private void populateMappingInfo(EObject xmlEntity) { Resource resource = xmlEntity.eResource(); // model contents for this resource ModelContents mdlContents = new ModelContents(resource); XmlDocument document = getXmlDocument(xmlEntity); currentDocumentName = document.getName(); // fill the map with element to its mappingClass column value this.elementMap = new HashMap(); this.elementFullNames = new HashSet(); // get the mapping root associated with the transformation Iterator rootIter = mdlContents.getTransformations(document).iterator(); while (rootIter.hasNext()) { MappingRoot mappingRoot = (MappingRoot); // if there is a mapping root if (mappingRoot != null && mappingRoot instanceof TreeMappingRoot) { Iterator mappingIter = mappingRoot.getNested().iterator(); while (mappingIter.hasNext()) { Mapping nestedMapping = (Mapping); // mapping Class columns List inputs = nestedMapping.getInputs(); // xml elements List outputs = nestedMapping.getOutputs(); if (!outputs.isEmpty() && !inputs.isEmpty()) { Object output = outputs.iterator().next(); Object input = inputs.iterator().next(); elementMap.put(output, input); if (output instanceof XmlElement) { elementFullNames.add(this.getFullName((EObject) output)); } } } } } }
public Collection<? extends Mapping> getExactMappings(Collection<?> collection) { Collection<Mapping> result = new ArrayList<Mapping>(); for (Mapping mapping : getAllMappings(collection)) { if (collection.containsAll(mapping.getMappedObjects())) { result.add(mapping); } } return result; }
/** * @see * com.metamatrix.modeler.core.metamodel.aspect.sql.SqlColumnAspect#isTranformationInputParameter(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) * @since 4.2 */ public boolean isTranformationInputParameter(EObject eObject) { CoreArgCheck.isInstanceOf(XmlElement.class, eObject); final XmlElement element = (XmlElement) eObject; if (element instanceof XmlRoot) { return false; } final XmlDocument doc = getDocParent(element); final XmlElement parent = getElementParent(element); if (doc == null || parent == null) { return false; } Resource eResource = element.eResource(); if (eResource instanceof EmfResource) { EmfResource emfResource = (EmfResource) eResource; ModelContents contents = emfResource.getModelContents(); if (contents != null) { for (final Iterator mappings = contents.getTransformations(doc).iterator(); mappings.hasNext(); ) { final TreeMappingRoot tmr = (TreeMappingRoot); if (tmr.getOutputs().contains(parent)) { final Iterator nested = tmr.getNested().iterator(); while (nested.hasNext()) { final Mapping mapping = (Mapping); if (mapping.getOutputs().contains(element)) { if (mapping.getInputs().size() == 0) { return false; } Iterator i = mapping.getInputs().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { MappingClassColumn column = (MappingClassColumn); SqlAspect aspect = AspectManager.getSqlAspect(column); if (!(aspect instanceof SqlColumnAspect)) { return false; } if (!((SqlColumnAspect) aspect).isTranformationInputParameter(column)) { return false; } } return true; } } } } } } return false; }
public void deregister(Mapping mapping) { for (Object input : mapping.getInputs()) { MappedObjectState mappedObjectState = getMappedObjectState(input); if (mappedObjectState != null) { mappedObjectState.getMappings().remove(mapping); } } for (Object output : mapping.getOutputs()) { MappedObjectState mappedObjectState = getMappedObjectState(output); if (mappedObjectState != null) { mappedObjectState.getMappings().remove(mapping); } } }
public Mapping getParentMapping(Collection<?> collection) { // Barring a better result, this will be the result. // Mapping result = this; // Cache the tree path for each object. // final Collection<List<?>> allTreePaths = new ArrayList<List<?>>(); for (Object object : collection) { allTreePaths.add(domain.getTreePath(object)); } // Iterate over the mappings in the tree. // OuterLoop: for (TreeIterator<Mapping> mappings = treeIterator(); mappings.hasNext(); ) { Mapping mapping =; // Check to make sure that every object in the collection has an ancestor that is contained in // this mapping. // for (Iterator<List<?>> treePaths = allTreePaths.iterator(); treePaths.hasNext(); ) { List<?> treePath =; Collection<?> mappedObjects = mapping.getMappedObjects(); mappedObjects.retainAll(treePath); // If the intersection is empty, i.e., no ancestor is in the mapping... // if (mappedObjects.isEmpty()) { // If this mapping isn't a parent, it's children definitely won't be either. // mappings.prune(); continue OuterLoop; } } // Make sure the collections aren't identical... // Collection<?> mappedObjects = mapping.getMappedObjects(); if (!collection.containsAll(mappedObjects) || !mappedObjects.containsAll(collection)) { result = mapping; } } return result; }
public boolean canRemoveMapping(Mapping mapping) { int enablementFlags = domain.getMappingEnablementFlags(); if (mapping.getNestedIn() == null || (enablementFlags & MappingDomain.ENABLE_UNMAPPED_PARENTS) == 0 && hasMappedChildren(mapping)) { return false; } return true; }
protected void initializeNewMapping( Mapping newMapping, Collection<?> inputs, Collection<?> outputs) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<EObject> eObjectInputs = (Collection<EObject>) inputs; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<EObject> eObjectOutputs = (Collection<EObject>) outputs; newMapping.getInputs().addAll(eObjectInputs); newMapping.getOutputs().addAll(eObjectOutputs); if (getTypeMappingRoot() != null) { Collection<?> inputTypes = getTypeClassifiers(inputs); if (!inputTypes.isEmpty()) { Collection<?> outputTypes = getTypeClassifiers(outputs); Collection<?> typeMappings = getTypeMappings(inputTypes, outputTypes); if (!typeMappings.isEmpty()) { newMapping.setTypeMapping((Mapping) typeMappings.iterator().next()); } } } }
@Override public Image getImage(final Object node) { if (node instanceof DifferenceReport) { return null; } else if (node instanceof Mapping) { Mapping mapping = (Mapping) node; MappingHelper helper = mapping.getHelper(); if (helper instanceof DifferenceDescriptor) { final DifferenceDescriptor desc = (DifferenceDescriptor) helper; final DifferenceType type = desc.getType(); if (type.getValue() == DifferenceType.DELETION) { final List<EObject> inputs = mapping.getInputs(); final EObject input = inputs.isEmpty() ? null : inputs.get(0); if (input != null) { return lpImageLabelProvider.getImage(input); } } else { final List<EObject> outputs = mapping.getOutputs(); final EObject output = outputs.isEmpty() ? null : outputs.get(0); final List<EObject> inputs = mapping.getInputs(); final EObject input = inputs.isEmpty() ? null : inputs.get(0); if (output != null) { return lpImageLabelProvider.getImage(output); } else if (input != null) { return lpImageLabelProvider.getImage(input); } } } } else if (node instanceof EObject) { return lpImageLabelProvider.getImage(node); } if (node instanceof ModelWorkspaceItem) { return workbenchProvider.getImage(((ModelWorkspaceItem) node).getResource()); } return null; }
public void refreshMappedObjectStates(Mapping subtree) { for (Object input : subtree.getInputs()) { for (Iterator<?> objects = domain.treeIterator(input); objects.hasNext(); ) { Object object =; MappedObjectState mappedObjectState = getMappedObjectState(object); if (mappedObjectState != null) { mappedObjectState.setInput(); } } } for (Object output : subtree.getOutputs()) { for (Iterator<?> objects = domain.treeIterator(output); objects.hasNext(); ) { MappedObjectState mappedObjectState = getMappedObjectState(; if (mappedObjectState != null) { mappedObjectState.setOutput(); } } } for (Iterator<Mapping> mappings = subtree.treeIterator(); mappings.hasNext(); ) { Mapping mapping =; for (Object input : mapping.getInputs()) { MappedObjectState mappedObjectState = getMappedObjectState(input); if (mappedObjectState != null) { mappedObjectState.getMappings().add(mapping); } } for (Object output : mapping.getOutputs()) { MappedObjectState mappedObjectState = getMappedObjectState(output); if (mappedObjectState != null) { mappedObjectState.getMappings().add(mapping); } } } }
protected boolean hasMappedChildren(Mapping mapping) { return !mapping.getNested().isEmpty(); }
@Override public String getText(final Object node) { if (node instanceof DifferenceReport) { DifferenceReport diffReport = (DifferenceReport) node; String result = diffReport.getTitle(); if (result == null) { result = diffReport.getResultUri(); } return result; } else if (node instanceof Mapping) { Mapping mapping = (Mapping) node; MappingHelper helper = mapping.getHelper(); if (helper instanceof DifferenceDescriptor) { final DifferenceDescriptor desc = (DifferenceDescriptor) helper; final DifferenceType type = desc.getType(); int typeValue = type.getValue(); if (typeValue == DifferenceType.ADDITION) { final List<EObject> outputs = mapping.getOutputs(); final EObject output = outputs.isEmpty() ? null : outputs.get(0); if (output != null) { return ModelUtilities.getEMFLabelProvider().getText(output); } } else if (typeValue == DifferenceType.DELETION) { final List<EObject> inputs = mapping.getInputs(); final EObject input = inputs.isEmpty() ? null : inputs.get(0); if (input != null) { return ModelUtilities.getEMFLabelProvider().getText(input); } } else if (typeValue == DifferenceType.CHANGE) { final List<EObject> outputs = mapping.getOutputs(); final EObject output = outputs.isEmpty() ? null : outputs.get(0); if (output != null) { return ModelUtilities.getEMFLabelProvider().getText(output); } } else if (typeValue == DifferenceType.NO_CHANGE) { final List<EObject> outputs = mapping.getOutputs(); final EObject output = outputs.isEmpty() ? null : outputs.get(0); if (output != null) { return ModelUtilities.getEMFLabelProvider().getText(output); } } else if (typeValue == DifferenceType.CHANGE_BELOW) { final List<EObject> outputs = mapping.getOutputs(); final EObject output = outputs.isEmpty() ? null : outputs.get(0); final List<EObject> inputs = mapping.getInputs(); final EObject input = inputs.isEmpty() ? null : inputs.get(0); if (output != null) { return ModelUtilities.getEMFLabelProvider().getText(output); } else if (input != null) { return ModelUtilities.getEMFLabelProvider().getText(input); } } } } else if (node instanceof EObject) { return ModelUtilities.getEMFLabelProvider().getText(node); } if (node instanceof ModelWorkspaceItem) { return workbenchProvider.getText(((ModelWorkspaceItem) node).getResource()); } return "UNKNOWN"; //$NON-NLS-1$ }