/** * Update any smudged entries with information from the working tree. * * @throws IOException */ private void updateSmudgedEntries() throws IOException { TreeWalk walk = new TreeWalk(repository); List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(128); try { for (int i = 0; i < entryCnt; i++) if (sortedEntries[i].isSmudged()) paths.add(sortedEntries[i].getPathString()); if (paths.isEmpty()) return; walk.setFilter(PathFilterGroup.createFromStrings(paths)); DirCacheIterator iIter = new DirCacheIterator(this); FileTreeIterator fIter = new FileTreeIterator(repository); walk.addTree(iIter); walk.addTree(fIter); walk.setRecursive(true); while (walk.next()) { iIter = walk.getTree(0, DirCacheIterator.class); if (iIter == null) continue; fIter = walk.getTree(1, FileTreeIterator.class); if (fIter == null) continue; DirCacheEntry entry = iIter.getDirCacheEntry(); if (entry.isSmudged() && iIter.idEqual(fIter)) { entry.setLength(fIter.getEntryLength()); entry.setLastModified(fIter.getEntryLastModified()); } } } finally { walk.release(); } }
/** * Compute the current projects that will be missing after the given branch is checked out * * @param branch * @param currentProjects * @return non-null but possibly empty array of missing projects */ private IProject[] getMissingProjects(String branch, IProject[] currentProjects) { if (delete || currentProjects.length == 0) return new IProject[0]; ObjectId targetTreeId; ObjectId currentTreeId; try { targetTreeId = repository.resolve(branch + "^{tree}"); // $NON-NLS-1$ currentTreeId = repository.resolve(Constants.HEAD + "^{tree}"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } catch (IOException e) { return new IProject[0]; } if (targetTreeId == null || currentTreeId == null) return new IProject[0]; Map<File, IProject> locations = new HashMap<File, IProject>(); for (IProject project : currentProjects) { IPath location = project.getLocation(); if (location == null) continue; location = location.append(IProjectDescription.DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME); locations.put(location.toFile(), project); } List<IProject> toBeClosed = new ArrayList<IProject>(); File root = repository.getWorkTree(); TreeWalk walk = new TreeWalk(repository); try { walk.addTree(targetTreeId); walk.addTree(currentTreeId); walk.addTree(new FileTreeIterator(repository)); walk.setRecursive(true); walk.setFilter( AndTreeFilter.create( PathSuffixFilter.create(IProjectDescription.DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME), TreeFilter.ANY_DIFF)); while (walk.next()) { AbstractTreeIterator targetIter = walk.getTree(0, AbstractTreeIterator.class); if (targetIter != null) continue; AbstractTreeIterator currentIter = walk.getTree(1, AbstractTreeIterator.class); AbstractTreeIterator workingIter = walk.getTree(2, AbstractTreeIterator.class); if (currentIter == null || workingIter == null) continue; IProject project = locations.get(new File(root, walk.getPathString())); if (project != null) toBeClosed.add(project); } } catch (IOException e) { return new IProject[0]; } finally { walk.release(); } return toBeClosed.toArray(new IProject[toBeClosed.size()]); }
/** * Returns all tree entries that do not match the ignore paths. * * @param db * @param ignorePaths * @param dcBuilder * @throws IOException */ private List<DirCacheEntry> getTreeEntries(Repository db, Collection<String> ignorePaths) throws IOException { List<DirCacheEntry> list = new ArrayList<DirCacheEntry>(); ObjectId treeId = db.resolve(BRANCH + "^{tree}"); if (treeId == null) { // branch does not exist yet, could be migrating tickets return list; } try (TreeWalk tw = new TreeWalk(db)) { int hIdx = tw.addTree(treeId); tw.setRecursive(true); while (tw.next()) { String path = tw.getPathString(); CanonicalTreeParser hTree = null; if (hIdx != -1) { hTree = tw.getTree(hIdx, CanonicalTreeParser.class); } if (!ignorePaths.contains(path)) { // add all other tree entries if (hTree != null) { final DirCacheEntry entry = new DirCacheEntry(path); entry.setObjectId(hTree.getEntryObjectId()); entry.setFileMode(hTree.getEntryFileMode()); list.add(entry); } } } } return list; }
public static List<File> getNotIgnoredFilesOfRepo(File directory) throws GitException { Git git = openRepository(directory); Repository repo = null; repo = git.getRepository(); List<File> foundFiles = new ArrayList<>(); TreeWalk treeWalk = null; try { treeWalk = new TreeWalk(repo); FileTreeIterator tree = new FileTreeIterator(repo); treeWalk.addTree(tree); treeWalk.setRecursive(false); while (treeWalk.next()) { WorkingTreeIterator iterator = treeWalk.getTree(0, WorkingTreeIterator.class); if (!iterator.isEntryIgnored()) if (treeWalk.isSubtree()) { treeWalk.enterSubtree(); } else { File file = new File(directory, treeWalk.getPathString()); foundFiles.add(file); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new GitException("Listing of non-ignored files in " + directory + " failed", e); } finally { if (treeWalk != null) treeWalk.close(); } return foundFiles; }
/** * Process the given TreeWalk's entries. * * @param treeWalk The walk to iterate over. * @param ignoreConflicts see {@link ResolveMerger#mergeTrees(AbstractTreeIterator, RevTree, * RevTree, boolean)} * @return Whether the trees merged cleanly. * @throws IOException * @since 3.5 */ protected boolean mergeTreeWalk(TreeWalk treeWalk, boolean ignoreConflicts) throws IOException { boolean hasWorkingTreeIterator = tw.getTreeCount() > T_FILE; while (treeWalk.next()) { if (!processEntry( treeWalk.getTree(T_BASE, CanonicalTreeParser.class), treeWalk.getTree(T_OURS, CanonicalTreeParser.class), treeWalk.getTree(T_THEIRS, CanonicalTreeParser.class), treeWalk.getTree(T_INDEX, DirCacheBuildIterator.class), hasWorkingTreeIterator ? treeWalk.getTree(T_FILE, WorkingTreeIterator.class) : null, ignoreConflicts)) { cleanUp(); return false; } if (treeWalk.isSubtree() && enterSubtree) treeWalk.enterSubtree(); } return true; }
private void assertEntry(FileMode type, boolean entryIgnored, String pathName) throws IOException { assertTrue("walk has entry", walk.next()); assertEquals(pathName, walk.getPathString()); assertEquals(type, walk.getFileMode(0)); WorkingTreeIterator itr = walk.getTree(0, WorkingTreeIterator.class); assertNotNull("has tree", itr); assertEquals("is ignored", entryIgnored, itr.isEntryIgnored()); if (D.equals(type)) walk.enterSubtree(); }
private void assertIteration(FileMode type, String pathName, List<Attribute> nodeAttrs) throws IOException { assertTrue("walk has entry", walk.next()); assertEquals(pathName, walk.getPathString()); assertEquals(type, walk.getFileMode(0)); DirCacheIterator itr = walk.getTree(0, DirCacheIterator.class); assertNotNull("has tree", itr); AttributesNode attributesNode = itr.getEntryAttributesNode(db.newObjectReader()); assertAttributesNode(pathName, attributesNode, nodeAttrs); if (D.equals(type)) walk.enterSubtree(); }
@Test public void testTreeWalk_LsFiles() throws Exception { final Repository db = createBareRepository(); final Map<String, CGitIndexRecord> ls = readLsFiles(); final DirCache dc = new DirCache(index, db.getFS()); assertEquals(0, dc.getEntryCount()); dc.read(); assertEquals(ls.size(), dc.getEntryCount()); { final Iterator<CGitIndexRecord> rItr = ls.values().iterator(); final TreeWalk tw = new TreeWalk(db); tw.setRecursive(true); tw.addTree(new DirCacheIterator(dc)); while (rItr.hasNext()) { final DirCacheIterator dcItr; assertTrue(tw.next()); dcItr = tw.getTree(0, DirCacheIterator.class); assertNotNull(dcItr); assertEqual(rItr.next(), dcItr.getDirCacheEntry()); } } }
private AbstractTreeIterator getSingleTreeIterator(TreeWalk treeWalk, String commitMessage) { AbstractTreeIterator result = null; int treeCount = treeWalk.getTreeCount(); for (int i = 0; i < treeCount; i++) { AbstractTreeIterator it = treeWalk.getTree(i, AbstractTreeIterator.class); if (it != null) { if (result != null) { String msg = "Trees of repositories overlap in path '" + it.getEntryPathString() + "'. " + "We can only merge non-overlapping trees, " + "so make sure the repositories have been prepared for that. " + "One possible way is to process each repository to move the root to a subdirectory first.\n" + "Current commit:\n" + commitMessage; throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } else { result = it; } } } return result; }
private DirCache createTemporaryIndex(ObjectId headId, DirCache index, RevWalk rw) throws IOException { ObjectInserter inserter = null; // get DirCacheBuilder for existing index DirCacheBuilder existingBuilder = index.builder(); // get DirCacheBuilder for newly created in-core index to build a // temporary index for this commit DirCache inCoreIndex = DirCache.newInCore(); DirCacheBuilder tempBuilder = inCoreIndex.builder(); onlyProcessed = new boolean[only.size()]; boolean emptyCommit = true; try (TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(repo)) { treeWalk.setOperationType(OperationType.CHECKIN_OP); int dcIdx = treeWalk.addTree(new DirCacheBuildIterator(existingBuilder)); FileTreeIterator fti = new FileTreeIterator(repo); fti.setDirCacheIterator(treeWalk, 0); int fIdx = treeWalk.addTree(fti); int hIdx = -1; if (headId != null) hIdx = treeWalk.addTree(rw.parseTree(headId)); treeWalk.setRecursive(true); String lastAddedFile = null; while (treeWalk.next()) { String path = treeWalk.getPathString(); // check if current entry's path matches a specified path int pos = lookupOnly(path); CanonicalTreeParser hTree = null; if (hIdx != -1) hTree = treeWalk.getTree(hIdx, CanonicalTreeParser.class); DirCacheIterator dcTree = treeWalk.getTree(dcIdx, DirCacheIterator.class); if (pos >= 0) { // include entry in commit FileTreeIterator fTree = treeWalk.getTree(fIdx, FileTreeIterator.class); // check if entry refers to a tracked file boolean tracked = dcTree != null || hTree != null; if (!tracked) continue; // for an unmerged path, DirCacheBuildIterator will yield 3 // entries, we only want to add one if (path.equals(lastAddedFile)) continue; lastAddedFile = path; if (fTree != null) { // create a new DirCacheEntry with data retrieved from // disk final DirCacheEntry dcEntry = new DirCacheEntry(path); long entryLength = fTree.getEntryLength(); dcEntry.setLength(entryLength); dcEntry.setLastModified(fTree.getEntryLastModified()); dcEntry.setFileMode(fTree.getIndexFileMode(dcTree)); boolean objectExists = (dcTree != null && fTree.idEqual(dcTree)) || (hTree != null && fTree.idEqual(hTree)); if (objectExists) { dcEntry.setObjectId(fTree.getEntryObjectId()); } else { if (FileMode.GITLINK.equals(dcEntry.getFileMode())) dcEntry.setObjectId(fTree.getEntryObjectId()); else { // insert object if (inserter == null) inserter = repo.newObjectInserter(); long contentLength = fTree.getEntryContentLength(); InputStream inputStream = fTree.openEntryStream(); try { dcEntry.setObjectId( inserter.insert(Constants.OBJ_BLOB, contentLength, inputStream)); } finally { inputStream.close(); } } } // add to existing index existingBuilder.add(dcEntry); // add to temporary in-core index tempBuilder.add(dcEntry); if (emptyCommit && (hTree == null || !hTree.idEqual(fTree) || hTree.getEntryRawMode() != fTree.getEntryRawMode())) // this is a change emptyCommit = false; } else { // if no file exists on disk, neither add it to // index nor to temporary in-core index if (emptyCommit && hTree != null) // this is a change emptyCommit = false; } // keep track of processed path onlyProcessed[pos] = true; } else { // add entries from HEAD for all other paths if (hTree != null) { // create a new DirCacheEntry with data retrieved from // HEAD final DirCacheEntry dcEntry = new DirCacheEntry(path); dcEntry.setObjectId(hTree.getEntryObjectId()); dcEntry.setFileMode(hTree.getEntryFileMode()); // add to temporary in-core index tempBuilder.add(dcEntry); } // preserve existing entry in index if (dcTree != null) existingBuilder.add(dcTree.getDirCacheEntry()); } } } // there must be no unprocessed paths left at this point; otherwise an // untracked or unknown path has been specified for (int i = 0; i < onlyProcessed.length; i++) if (!onlyProcessed[i]) throw new JGitInternalException( MessageFormat.format(JGitText.get().entryNotFoundByPath, only.get(i))); // there must be at least one change if (emptyCommit) throw new JGitInternalException(JGitText.get().emptyCommit); // update index existingBuilder.commit(); // finish temporary in-core index used for this commit tempBuilder.finish(); return inCoreIndex; }
/** * Deletes a ticket from the repository. * * @param ticket * @return true if successful */ @Override protected synchronized boolean deleteTicketImpl( RepositoryModel repository, TicketModel ticket, String deletedBy) { if (ticket == null) { throw new RuntimeException("must specify a ticket!"); } boolean success = false; Repository db = repositoryManager.getRepository(ticket.repository); try { RefModel ticketsBranch = getTicketsBranch(db); if (ticketsBranch == null) { throw new RuntimeException(BRANCH + " does not exist!"); } String ticketPath = toTicketPath(ticket.number); try { ObjectId treeId = db.resolve(BRANCH + "^{tree}"); // Create the in-memory index of the new/updated ticket DirCache index = DirCache.newInCore(); DirCacheBuilder builder = index.builder(); // Traverse HEAD to add all other paths try (TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(db)) { int hIdx = -1; if (treeId != null) { hIdx = treeWalk.addTree(treeId); } treeWalk.setRecursive(true); while (treeWalk.next()) { String path = treeWalk.getPathString(); CanonicalTreeParser hTree = null; if (hIdx != -1) { hTree = treeWalk.getTree(hIdx, CanonicalTreeParser.class); } if (!path.startsWith(ticketPath)) { // add entries from HEAD for all other paths if (hTree != null) { final DirCacheEntry entry = new DirCacheEntry(path); entry.setObjectId(hTree.getEntryObjectId()); entry.setFileMode(hTree.getEntryFileMode()); // add to temporary in-core index builder.add(entry); } } } } // finish temporary in-core index used for this commit builder.finish(); success = commitIndex(db, index, deletedBy, "- " + ticket.number); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error( MessageFormat.format( "Failed to delete ticket {0,number,0} from {1}", ticket.number, db.getDirectory()), t); } } finally { db.close(); } return success; }
private void buildMaps( Repository repository, RevCommit baseCommit, RevCommit compareCommit, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException, IOException { monitor.beginTask(UIText.CompareTreeView_AnalyzingRepositoryTaskText, IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); boolean useIndex = compareVersion.equals(INDEX_VERSION); deletedPaths.clear(); equalContentPaths.clear(); baseVersionMap.clear(); compareVersionMap.clear(); compareVersionPathsWithChildren.clear(); addedPaths.clear(); baseVersionPathsWithChildren.clear(); boolean checkIgnored = false; TreeWalk tw = new TreeWalk(repository); try { int baseTreeIndex; if (baseCommit == null) { checkIgnored = true; baseTreeIndex = tw.addTree( new AdaptableFileTreeIterator( repository, ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot())); } else baseTreeIndex = tw.addTree( new CanonicalTreeParser(null, repository.newObjectReader(), baseCommit.getTree())); int compareTreeIndex; if (!useIndex) compareTreeIndex = tw.addTree( new CanonicalTreeParser( null, repository.newObjectReader(), compareCommit.getTree())); else compareTreeIndex = tw.addTree(new DirCacheIterator(repository.readDirCache())); if (input instanceof IResource[]) { IResource[] resources = (IResource[]) input; List<TreeFilter> orFilters = new ArrayList<TreeFilter>(resources.length); for (IResource resource : resources) { String relPath = repositoryMapping.getRepoRelativePath(resource); if (relPath.length() > 0) orFilters.add(PathFilter.create(relPath)); } if (orFilters.size() > 1) tw.setFilter(OrTreeFilter.create(orFilters)); else if (orFilters.size() == 1) tw.setFilter(orFilters.get(0)); } tw.setRecursive(true); if (monitor.isCanceled()) throw new InterruptedException(); while (tw.next()) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) throw new InterruptedException(); AbstractTreeIterator compareVersionIterator = tw.getTree(compareTreeIndex, AbstractTreeIterator.class); AbstractTreeIterator baseVersionIterator = tw.getTree(baseTreeIndex, AbstractTreeIterator.class); if (checkIgnored && baseVersionIterator != null && ((WorkingTreeIterator) baseVersionIterator).isEntryIgnored()) continue; if (compareVersionIterator != null && baseVersionIterator != null) { monitor.setTaskName(baseVersionIterator.getEntryPathString()); IPath currentPath = new Path(baseVersionIterator.getEntryPathString()); if (!useIndex) compareVersionMap.put( currentPath, GitFileRevision.inCommit( repository, compareCommit, baseVersionIterator.getEntryPathString(), tw.getObjectId(compareTreeIndex))); else compareVersionMap.put( currentPath, GitFileRevision.inIndex(repository, baseVersionIterator.getEntryPathString())); if (baseCommit != null) baseVersionMap.put( currentPath, GitFileRevision.inCommit( repository, baseCommit, baseVersionIterator.getEntryPathString(), tw.getObjectId(baseTreeIndex))); boolean equalContent = compareVersionIterator .getEntryObjectId() .equals(baseVersionIterator.getEntryObjectId()); if (equalContent) equalContentPaths.add(currentPath); if (equalContent && !showEquals) continue; while (currentPath.segmentCount() > 0) { currentPath = currentPath.removeLastSegments(1); if (!baseVersionPathsWithChildren.add(currentPath)) break; } } else if (baseVersionIterator != null && compareVersionIterator == null) { monitor.setTaskName(baseVersionIterator.getEntryPathString()); // only on base side IPath currentPath = new Path(baseVersionIterator.getEntryPathString()); addedPaths.add(currentPath); if (baseCommit != null) baseVersionMap.put( currentPath, GitFileRevision.inCommit( repository, baseCommit, baseVersionIterator.getEntryPathString(), tw.getObjectId(baseTreeIndex))); while (currentPath.segmentCount() > 0) { currentPath = currentPath.removeLastSegments(1); if (!baseVersionPathsWithChildren.add(currentPath)) break; } } else if (compareVersionIterator != null && baseVersionIterator == null) { monitor.setTaskName(compareVersionIterator.getEntryPathString()); // only on compare side IPath currentPath = new Path(compareVersionIterator.getEntryPathString()); deletedPaths.add(currentPath); List<PathNodeAdapter> children = compareVersionPathsWithChildren.get(currentPath.removeLastSegments(1)); if (children == null) { children = new ArrayList<PathNodeAdapter>(1); compareVersionPathsWithChildren.put(currentPath.removeLastSegments(1), children); } children.add(new PathNodeAdapter(new PathNode(currentPath, Type.FILE_DELETED))); if (!useIndex) compareVersionMap.put( currentPath, GitFileRevision.inCommit( repository, compareCommit, compareVersionIterator.getEntryPathString(), tw.getObjectId(compareTreeIndex))); else compareVersionMap.put( currentPath, GitFileRevision.inIndex(repository, compareVersionIterator.getEntryPathString())); } } } finally { tw.release(); monitor.done(); } }
private IDiffContainer buildDiffContainer( RevCommit baseCommit, RevCommit compareCommit, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException, InterruptedException { boolean useIndex = compareVersion.equals(CompareTreeView.INDEX_VERSION); boolean checkIgnored = false; IDiffContainer result = new DiffNode(Differencer.CONFLICTING); try (TreeWalk tw = new TreeWalk(repository)) { // filter by selected resources if (filterPathStrings.size() > 1) { List<TreeFilter> suffixFilters = new ArrayList<TreeFilter>(); for (String filterPath : filterPathStrings) suffixFilters.add(PathFilter.create(filterPath)); TreeFilter otf = OrTreeFilter.create(suffixFilters); tw.setFilter(otf); } else if (filterPathStrings.size() > 0) { String path = filterPathStrings.get(0); if (path.length() != 0) tw.setFilter(PathFilter.create(path)); } tw.setRecursive(true); int baseTreeIndex; if (baseCommit == null) { // compare workspace with something checkIgnored = true; baseTreeIndex = tw.addTree(new FileTreeIterator(repository)); } else baseTreeIndex = tw.addTree( new CanonicalTreeParser(null, repository.newObjectReader(), baseCommit.getTree())); int compareTreeIndex; if (!useIndex) compareTreeIndex = tw.addTree( new CanonicalTreeParser( null, repository.newObjectReader(), compareCommit.getTree())); else // compare something with the index compareTreeIndex = tw.addTree(new DirCacheIterator(repository.readDirCache())); while (tw.next()) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) throw new InterruptedException(); AbstractTreeIterator compareVersionIterator = tw.getTree(compareTreeIndex, AbstractTreeIterator.class); AbstractTreeIterator baseVersionIterator = tw.getTree(baseTreeIndex, AbstractTreeIterator.class); if (checkIgnored && baseVersionIterator != null && ((WorkingTreeIterator) baseVersionIterator).isEntryIgnored()) continue; if (compareVersionIterator != null && baseVersionIterator != null) { boolean equalContent = compareVersionIterator .getEntryObjectId() .equals(baseVersionIterator.getEntryObjectId()); if (equalContent) continue; } String encoding = null; GitFileRevision compareRev = null; if (compareVersionIterator != null) { String entryPath = compareVersionIterator.getEntryPathString(); encoding = CompareCoreUtils.getResourceEncoding(repository, entryPath); if (!useIndex) compareRev = GitFileRevision.inCommit( repository, compareCommit, entryPath, tw.getObjectId(compareTreeIndex)); else compareRev = GitFileRevision.inIndex(repository, entryPath); } GitFileRevision baseRev = null; if (baseVersionIterator != null) { String entryPath = baseVersionIterator.getEntryPathString(); if (encoding == null) { encoding = CompareCoreUtils.getResourceEncoding(repository, entryPath); } baseRev = GitFileRevision.inCommit( repository, baseCommit, entryPath, tw.getObjectId(baseTreeIndex)); } if (compareVersionIterator != null && baseVersionIterator != null) { monitor.setTaskName(baseVersionIterator.getEntryPathString()); // content exists on both sides add( result, baseVersionIterator.getEntryPathString(), new DiffNode( new FileRevisionTypedElement(compareRev, encoding), new FileRevisionTypedElement(baseRev, encoding))); } else if (baseVersionIterator != null && compareVersionIterator == null) { monitor.setTaskName(baseVersionIterator.getEntryPathString()); // only on base side add( result, baseVersionIterator.getEntryPathString(), new DiffNode( Differencer.DELETION | Differencer.RIGHT, null, null, new FileRevisionTypedElement(baseRev, encoding))); } else if (compareVersionIterator != null && baseVersionIterator == null) { monitor.setTaskName(compareVersionIterator.getEntryPathString()); // only on compare side add( result, compareVersionIterator.getEntryPathString(), new DiffNode( Differencer.ADDITION | Differencer.RIGHT, null, new FileRevisionTypedElement(compareRev, encoding), null)); } if (monitor.isCanceled()) throw new InterruptedException(); } return result; } }
@Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { handleAuth(req); resp.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); final PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter(); try { String pathInfo = req.getPathInfo(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("/([^/]*)(?:/([^/]*)(?:/(.*))?)?"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(pathInfo); matcher.matches(); String projectName = null; String refName = null; String filePath = null; if (matcher.groupCount() > 0) { projectName = matcher.group(1); refName = matcher.group(2); filePath = matcher.group(3); if (projectName == null || projectName.equals("")) { projectName = null; } else { projectName = java.net.URLDecoder.decode(projectName, "UTF-8"); } if (refName == null || refName.equals("")) { refName = null; } else { refName = java.net.URLDecoder.decode(refName, "UTF-8"); } if (filePath == null || filePath.equals("")) { filePath = null; } else { filePath = java.net.URLDecoder.decode(filePath, "UTF-8"); } } if (projectName != null) { if (filePath == null) filePath = ""; NameKey projName = NameKey.parse(projectName); ProjectControl control; try { control = projControlFactory.controlFor(projName); if (!control.isVisible()) { log.debug("Project not visible!"); resp.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "You need to be logged in to see private projects"); return; } } catch (NoSuchProjectException e1) { } Repository repo = repoManager.openRepository(projName); if (refName == null) { JSONArray contents = new JSONArray(); List<Ref> call; try { call = new Git(repo).branchList().call(); Git git = new Git(repo); for (Ref ref : call) { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); try { jsonObject.put("name", ref.getName()); jsonObject.put("type", "ref"); jsonObject.put("size", "0"); jsonObject.put("path", ""); jsonObject.put("project", projectName); jsonObject.put("ref", ref.getName()); lastCommit(git, null, ref.getObjectId(), jsonObject); } catch (JSONException e) { } contents.put(jsonObject); } String response = contents.toString(); resp.setContentType("application/json"); resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); resp.setHeader("ETag", "W/\"" + response.length() + "-" + response.hashCode() + "\""); log.debug(response); out.write(response); } catch (GitAPIException e) { } } else { Ref head = repo.getRef(refName); if (head == null) { JSONArray contents = new JSONArray(); String response = contents.toString(); resp.setContentType("application/json"); resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); resp.setHeader("ETag", "W/\"" + response.length() + "-" + response.hashCode() + "\""); log.debug(response); out.write(response); return; } RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repo); // add try catch to catch failures Git git = new Git(repo); RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId()); RevTree tree = commit.getTree(); TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(repo); treeWalk.addTree(tree); treeWalk.setRecursive(false); if (!filePath.equals("")) { PathFilter pathFilter = PathFilter.create(filePath); treeWalk.setFilter(pathFilter); } if (!treeWalk.next()) { CanonicalTreeParser canonicalTreeParser = treeWalk.getTree(0, CanonicalTreeParser.class); JSONArray contents = new JSONArray(); if (canonicalTreeParser != null) { while (!canonicalTreeParser.eof()) { String path = canonicalTreeParser.getEntryPathString(); FileMode mode = canonicalTreeParser.getEntryFileMode(); listEntry( path, mode.equals(FileMode.TREE) ? "dir" : "file", "0", path, projectName, head.getName(), git, contents); canonicalTreeParser.next(); } } String response = contents.toString(); resp.setContentType("application/json"); resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); resp.setHeader("ETag", "\"" + tree.getId().getName() + "\""); log.debug(response); out.write(response); } else { // if (treeWalk.isSubtree()) { // treeWalk.enterSubtree(); // } JSONArray contents = getListEntries(treeWalk, repo, git, head, filePath, projectName); String response = contents.toString(); resp.setContentType("application/json"); resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); resp.setHeader("ETag", "\"" + tree.getId().getName() + "\""); log.debug(response); out.write(response); } walk.release(); treeWalk.release(); } } } catch (RepositoryNotFoundException e) { handleException(resp, e, 400); } catch (MissingObjectException e) { // example "Missing unknown 7035305927ca125757ecd8407e608f6dcf0bd8a5" // usually indicative of being unable to locate a commit from a submodule log.error(e.getMessage(), e); String msg = e.getMessage() + ". This exception could have been caused by the use of a git submodule, " + "which is currently not supported by the repository browser."; handleException(resp, new Exception(msg), 501); } catch (IOException e) { handleException(resp, e, 500); } finally { out.close(); } }