public static void main(String[] args) {
   final Display display = new Display();
   final Shell shell = new Shell(display);
   shell.setLayout(new FillLayout());
   final StyledText styledText = new StyledText(shell, SWT.WRAP | SWT.BORDER);
   FontData data = display.getSystemFont().getFontData()[0];
   Font font = new Font(display, data.getName(), 16, SWT.BOLD);
       new Listener() {
         public void handleEvent(Event event) {
           Rectangle rect = styledText.getClientArea();
           Image newImage = new Image(display, 1, Math.max(1, rect.height));
           GC gc = new GC(newImage);
           gc.fillGradientRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, 1, rect.height, true);
           if (oldImage != null) oldImage.dispose();
           oldImage = newImage;
   shell.setSize(700, 400);;
   while (!shell.isDisposed()) {
     if (!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep();
   if (oldImage != null) oldImage.dispose();
Exemple #2
   * Sets the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information for the specified cell in
   * this item to the font specified by the argument, or to the default font for that kind of
   * control if the argument is null.
   * @param index the column index
   * @param font the new font (or null)
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException
   *     <ul>
   *       <li>ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the argument has been disposed
   *     </ul>
   * @exception SWTException
   *     <ul>
   *       <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed
   *       <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver
   *     </ul>
   * @since 3.0
  public void setFont(int index, Font font) {
    if (font != null && font.isDisposed()) {
    int count = Math.max(1, parent.getColumnCount());
    if (0 > index || index > count - 1) return;
    if (cellFont == null) {
      if (font == null) return;
      cellFont = new Font[count];
    Font oldFont = cellFont[index];
    if (oldFont == font) return;
    cellFont[index] = font;
    if (oldFont != null && oldFont.equals(font)) return;

    int modelIndex =
        parent.columnCount == 0 ? Table.FIRST_COLUMN : parent.columns[index].modelIndex;
    int /*long*/ fontHandle = font != null ? font.handle : 0;
    OS.gtk_list_store_set(parent.modelHandle, handle, modelIndex + Table.CELL_FONT, fontHandle, -1);
     * Bug in GTK.  When using fixed-height-mode,
     * row changes do not cause the row to be repainted.  The fix is to
     * invalidate the row when it is cleared.
    if (( & SWT.VIRTUAL) != 0) {
      if (OS.GTK_VERSION >= OS.VERSION(2, 3, 2) && OS.GTK_VERSION < OS.VERSION(2, 6, 3)) {
    cached = true;

    if (font != null) {
      boolean customDraw =
          (parent.columnCount == 0) ? parent.firstCustomDraw : parent.columns[index].customDraw;
      if (!customDraw) {
        if (( & SWT.VIRTUAL) == 0) {
          int /*long*/ parentHandle = parent.handle;
          int /*long*/ column = 0;
          if (parent.columnCount > 0) {
            column = parent.columns[index].handle;
          } else {
            column = OS.gtk_tree_view_get_column(parentHandle, index);
          if (column == 0) return;
          int /*long*/ textRenderer = parent.getTextRenderer(column);
          int /*long*/ imageRenderer = parent.getPixbufRenderer(column);
              column, textRenderer, display.cellDataProc, parentHandle, 0);
              column, imageRenderer, display.cellDataProc, parentHandle, 0);
        if (parent.columnCount == 0) {
          parent.firstCustomDraw = true;
        } else {
          parent.columns[index].customDraw = true;
Exemple #3
 LRESULT WM_SETFONT(int /*long*/ wParam, int /*long*/ lParam) {
   if (OS.COMCTL32_MAJOR < 6) {
     layout.setFont(Font.win32_new(display, wParam));
   if (lParam != 0) OS.InvalidateRect(handle, null, true);
   return super.WM_SETFONT(font = wParam, lParam);
  * Sets the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information to the font specified by
  * the argument, or to the default font for that kind of control if the argument is null.
  * @param font the new font (or null)
  * @exception IllegalArgumentException
  *     <ul>
  *       <li>ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the font has been disposed
  *     </ul>
  * @exception SWTException
  *     <ul>
  *       <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed
  *       <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver
  *     </ul>
 public void setFont(Font font) {
   if (font != null && font.isDisposed()) {
   this.font = font;
Exemple #5
   * Initializes any internal resources needed by the device.
   * <p>This method is called after <code>create</code>.
   * <p>If subclasses reimplement this method, they must call the <code>super</code> implementation.
   * @see #create
  protected void init() {
    /* Create the standard colors */
    colors = new Color[SWT.COLOR_DARK_GRAY + 1];
    colors[SWT.COLOR_BLACK] = colors[0] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_Black());
    colors[SWT.COLOR_DARK_RED] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_Maroon());
    colors[SWT.COLOR_DARK_GREEN] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_Green());
    colors[SWT.COLOR_DARK_YELLOW] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_Olive());
    colors[SWT.COLOR_DARK_BLUE] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_Navy());
    colors[SWT.COLOR_DARK_MAGENTA] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_Purple());
    colors[SWT.COLOR_DARK_CYAN] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_Teal());
    colors[SWT.COLOR_GRAY] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_Silver());
    colors[SWT.COLOR_DARK_GRAY] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_Silver());
    colors[SWT.COLOR_RED] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_Red());
    colors[SWT.COLOR_GREEN] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_Lime());
    colors[SWT.COLOR_YELLOW] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_Yellow());
    colors[SWT.COLOR_BLUE] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_Blue());
    colors[SWT.COLOR_MAGENTA] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_Magenta());
    colors[SWT.COLOR_CYAN] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_Cyan());
    colors[SWT.COLOR_WHITE] = Color.wpf_new(this, OS.Colors_White());

    /* Initialize the system font slot */
    int fontFamily = OS.SystemFonts_MessageFontFamily();
    int style = OS.SystemFonts_MessageFontStyle();
    int weight = OS.SystemFonts_MessageFontWeight();
    double size = OS.SystemFonts_MessageFontSize();
    int typeface = OS.gcnew_Typeface(fontFamily, style, weight, OS.FontStretches_Normal);
    systemFont = Font.wpf_new(this, typeface, size);
  private static void paintImage2(GC gc, Point size, int f) {
    gc.fillRectangle(0, 0, size.x, size.y);

    // Scale line width, corner roundness, and font size.
    // Caveat: line width expands in all directions, so the origin also has to move.

    gc.fillRoundRectangle(f / 2, f / 2, size.x - f, size.y - f, 10 * f, 10 * f);

    gc.drawRoundRectangle(f / 2, f / 2, size.x - f, size.y - f, 10 * f, 10 * f);
    FontData fontData = gc.getFont().getFontData()[0];
    fontData.setHeight(fontData.getHeight() * f);
    Font font = new Font(gc.getDevice(), fontData);
    try {
      gc.drawText(fontData.toString(), 10 * f, 10 * f, true);
    } finally {
Exemple #7
  * Sets the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information for this item to the font
  * specified by the argument, or to the default font for that kind of control if the argument is
  * null.
  * @param font the new font (or null)
  * @exception IllegalArgumentException
  *     <ul>
  *       <li>ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the argument has been disposed
  *     </ul>
  * @exception SWTException
  *     <ul>
  *       <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed
  *       <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver
  *     </ul>
  * @since 3.0
 public void setFont(Font font) {
   if (font != null && font.isDisposed()) {
   Font oldFont = this.font;
   if (oldFont == font) return;
   this.font = font;
   if (oldFont != null && oldFont.equals(font)) return;
   int /*long*/ fontHandle = font != null ? font.handle : 0;
   OS.gtk_list_store_set(parent.modelHandle, handle, Table.FONT_COLUMN, fontHandle, -1);
    * Bug in GTK.  When using fixed-height-mode,
    * row changes do not cause the row to be repainted.  The fix is to
    * invalidate the row when it is cleared.
   if (( & SWT.VIRTUAL) != 0) {
     if (OS.GTK_VERSION >= OS.VERSION(2, 3, 2) && OS.GTK_VERSION < OS.VERSION(2, 6, 3)) {
   cached = true;
Exemple #8
  * Releases any internal resources back to the operating system and clears all fields except the
  * device handle.
  * <p>When a device is destroyed, resources that were acquired on behalf of the programmer need to
  * be returned to the operating system. For example, if the device allocated a font to be used as
  * the system font, this font would be freed in <code>release</code>. Also,to assist the garbage
  * collector and minimize the amount of memory that is not reclaimed when the programmer keeps a
  * reference to a disposed device, all fields except the handle are zero'd. The handle is needed
  * by <code>destroy</code>. This method is called before <code>destroy</code>.
  * <p>If subclasses reimplement this method, they must call the <code>super</code> implementation.
  * @see #dispose
  * @see #destroy
 protected void release() {
   for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
     if (colors[i] != null) colors[i].dispose();
   colors = null;
   if (systemFont != null) systemFont.dispose();
   systemFont = null;
   if (tracking) {
     synchronized (trackingLock) {
       if (TRACK & objects != null) {
         for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
           if (objects[i] != null) {
Exemple #9
  * Adds to the receiver the pattern of glyphs generated by drawing the given string using the
  * given font starting at the point (x, y).
  * @param string the text to use
  * @param x the x coordinate of the starting point
  * @param y the y coordinate of the starting point
  * @param font the font to use
  * @exception IllegalArgumentException
  *     <ul>
  *       <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the font is null
  *       <li>ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the font has been disposed
  *     </ul>
  * @exception SWTException
  *     <ul>
  *       <li>ERROR_GRAPHIC_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed
  *     </ul>
 public void addString(String string, float x, float y, Font font) {
   if (isDisposed()) SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_GRAPHIC_DISPOSED);
   if (font == null) SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
   if (font.isDisposed()) SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
   NSString str = NSString.stringWith(string);
   NSTextStorage textStorage = ((NSTextStorage) new NSTextStorage().alloc());
   NSLayoutManager layoutManager = (NSLayoutManager) new NSLayoutManager().alloc().init();
   NSTextContainer textContainer = (NSTextContainer) new NSTextContainer().alloc();
   NSSize size = new NSSize();
   size.width = Float.MAX_VALUE;
   size.height = Float.MAX_VALUE;
   NSRange range = new NSRange();
   range.length = str.length();
   textStorage.addAttribute(OS.NSFontAttributeName(), font.handle, range);
   range = layoutManager.glyphRangeForTextContainer(textContainer);
   if (range.length != 0) {
     int glyphs = OS.malloc(4 * range.length * 2);
     layoutManager.getGlyphs(glyphs, range);
     NSBezierPath path = NSBezierPath.bezierPath();
     NSPoint point = new NSPoint();
     point.x = x;
     point.y = y;
     path.appendBezierPathWithGlyphs(glyphs, range.length, font.handle);
     NSAffineTransform transform = NSAffineTransform.transform();
     transform.scaleXBy(1, -1);
     transform.translateXBy(0, -((2 * y) + textStorage.size().height));
 void setFontDescription(long /*int*/ font) {
   layout.setFont(Font.gtk_new(display, font));
  void drawInteriorWithFrame_inView(
      long /*int*/ id, long /*int*/ sel, NSRect cellRect, long /*int*/ view) {
     * Feature in Cocoa.  When the last column in a tree does not reach the
     * rightmost edge of the tree view, the cell that draws the rightmost-
     * column's header is also invoked to draw the header space between its
     * right edge and the tree's right edge.  If this case is detected then
     * nothing should be drawn.
    int columnIndex = parent.indexOf(nsColumn);
    NSRect headerRect = parent.headerView.headerRectOfColumn(columnIndex);
    if (headerRect.x != cellRect.x || headerRect.width != cellRect.width) return;

    NSGraphicsContext context = NSGraphicsContext.currentContext();

    int contentWidth = 0;
    NSSize stringSize = null, imageSize = null;
    NSAttributedString attrString = null;
    NSTableHeaderCell headerCell = nsColumn.headerCell();
    if (displayText != null) {
      Font font = Font.cocoa_new(display, headerCell.font());
      attrString =
              displayText, font, null, SWT.LEFT, false, (parent.state & DISABLED) == 0, false);
      stringSize = attrString.size();
      contentWidth += Math.ceil(stringSize.width);
      if (image != null) contentWidth += MARGIN; /* space between image and text */
    if (image != null) {
      imageSize = image.handle.size();
      contentWidth += Math.ceil(imageSize.width);

    if (parent.sortColumn == this && parent.sortDirection != SWT.NONE) {
      boolean ascending = parent.sortDirection == SWT.UP;
      headerCell.drawSortIndicatorWithFrame(cellRect, new NSView(view), ascending, 0);
      /* remove the arrow's space from the available drawing width */
      NSRect sortRect = headerCell.sortIndicatorRectForBounds(cellRect);
      cellRect.width = Math.max(0, sortRect.x - cellRect.x);

    int drawX = 0;
    if ((style & SWT.CENTER) != 0) {
      drawX = (int) (cellRect.x + Math.max(MARGIN, ((cellRect.width - contentWidth) / 2)));
    } else if ((style & SWT.RIGHT) != 0) {
      drawX = (int) (cellRect.x + Math.max(MARGIN, cellRect.width - contentWidth - MARGIN));
    } else {
      drawX = (int) cellRect.x + MARGIN;

    if (image != null) {
      NSRect destRect = new NSRect();
      destRect.x = drawX;
      destRect.y = cellRect.y;
      destRect.width = Math.min(imageSize.width, cellRect.width - 2 * MARGIN);
      destRect.height = Math.min(imageSize.height, cellRect.height);
      boolean isFlipped = new NSView(view).isFlipped();
      if (isFlipped) {
        NSAffineTransform transform = NSAffineTransform.transform();
        transform.scaleXBy(1, -1);
        transform.translateXBy(0, -(destRect.height + 2 * destRect.y));
      NSRect sourceRect = new NSRect();
      sourceRect.width = destRect.width;
      sourceRect.height = destRect.height;
      image.handle.drawInRect(destRect, sourceRect, OS.NSCompositeSourceOver, 1f);
      if (isFlipped) context.restoreGraphicsState();
      drawX += destRect.width;

    if (displayText != null && displayText.length() > 0) {
      if (image != null) drawX += MARGIN; /* space between image and text */
      NSRect destRect = new NSRect();
      destRect.x = drawX;
      destRect.y = cellRect.y;
      destRect.width = Math.min(stringSize.width, cellRect.x + cellRect.width - MARGIN - drawX);
      destRect.height = Math.min(stringSize.height, cellRect.height);
    if (attrString != null) attrString.release();
