Exemple #1
   * Read an XSDSchema instance and create the node hierarchy under the given root node.
   * @param schema the schema object; may not be null
   * @param encoding the encoding for the XSD; may be null if the encoding is not specified
   * @param contentSize the size of the XML Schema Document content; may not be negative
   * @param rootNode the root node that will be populated with the XML Schema Document information
   * @throws Exception if there is a probelm reading the XSD content
  protected void process(XSDSchema schema, String encoding, long contentSize, Node rootNode)
      throws Exception {
    assert schema != null;

    logger.debug("Target namespace: '{0}'", schema.getTargetNamespace());
    rootNode.setProperty(SrampLexicon.CONTENT_TYPE, MimeTypeConstants.APPLICATION_XML);
    if (encoding != null) {
      rootNode.setProperty(SrampLexicon.CONTENT_ENCODING, encoding);
    rootNode.setProperty(SrampLexicon.CONTENT_SIZE, contentSize);

    // Parse the annotations first to aggregate them all into a single 'sramp:description' property
    // ...
    List<XSDAnnotation> annotations = schema.getAnnotations();
    processAnnotations(annotations, rootNode);
    processNonSchemaAttributes(schema, rootNode);

    // Parse the objects ...
    for (EObject obj : schema.eContents()) {
      if (obj instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
        processSimpleTypeDefinition((XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) obj, rootNode);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition) {
        processComplexTypeDefinition((XSDComplexTypeDefinition) obj, rootNode);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) {
        processElementDeclaration((XSDElementDeclaration) obj, rootNode);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration) {
        processAttributeDeclaration((XSDAttributeDeclaration) obj, rootNode, false);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDImport) {
        processImport((XSDImport) obj, rootNode);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDInclude) {
        processInclude((XSDInclude) obj, rootNode);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDRedefine) {
        processRedefine((XSDRedefine) obj, rootNode);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) {
        processAttributeGroupDefinition((XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) obj, rootNode);
      } else if (obj instanceof XSDAnnotation) {
        // already processed above ...

    // Resolve any outstanding, unresolved references ...
   * Add external resources referenced by the specified XSD resource to the resultant list
   * @param eResource the resource to process for references
   * @param recurse if true, the result will include all direct and indirect dependent resources
   *     otherwise only the direct dependencies are returned.
   * @param includeExternal If true, external resource references will be included in the resulant
   *     array, otherwise they will be excluded from the result.
   * @param result the resultant list to add to
  protected void addExternallyReferencedResourcesForXsd(
      final XSDResourceImpl eResource,
      final boolean recurse,
      final boolean includeExternal,
      final List result,
      final Set unresolvedResourceURIs) {
    if (eResource != null) {
      // Resolve all schema directives (import/include/redefine)
      Set visitedXsdResources = new HashSet();
      resolveSchemaDirectives(eResource, recurse, visitedXsdResources, unresolvedResourceURIs);

      // Add the resource referenced through the directive to the overall result
      XSDSchema schema = eResource.getSchema();
      for (final Iterator i = schema.eContents().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        EObject eObj = (EObject) i.next();
        if (eObj instanceof XSDSchemaDirective) {
          XSDSchema resolvedSchema = ((XSDSchemaDirective) eObj).getResolvedSchema();
          Resource rsrc = (resolvedSchema != null ? resolvedSchema.eResource() : null);
          if (rsrc != null && !result.contains(rsrc)) {
            if (!includeExternal && isExternalResource(rsrc)) {
            if (recurse) {
                  rsrc, recurse, includeExternal, result, unresolvedResourceURIs);

      // Ensure that the schema for schema resource (e.g. "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema") is
      // added to the result;
      if (includeExternal) {
        Resource rsrc = schema.getSchemaForSchema().eResource();
        if (rsrc != null && !result.contains(rsrc)) {