@Test public void dotImport() { Shell shell = new Shell(); DotImport importer = new DotImport("digraph Sample{1;2;1->2}"); // $NON-NLS-1$ GraphWidget graph = new GraphWidget(importer.newGraphInstance(), shell, SWT.NONE); Assert.assertNotNull("Created graph must not be null", graph); // $NON-NLS-1$ Assert.assertEquals(ZestStyles.CONNECTIONS_DIRECTED, graph.getConnectionStyle()); // open(shell); }
@Test public void clusterSubgraph() { Shell shell = new Shell(); DotImport dotImport = new DotImport("digraph{subgraph cluster_1{1->2}; subgraph cluster_2{1->3}}"); GraphWidget graph = new GraphWidget(dotImport.newGraphInstance(), shell, SWT.NONE); assertEquals("Cluster subgraphs are ignored in rendering", 3, graph.getNodes().size()); assertEquals(2, graph.getConnections().size()); }
@Test public void minimalUsage() { Shell shell = new Shell(); /* The DOT input, can be given as a String, File or IFile: */ DotImport dotImport = new DotImport("digraph Simple { 1;2; 1->2 }"); // $NON-NLS-1$ /* Create a Zest graph instance in a parent, with a style: */ GraphWidget graph = new GraphWidget(dotImport.newGraphInstance(), shell, SWT.NONE); // open(shell); // sets title, layout, and size, opens the shell System.out.println(graph); }