@Test public void testStandardTestWar() throws Exception { PreconfigureStandardTestWar.main(new String[] {}); WebDescriptor descriptor = new WebDescriptor( Resource.newResource( "./target/test-standard-preconfigured/WEB-INF/quickstart-web.xml")); descriptor.setValidating(true); descriptor.parse(); Node node = descriptor.getRoot(); assertThat(node, Matchers.notNullValue()); System.setProperty("jetty.home", "target"); // war file or dir to start String war = "target/test-standard-preconfigured"; // optional jetty context xml file to configure the webapp Resource contextXml = Resource.newResource("src/test/resources/test.xml"); Server server = new Server(0); QuickStartWebApp webapp = new QuickStartWebApp(); webapp.setAutoPreconfigure(true); webapp.setWar(war); webapp.setContextPath("/"); // apply context xml file if (contextXml != null) { // System.err.println("Applying "+contextXml); XmlConfiguration xmlConfiguration = new XmlConfiguration(contextXml.getURL()); xmlConfiguration.configure(webapp); } server.setHandler(webapp); server.start(); URL url = new URL( "" + server.getBean(NetworkConnector.class).getLocalPort() + "/test/dump/info"); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); assertEquals(200, connection.getResponseCode()); assertThat( IO.toString((InputStream) connection.getContent()), Matchers.containsString("Dump Servlet")); server.stop(); }
public void setDefaults(Resource webDefaults) throws Exception { _webDefaultsRoot = new DefaultsDescriptor(webDefaults); _webDefaultsRoot.parse(); if (_webDefaultsRoot.isOrdered()) { if (_ordering == null) _ordering = new Ordering.AbsoluteOrdering(this); List<String> order = _webDefaultsRoot.getOrdering(); for (String s : order) { if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("others")) ((Ordering.AbsoluteOrdering) _ordering).addOthers(); else ((Ordering.AbsoluteOrdering) _ordering).add(s); } } }
public boolean isDistributable() { boolean distributable = ((_webDefaultsRoot != null && _webDefaultsRoot.isDistributable()) || (_webXmlRoot != null && _webXmlRoot.isDistributable())); for (WebDescriptor d : _webOverrideRoots) distributable &= d.isDistributable(); List<Resource> orderedResources = getOrderedWebInfJars(); for (Resource r : orderedResources) { FragmentDescriptor d = _webFragmentResourceMap.get(r); if (d != null) distributable = distributable && d.isDistributable(); } return distributable; }
public void setWebXml(Resource webXml) throws Exception { _webXmlRoot = new WebDescriptor(webXml); _webXmlRoot.parse(); _metaDataComplete = _webXmlRoot.getMetaDataComplete() == MetaDataComplete.True; if (_webXmlRoot.isOrdered()) { if (_ordering == null) _ordering = new Ordering.AbsoluteOrdering(this); List<String> order = _webXmlRoot.getOrdering(); for (String s : order) { if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("others")) ((Ordering.AbsoluteOrdering) _ordering).addOthers(); else ((Ordering.AbsoluteOrdering) _ordering).add(s); } } }
public boolean isMetaDataComplete(WebDescriptor d) { return (d != null && d.getMetaDataComplete() == MetaDataComplete.True); }
/** Resolve all servlet/filter/listener metadata from all sources: descriptors and annotations. */ public void resolve(WebAppContext context) throws Exception { LOG.debug("metadata resolve {}", context); // Ensure origins is fresh _origins.clear(); // Set the ordered lib attribute if (_ordering != null) { List<String> orderedLibs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Resource webInfJar : _orderedWebInfJars) { // get just the name of the jar file String fullname = webInfJar.getName(); int i = fullname.indexOf(".jar"); int j = fullname.lastIndexOf("/", i); orderedLibs.add(fullname.substring(j + 1, i + 4)); } context.setAttribute(ServletContext.ORDERED_LIBS, orderedLibs); } // set the webxml version if (_webXmlRoot != null) { context.getServletContext().setEffectiveMajorVersion(_webXmlRoot.getMajorVersion()); context.getServletContext().setEffectiveMinorVersion(_webXmlRoot.getMinorVersion()); } for (DescriptorProcessor p : _descriptorProcessors) { p.process(context, getWebDefault()); p.process(context, getWebXml()); for (WebDescriptor wd : getOverrideWebs()) { LOG.debug("process {} {}", context, wd); p.process(context, wd); } } // get an apply the annotations that are not associated with a fragment (and hence for // which no ordering applies List<DiscoveredAnnotation> nonFragAnnotations = _annotations.get(NON_FRAG_RESOURCE); if (nonFragAnnotations != null) { for (DiscoveredAnnotation a : nonFragAnnotations) { LOG.debug("apply {}", a); a.apply(); } } // apply the annotations that are associated with a fragment, according to the // established ordering List<Resource> resources = getOrderedWebInfJars(); for (Resource r : resources) { FragmentDescriptor fd = _webFragmentResourceMap.get(r); if (fd != null) { for (DescriptorProcessor p : _descriptorProcessors) { LOG.debug("process {} {}", context, fd); p.process(context, fd); } } List<DiscoveredAnnotation> fragAnnotations = _annotations.get(r); if (fragAnnotations != null) { for (DiscoveredAnnotation a : fragAnnotations) { LOG.debug("apply {}", a); a.apply(); } } } }