Exemple #1
  * This does the work of laying out our controls.
  * @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout#layout(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite, boolean)
 protected void layout(Composite composite, boolean flushCache) {
   Rectangle rect = composite.getClientArea();
   int left = rect.x, right = rect.width, top = rect.y, bottom = rect.height;
   if (north != null) {
     Point pt = getSize(north, flushCache);
     north.setBounds(left, top, rect.width, pt.y);
     top += pt.y;
   if (south != null) {
     Point pt = getSize(south, flushCache);
     south.setBounds(left, rect.height - pt.y, rect.width, pt.y);
     bottom -= pt.y;
   if (east != null) {
     Point pt = getSize(east, flushCache);
     east.setBounds(rect.width - pt.x, top, pt.x, (bottom - top));
     right -= pt.x;
   if (west != null) {
     Point pt = getSize(west, flushCache);
     west.setBounds(left, top, pt.x, (bottom - top));
     left += pt.x;
   if (center != null) {
     center.setBounds(left, top, (right - left), (bottom - top));
Exemple #2
   * Force the repainting of the control (the only way found to accomplish this, is to reset its
   * bounds, and set again its original ones)
   * @param control the control to be repainted
  public static void forceRepaint(Control control) {
    // Locals
    Rectangle bounds = control.getBounds();

    control.setBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
  // javadoc inherited.
  protected void layout(Composite composite, boolean flushCache) {
    Control[] children = composite.getChildren();

    if (flushCache || sizes == null || sizes.length != children.length) {
    int x = marginWidth;
    int y = marginHeight;

    // Get the maximum width of the composite's client area (used to allow
    // the control in the last column to fill the rest of the space).
    final int width = getWidth(composite, SWT.DEFAULT);

    for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
      final Control child = children[i];
      if (child.getVisible()) {
        int labelVOffset = 0;
        boolean span = getColumnSpan(child) > 1;

        int col = getColumnIndex(child, span);
        if (child instanceof Label) {
          // Non-label control should be next in the sizes array.
          int index = i >= sizes.length ? i : i + 1;
          labelVOffset = (sizes[index].y - sizes[i].y) / 2;

        // Determine if we need to move to the next row, handle spanning
        // and fill in space for the last column.
        if (col == (numberOfColumns - 1)) {
          int fillWidth = width - getOtherColumnsWidth(numberOfColumns - 1);
          fillWidth = fillWidth < 0 ? columnWidth[col] : fillWidth;
          child.setBounds(x, y + labelVOffset, fillWidth, sizes[i].y);

          // Bump up the row offset and reset the column offset.
          y += getControlHeight(child, sizes[i].y);
          x = marginWidth;
        } else {
          // If we span then this control takes up all the rest of the
          // columns horizontal real estate.
          int otherColumnsWidth = getOtherColumnsWidth(col - 1);
          int colWidth = span ? width - otherColumnsWidth : columnWidth[col];

          child.setBounds(x, y + labelVOffset, colWidth, sizes[i].y);

          if (span) {
            y += getControlHeight(child, sizes[i].y);
          } else {
            x += colWidth;
Exemple #4
  * Sets the component's bounds using the given component and cell bounds.
  * @param c the component to set bounds
  * @param layout the FormLayout instance that computes the bounds
  * @param cellBounds the cell's bounds
  * @param minWidthMeasure measures the minimum width
  * @param minHeightMeasure measures the minimum height
  * @param prefWidthMeasure measures the preferred width
  * @param prefHeightMeasure measures the preferred height
 void setBounds(
     Control c,
     FormLayout layout,
     Rectangle cellBounds,
     FormLayout.Measure minWidthMeasure,
     FormLayout.Measure minHeightMeasure,
     FormLayout.Measure prefWidthMeasure,
     FormLayout.Measure prefHeightMeasure) {
   ColumnSpec colSpec = gridWidth == 1 ? layout.getColumnSpec(gridX) : null;
   RowSpec rowSpec = gridHeight == 1 ? layout.getRowSpec(gridY) : null;
   Alignment concreteHAlign = concreteAlignment(this.hAlign, colSpec);
   Alignment concreteVAlign = concreteAlignment(this.vAlign, rowSpec);
   Insets concreteInsets = this.insets != null ? this.insets : EMPTY_INSETS;
   int cellX = cellBounds.x + concreteInsets.getLeft();
   int cellY = cellBounds.y + concreteInsets.getTop();
   int cellW = cellBounds.width - concreteInsets.getLeft() - concreteInsets.getRight();
   int cellH = cellBounds.height - concreteInsets.getTop() - concreteInsets.getBottom();
   int compW = componentSize(c, colSpec, cellW, minWidthMeasure, prefWidthMeasure);
   int compH = componentSize(c, rowSpec, cellH, minHeightMeasure, prefHeightMeasure);
   int x = origin(concreteHAlign, cellX, cellW, compW);
   int y = origin(concreteVAlign, cellY, cellH, compH);
   int w = extent(concreteHAlign, cellW, compW);
   int h = extent(concreteVAlign, cellH, compH);
   c.setBounds(x, y, w, h);
  private void layoutControls() {
    Rectangle r = canvas.getBounds();
    int hw = Math.max(0, (r.width - MARGIN_H) / 2 - MARGIN_H);
    nameLayout.setWidth(Math.max(hw, 1));
    valueLayout.setWidth(Math.max(hw, 1));
    if (editor != null) {
      Control ec = editor.getControl();
      int eh = r.height - MARGIN_V - MARGIN_V;
      ec.setBounds(r.width - MARGIN_H - hw, (r.height - eh) / 2, hw, eh);

    //        if (border != null) {
    //            border.dispose();
    //            border = null;
    //        }
    //        border = new Path(Display.getCurrent());
    //        float left = 0, top = 0, right = r.width, bottom = r.height;
    //        border.moveTo(right - RADIUS, top);
    //        border.cubicTo(right - RADIUS_BEND, top, right, top + RADIUS_BEND,
    //                right, top + RADIUS);
    //        border.lineTo(right, bottom - RADIUS);
    //        border.cubicTo(right, bottom - RADIUS_BEND, right - RADIUS_BEND,
    //                bottom, right - RADIUS, bottom);
    //        border.lineTo(left + RADIUS, bottom);
    //        border.cubicTo(left + RADIUS_BEND, bottom, left, bottom - RADIUS_BEND,
    //                left, bottom - RADIUS);
    //        border.lineTo(left, top + RADIUS);
    //        border.cubicTo(left, top + RADIUS_BEND, left + RADIUS_BEND, top, left
    //                + RADIUS, top);
    //        border.close();
    protected void layout(Composite composite, boolean flushCache) {
      Control[] children = composite.getChildren();
      if (sizes == null || flushCache || sizes.length != children.length) init(composite);

      int y = 0;
      int x = getMaximized() ? 0 : 1; // border width
      for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
        Control child = children[i];

        if (child instanceof RibbonTabFolder)
          child.setBounds(new Rectangle(x, y, mShell.getBounds().width - 2, sizes[i].y));
        else child.setBounds(new Rectangle(x, y, sizes[i].x - 2, sizes[i].y));

        y += sizes[i].y;
 public void setBounds(Rectangle rect) {
   rect = rect.getCopy();
   control.setBounds(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
   System.out.println("Set Bounds " + rect);
Exemple #8
 protected void layout(Composite composite, boolean flushCache) {
   CTabFolder folder = (CTabFolder) composite;
   // resize content
   if (folder.selectedIndex != -1) {
     Control control = folder.items[folder.selectedIndex].getControl();
     if (control != null && !control.isDisposed()) {
     * @see Layout#layout(Composite, boolean)
    protected void layout(Composite composite, boolean flushCache) {
      Rectangle clArea = composite.getClientArea();
      Rectangle trim = getTextWidget().computeTrim(0, 0, 0, 0);
      int topTrim = -trim.y;
      int scrollbarHeight = trim.height - topTrim; // scrollbar is only under the client area

      int x = clArea.x;
      int width = clArea.width;

      if (fOverviewRuler != null && fIsOverviewRulerVisible) {
        int overviewRulerWidth = fOverviewRuler.getWidth();
                clArea.x + clArea.width - overviewRulerWidth - 1,
                clArea.y + scrollbarHeight,
                clArea.height - 3 * scrollbarHeight);
                clArea.x + clArea.width - overviewRulerWidth - 1,

        width -= overviewRulerWidth + fGap;

      if (fVerticalRuler != null && fIsVerticalRulerVisible) {
        int verticalRulerWidth = fVerticalRuler.getWidth();
        final Control verticalRulerControl = fVerticalRuler.getControl();
        int oldWidth = verticalRulerControl.getBounds().width;
            clArea.y + topTrim,
            clArea.height - scrollbarHeight - topTrim);
        if (flushCache && getVisualAnnotationModel() != null && oldWidth == verticalRulerWidth)

        x += verticalRulerWidth + fGap;
        width -= verticalRulerWidth + fGap;

      getTextWidget().setBounds(x, clArea.y, width, clArea.height);
 private void setInput(Control c) {
   if (klickedCell == null) {
   XViewerColumn xCol =
           .getDefaultXViewerColumn(((XViewerColumn) klickedColumn.getData()).getId());
   if (xCol instanceof ExtendedViewerColumn) {
     ExtendedViewerColumn extendedCol = (ExtendedViewerColumn) xCol;
     CellEditDescriptor ced =
     if (ced == null || ced.getControl() == null) {
     converter.setInput(c, ced, klickedCell.getElement());
  protected PresentationTestbed createPresentation(
      AbstractPresentationFactory factory, int type, int numParts) {
    TestPresentablePart selection = null;
    PresentationTestbed testBed = new PresentationTestbed(theShell, factory, type);
    for (int partCount = 0; partCount < numParts; partCount++) {
      TestPresentablePart part = new TestPresentablePart(theShell, img);
      part.setName("Some part");
      part.setTitle("Some title");
      part.setDirty(partCount % 2 == 0);
      part.setTooltip("This is a tooltip");
      selection = part;


    Control ctrl = testBed.getControl();
    return testBed;
Exemple #12
 public void layout(GC gc, int width, Locator loc, Hashtable resourceTable, boolean selected) {
   super.layout(gc, width, loc, resourceTable, selected);
   Control control = getControl(resourceTable);
   if (control != null) control.setBounds(getBounds());
  // From Nebula EditController (with minor tweaks)
  protected ExecutionStatusKind editCell(
      ILayerCell cell,
      Composite parent,
      Object initialCanonicalValue,
      IConfigRegistry configRegistry) {
    ExecutionStatusKind result = ExecutionStatusKind.FAIL_ROLLBACK;

    try {
      Rectangle cellBounds = cell.getBounds();
      ILayer layer = cell.getLayer();

      int columnPosition = cell.getColumnPosition();
      int rowPosition = cell.getRowPosition();

      List<String> configLabels = cell.getConfigLabels().getLabels();

      ICellEditor cellEditor =
                  EditConfigAttributes.CELL_EDITOR, DisplayMode.EDIT, configLabels);

      // Try to open an in-line editor before falling back to a dialog
      if (cellEditor.openInline(configRegistry, configLabels)) {
        MyInlineEditHandler editHandler =
            new MyInlineEditHandler(layer, columnPosition, rowPosition);

        Rectangle editorBounds =
                    new Rectangle(cellBounds.x, cellBounds.y, cellBounds.width, cellBounds.height));

            parent, initialCanonicalValue, EditModeEnum.INLINE, editHandler, cell, configRegistry);

        Control editorControl = cellEditor.getEditorControl();
        if ((editorControl != null) && (!(editorControl.isDisposed()))) {


        // Command succeeded but should not appear on the undo stack because we haven't completed an
        // edit (only activated the cell editor),
        // unless the cell editor is like the CheckBoxCellEditor that commits upon activation
        result =
                ? ExecutionStatusKind.OK_COMPLETE
                : ExecutionStatusKind.OK_ROLLBACK;
      } else {
        // The dialog case
        List<ILayerCell> cells = new ArrayList<ILayerCell>(1);
        result = editCells(cells, parent, initialCanonicalValue, configRegistry);
    } catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
      // OK.  The user cancelled a dialog or some such
      result = ExecutionStatusKind.FAIL_ROLLBACK;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Activator.log.error("Uncaught exception in table cell editor activation.", e); // $NON-NLS-1$

    return result;