManager = demarcation.getTransactionManager(); if (transactionManager != null) transactionMode = transactionManager.getName(); else { if (demarcationMode.equals(LocalTransactionManagerFactory.NAME)) transactionMode = LocalTransactionManagerFactory.NAME; else throw new PersistenceException( Messages.message("jdo.transaction.missingTransactionManagerConfiguration")); } } catch (MappingException e) { throw new PersistenceException("jdo.transaction.noValidTransactionMode", e); } /* * Try to obtain the specified<code>TransactionManagerFactory</code> instance from the * registry. * * If the returned TransactionManagerFactory instance is null, * return an exception to indicate that we cannot live without a * valid TransactionManagerFactory instance and that the user should * change her configuration. */ _transactionManagerFactory = TransactionManagerFactoryRegistry.getTransactionManagerFactory(transactionMode); if (_transactionManagerFactory == null) { throw new DatabaseNotFoundException( Messages.format("jdo.transaction.missingTransactionManagerFactory", transactionMode)); } /* * Try to obtain a <code>javax.jta.TransactionManager>/code> from the factory. */ try { _transactionManager = _transactionManagerFactory.getTransactionManager(); } catch (TransactionManagerAcquireException e) { throw new DatabaseNotFoundException( Messages.format( "jdo.transaction.unableToAcquireTransactionManager", _transactionManagerFactory.getName(), e)); } } /* At this point, we MUST have a valid instance of TransactionManagerFactory, and * dependent on its type (LOCAL or not), we MIGHT have a * valid<code>javax.jta.TransactionManager</code> instance. * * Scenario 1: If the user uses Castor in standalone mode (outside of an * J2EE container), we have a TransactionManagerFactory instance only, * but no TransactionManager instance. * * Scenario 2: If the user uses Castor in J2EE mode (inside of an J2EE * container), and wants the container to control transaction * demarcation, we have both a TransactionManagerFactory (different from * LOCAL) and a TransactionManager instance. */ if ((!_transactionManagerFactory.getName().equals(LocalTransactionManagerFactory.NAME)) && (_transactionManager != null)) { Transaction transaction; DatabaseImpl dbImpl; try { transaction = _transactionManager.getTransaction(); if (_txDbPool != null && _txDbPool.containsTx(transaction)) return _txDbPool.get(transaction); if (transaction != null && transaction.getStatus() == Status.STATUS_ACTIVE) { dbImpl = new DatabaseImpl( _dbName, _lockTimeout, _callback, _instanceFactory, transaction, _classLoader, _autoStore); if (_txDbPool != null) _txDbPool.put(transaction, dbImpl); transaction.registerSynchronization(dbImpl); return dbImpl; } } catch (Exception except) { // NamingException, SystemException, RollbackException if (_logInterceptor != null) _logInterceptor.exception(except); } } return new DatabaseImpl( _dbName, _lockTimeout, _callback, _instanceFactory, null, _classLoader, _autoStore); }