/** Load list of scopes for user selection of top level element for report. */ private void setupComboScopes() { // check if audit was selected by context menu: if (this.auditId != null && isContextMenuCall()) { scopeCombo.removeAll(); scopeCombo.add(this.auditName); rootElement = auditId; scopeCombo.setEnabled(true); scopeCombo.select(0); scopeCombo.redraw(); return; } else if (this.preSelectedElments != null && this.preSelectedElments.size() > 0 && isContextMenuCall()) { scopeCombo.removeAll(); ArrayList<Integer> auditIDList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (CnATreeElement elmt : preSelectedElments) { sb.append(elmt.getTitle()); if (preSelectedElments.indexOf(elmt) != preSelectedElments.size() - 1) sb.append(" & "); auditIDList.add(elmt.getDbId()); } scopeCombo.add(sb.toString()); rootElements = auditIDList.toArray(new Integer[auditIDList.size()]); scopeCombo.setEnabled(false); scopeCombo.select(0); scopeCombo.redraw(); return; } scopes = new ArrayList<CnATreeElement>(); scopeTitles = new ArrayList<String>(); scopes.addAll(loadScopes()); scopes.addAll(loadITVerbuende()); Collections.sort( scopes, new Comparator<CnATreeElement>() { @Override public int compare(CnATreeElement o1, CnATreeElement o2) { return o1.getTitle().compareToIgnoreCase(o2.getTitle()); } }); for (CnATreeElement elmt : scopes) { scopeTitles.add(elmt.getTitle()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug( Messages.GenerateReportDialog_16 + elmt.getDbId() + ": " + elmt .getTitle()); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-1$ // //$NON-NLS-1$ } } String[] titles = scopeTitles.toArray(new String[scopeTitles.size()]); scopeCombo.setItems(titles); }
private void doSelectConnection(boolean clearCurrentData) { try { if (clearCurrentData) { tableViewFields.table.removeAll(); comboCube.removeAll(); } if (addConnectionLine.getText() != null) { DatabaseMeta dbMeta = transMeta.findDatabase(addConnectionLine.getText()); if (dbMeta != null) { PaloCellOutputData data = new PaloCellOutputData(dbMeta); data.helper.connect(); List<String> cubes = data.helper.getCubesNames(); Collections.sort(cubes, new PaloNameComparator()); for (String cubeName : cubes) { if (comboCube.indexOf(cubeName) == -1) { comboCube.add(cubeName); } } data.helper.disconnect(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { new ErrorDialog( shell, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "PaloCellOutputDialog.RetreiveCubesErrorTitle"), BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "PaloCellOutputDialog.RetreiveCubesError"), ex); } }
/** * Initializes the container collecting the supported languages.<br> * If a file was selected, the language of the file will be selected. */ private void initComboLanguage() { composer = featureProject.getComposer(); formats = composer.getTemplates(); comboLanguage.removeAll(); if (!formats.isEmpty()) { for (String[] format : formats) comboLanguage.add(format[0]); if (comboLanguage.getItemCount() <= 1) { comboLanguage.setEnabled(false); } else { comboLanguage.setEnabled(true); } Object element = selection.getFirstElement(); if (element instanceof IFile) { String extension = ((IFile) element).getFileExtension(); int i = 0; for (String[] template : composer.getTemplates()) { if (template[1].equals(extension)) { comboLanguage.select(i); return; } i++; } } if (composer.getId().equals(lastComposerID) && lastSelection < comboLanguage.getItemCount()) { comboLanguage.select(lastSelection); } else { comboLanguage.select(composer.getDefaultTemplateIndex()); } } }
private void populateOperationCombo() { if (_operationSelectionCombo != null && !_operationSelectionCombo.isDisposed()) { _operationSelectionCombo.removeAll(); _operationSelectionCombo.clearSelection(); if (getTargetObject() == null) { PictogramElement[] pes = SwitchyardSCAEditor.getActiveEditor().getSelectedPictogramElements(); if (pes.length > 0) { Object bo = SwitchyardSCAEditor.getActiveEditor() .getDiagramTypeProvider() .getFeatureProvider() .getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement(pes[0]); if (bo instanceof Contract) { setTargetObject(bo); } } } if (getTargetObject() != null && getTargetObject() instanceof Contract) { String[] operations = InterfaceOpsUtil.gatherOperations((Contract) getTargetObject()); for (int i = 0; i < operations.length; i++) { _operationSelectionCombo.add(operations[i]); } } } }
private void initComboFeature() { container = sourceFolder != null ? sourceFolder.getFolder(comboFeature.getText()) : null; if (featureProject == null) { return; } comboFeature.removeAll(); for (String s : featureProject.getFeatureModel().getConcreteFeatureNames()) comboFeature.add(s); if (feature != null) { comboFeature.setText(feature); } else { if (comboFeature.getItemCount() > 0) comboFeature.select(0); } Object obj = selection.getFirstElement(); if (obj instanceof IResource) { IResource resource = (IResource) obj; boolean found = false; while (found == false && resource.getParent() != null) { if (resource.getParent().equals(sourceFolder)) { for (int i = 0; i < comboFeature.getItemCount(); i++) if (comboFeature.getItem(i).equals(resource.getName())) { comboFeature.select(i); found = true; break; } } resource = resource.getParent(); } } if (comboFeature.getItemCount() == 1 || !featureProject.getComposer().createFolderForFeatures()) { comboFeature.setEnabled(false); } else { comboFeature.setEnabled(true); } }
private void revalidate(RepositorySelection repoSelection, List<Ref> branches, Ref head) { if (repoSelection.equals(validatedRepoSelection) && branches.equals(validatedSelectedBranches) && head.equals(validatedHEAD)) { checkPage(); return; } if (!repoSelection.equals(validatedRepoSelection)) { validatedRepoSelection = repoSelection; // update repo-related selection only if it changed final String n = validatedRepoSelection.getURI().getHumanishName(); setDescription(NLS.bind(UIText.CloneDestinationPage_description, n)); directoryText.setText( new File(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getRawLocation().toFile(), n) .getAbsolutePath()); } validatedSelectedBranches = branches; validatedHEAD = head; initialBranch.removeAll(); final Ref actHead = head; int newix = 0; for (final Ref r : branches) { String name = r.getName(); if (name.startsWith(Constants.R_HEADS)) name = name.substring((Constants.R_HEADS).length()); if (actHead != null && actHead.getName().equals(r.getName())) newix = initialBranch.getItemCount(); initialBranch.add(name); } initialBranch.select(newix); checkPage(); }
protected void projectChanged() { projectText = projectCombo.getText(); IJavaProject selectedProject = null; for (int i = 0; i < gwtProjects.length; i++) { IJavaProject gwtProject = gwtProjects[i]; if (projectText.equals(gwtProject.getProject().getName())) { selectedProject = gwtProject; break; } } if (selectedProject != null) { try { moduleCombo.removeAll(); List modulesList = Util.findModules(selectedProject); for (Iterator i = modulesList.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { IFile file = (IFile) i.next(); IPath projectRelativePath = file.getProjectRelativePath(); String fileName = file.getName(); String moduleName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - Constants.GWT_XML_EXT.length() - 1); moduleCombo.add(projectRelativePath.toString()); moduleCombo.setData(moduleName, file); } int i = modulesList.indexOf(selectedModule); if (i == -1) i = 0; moduleCombo.select(i); moduleText = moduleCombo.getText(); } catch (CoreException e) { Activator.logException(e); } } doStatusUpdate(); }
private void initializeContextCombo() { IContextManager contextManager = getContextManager(); if (contextsCombo.getItems().length > 0) { contextsCombo.removeAll(); } if (contextManager != null) { List<IContext> contexts = contextManager.getListContext(); for (IContext context : contexts) { if (!Arrays.asList(contextsCombo.getItems()).contains(context.getName())) { contextsCombo.add(context.getName()); } } for (int i = 0; i < contextsCombo.getItemCount(); i++) { IContext defaultContext = contextManager.getDefaultContext(); if (defaultContext.getName().equals(contextsCombo.getItem(i))) { contextsCombo.select(i); break; } } } int visibleItemCount = contextsCombo.getItemCount(); if (visibleItemCount > 20) { visibleItemCount = 20; } contextsCombo.setVisibleItemCount(visibleItemCount); }
private void populateConfigurations() { IProject prj = getProject(); // Do nothing in case of Preferences page. if (prj == null) return; // Do not re-read if list already created by another page if (cfgDescs == null) { ICProjectDescription pDesc = CDTPropertyManager.getProjectDescription(this, prj); cfgDescs = (pDesc == null) ? null : pDesc.getConfigurations(); if (cfgDescs == null || cfgDescs.length == 0) return; Arrays.sort(cfgDescs, CDTListComparator.getInstance()); } else { if (cfgDescs.length == 0) return; // just register in CDTPropertyManager; CDTPropertyManager.getProjectDescription(this, prj); } // Do nothing if widget not created yet. if (configSelector == null) { lastSelectedCfg = cfgDescs[getActiveCfgIndex()]; cfgChanged(lastSelectedCfg); return; } // Clear and replace the contents of the selector widget configSelector.removeAll(); for (int i = 0; i < cfgDescs.length; ++i) { String name = cfgDescs[i].getName(); if (cfgDescs[i].isActive()) { name = name + " " + Messages.AbstractPage_16; // $NON-NLS-1$ } configSelector.add(name); } // Ensure that the last selected config is selected by default int cfgIndex = getCfgIndex(lastSelectedCfg); // "All cfgs" - shown if at least 2 cfgs available if (cfgDescs.length > 1) { configSelector.add(Messages.AbstractPage_4); if (multiCfgs == cfgDescs) { cfgIndex = cfgDescs.length; } } // "Multi cfgs" - shown if at least 3 cfgs available if (cfgDescs.length > 2) { configSelector.add(Messages.AbstractPage_5); if (multiCfgs != null && multiCfgs != cfgDescs) { cfgIndex = cfgDescs.length + 1; } } if (cfgIndex < 0) { cfgIndex = getActiveCfgIndex(); } configSelector.select(cfgIndex); handleConfigSelection(); }
/** Carga los controles (combos y cajas de texto) */ public void inicializar() { // Clean lbIconConcepto.setVisible(false); lbIconRubro.setVisible(false); txConcepto.setText(""); rubros = contable.getAllRubros(); cbRubro.removeAll(); for (Rubro r : rubros) { cbRubro.add(r.getRubro()); } if (cbRubro.getItemCount() > 0) cbRubro.select(0); // Load. Si está editando, carga los campos del concepto if (concepto != null) { if (concepto.getConcepto() != null) txConcepto.setText(concepto.getConcepto()); if (concepto.getCosto() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < rubros.size(); i++) { if (rubros.get(i).getRubro().equals(concepto.getCosto().getRubro())) { cbRubro.select(i); break; } } } } txConcepto.setFocus(); }
protected Control createDialogArea(final Composite parent) { Composite container = new Composite(parent, SWT.None); GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(); layout.numColumns = 1; container.setLayout(layout); Group group = new Group(container, SWT.None); group.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 1, 1)); layout = new GridLayout(); layout.numColumns = 2; group.setLayout(layout); GridData gd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL | GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_FILL); container.setLayoutData(gd); gd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL); gd.horizontalSpan = 2; new Label(group, SWT.SEPARATOR | SWT.HORIZONTAL).setLayoutData(gd); Label urlLabel = new Label(group, SWT.NONE); GridData gd_urlLabel = new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, false, false, 1, 1); gd_urlLabel.widthHint = 100; urlLabel.setLayoutData(gd_urlLabel); urlLabel.setText("URL "); Text urlText = new Text(group, SWT.BORDER); gd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL); urlText.setLayoutData(gd); urlText.addModifyListener( new ModifyListener() { public void modifyText(ModifyEvent event) { Text url = (Text) event.widget; serverUrl = url.getText(); setServerUrl(serverUrl); } }); Label pathLabel = new Label(group, SWT.NONE); pathLabel.setText("Path "); urlText.setText("https://localhost:9443"); pathText = new Combo(group, SWT.NONE); pathText.addModifyListener( new ModifyListener() { public void modifyText(ModifyEvent arg0) { updateSelectedPath(); } }); pathText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 1, 1)); pathText.removeAll(); List<String> defaultPaths = getDefaultPaths(); for (String path : defaultPaths) { pathText.add(path); } pathText.select(getDefaultPathId()); updateSelectedPath(); return super.createDialogArea(parent); }
/** * Sets the color choiceSet from DE model. * * @param choiceSet The color ChoiceSet. */ public void setChoiceSet(IChoiceSet choiceSet) { this.choiceSet = choiceSet; String[] colors = ChoiceSetFactory.getDisplayNamefromChoiceSet(choiceSet); Arrays.sort(colors); combo.removeAll(); combo.add(NONE_CHOICE); if (colors != null) for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) combo.add(colors[i]); }
public static void readHistoryItems(String comboName, Combo combo) { String itemsStr = Activator.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().getString("history.items.list." + comboName); combo.removeAll(); if (itemsStr != null) { for (StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(itemsStr, ","); st.hasMoreElements(); ) { combo.add(st.nextToken()); } } }
private void setElementCombos(int index) { if (index == -1) { comboInput.removeAll(); comboOutput.removeAll(); comboInput.setEnabled(false); comboOutput.setEnabled(false); } else { String mm = comboMM.getItem(index); // new Object value = EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.get(mm); System.out.println(value); metaModel = (EPackage) value; setModelElementNames(); comboInput.setItems(modelElementNames); comboInput.setEnabled(true); comboOutput.setItems(modelElementNames); comboOutput.add("String"); comboOutput.setEnabled(!isFilter); } }
/** 设置Combo下拉列表中的数据 */ private void setComboData(Combo combo, String[] data) { if (combo == null || data == null || data.length == 0) { return; } combo.clearSelection(); combo.removeAll(); int i = 0; for (String temp : data) { combo.add(temp, i++); } }
private void setupComboOutputFormatContent() { comboOutputFormat.removeAll(); for (IOutputFormat of : reportTypes[comboReportType.getSelectionIndex()].getOutputFormats()) { comboOutputFormat.add(of.getLabel()); } ; comboOutputFormat.select(0); if (chosenReportType != null) { chosenOutputFormat = chosenReportType.getOutputFormats()[comboOutputFormat.getSelectionIndex()]; } }
private void updateForm() { try { if (loggedIn) { if (templateStore == null) { templateStore = new TemplateStore(); } setEnable(true); // remove and reload template combo templateCombo.removeAll(); for (String templateName : templateStore.getTemplateNames()) { templateCombo.add(templateName); } if (templateCombo.getItemCount() > 0) templateCombo.select(0); for (int i = 0; i < templateCombo.getItemCount(); i++) { if (templateCombo .getItem(i) .equals(perferenceStore.getString(PreferenceConstants.TEMPLATE_NAME))) { templateCombo.select(i); break; } } templateCombo.redraw(); loadSelectedTemplate(); } else { setEnable(false); templateCombo.removeAll(); templateCombo.redraw(); } } catch (ApplicationException e) { BgcPlugin.openAsyncError( "Database Error", //$NON-NLS-1$ "Error while updating form", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } }
public void setPreviousPage(IWizardPage page) { super.setPreviousPage(page); final IWizardNewProjectNameAndLocationPage projectPage = projectPageCallback.call(); final String projectType = projectPage.getProjectType(); if (djVersionCombo.getItemCount() == 0) { // fill it only if it's still not properly filled djVersionCombo.removeAll(); for (String version : DJANGO_VERSIONS) { djVersionCombo.add(version); } } final String projectInterpreter = projectPage.getProjectInterpreter(); if (!projectType.equals(previousProjectType) || !projectInterpreter.equals(previousProjectInterpreter)) { discoverDefaultVersion(projectType, projectInterpreter); } djVersionCombo.setText(defaultVersion); if (!projectType.equals(previousProjectType)) { List<String> engines = DB_ENGINES.get( projectType.startsWith("jython") ? DjangoSettingsPage.JYTHON : DjangoSettingsPage.CPYTHON); engineCombo.removeAll(); for (String engine : engines) { engineCombo.add(engine); } engineCombo.setText(engines.get(0)); } this.previousProjectType = projectType; this.previousProjectInterpreter = projectInterpreter; // Always update the sqlite path if needed. updateSqlitePathIfNeeded(projectPage); }
/** update zoom levels for the selected mp */ private void updateZoomLevels() { // get selected zoom level final int selectedIndex = _comboTargetZoom.getSelectionIndex(); int selectedZoomLevel = -1; if (selectedIndex != -1 && _targetZoomLevels != null) { selectedZoomLevel = _targetZoomLevels[selectedIndex]; } /* * get valid zoom levels */ _validMapZoomLevel = _mapZoomLevel; final int mapMaxZoom = _selectedMp.getMaxZoomLevel(); // check if the map zoom level is higher than the available mp zoom levels if (_mapZoomLevel > mapMaxZoom) { _validMapZoomLevel = mapMaxZoom; } else { _validMapZoomLevel = _mapZoomLevel; } _targetZoomLevels = new int[mapMaxZoom - _validMapZoomLevel + 1]; int zoomIndex = 0; for (int zoomLevel = _validMapZoomLevel; zoomLevel <= mapMaxZoom; zoomLevel++) { _targetZoomLevels[zoomIndex++] = zoomLevel; } // fill zoom combo _comboTargetZoom.removeAll(); int reselectedZoomLevelIndex = -1; zoomIndex = 0; for (final int zoomLevel : _targetZoomLevels) { _comboTargetZoom.add(Integer.toString(zoomLevel + 1)); if (selectedZoomLevel != -1 && zoomLevel == selectedZoomLevel) { reselectedZoomLevelIndex = zoomIndex; } zoomIndex++; } // reselect zoom level if (reselectedZoomLevelIndex == -1) { // old zoom level is not available, select first zoom level _comboTargetZoom.select(0); } else { _comboTargetZoom.select(reselectedZoomLevelIndex); } }
/** Fills the class combo with class names of the same package at other features. */ private void initComboClassName() { String c = comboClass.getText(); Object obj = selection.getFirstElement(); if (obj instanceof IFile) { String fileExtension = ((IFile) obj).getFileExtension(); if (composer.extensions().contains(fileExtension)) { String fileName = ((IFile) obj).getName(); c = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.')); } } comboClass.removeAll(); LinkedList<String> inclusions = new LinkedList<String>(); LinkedList<String> exclusions = new LinkedList<String>(); if (featureProject.getComposer().hasFeatureFolder()) { try { for (IResource res : featureProject.getSourceFolder().members()) { if (res instanceof IFolder) { IFolder folder = (IFolder) res; if (folder.getName().equals(comboFeature.getText())) { exclusions = getClasses(folder); } else { for (String className : getClasses(folder)) { boolean added = false; if (!inclusions.contains(className)) { int i = 0; for (String name : inclusions) { if (className.compareToIgnoreCase(name) < 0) { inclusions.add(i, className); added = true; break; } i++; } if (!added) { inclusions.add(className); } } } } } } } catch (CoreException e) { UIPlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } } for (String className : inclusions) { if (!exclusions.contains(className)) { comboClass.add(className); } } comboClass.setText(c); }
protected void fillProjectDropDownMenue(String name) { List<String> projectNames = getProjectNames(); int selectedProjectName = 0; projectDropDown.removeAll(); for (int i = 0; i < projectNames.size(); i++) { String projectName = projectNames.get(i); if (projectName.equals(name)) { selectedProjectName = i; } projectDropDown.add(projectName); } projectDropDown.select(selectedProjectName); }
private void updateStringValueCombo() { String resFile = mResFileCombo.getText(); Map<String, String> ids = mXmlHelper.getResIdsForFile(mProject, resFile); // get the current text from the combo, to make sure we don't change it String currText = mStringIdCombo.getText(); // erase the choices and fill with the given ids mStringIdCombo.removeAll(); mStringIdCombo.setItems(ids.keySet().toArray(new String[ids.size()])); // set the current text to preserve it in case it changed if (!currText.equals(mStringIdCombo.getText())) { mStringIdCombo.setText(currText); } }
private void reloadChannelCombo(Combo combo, List channels, int selected, String prefix) { if (!(combo.getData() instanceof List) || isDifferentList(channels, (List) combo.getData())) { combo.removeAll(); combo.setData(channels); for (int i = 0; i < channels.size(); i++) { Integer channel = (Integer) channels.get(i); combo.add(prefix + " #" + channel.toString()); } } for (int i = 0; i < channels.size(); i++) { Integer channel = (Integer) channels.get(i); if (channel.intValue() == selected) { combo.select(i); } } }
private void populateModelTypesCombo(List /*<ModelType>*/ types) { modelTypesCombo.removeAll(); modelTypesCombo.add(CHOOSE_A_MODEL_TYPE); Iterator it = types.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ModelType modelType = (ModelType) it.next(); String modelTypeName = modelType.getDisplayName(); modelTypeMap.put(modelTypeName, modelType); modelTypesCombo.add(modelTypeName); } if (types.size() == 1) { modelTypesCombo.select(1); } else { modelTypesCombo.select(0); } modelTypesCombo.setEnabled(true); modelTypeSelected(); }
private void setupComboOutputFormatContent() { comboOutputFormat.removeAll(); if (reportTemplates.length > 0) { for (IOutputFormat of : getDepositService() .getOutputFormats( reportTemplates[comboReportType.getSelectionIndex()].getOutputFormats())) { comboOutputFormat.add(of.getLabel()); } comboOutputFormat.select(0); if (chosenReportMetaData != null) { chosenOutputFormat = getDepositService() .getOutputFormat( chosenReportMetaData.getOutputFormats()[comboOutputFormat.getSelectionIndex()]); } } else { showNoReportsExistant(); return; } }
/** * Fills the package combo with all current packages. * * @param folder * @param packageName */ private void initComboPackages(IFolder folder, String packageName) { String p = comboPackage.getText(); String p2 = null; Object obj = selection.getFirstElement(); if (obj instanceof IFile) { IResource res = ((IFile) obj).getParent(); if (res instanceof IFolder) { p2 = setPackage((IFolder) res); } } else if (obj instanceof IFolder) { p2 = setPackage((IFolder) obj); } try { if (composer.hasFeatureFolder() && folder.equals(sourceFolder)) { comboPackage.removeAll(); for (IResource res : folder.members()) { if (res instanceof IFolder) { initComboPackages((IFolder) res, packageName); } } } else { for (IResource res : folder.members()) { if (res instanceof IFolder) { String subPackage = ("".equals(packageName) ? "" : packageName + ".") + res.getName(); if (!containsPackage(subPackage)) { comboPackage.add(subPackage); } initComboPackages((IFolder) res, subPackage); } } } } catch (CoreException e) { UIPlugin.getDefault().logError(e); } if (p2 != null) { comboPackage.setText(p2); } else { comboPackage.setText(p); } }
private void openLink() { PreferencesUtil.createPreferenceDialogOn( getShell(), DroolsProjectPreferencePage.PREF_ID, new String[] {DroolsProjectPreferencePage.PROP_ID}, new HashMap()) .open(); droolsRuntimeCombo.removeAll(); DroolsRuntime[] runtimes = DroolsRuntimeManager.getDroolsRuntimes(); if (runtimes.length == 0) { setPageComplete(false); setErrorMessage("No Drools Runtimes have been defined, please do this first"); } else { setPageComplete(true); setErrorMessage(null); for (int i = 0; i < runtimes.length; i++) { droolsRuntimeCombo.add(runtimes[i].getName()); } droolsRuntimeCombo.select(0); selectedRuntime = droolsRuntimeCombo.getText(); } }
private void setFixedMetamodel(String metaModel) { for (String mm : metamodelCombo.getItems()) { if (mm.equals(metaModel)) { metamodelCombo.removeAll(); metamodelCombo.setItems(new String[] {metaModel}); metamodelCombo.select(0); metamodelCombo.setEnabled(false); EPackage ePackage = EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEPackage(metaModel); importPackage = ePackage.getClass().getPackage().getName(); if (importPackage.endsWith(".impl")) { int length = importPackage.length(); importPackage = importPackage.substring(0, length - 5); } if (importPackage.endsWith(".internal")) { int length = importPackage.length(); importPackage = importPackage.substring(0, length - 9); } System.out.println("importPackage: " + importPackage); File jarFile; try { jarFile = new File( ePackage.getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI()); String jarName = jarFile.getName(); int index = jarName.indexOf("_"); if (index == -1) { jar = jarName; } else { jar = jarName.substring(0, index); } System.out.println("Jar5: " + jar); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } break; } } }
@Override public void initializeFrom(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) { ILaunchManager launchManager = getLaunchManager(); ILaunchConfiguration[] launchConfigurations; try { launchConfigurations = launchManager.getLaunchConfigurations(); } catch (CoreException e) { // todo: may be this is the case to throw exception? setErrorMessage(e.getMessage()); return; } List selectedList = Collections.emptyList(); try { selectedList = configuration.getAttribute(SELECTED_CONFIGURATION_LIST, Collections.emptyList()); } catch (CoreException e) { setErrorMessage(e.getMessage()); } availableConfigsCombo.removeAll(); allConfigNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (ILaunchConfiguration conf : launchConfigurations) { String configurationName = conf.getName(); if (!configurationName.equals(configuration.getName()) && !selectedList.contains(configurationName)) { availableConfigsCombo.add(configurationName); } allConfigNames.add(configurationName); } selectedConfigsList.removeAll(); for (Object item : selectedList) { selectedConfigsList.add((String) item); if (!allConfigNames.contains((String) item)) { setErrorMessage("Configuration [" + item + "] is undefined"); } } updateButtonsState(); }
/** * Lists all products in the current project's module, incl. a "<base>" product if no particular * product is selected. * * @param preSelected The product that should be preselected, or null for <base>. */ protected void fillProductDropDownMenue(String preSelected) { productDropDown.removeAll(); productDropDown.add("<base>"); IProject proj = getSelectedProject(); if (proj == null) { return; } AbsNature n = UtilityFunctions.getAbsNature(proj); Model m = n.getCompleteModel(); if (m == null) return; Collection<Product> prods = m.getProducts(); if (prods == null) return; int i = 1; /* base comes first */ int selected = 0; for (Product p : prods) { final String name = p.qualifiedName(); productDropDown.add(name); if (name.equals(preSelected)) { selected = i; } i++; } productDropDown.select(selected); }