int XKeyPress(int w, int client_data, int call_data, int continue_to_dispatch) { int result = 0; XKeyEvent xEvent = new XKeyEvent(); OS.memmove(xEvent, call_data, XKeyEvent.sizeof); int[] keysym = new int[1]; OS.XLookupString(xEvent, null, 0, keysym, null); keysym[0] &= 0xFFFF; switch (keysym[0]) { case OS.XK_space: click(false, xEvent.state); result = 1; break; case OS.XK_Down: if ((style & SWT.DROP_DOWN) != 0) { click(true, xEvent.state); result = 1; } break; } /* * Forward the key event to the parent. * This is necessary so that key listeners * in the parent will be called, despite the * fact that the event did not really occur * in X in the parent. This is done to be * compatible with Windows. */ xEvent.window = OS.XtWindow(parent.handle); // OS.memmove (callData, xEvent, XKeyEvent.sizeof); parent.XKeyPress(w, client_data, call_data, continue_to_dispatch); if (result == 1) { OS.memmove(continue_to_dispatch, new int[1], 4); } return result; }
int XPointerMotion(int w, int client_data, int call_data, int continue_to_dispatch) { display.addMouseHoverTimeOut(handle); /* * Forward the mouse event to the parent. * This is necessary so that mouse listeners * in the parent will be called, despite the * fact that the event did not really occur * in X in the parent. This is done to be * compatible with Windows. */ XMotionEvent xEvent = new XMotionEvent(); OS.memmove(xEvent, call_data, XMotionEvent.sizeof); int[] argList = {OS.XmNx, 0, OS.XmNy, 0}; OS.XtGetValues(handle, argList, argList.length / 2); xEvent.window = OS.XtWindow(parent.handle); xEvent.x += argList[1]; xEvent.y += argList[3]; /* * This code is intentionally commented. * Currently, the implementation of the * mouse move code in the parent interferes * with tool tips for tool items. */ // OS.memmove (callData, xEvent, XButtonEvent.sizeof); // parent.XPointerMotion (w, client_data, call_data, continue_to_dispatch); if (!parent.sendMouseEvent(SWT.MouseMove, xEvent)) { OS.memmove(continue_to_dispatch, new int[1], 4); return 1; } return 0; }
int XButtonRelease(int w, int client_data, int call_data, int continue_to_dispatch) { display.hideToolTip(); XButtonEvent xEvent = new XButtonEvent(); OS.memmove(xEvent, call_data, XButtonEvent.sizeof); /* * Forward the mouse event to the parent. * This is necessary so that mouse listeners * in the parent will be called, despite the * fact that the event did not really occur * in X in the parent. This is done to be * compatible with Windows. */ int[] argList = {OS.XmNx, 0, OS.XmNy, 0}; OS.XtGetValues(handle, argList, argList.length / 2); xEvent.window = OS.XtWindow(parent.handle); xEvent.x += argList[1]; xEvent.y += argList[3]; OS.memmove(call_data, xEvent, XButtonEvent.sizeof); int result = parent.XButtonRelease(w, client_data, call_data, continue_to_dispatch); xEvent.x -= argList[1]; xEvent.y -= argList[3]; if (result == 0 && xEvent.button == 1) { int[] argList2 = {OS.XmNwidth, 0, OS.XmNheight, 0}; OS.XtGetValues(handle, argList2, argList2.length / 2); int width = argList2[1], height = argList2[3]; if (0 <= xEvent.x && xEvent.x < width && 0 <= xEvent.y && xEvent.y < height) { click(xEvent.x > width - 12, xEvent.state); } setDrawPressed(set); } return result; }
int XButtonRelease(int w, int client_data, int call_data, int continue_to_dispatch) { int result = super.XButtonRelease(w, client_data, call_data, continue_to_dispatch); if (result != 0) return result; XButtonEvent xEvent = new XButtonEvent(); OS.memmove(xEvent, call_data, XButtonEvent.sizeof); if (xEvent.button != 1) return result; if (!dragging) return result; dragging = false; int[] argList = {OS.XmNwidth, 0, OS.XmNheight, 0, OS.XmNborderWidth, 0}; OS.XtGetValues(handle, argList, argList.length / 2); int border = argList[5]; int width = argList[1] + (border * 2), height = argList[3] + (border * 2); Event event = new Event(); event.time = xEvent.time; event.x = lastX; event.y = lastY; event.width = width; event.height = height; drawBand(lastX, lastY, width, height); sendEvent(SWT.Selection, event); if (isDisposed()) return result; if (event.doit) { if ((style & SWT.SMOOTH) != 0) { setBounds(event.x, event.y, width, height); // widget could be disposed at this point } } return result; }
int XEnterWindow(int w, int client_data, int call_data, int continue_to_dispatch) { XCrossingEvent xEvent = new XCrossingEvent(); OS.memmove(xEvent, call_data, XCrossingEvent.sizeof); if ((xEvent.state & OS.Button1Mask) != 0) { setDrawPressed(!set); } else { if (( & SWT.FLAT) != 0) redraw(); } return 0; }
int XLeaveWindow(int w, int client_data, int call_data, int continue_to_dispatch) { display.removeMouseHoverTimeOut(); display.hideToolTip(); XCrossingEvent xEvent = new XCrossingEvent(); OS.memmove(xEvent, call_data, XCrossingEvent.sizeof); if ((xEvent.state & OS.Button1Mask) != 0) { setDrawPressed(set); } else { if (( & SWT.FLAT) != 0) redraw(); } return 0; }
int XPointerMotion(int w, int client_data, int call_data, int continue_to_dispatch) { int result = super.XPointerMotion(w, client_data, call_data, continue_to_dispatch); if (result != 0) return result; XMotionEvent xEvent = new XMotionEvent(); OS.memmove(xEvent, call_data, XMotionEvent.sizeof); if (!dragging || (xEvent.state & OS.Button1Mask) == 0) return result; short[] x_root = new short[1], y_root = new short[1]; OS.XtTranslateCoords(handle, (short) 0, (short) 0, x_root, y_root); int eventX = xEvent.x_root - x_root[0], eventY = xEvent.y_root - y_root[0]; int[] argList1 = { OS.XmNx, 0, OS.XmNy, 0, OS.XmNwidth, 0, OS.XmNheight, 0, OS.XmNborderWidth, 0 }; OS.XtGetValues(handle, argList1, argList1.length / 2); int border = argList1[9], x = ((short) argList1[1]) - border, y = ((short) argList1[3]) - border; int width = argList1[5] + (border * 2), height = argList1[7] + (border * 2); int[] argList2 = {OS.XmNwidth, 0, OS.XmNheight, 0, OS.XmNborderWidth, 0}; OS.XtGetValues(parent.handle, argList2, argList2.length / 2); int parentBorder = argList2[5]; int parentWidth = argList2[1] + (parentBorder * 2); int parentHeight = argList2[3] + (parentBorder * 2); int newX = lastX, newY = lastY; if ((style & SWT.VERTICAL) != 0) { newX = Math.min(Math.max(0, eventX + x - startX - parentBorder), parentWidth - width); } else { newY = Math.min(Math.max(0, eventY + y - startY - parentBorder), parentHeight - height); } if (newX == lastX && newY == lastY) return result; drawBand(lastX, lastY, width, height); Event event = new Event(); event.time = xEvent.time; event.x = newX; event.y = newY; event.width = width; event.height = height; if ((style & SWT.SMOOTH) == 0) { event.detail = SWT.DRAG; } sendEvent(SWT.Selection, event); if (isDisposed()) return result; if (event.doit) { lastX = event.x; lastY = event.y; } parent.update(true); drawBand(lastX, lastY, width, height); if ((style & SWT.SMOOTH) != 0) { setBounds(lastX, lastY, width, height); // widget could be disposed at this point } return result; }
int XFocusChange(int w, int client_data, int call_data, int continue_to_dispatch) { /* * Forward the focus event to the parent. * This is necessary so that focus listeners * in the parent will be called, despite the * fact that the event did not really occur * in X in the parent. This is done to be * compatible with Windows. */ XFocusChangeEvent xEvent = new XFocusChangeEvent(); OS.memmove(xEvent, call_data, XFocusChangeEvent.sizeof); xEvent.window = OS.XtWindow(parent.handle); // OS.memmove (call_data, xEvent, XFocusChangeEvent.sizeof); parent.XFocusChange(w, client_data, call_data, continue_to_dispatch); return 0; }
int XButtonPress(int w, int client_data, int call_data, int continue_to_dispatch) { int result = super.XButtonPress(w, client_data, call_data, continue_to_dispatch); if (result != 0) return result; XButtonEvent xEvent = new XButtonEvent(); OS.memmove(xEvent, call_data, XButtonEvent.sizeof); if (xEvent.button != 1) return result; short[] x_root = new short[1], y_root = new short[1]; OS.XtTranslateCoords(handle, (short) 0, (short) 0, x_root, y_root); startX = xEvent.x_root - x_root[0]; startY = xEvent.y_root - y_root[0]; int[] argList = {OS.XmNx, 0, OS.XmNy, 0, OS.XmNwidth, 0, OS.XmNheight, 0, OS.XmNborderWidth, 0}; OS.XtGetValues(handle, argList, argList.length / 2); int border = argList[9], width = argList[5] + (border * 2), height = argList[7] + (border * 2); lastX = ((short) argList[1]) - border; lastY = ((short) argList[3]) - border; Event event = new Event(); event.time = xEvent.time; event.x = lastX; event.y = lastY; event.width = width; event.height = height; if ((style & SWT.SMOOTH) == 0) { event.detail = SWT.DRAG; } sendEvent(SWT.Selection, event); if (isDisposed()) return result; if (event.doit) { dragging = true; lastX = event.x; lastY = event.y; parent.update(true); drawBand(event.x, event.y, width, height); if ((style & SWT.SMOOTH) != 0) { setBounds(event.x, event.y, width, height); // widget could be disposed at this point } } return result; }
int XmNexposureCallback(int w, int client_data, int call_data) { if ((style & SWT.SEPARATOR) != 0) return 0; int xDisplay = OS.XtDisplay(handle); if (xDisplay == 0) return 0; int xWindow = OS.XtWindow(handle); if (xWindow == 0) return 0; int[] argList = { OS.XmNcolormap, 0, OS.XmNwidth, 0, OS.XmNheight, 0, }; OS.XtGetValues(handle, argList, argList.length / 2); int width = argList[3], height = argList[5]; Image currentImage = image; boolean enabled = getEnabled(); if (( & SWT.FLAT) != 0) { boolean hasCursor = hasCursor(); /* Set the shadow thickness */ int thickness = 0; if (set || (hasCursor && enabled)) { thickness = Math.min(2, display.buttonShadowThickness); } argList = new int[] {OS.XmNshadowThickness, thickness}; OS.XtSetValues(handle, argList, argList.length / 2); /* Determine if hot image should be used */ if (enabled && hasCursor && hotImage != null) { currentImage = hotImage; } } GCData data = new GCData(); data.device = display; data.display = xDisplay; data.drawable = xWindow; data.font = parent.font; data.colormap = argList[1]; int xGC = OS.XCreateGC(xDisplay, xWindow, 0, null); if (xGC == 0) SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_NO_HANDLES); GC gc = GC.motif_new(xGC, data); XmAnyCallbackStruct cb = new XmAnyCallbackStruct(); OS.memmove(cb, call_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct.sizeof); if (cb.event != 0) { XExposeEvent xEvent = new XExposeEvent(); OS.memmove(xEvent, cb.event, XExposeEvent.sizeof); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(xEvent.x, xEvent.y, xEvent.width, xEvent.height); gc.setClipping(rect); } if (!enabled) { currentImage = disabledImage; if (currentImage == null && image != null) { currentImage = new Image(display, image, SWT.IMAGE_DISABLE); } Color disabledColor = display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_NORMAL_SHADOW); gc.setForeground(disabledColor); } else { gc.setForeground(parent.getForeground()); } gc.setBackground(parent.getBackground()); int textX = 0, textY = 0, textWidth = 0, textHeight = 0; if (text.length() != 0) { int flags = SWT.DRAW_DELIMITER | SWT.DRAW_TAB | SWT.DRAW_MNEMONIC; Point textExtent = gc.textExtent(text, flags); textWidth = textExtent.x; textHeight = textExtent.y; } int imageX = 0, imageY = 0, imageWidth = 0, imageHeight = 0; if (currentImage != null) { Rectangle imageBounds = currentImage.getBounds(); imageWidth = imageBounds.width; imageHeight = imageBounds.height; } int spacing = 0; if (textWidth != 0 && imageWidth != 0) spacing = 2; if (( & SWT.RIGHT) != 0) { imageX = (width - imageWidth - textWidth - spacing) / 2; imageY = (height - imageHeight) / 2; textX = spacing + imageX + imageWidth; textY = (height - textHeight) / 2; } else { imageX = (width - imageWidth) / 2; imageY = (height - imageHeight - textHeight - spacing) / 2; textX = (width - textWidth) / 2; textY = spacing + imageY + imageHeight; } if ((style & SWT.DROP_DOWN) != 0) { textX -= 6; imageX -= 6; } if (textWidth > 0) { int flags = SWT.DRAW_DELIMITER | SWT.DRAW_TAB | SWT.DRAW_MNEMONIC | SWT.DRAW_TRANSPARENT; gc.drawText(text, textX, textY, flags); } if (imageWidth > 0) gc.drawImage(currentImage, imageX, imageY); if ((style & SWT.DROP_DOWN) != 0) { int startX = width - 12, startY = (height - 2) / 2; int[] arrow = {startX, startY, startX + 3, startY + 3, startX + 6, startY}; gc.setBackground(parent.getForeground()); gc.fillPolygon(arrow); gc.drawPolygon(arrow); } gc.dispose(); OS.XFreeGC(xDisplay, xGC); if (!enabled && disabledImage == null) { if (currentImage != null) currentImage.dispose(); } return 0; }
int XKeyPress(int w, int client_data, int call_data, int continue_to_dispatch) { int result = super.XKeyPress(w, client_data, call_data, continue_to_dispatch); if (result != 0) return result; XKeyEvent xEvent = new XKeyEvent(); OS.memmove(xEvent, call_data, XKeyEvent.sizeof); byte[] buffer = new byte[1]; int[] keysym = new int[1]; OS.XLookupString(xEvent, buffer, buffer.length, keysym, null); switch (keysym[0]) { case OS.XK_Left: case OS.XK_Right: case OS.XK_Up: case OS.XK_Down: int xChange = 0, yChange = 0; int stepSize = PAGE_INCREMENT; if ((xEvent.state & OS.ControlMask) != 0) stepSize = INCREMENT; if ((style & SWT.VERTICAL) != 0) { if (keysym[0] == OS.XK_Up || keysym[0] == OS.XK_Down) break; xChange = keysym[0] == OS.XK_Left ? -stepSize : stepSize; } else { if (keysym[0] == OS.XK_Left || keysym[0] == OS.XK_Right) break; yChange = keysym[0] == OS.XK_Up ? -stepSize : stepSize; } int[] argList1 = {OS.XmNwidth, 0, OS.XmNheight, 0, OS.XmNborderWidth, 0}; OS.XtGetValues(handle, argList1, argList1.length / 2); int border = argList1[5]; int width = argList1[1] + (border * 2), height = argList1[3] + (border * 2); int[] argList2 = {OS.XmNwidth, 0, OS.XmNheight, 0, OS.XmNborderWidth, 0}; OS.XtGetValues(parent.handle, argList2, argList2.length / 2); int parentBorder = argList2[5]; int parentWidth = argList2[1] + (parentBorder * 2); int parentHeight = argList2[3] + (parentBorder * 2); int newX = lastX, newY = lastY; if ((style & SWT.VERTICAL) != 0) { newX = Math.min(Math.max(0, lastX + xChange - parentBorder - startX), parentWidth - width); } else { newY = Math.min(Math.max(0, lastY + yChange - parentBorder - startY), parentHeight - height); } if (newX == lastX && newY == lastY) return result; /* Ensure that the pointer image does not change */ int xDisplay = display.xDisplay; int xWindow = OS.XtWindow(parent.handle); int ptrGrabResult = OS.XGrabPointer( xDisplay, xWindow, 1, OS.None, OS.GrabModeAsync, OS.GrabModeAsync, OS.None, cursor, OS.CurrentTime); Event event = new Event(); event.time = xEvent.time; event.x = newX; event.y = newY; event.width = width; event.height = height; sendEvent(SWT.Selection, event); if (ptrGrabResult == OS.GrabSuccess) OS.XUngrabPointer(xDisplay, OS.CurrentTime); if (isDisposed()) break; if (event.doit) { lastX = event.x; lastY = event.y; if ((style & SWT.SMOOTH) != 0) { setBounds(event.x, event.y, width, height); if (isDisposed()) break; } int cursorX = event.x, cursorY = event.y; if ((style & SWT.VERTICAL) != 0) { cursorY += height / 2; } else { cursorX += width / 2; } OS.XWarpPointer(xDisplay, OS.None, xWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, cursorX, cursorY); } break; } return result; }
int XKeyPress(int w, int client_data, int call_data, int continue_to_dispatch) { int result = super.XKeyPress(w, client_data, call_data, continue_to_dispatch); if (result != 0) return result; XKeyEvent keyEvent = new XKeyEvent(); OS.memmove(keyEvent, call_data, XKeyEvent.sizeof); if (keyEvent.keycode != 0) { int[] keysym = new int[1]; OS.XLookupString(keyEvent, null, 0, keysym, null); keysym[0] &= 0xFFFF; int xChange = 0, yChange = 0; int stepSize = ((keyEvent.state & OS.ControlMask) != 0) ? STEPSIZE_SMALL : STEPSIZE_LARGE; switch (keysym[0]) { case OS.XK_KP_Enter: case OS.XK_Return: tracking = false; /* Eat the subsequent KeyRelease event */ OS.XtAppNextEvent(OS.XtDisplayToApplicationContext(keyEvent.display), call_data); break; case OS.XK_Escape: tracking = false; cancelled = true; /* Eat the subsequent KeyRelease event */ OS.XtAppNextEvent(OS.XtDisplayToApplicationContext(keyEvent.display), call_data); break; case OS.XK_Left: xChange = -stepSize; break; case OS.XK_Right: xChange = stepSize; break; case OS.XK_Up: yChange = -stepSize; break; case OS.XK_Down: yChange = stepSize; break; } if (xChange != 0 || yChange != 0) { Rectangle[] oldRectangles = rectangles; boolean oldStippled = stippled; Rectangle[] rectsToErase = new Rectangle[rectangles.length]; for (int i = 0; i < rectangles.length; i++) { Rectangle current = rectangles[i]; rectsToErase[i] = new Rectangle(current.x, current.y, current.width, current.height); } Event event = new Event(); event.x = oldX + xChange; event.y = oldY + yChange; Point cursorPos; if ((style & SWT.RESIZE) != 0) { resizeRectangles(xChange, yChange); sendEvent(SWT.Resize, event); /* * It is possible (but unlikely) that application code * could have disposed the widget in the resize event. * If this happens then return false to indicate that * the move failed. */ if (isDisposed()) { cancelled = true; return 1; } boolean draw = false; /* * It is possible that application code could have * changed the rectangles in the resize event. If this * happens then only redraw the tracker if the rectangle * values have changed. */ if (rectangles != oldRectangles) { int length = rectangles.length; if (length != rectsToErase.length) { draw = true; } else { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (!rectangles[i].equals(rectsToErase[i])) { draw = true; break; } } } } else { draw = true; } if (draw) { drawRectangles(rectsToErase, oldStippled); update(); drawRectangles(rectangles, stippled); } cursorPos = adjustResizeCursor(); } else { moveRectangles(xChange, yChange); sendEvent(SWT.Move, event); /* * It is possible (but unlikely) that application code * could have disposed the widget in the move event. * If this happens then return false to indicate that * the move failed. */ if (isDisposed()) { cancelled = true; return 1; } boolean draw = false; /* * It is possible that application code could have * changed the rectangles in the move event. If this * happens then only redraw the tracker if the rectangle * values have changed. */ if (rectangles != oldRectangles) { int length = rectangles.length; if (length != rectsToErase.length) { draw = true; } else { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (!rectangles[i].equals(rectsToErase[i])) { draw = true; break; } } } } else { draw = true; } if (draw) { drawRectangles(rectsToErase, oldStippled); update(); drawRectangles(rectangles, stippled); } cursorPos = adjustMoveCursor(); } if (cursorPos != null) { oldX = cursorPos.x; oldY = cursorPos.y; } } } return result; }
/** * Displays the Tracker rectangles for manipulation by the user. Returns when the user has either * finished manipulating the rectangles or has cancelled the Tracker. * * @return <code>true</code> if the user did not cancel the Tracker, <code>false</code> otherwise * @exception SWTException * <ul> * <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed * <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver * </ul> */ public boolean open() { checkWidget(); int xDisplay = display.xDisplay; window = OS.XDefaultRootWindow(xDisplay); if (parent != null) { window = OS.XtWindow(parent.handle); if (window == 0) return false; } cancelled = false; tracking = true; update(); drawRectangles(rectangles, stippled); int[] oldX = new int[1], oldY = new int[1]; int[] unused = new int[1], mask = new int[1]; OS.XQueryPointer(xDisplay, window, unused, unused, oldX, oldY, unused, unused, mask); /* * If exactly one of UP/DOWN is specified as a style then set the cursor * orientation accordingly (the same is done for LEFT/RIGHT styles below). */ int vStyle = style & (SWT.UP | SWT.DOWN); if (vStyle == SWT.UP || vStyle == SWT.DOWN) { cursorOrientation |= vStyle; } int hStyle = style & (SWT.LEFT | SWT.RIGHT); if (hStyle == SWT.LEFT || hStyle == SWT.RIGHT) { cursorOrientation |= hStyle; } int mouseMasks = OS.Button1Mask | OS.Button2Mask | OS.Button3Mask; boolean mouseDown = (mask[0] & mouseMasks) != 0; if (!mouseDown) { Point cursorPos = null; if ((style & SWT.RESIZE) != 0) { cursorPos = adjustResizeCursor(); } else { cursorPos = adjustMoveCursor(); } if (cursorPos != null) { oldX[0] = cursorPos.x; oldY[0] = cursorPos.y; } } this.oldX = oldX[0]; this.oldY = oldY[0]; int ptrGrabResult = OS.XGrabPointer( xDisplay, window, 0, OS.ButtonPressMask | OS.ButtonReleaseMask | OS.PointerMotionMask, OS.GrabModeAsync, OS.GrabModeAsync, OS.None, OS.None, OS.CurrentTime); int kbdGrabResult = OS.XGrabKeyboard(xDisplay, window, 0, OS.GrabModeAsync, OS.GrabModeAsync, OS.CurrentTime); /* Tracker behaves like a Dialog with its own OS event loop. */ XAnyEvent anyEvent = new XAnyEvent(); int xEvent = OS.XtMalloc(XEvent.sizeof); int dispatch = OS.XtMalloc(4); int xtContext = OS.XtDisplayToApplicationContext(xDisplay); while (tracking) { if (parent != null && parent.isDisposed()) break; OS.XtAppNextEvent(xtContext, xEvent); OS.memmove(anyEvent, xEvent, XAnyEvent.sizeof); int widget = OS.XtWindowToWidget(anyEvent.display, anyEvent.window); switch (anyEvent.type) { case OS.MotionNotify: XPointerMotion(widget, 0, xEvent, dispatch); break; case OS.ButtonRelease: XButtonRelease(widget, 0, xEvent, dispatch); break; case OS.KeyPress: XKeyPress(widget, 0, xEvent, dispatch); break; case OS.KeyRelease: XKeyRelease(widget, 0, xEvent, dispatch); break; case OS.ButtonPress: case OS.EnterNotify: case OS.LeaveNotify: /* Do not dispatch these */ break; case OS.Expose: update(); drawRectangles(rectangles, stippled); OS.XtDispatchEvent(xEvent); drawRectangles(rectangles, stippled); break; default: OS.XtDispatchEvent(xEvent); } } if (xEvent != 0) OS.XtFree(xEvent); if (dispatch != 0) OS.XtFree(dispatch); if (!isDisposed()) { update(); drawRectangles(rectangles, stippled); } if (ptrGrabResult == OS.GrabSuccess) OS.XUngrabPointer(xDisplay, OS.CurrentTime); if (kbdGrabResult == OS.GrabSuccess) OS.XUngrabKeyboard(xDisplay, OS.CurrentTime); window = 0; return !cancelled; }
void init(int red, int green, int blue) { if ((red > 255) || (red < 0) || (green > 255) || (green < 0) || (blue > 255) || (blue < 0)) { SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } XColor xColor = new XColor(); = (short) ((red & 0xFF) | ((red & 0xFF) << 8)); = (short) ((green & 0xFF) | ((green & 0xFF) << 8)); = (short) ((blue & 0xFF) | ((blue & 0xFF) << 8)); handle = xColor; int xDisplay = device.xDisplay; int screen = OS.XDefaultScreen(xDisplay); int colormap = OS.XDefaultColormap(xDisplay, screen); /* 1. Try to allocate the color */ if (OS.XAllocColor(xDisplay, colormap, xColor) != 0) { if (device.colorRefCount != null) { /* Make a copy of the color to put in the colors array */ XColor colorCopy = new XColor(); =; =; =; colorCopy.pixel = xColor.pixel; device.xcolors[colorCopy.pixel] = colorCopy; device.colorRefCount[xColor.pixel]++; } return; } /* * 2. Allocation failed. Query the entire colormap and * find the closest match which can be allocated. * This should never occur on a truecolor display. */ Visual visual = new Visual(); OS.memmove(visual, OS.XDefaultVisual(xDisplay, screen), Visual.sizeof); int mapEntries = visual.map_entries; XColor[] queried = new XColor[mapEntries]; int[] distances = new int[mapEntries]; /* * Query all colors in the colormap and calculate the distance * from each to the desired color. */ for (int i = 0; i < mapEntries; i++) { XColor color = new XColor(); color.pixel = i; queried[i] = color; OS.XQueryColor(xDisplay, colormap, color); int r = red - (( >> 8) & 0xFF); int g = green - (( >> 8) & 0xFF); int b = blue - (( >> 8) & 0xFF); distances[i] = r * r + g * g + b * b; } /* * Try to allocate closest matching queried color. * The allocation can fail if the closest matching * color is allocated privately, so go through them * in order of increasing distance. */ for (int i = 0; i < mapEntries; i++) { int minDist = 0x30000; int minIndex = 0; for (int j = 0; j < mapEntries; j++) { if (distances[j] < minDist) { minDist = distances[j]; minIndex = j; } } XColor queriedColor = queried[minIndex]; XColor osColor = new XColor(); =; =; =; if (OS.XAllocColor(xDisplay, colormap, osColor) != 0) { /* Allocation succeeded. Copy the fields into the handle */ =; =; =; xColor.pixel = osColor.pixel; if (device.colorRefCount != null) { /* Put osColor in the colors array */ device.xcolors[osColor.pixel] = osColor; device.colorRefCount[osColor.pixel]++; } return; } /* The allocation failed; matching color is allocated privately */ distances[minIndex] = 0x30000; } /* * 3. Couldn't allocate any of the colors in the colormap. * This means all colormap entries were allocated privately * by other applications. Give up and allocate black. */ XColor osColor = new XColor(); OS.XAllocColor(xDisplay, colormap, osColor); /* Copy the fields into the handle */ =; =; =; xColor.pixel = osColor.pixel; if (device.colorRefCount != null) { /* Put osColor in the colors array */ device.xcolors[osColor.pixel] = osColor; device.colorRefCount[osColor.pixel]++; } }