private Point hilbertOrderData(ImageData id, byte pixData[]) { int order = 0; for (int n = 1; n < id.width; n *= 2) { order++; } /* Skanky; use an otherwise-unused ImageData field * to keep track of maxX. */ Point p = new Point(0, 0); int oldIdX = id.x; int oldIdY = id.y; id.x = id.y = 0; try { hilbertWalk(id, new ByteArrayInputStream(pixData), order, 0, 0, HILBERT_DIR_E); p.x = id.x; p.y = id.y; } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("Exception during hilbertWalk()"); p.x = id.height; p.y = id.width; } id.x = oldIdX; id.y = oldIdY; return p; }
private void hilbertWalk(ImageData id, InputStream pixData, int order, int x, int y, int dir) throws IOException { if (x >= id.width || y >= id.height) { return; } else if (order == 0) { try { int p =; if (p >= 0) { // flip along x=y axis; assume width == height id.setPixel(y, x, p); /* Skanky; use an otherwise-unused ImageData field * to keep track of the max x,y used. Note that x and y are inverted. */ if (y > id.x) { id.x = y; } if (x > id.y) { id.y = x; } } // xxx just give up; don't bother walking the rest of the image } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { System.out.println( "bad pixels: order " + order + ", dir " + dir + ", w " + id.width + ", h " + id.height + ", x " + x + ", y " + y); throw ex; } } else { order--; int delta = 1 << order; int nextX = x + delta; int nextY = y + delta; switch (dir) { case HILBERT_DIR_E: hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, x, y, HILBERT_DIR_N); hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, x, nextY, HILBERT_DIR_E); hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, nextX, nextY, HILBERT_DIR_E); hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, nextX, y, HILBERT_DIR_S); break; case HILBERT_DIR_N: hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, x, y, HILBERT_DIR_E); hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, nextX, y, HILBERT_DIR_N); hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, nextX, nextY, HILBERT_DIR_N); hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, x, nextY, HILBERT_DIR_W); break; case HILBERT_DIR_S: hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, nextX, nextY, HILBERT_DIR_W); hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, x, nextY, HILBERT_DIR_S); hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, x, y, HILBERT_DIR_S); hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, nextX, y, HILBERT_DIR_E); break; case HILBERT_DIR_W: hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, nextX, nextY, HILBERT_DIR_S); hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, nextX, y, HILBERT_DIR_W); hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, x, y, HILBERT_DIR_W); hilbertWalk(id, pixData, order, x, nextY, HILBERT_DIR_N); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected Hilbert direction " + dir); } } }