protected boolean hasMappedParents(Collection<?> inputs, Collection<?> outputs) { Collection<Object> parents = new HashSet<Object>(); for (Object input : inputs) { parents.add(domain.getParent(input)); } for (Object output : outputs) { parents.add(domain.getParent(output)); } return !getAllMappings(parents).isEmpty(); }
public boolean isAttachedObject(Object object) { Object root = object; // FB used to check for parent != null. // Need to find the top most model object not including the resource. // parent instanceof Eobject only checks for trees in model object space. for (Object parent = domain.getParent(object); parent instanceof EObject; parent = domain.getParent(parent)) { root = parent; } return getInputs().contains(root) || getOutputs().contains(root); }
public void setDomain(MappingDomain domain) { if (this.domain != domain) { if (this.domain != null) { eAdapters.remove(mappedObjectListener); } this.domain = domain; domain.setMappingRoot(this); mappedObjectListener = new AdapterImpl() { @Override public void notifyChanged(Notification notification) { Object feature = notification.getFeature(); if (feature == MappingPackage.eINSTANCE.getMapping_Inputs() || feature == MappingPackage.eINSTANCE.getMapping_Outputs()) { initializeMappedObjectStates(); } } }; eAdapters().add(mappedObjectListener); initializeMappedObjectStates(); } }
protected Collection<Object> getTypeClassifiers(Collection<?> collection) { Collection<Object> types = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Object object : collection) { Object type = domain.getTypeClassifier(object); if (type != null) { types.add(type); } } return types; }
public boolean canRemoveMapping(Mapping mapping) { int enablementFlags = domain.getMappingEnablementFlags(); if (mapping.getNestedIn() == null || (enablementFlags & MappingDomain.ENABLE_UNMAPPED_PARENTS) == 0 && hasMappedChildren(mapping)) { return false; } return true; }
protected boolean hasCompatibleMetaObjects(Collection<?> inputs, Collection<?> outputs) { for (Object input : inputs) { EObject inputType = ((EObject) input).eClass(); EObject convertedInputType = domain.getOutputMetaObject(inputType); for (Object output : outputs) { EObject outputType = ((EObject) output).eClass(); if (convertedInputType != outputType) { return false; } } } return true; }
public void refreshMappedObjectStates(Mapping subtree) { for (Object input : subtree.getInputs()) { for (Iterator<?> objects = domain.treeIterator(input); objects.hasNext(); ) { Object object =; MappedObjectState mappedObjectState = getMappedObjectState(object); if (mappedObjectState != null) { mappedObjectState.setInput(); } } } for (Object output : subtree.getOutputs()) { for (Iterator<?> objects = domain.treeIterator(output); objects.hasNext(); ) { MappedObjectState mappedObjectState = getMappedObjectState(; if (mappedObjectState != null) { mappedObjectState.setOutput(); } } } for (Iterator<Mapping> mappings = subtree.treeIterator(); mappings.hasNext(); ) { Mapping mapping =; for (Object input : mapping.getInputs()) { MappedObjectState mappedObjectState = getMappedObjectState(input); if (mappedObjectState != null) { mappedObjectState.getMappings().add(mapping); } } for (Object output : mapping.getOutputs()) { MappedObjectState mappedObjectState = getMappedObjectState(output); if (mappedObjectState != null) { mappedObjectState.getMappings().add(mapping); } } } }
public Mapping getParentMapping(Collection<?> collection) { // Barring a better result, this will be the result. // Mapping result = this; // Cache the tree path for each object. // final Collection<List<?>> allTreePaths = new ArrayList<List<?>>(); for (Object object : collection) { allTreePaths.add(domain.getTreePath(object)); } // Iterate over the mappings in the tree. // OuterLoop: for (TreeIterator<Mapping> mappings = treeIterator(); mappings.hasNext(); ) { Mapping mapping =; // Check to make sure that every object in the collection has an ancestor that is contained in // this mapping. // for (Iterator<List<?>> treePaths = allTreePaths.iterator(); treePaths.hasNext(); ) { List<?> treePath =; Collection<?> mappedObjects = mapping.getMappedObjects(); mappedObjects.retainAll(treePath); // If the intersection is empty, i.e., no ancestor is in the mapping... // if (mappedObjects.isEmpty()) { // If this mapping isn't a parent, it's children definitely won't be either. // mappings.prune(); continue OuterLoop; } } // Make sure the collections aren't identical... // Collection<?> mappedObjects = mapping.getMappedObjects(); if (!collection.containsAll(mappedObjects) || !mappedObjects.containsAll(collection)) { result = mapping; } } return result; }
public boolean canCreateMapping(Collection<?> inputs, Collection<?> outputs, Mapping mapping) { if (domain == null) { return false; } int enablementFlags = domain.getMappingEnablementFlags(); if ((enablementFlags & MappingDomain.ENABLE_EMPTY_INPUTS) == 0 && inputs.size() == 0 || (enablementFlags & MappingDomain.ENABLE_EMPTY_OUTPUTS) == 0 && outputs.size() == 0 || inputs.size() == 0 && outputs.size() == 0 || (enablementFlags & MappingDomain.ENABLE_MULTIPLE_INPUTS) == 0 && inputs.size() > 1 || (enablementFlags & MappingDomain.ENABLE_MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS) == 0 && outputs.size() > 1 || (enablementFlags & MappingDomain.ENABLE_MULTIPLE_INPUT_MAPPINGS) == 0 && isMapped(inputs, mapping) || (enablementFlags & MappingDomain.ENABLE_MULTIPLE_OUTPUT_MAPPINGS) == 0 && isMapped(outputs, mapping) || (enablementFlags & MappingDomain.ENABLE_UNMAPPED_PARENTS) == 0 && !hasMappedParents(inputs, outputs) || (enablementFlags & MappingDomain.ENABLE_INCOMPATIBLE_METAOBJECTS) == 0 && !hasCompatibleMetaObjects(inputs, outputs) || (enablementFlags & MappingDomain.ENABLE_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPE_CLASSIFIERS) == 0 && !hasCompatibleTypes(inputs, outputs)) { return false; } for (Object input : inputs) { if (!isAttachedObject(input)) { return false; } } for (Object output : outputs) { if (!isAttachedObject(output)) { return false; } } return true; }