   * This adds {@link org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.CommandParameter}s describing the children that
   * can be created under this object.
   * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
   * @generated NOT
  protected void collectNewChildDescriptors(Collection<Object> newChildDescriptors, Object object) {
    super.collectNewChildDescriptors(newChildDescriptors, object);

    EGenericType eGenericType = (EGenericType) object;

    if (eGenericType.eContainmentFeature() == EcorePackage.Literals.EGENERIC_TYPE__ETYPE_ARGUMENTS
        && eGenericType.getEClassifier() == null
        && eGenericType.getETypeParameter() == null) {

    if (eGenericType.getEClassifier() != null
        && !eGenericType.getEClassifier().getETypeParameters().isEmpty()) {
Exemple #2
 protected Type resolveWildcardType(@NonNull EGenericType eGenericType) {
   assert eGenericType.getETypeArguments().isEmpty();
   assert eGenericType.getEClassifier() == null;
   EClassifier eClassifier = eGenericType.getERawType();
   assert eClassifier == EcorePackage.Literals.EJAVA_OBJECT;
   /*			WildcardTypeRefCS csTypeRef = BaseCSFactory.eINSTANCE.createWildcardTypeRefCS();
   			setOriginalMapping(csTypeRef, eObject);
   //			csTypeRef.setExtends(doSwitchAll(eGenericType.getExtends()));
   //			csTypeRef.setSuper(doSwitchAll(eGenericType.getSuper()));
   			return csTypeRef; */
   return metamodelManager.createWildcardType(null, null); // FIXME bounds
   /*		org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class pivotElement = PivotFactory.eINSTANCE.createClass();
   String name = PivotConstants.WILDCARD_NAME;
   EStructuralFeature eFeature = eGenericType.eContainmentFeature();
   if ((eFeature != null) && eFeature.isMany()) {
   	EObject eContainer = eGenericType.eContainer();
   	List<?> list = (List<?>)eContainer.eGet(eGenericType.eContainingFeature());
   	int index = list.indexOf(eGenericType);
   	if (index != 0) {
   		name += index;
   return pivotElement; */
Exemple #3
 protected Type resolveType(
     @NonNull Map<String, Type> resolvedSpecializations, @NonNull EGenericType eGenericType) {
   Type pivotType = getCreated(Type.class, eGenericType);
   if (pivotType != null) {
     return pivotType;
   EClassifier eClassifier = eGenericType.getEClassifier();
   ETypeParameter eTypeParameter = eGenericType.getETypeParameter();
   List<EGenericType> eTypeArguments = eGenericType.getETypeArguments();
   if (eTypeParameter != null) {
     pivotType = resolveTypeParameter(eGenericType);
   } else if (eClassifier == null) {
     pivotType = resolveWildcardType(eGenericType);
   } else if (!eTypeArguments.isEmpty()) {
     String ecoreMoniker = Ecore2Moniker.toString(eGenericType);
     pivotType = resolvedSpecializations.get(ecoreMoniker);
     if (pivotType == null) {
       pivotType = resolveGenericType(resolvedSpecializations, eGenericType);
       resolvedSpecializations.put(ecoreMoniker, pivotType);
   } else if (eClassifier instanceof EDataType) {
     assert eGenericType.getETypeArguments().isEmpty();
     pivotType = resolveDataType((EDataType) eClassifier);
   } else {
     assert eGenericType.getETypeArguments().isEmpty();
     pivotType = resolveSimpleType(eClassifier);
   if (pivotType != null) {
     newCreateMap.put(eGenericType, pivotType);
   return pivotType;
 protected void handleEGenericType(
     EGenericType genericType, Set<EPackage> visitedPackages, Set<Object> visited) {
   if (genericType != null && visited.add(genericType)) {
     handleEClassifier(genericType.getEClassifier(), visitedPackages, visited);
     handleEClassifier(genericType.getERawType(), visitedPackages, visited);
     handleEGenericType(genericType.getELowerBound(), visitedPackages, visited);
     handleEGenericType(genericType.getEUpperBound(), visitedPackages, visited);
     handleEGenericTypes(genericType.getETypeArguments(), visitedPackages, visited);
     handleETypeParameter(genericType.getETypeParameter(), visitedPackages, visited);
Exemple #5
 protected Type resolveTypeParameter(@NonNull EGenericType eGenericType) {
   EClassifier eClassifier = eGenericType.getEClassifier();
   ETypeParameter eTypeParameter = eGenericType.getETypeParameter();
   List<EGenericType> eTypeArguments = eGenericType.getETypeArguments();
   assert eClassifier == null;
   assert eTypeArguments.isEmpty();
   Type pivotType = null;
   if (eTypeParameter != null) {
     pivotType = getCreated(Type.class, eTypeParameter);
   return pivotType;
  * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
  * <!-- end-user-doc -->
  * @generated NOT
 protected EStructuralFeature getChildFeature(Object object, Object child) {
   EGenericType eGenericType = (EGenericType) object;
   if (child instanceof EObject) {
     EObject eObject = (EObject) child;
     if (eObject.eContainer() == eGenericType) {
       // If it's really a contained child, return the feature for it.
       return eObject.eContainingFeature();
   if (eGenericType.getEClassifier() != null) {
     // You can only add type arguments if there are type parameters not yet used up.
     return eGenericType.getETypeArguments().size()
             < eGenericType.getEClassifier().getETypeParameters().size()
         ? EcorePackage.Literals.EGENERIC_TYPE__ETYPE_ARGUMENTS
         : null;
   } else if (eGenericType.getETypeParameter() != null) {
     // You cannot add any children for a type parameter.
     return null;
   } else if (eGenericType.eContainer() instanceof EGenericType) {
     // Only if you are contained by a generic type can you have bounds,
     // and only if there is no classifier or type parameter
     // and in that case the lower bound is returned only if that's the one that's set.
     return eGenericType.getELowerBound() != null
         ? EcorePackage.Literals.EGENERIC_TYPE__EUPPER_BOUND
         : EcorePackage.Literals.EGENERIC_TYPE__EUPPER_BOUND;
   } else {
     // Otherwise you can't make it a child.
     return null;
 static String getText(EGenericType eGenericType) {
   ETypeParameter eTypeParameter = eGenericType.getETypeParameter();
   if (eTypeParameter != null) {
     String name = eTypeParameter.getName();
     return name == null ? "null" : name;
   } else {
     EClassifier eClassifier = eGenericType.getEClassifier();
     if (eClassifier != null) {
       List<EGenericType> eTypeArguments = eGenericType.getETypeArguments();
       if (eTypeArguments.isEmpty()) {
         String name = eClassifier.getName();
         return name == null ? "null" : name;
       } else {
         StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
         for (Iterator<EGenericType> i = eTypeArguments.iterator(); ; ) {
           if (i.hasNext()) {
             result.append(", ");
           } else {
         return result.toString();
     } else {
       EGenericType eUpperBound = eGenericType.getEUpperBound();
       if (eUpperBound != null) {
         return "? extends " + getText(eUpperBound);
       } else {
         EGenericType eLowerBound = eGenericType.getELowerBound();
         if (eLowerBound != null) {
           return "? super " + getText(eLowerBound);
         } else {
           return "?";
Exemple #8
 protected Type resolveGenericType(
     @NonNull Map<String, Type> resolvedSpecializations, @NonNull EGenericType eGenericType) {
   List<EGenericType> eTypeArguments = eGenericType.getETypeArguments();
   assert !eGenericType.getETypeArguments().isEmpty();
   EClassifier eClassifier = eGenericType.getEClassifier();
   List<ETypeParameter> eTypeParameters = eClassifier.getETypeParameters();
   assert eTypeParameters.size() == eTypeArguments.size();
   Type unspecializedPivotType = getASType(eClassifier);
   if (unspecializedPivotType == null) {
     return null;
   List<@NonNull Type> templateArguments = new ArrayList<@NonNull Type>();
   for (EGenericType eTypeArgument : eTypeArguments) {
     if (eTypeArgument != null) {
       Type typeArgument = resolveType(resolvedSpecializations, eTypeArgument);
       if (typeArgument != null) {
   org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class unspecializedPivotClass = unspecializedPivotType.isClass();
   assert unspecializedPivotClass != null; // FIXME
   return metamodelManager.getLibraryType(unspecializedPivotClass, templateArguments);