private IScope scope_MetaClass_Type(EObject context, EReference reference) { Diagram diagram = EcoreUtil2.getContainerOfType(context, Diagram.class); // all eClasses that are direct containments of context's diagram model type final EClass diagramModelType = diagram.getModelType(); if (diagramModelType == null || diagramModelType.getEPackage() == null) { return IScope.NULLSCOPE; } final Predicate<EClassifier> filter = new Predicate<EClassifier>() { @Override public boolean apply(EClassifier input) { return input instanceof EClass && input != diagramModelType && !((EClass) input).isAbstract(); } }; final Function<EClassifier, IEObjectDescription> toObjDesc = new Function<EClassifier, IEObjectDescription>() { @Override public IEObjectDescription apply(EClassifier input) { return EObjectDescription.create(qnProvider.apply(input), input); } }; // Implicit import of the EPackage of the Diagram Model type final List<ImportNormalizer> normalizer = Collections.singletonList( new ImportNormalizer(qnProvider.apply(diagramModelType.getEPackage()), true, false)); final ImportScope importDiagramTypePackage = new ImportScope(normalizer, delegateGetScope(context, reference), null, null, false); final Iterable<IEObjectDescription> descriptions = Iterables.transform( Iterables.filter(diagramModelType.getEPackage().getEClassifiers(), filter), toObjDesc); // the delegate scope will provide import scopes return MapBasedScope.createScope(importDiagramTypePackage, descriptions); }
public boolean packageURIsAreEqual( org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass classA, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass classB) { String nsURI_A = classA.getEPackage().getNsURI(); String nsURI_B = classB.getEPackage().getNsURI(); if (nsURI_A == null && nsURI_B == null) { return true; } if (nsURI_A != null) { return nsURI_A.equals(nsURI_B); } else { return false; } }
public static String getFullName(EClass eClass) { EPackage ePackage = eClass.getEPackage(); if (ePackage == null) { return eClass.getName(); } return getFullName(ePackage) + "." + eClass.getName(); }
public void handleRevisions( EClass eClass, CDOBranch branch, long timeStamp, boolean exactTime, CDORevisionHandler handler) { Query query = getObjectContainer().query(); query.constrain(DB4ORevision.class); if (eClass != null) { query .descend(DB4ORevision.ATTRIBUTE_PACKAGE_NS_URI) .constrain(eClass.getEPackage().getNsURI()); query.descend(DB4ORevision.ATTRIBUTE_CLASS_NAME).constrain(eClass.getName()); } ObjectSet<?> revisions = query.execute(); if (revisions.isEmpty()) { return; } for (Object revision : revisions.toArray()) { CDORevision cdoRevision = DB4ORevision.getCDORevision(getStore(), (DB4ORevision) revision); handler.handleRevision(cdoRevision); } }
@Override /** * Create non-ServiceEntity object in SL probe. Checks if there exists another object with the * same name but a different class Else returns the existing object or creates using the Factory * instance for that class */ protected VMTRootObject createObject(EClass ecls, String name) { VMTRootObject obj = null; if (name2obj.containsKey(name)) { if (name2obj.get(name).eClass().equals(ecls)) { obj = name2obj.get(name); } else { return handleObjectCreationDuplication(obj, ecls, name); } } else { obj = REPOSMAN.getObject(name); if (obj != null) { if (!obj.eClass().equals(ecls)) { return handleObjectCreationDuplication(obj, ecls, name); } } else { obj = (VMTRootObject) ecls.getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance().create(ecls); obj.setName(name); DISCMAN.incrementCount((VMTManagedEntity) obj); } name2obj.put(name, obj); } return obj; }
@Override public <@NonNull T extends NamedElement> T refreshElement( @NonNull Class<T> pivotClass, EClass pivotEClass, @NonNull EModelElement eModelElement) { EObject pivotElement = null; if (oldIdMap != null) { String id = ((XMLResource) eModelElement.eResource()).getID(eModelElement); if (id != null) { pivotElement = oldIdMap.get(id); if ((pivotElement != null) && (pivotElement.eClass() != pivotEClass)) { pivotElement = null; } } } if (pivotElement == null) { EFactory eFactoryInstance = pivotEClass.getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance(); pivotElement = eFactoryInstance.create(pivotEClass); } if (!pivotClass.isAssignableFrom(pivotElement.getClass())) { throw new ClassCastException(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T castElement = (T) pivotElement; Element oldElement = newCreateMap.put(eModelElement, castElement); assert oldElement == null; return castElement; }
@Test public void test_cg_derived_property() throws ParserException, IOException { TestOCL ocl = createOCL(); if (!EMFPlugin.IS_ECLIPSE_RUNNING) { OCLinEcoreStandaloneSetup.doSetup(); // OCLDelegateDomain.initialize(null); } MetamodelManager metamodelManager = ocl.getMetamodelManager(); String metamodelText = "import ecore : '';\n" + "package pkg : pkg = 'pkg' {\n" + " class A {\n" + " property derivedInteger : Integer { derivation: 99; }\n" + " property derivedDerivedInteger : Integer { derivation: 2 * derivedInteger;}\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"; Resource metamodel = cs2as(ocl, metamodelText); Model pivotModel = (Model) metamodel.getContents().get(0); org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package pivotPackage = pivotModel.getOwnedPackages().get(0); org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class pivotType = pivotPackage.getOwnedClasses().get(0); EClass eClass = metamodelManager.getEcoreOfPivot(EClass.class, pivotType); Object testObject = eClass.getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance().create(eClass); String textQuery = "self.derivedDerivedInteger"; ocl.assertQueryEquals(testObject, 198, textQuery); ocl.dispose(); }
static EPackage resolvePackage(EClass contextEClass, String name) { EPackage result = null; if (name.equals(contextEClass.getEPackage().getName())) { // the easy case result = contextEClass.getEPackage(); } else { // search the superclass hierarchy for a matching package for (EClass next : contextEClass.getEAllSuperTypes()) { if (name.equals(next.getEPackage().getName())) { result = next.getEPackage(); break; } } } return result; }
/** Default constructor. */ public BPMN2ObjectImpl() { super(); EClass eClass = eClass(); // BPMN2 meta model case : all object have an ID if (eClass.getEPackage().getName().equals("bpmn2")) { EAttribute idAttribute = eClass.getEIDAttribute(); eSet(idAttribute, EcoreUtil.generateUUID()); } }
/** * @param copyObjs * @return 转换为粘贴对象 */ private Collection<Object> getPasteObjs(Collection<Object> copyObjs, EClass eclass) { List<Object> objs = new ArrayList<Object>(); Map<EStructuralFeature, EStructuralFeature> map = new HashMap<EStructuralFeature, EStructuralFeature>(); // 由第一个复制对象,找出复制对象和粘贴对象匹配的属性 Iterator<Object> it = copyObjs.iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { Object obj =; if (obj instanceof EObject) { EObject copyObj = (EObject) obj; // 如果是同一个编辑器内进行粘贴,直接返回复制对象集合 if (copyObj.eClass().equals(eclass)) { return copyObjs; } // name一样,则表示属性匹配 for (EStructuralFeature copyFeature : copyObj.eClass().getEAllStructuralFeatures()) { if (!exclude.contains(copyFeature)) { for (EStructuralFeature pasteFeature : eclass.getEAllStructuralFeatures()) { if (StringUtils.equals(copyFeature.getName(), pasteFeature.getName())) { map.put(copyFeature, pasteFeature); break; } } } } } } // 如果没有匹配的属性,则返回空集合 if (map.isEmpty()) { return objs; } for (Object obj : copyObjs) { EObject copyObj = (EObject) obj; EObject pasteObj = eclass.getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance().create(eclass); for (Entry<EStructuralFeature, EStructuralFeature> entry : map.entrySet()) { EStructuralFeature copyFeature = entry.getKey(); EStructuralFeature pasteFeature = entry.getValue(); if (copyFeature instanceof EAttribute) { // 设置匹配属性值 pasteObj.eSet(pasteFeature, copyObj.eGet(copyFeature)); } else if (copyFeature instanceof EReference) { // 设置匹配子集 Collection<Object> tmp = (Collection<Object>) copyObj.eGet(copyFeature); if (tmp != null) { pasteObj.eSet( pasteFeature, getPasteObjs( EcoreUtil.copyAll(tmp), ((EReference) pasteFeature).getEReferenceType())); } } } objs.add(pasteObj); } return objs; }
protected boolean isClassAccepted(IEObjectDescription od, Collection<EClass> acceptedClasses) { EClass eclass = od.getEClass(); EPackage epackage = eclass.getEPackage(); // user supplied filter if (acceptedClasses != null && acceptedClasses.size() != 0 && !acceptedClasses.contains(eclass)) return false; if (epackage == PPPackage.eINSTANCE) return isAcceptedByPP(od); if (epackage == PPTPPackage.eINSTANCE) return isAcceptedByPPTP(od); return false; }
private static String getQualifiedName(final EClass clazz, final ResourceSet resourceSet) { String _xifexpression = null; EPackage _ePackage = clazz.getEPackage(); String _nsURI = _ePackage.getNsURI(); boolean _equals = Objects.equal(_nsURI, ""); if (_equals) { String _name = clazz.getName(); _xifexpression = ("org.eclipse.xtext." + _name); } else { String _xifexpression_1 = null; EPackage _ePackage_1 = clazz.getEPackage(); String _nsURI_1 = _ePackage_1.getNsURI(); boolean _equals_1 = Objects.equal(_nsURI_1, ""); if (_equals_1) { String _name_1 = clazz.getName(); _xifexpression_1 = ("org.eclipse.emf.ecore." + _name_1); } else { GenClass _genClass = GenModelUtil2.getGenClass(clazz, resourceSet); _xifexpression_1 = _genClass.getQualifiedInterfaceName(); } _xifexpression = _xifexpression_1; } return _xifexpression; }
private IScope scope_NodeBehaviorSectionCreateableIn(EObject context, EReference reference) { Diagram diagram = EcoreUtil2.getContainerOfType(context, Diagram.class); NodeElement nodeElement = EcoreUtil2.getContainerOfType(context, NodeElement.class); if (diagram == null || nodeElement == null) { return IScope.NULLSCOPE; } // all eClasses that are direct containments of context's diagram model type final EClass diagramModelType = diagram.getModelType(); if (diagramModelType == null || diagramModelType.getEPackage() == null) { return IScope.NULLSCOPE; } List<EReference> containmentReferences = new ArrayList<EReference>(); for (EClassifier eClassifiers : diagramModelType.getEPackage().getEClassifiers()) { if (eClassifiers instanceof EClass) { for (EReference ref : ((EClass) eClassifiers).getEAllContainments()) { if (ref.getEType() instanceof EClass && ((EClass) ref.getEType()).isSuperTypeOf(nodeElement.getType())) { containmentReferences.add(ref); } } } } return Scopes.scopeFor(containmentReferences); }
private void collectAllEPackages(EPackage startEPackage, Set<EPackage> allEPackages) { if (allEPackages.contains(startEPackage)) { return; } allEPackages.add(startEPackage); for (EClassifier eClassifier : startEPackage.getEClassifiers()) { if (eClassifier instanceof EClass) { for (EClass superType : ((EClass) eClassifier).getESuperTypes()) { if (!superType.eIsProxy()) { collectAllEPackages(superType.getEPackage(), allEPackages); } } } } }
@Override public int category(Object element) { if (!groupTypes) { return 0; } if (element instanceof org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) { org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject = (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) element; org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass = eObject.eClass(); org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage ePackage = eClass.getEPackage(); int packageID = getEPackageID(ePackage); int classifierID = eClass.getClassifierID(); return packageID + classifierID; } else { return super.category(element); } }
@Override public void resourceSetChanged(ResourceSetChangeEvent event) { for (Notification notification : event.getNotifications()) { if (notification.getNotifier() instanceof EObject && notification.getEventType() != Notification.REMOVING_ADAPTER && notification.getEventType() != Notification.RESOLVE) { EObject eObject = (EObject) notification.getNotifier(); for (EClass eClass : eObject.eClass().getEAllSuperTypes()) { if (SGraphPackage.eINSTANCE == eClass.getEPackage()) { validationJob.cancel(); validationJob.schedule(DELAY); return; } } } } }
@Override public @NonNull PackageId getMetapackageId( @NonNull EnvironmentFactoryInternal environmentFactory, org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package asPackage) { if (asPackage instanceof PivotObjectImpl) { EObject eTarget = ((PivotObjectImpl) asPackage).getESObject(); if (eTarget != null) { EClass eClass = eTarget.eClass(); if (eClass != null) { EPackage ePackage = eClass.getEPackage(); assert !"".equals(ePackage.getNsURI()); assert !"".equals(ePackage.getNsURI()); } } } return IdManager.METAMODEL; }
/** @generated */ private static ImageDescriptor getProvidedImageDescriptor(ENamedElement element) { if (element instanceof EStructuralFeature) { EStructuralFeature feature = ((EStructuralFeature) element); EClass eContainingClass = feature.getEContainingClass(); EClassifier eType = feature.getEType(); if (eContainingClass != null && !eContainingClass.isAbstract()) { element = eContainingClass; } else if (eType instanceof EClass && !((EClass) eType).isAbstract()) { element = eType; } } if (element instanceof EClass) { EClass eClass = (EClass) element; if (!eClass.isAbstract()) { return ComponentsDiagramEditorPlugin.getInstance() .getItemImageDescriptor(eClass.getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance().create(eClass)); } } // TODO : support structural features return null; }
public Object getNewObject() { // Create the instance from the registered factory in case of extensions Object object = fTemplate.getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance().create(fTemplate); // Sticky if (object instanceof ICanvasModelSticky) { ICanvasModelSticky sticky = (ICanvasModelSticky) object; sticky.setTextPosition(ITextPosition.TEXT_POSITION_MIDDLE_CENTRE); if (fParam instanceof Color) { String color = ColorFactory.convertColorToString((Color) fParam); sticky.setFillColor(color); } sticky.setBorderColor("#C0C0C0"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } // Block else if (object instanceof ICanvasModelBlock) { ICanvasModelBlock block = (ICanvasModelBlock) object; block.setTextPosition(ITextPosition.TEXT_POSITION_TOP_LEFT); block.setBorderColor("#000000"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } // Image else if (object instanceof ICanvasModelImage) { ICanvasModelImage image = (ICanvasModelImage) object; image.setBorderColor("#000000"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } // Canvas Connection else if (object instanceof ICanvasModelConnection) { ICanvasModelConnection connection = (ICanvasModelConnection) object; if (fParam instanceof Integer) { connection.setType((Integer) fParam); } } return object; }
public EObject getStaticInstance() { if (null == staticObj) { EClass eClass = eClass(); if (eClass.isAbstract()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create an instance of the abstract type: " + eClass.getName()); } staticObj = eClass.getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance().create(eClass); // System.out.println("New static instance: " + staticObj.hashCode() + " of type " // + eClass.getName()); // Copy over all property values EPropertiesHolder props = eProperties(); if (props.getEClass() != null && props.hasSettings()) { List features = eClass.getEAllStructuralFeatures(); for (Iterator itr = features.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) { EStructuralFeature feature = (EStructuralFeature); staticObj.eSet(feature, eGet(feature)); // System.out.println(" F: " + feature.getName()); } } // Update all external references for (Iterator itr = actions.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) { Action action = (Action); action.doIt(staticObj); } // Update containing resource // List contents = eResource().getContents(); // contents.remove(this); // contents.add(staticObj); } return staticObj; }
// // Find all EPackages in the source Resources // protected @NonNull Map<EPackage, Set<Resource>> analyzeResources( @NonNull Collection<Resource> resources) { List<Resource> allResources = new ArrayList<Resource>(resources); Map<EPackage, Set<Resource>> ePackage2resources = new HashMap<EPackage, Set<Resource>>(); for (int i = 0; i < allResources.size(); i++) { Resource resource = allResources.get(i); System.out.println(i + "/" + allResources.size() + " analyzeResources " + resource.getURI()); // System.out.println(resource); Set<EClass> eClasses = new HashSet<EClass>(); for (TreeIterator<EObject> tit = resource.getAllContents(); tit.hasNext(); ) { @SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull EObject eObject =; @SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull EClass eClass = eObject.eClass(); eClasses.add(eClass); } Set<EPackage> ePackages = new HashSet<EPackage>(); for (@SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull EClass eClass : eClasses) { ePackages.add(eClass.getEPackage()); for (@SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull EClass eSuperClass : eClass.getEAllSuperTypes()) { ePackages.add(eSuperClass.getEPackage()); } } for (@SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull EPackage ePackage : ePackages) { Set<Resource> ePackageResources = ePackage2resources.get(ePackage); if (ePackageResources == null) { ePackageResources = new HashSet<Resource>(); ePackage2resources.put(ePackage, ePackageResources); } ePackageResources.add(resource); List<ConstraintLocator> list = ValidityManager.getConstraintLocators(ePackage.getNsURI()); if (list != null) { for (ConstraintLocator constraintLocator : list) { try { Collection<Resource> moreResources = constraintLocator.getImports(ePackage, resource); if (moreResources != null) { for (Resource anotherResource : moreResources) { if (!allResources.contains(anotherResource)) { allResources.add(anotherResource); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Set<ConstraintLocator> badConstraintLocators2 = badConstraintLocators; if (badConstraintLocators2 == null) { synchronized (this) { badConstraintLocators = badConstraintLocators2 = new HashSet<ConstraintLocator>(); } } if (!badConstraintLocators2.contains(constraintLocator)) { synchronized (badConstraintLocators2) { if (badConstraintLocators2.add(constraintLocator)) { logger.error("ConstraintLocator " + constraintLocator + " failed", e); } } } } } } } } return ePackage2resources; }
public void initializeUsedGenPackages(final GenModel genModel) { this.genModelInitializer.initialize(genModel, true); HashSet<EPackage> _hashSet = new HashSet<EPackage>(); final HashSet<EPackage> referencedEPackages = _hashSet; UniqueEList<EPackage> _uniqueEList = new UniqueEList<EPackage>(); final List<EPackage> ePackages = _uniqueEList; EList<GenPackage> _genPackages = genModel.getGenPackages(); for (final GenPackage genPackage : _genPackages) { EPackage _ecorePackage = genPackage.getEcorePackage(); ePackages.add(_ecorePackage); } int i = 0; int _size = ePackages.size(); boolean _lessThan = (i < _size); boolean _while = _lessThan; while (_while) { { final EPackage ePackage = ePackages.get(i); int _plus = (i + 1); i = _plus; final TreeIterator<EObject> allContents = ePackage.eAllContents(); boolean _hasNext = allContents.hasNext(); boolean _while_1 = _hasNext; while (_while_1) { { final EObject eObject =; if ((eObject instanceof EPackage)) { allContents.prune(); } else { EList<EObject> _eCrossReferences = eObject.eCrossReferences(); for (final EObject eCrossReference : _eCrossReferences) { boolean _matched = false; if (!_matched) { if (eCrossReference instanceof EClassifier) { final EClassifier _eClassifier = (EClassifier) eCrossReference; _matched = true; final EPackage referencedEPackage = _eClassifier.getEPackage(); ePackages.add(referencedEPackage); referencedEPackages.add(referencedEPackage); } } if (!_matched) { if (eCrossReference instanceof EStructuralFeature) { final EStructuralFeature _eStructuralFeature = (EStructuralFeature) eCrossReference; _matched = true; EClass _eContainingClass = _eStructuralFeature.getEContainingClass(); final EPackage referencedEPackage = _eContainingClass.getEPackage(); ePackages.add(referencedEPackage); referencedEPackages.add(referencedEPackage); } } } } } boolean _hasNext_1 = allContents.hasNext(); _while_1 = _hasNext_1; } } int _size_1 = ePackages.size(); boolean _lessThan_1 = (i < _size_1); _while = _lessThan_1; } for (final EPackage referencedEPackage : referencedEPackages) { GenPackage _findGenPackage = genModel.findGenPackage(referencedEPackage); boolean _equals = Objects.equal(_findGenPackage, null); if (_equals) { ToXcoreMapping _toXcoreMapping = this.mapper.getToXcoreMapping(referencedEPackage); XNamedElement _xcoreElement = _toXcoreMapping.getXcoreElement(); GenBase _gen = this.mapper.getGen(_xcoreElement); GenPackage usedGenPackage = ((GenPackage) _gen); boolean _equals_1 = Objects.equal(usedGenPackage, null); if (_equals_1) { GenPackage _findLocalGenPackage = this.findLocalGenPackage(referencedEPackage); usedGenPackage = _findLocalGenPackage; } boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(usedGenPackage, null)); if (_notEquals) { EList<GenPackage> _usedGenPackages = genModel.getUsedGenPackages(); _usedGenPackages.add(usedGenPackage); } else { Resource _eResource = genModel.eResource(); ResourceSet _resourceSet = _eResource.getResourceSet(); final EList<Resource> resources = _resourceSet.getResources(); i = 0; boolean found = false; boolean _and = false; int _size_1 = resources.size(); boolean _lessThan_1 = (i < _size_1); if (!_lessThan_1) { _and = false; } else { boolean _not = (!found); _and = (_lessThan_1 && _not); } boolean _while_1 = _and; while (_while_1) { { final Resource resource = resources.get(i); boolean _and_1 = false; URI _uRI = resource.getURI(); String _fileExtension = _uRI.fileExtension(); boolean _equals_2 = "genmodel".equals(_fileExtension); if (!_equals_2) { _and_1 = false; } else { EList<EObject> _contents = resource.getContents(); boolean _isEmpty = _contents.isEmpty(); boolean _not_1 = (!_isEmpty); _and_1 = (_equals_2 && _not_1); } if (_and_1) { EList<EObject> _contents_1 = resource.getContents(); EObject _get = _contents_1.get(0); GenPackage _findGenPackage_1 = ((GenModel) _get).findGenPackage(referencedEPackage); usedGenPackage = _findGenPackage_1; boolean _notEquals_1 = (!Objects.equal(usedGenPackage, null)); if (_notEquals_1) { EList<GenPackage> _usedGenPackages_1 = genModel.getUsedGenPackages(); _usedGenPackages_1.add(usedGenPackage); found = true; } } int _plus = (i + 1); i = _plus; } boolean _and_1 = false; int _size_2 = resources.size(); boolean _lessThan_2 = (i < _size_2); if (!_lessThan_2) { _and_1 = false; } else { boolean _not_1 = (!found); _and_1 = (_lessThan_2 && _not_1); } _while_1 = _and_1; } boolean _not_1 = (!found); if (_not_1) { String _plus = ("No GenPackage found for " + referencedEPackage); RuntimeException _runtimeException = new RuntimeException(_plus); throw _runtimeException; } } } } }
@Override public boolean process() throws BimserverDatabaseException, QueryException { if (getQueryObjectProvider().hasRead(oid)) { processPossibleIncludes(null, include); return true; } if (hasRun) { return true; } hasRun = true; if (oid == -1) { throw new BimserverDatabaseException("Cannot get object for oid " + oid); } EClass eClass = getQueryObjectProvider().getDatabaseSession().getEClassForOid(oid); ByteBuffer mustStartWith = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[12]); mustStartWith.putInt(getReusable().getPid()); mustStartWith.putLong(oid); ByteBuffer startSearchWith = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[16]); startSearchWith.putInt(getReusable().getPid()); startSearchWith.putLong(oid); startSearchWith.putInt(-getReusable().getRid()); SearchingRecordIterator recordIterator = getQueryObjectProvider() .getDatabaseSession() .getKeyValueStore() .getRecordIterator( eClass.getEPackage().getName() + "_" + eClass.getName(), mustStartWith.array(), startSearchWith.array(), getQueryObjectProvider().getDatabaseSession()); try { Record record =; if (record == null) { return true; } getQueryObjectProvider().incReads(); ByteBuffer keyBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(record.getKey()); ByteBuffer valueBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(record.getValue()); keyBuffer.getInt(); // pid long keyOid = keyBuffer.getLong(); int keyRid = -keyBuffer.getInt(); if (keyRid <= getReusable().getRid()) { if (valueBuffer.capacity() == 1 && valueBuffer.get(0) == -1) { valueBuffer.position(valueBuffer.position() + 1); return true; // deleted entity } else { currentObject = convertByteArrayToObject(eClass, eClass, keyOid, valueBuffer, keyRid); if (currentObject.eClass().getName().toUpperCase().equals("IFCBOOLEANCLIPPINGRESULT")) { System.out.println(); } processPossibleIncludes(null, include); // if (include.hasFields()) { // for (EReference eReference : include.getFields()) { // EReference inverseOrOpposite = // getPackageMetaData().getInverseOrOpposite(currentObject.eClass(), eReference); // if (inverseOrOpposite != null) { // currentObject.addUseForSerialization(inverseOrOpposite); // } // } // } // if (currentObject != null) { // if (getQueryPart().isIncludeAllFields()) { // for (EReference eReference : currentObject.eClass().getEAllReferences()) { // currentObject.addUseForSerialization(eReference); // } // } // } // // if (include.hasIncludes()) { // for (Include include : include.getIncludes()) { // processPossibleInclude(include); // } // } } } else { return true; } } finally { recordIterator.close(); } return true; }
/** * * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> */ public Anchor createTargetAnchor(EClass eClass) { Anchor newAnchor = (Anchor) eClass.getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance().create(eClass); setTargetAnchor(newAnchor); return newAnchor; }
@Override public EObject create(EClass eClass) { if (EMFModelManager.replacedClasses.contains(eClass)) return eClass.getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance().create(eClass); return delegate.create(eClass); }
/** * * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * * @generated NOT */ public Bendpoints createBendpoints(EClass eClass) { Bendpoints newBendpoints = (Bendpoints) eClass.getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance().create(eClass); setBendpoints(newBendpoints); return newBendpoints; }
// TODO ! need new presentation of set-text-selection command or hide args protected void convertSimple(Command command, ICommandFormatter formatter, boolean hasInput) { String commandName = CoreUtils.getScriptletNameByClass(command.eClass()); formatter.addCommandName(commandName); Map<EStructuralFeature, Command> bindingMap = new HashMap<EStructuralFeature, Command>(); for (Binding b : command.getBindings()) { bindingMap.put(b.getFeature(), b.getCommand()); } List<EStructuralFeature> attributes = CoreUtils.getFeatures(command.eClass()); boolean forced = false; boolean bigTextCommand = commandName.equals("upload-file") || commandName.equals("match-binary"); for (EStructuralFeature feature : attributes) { if (feature.getEAnnotation(CoreUtils.INTERNAL_ANN) != null) continue; if (feature.getEAnnotation(CoreUtils.INPUT_ANN) != null && hasInput) continue; String name = feature.getName(); if (isForced(commandName, name)) forced = true; Object val = command.eGet(feature); boolean skippped = true; Object defaultValue = feature.getDefaultValue(); boolean isDefault = val == null || val.equals(defaultValue); if (!isDefault) { if (feature instanceof EAttribute) { EAttribute attr = (EAttribute) feature; String type = attr.getEAttributeType().getInstanceTypeName(); if (val instanceof List<?>) { List<?> list = (List<?>) val; for (Object o : list) { String value = convertValue(o, type); if (value != null) { formatter.addAttrName(name, forced); formatter.addAttrValue(value); skippped = false; } } } else { if (val.equals(true)) { forced = true; formatter.addAttrName(name, forced); } else { String value = convertValue(val, type); if (value != null) { formatter.addAttrName(name, forced); if (bigTextCommand) formatter.addAttrValueWithLineBreak(value); else formatter.addAttrValue(value); skippped = false; } } } } else { EReference ref = (EReference) feature; EClass eclass = ref.getEReferenceType(); if (eclass.getEPackage() == CorePackage.eINSTANCE && eclass.getClassifierID() == CorePackage.COMMAND) { boolean singleLine = !(val instanceof Sequence); formatter.addAttrName(name, forced); formatter.openGroup(singleLine); doConvert((Command) val, formatter, true); formatter.closeGroup(singleLine); skippped = false; } else { IParamConverter<?> converter = ParamConverterManager.getInstance().getConverter(eclass.getInstanceClass()); if (converter != null) { try { String strVal = String.format("\"%s\"", converter.convertToCode(val)); formatter.addAttrValue(strVal); } catch (CoreException e) { CorePlugin.log(e.getStatus()); } } } } } else { Command c = bindingMap.get(feature); if (c != null) { formatter.addAttrName(name, forced); formatter.openExec(); doConvert(c, formatter, hasInput); formatter.closeExec(); skippped = false; } } if (skippped) forced = true; } }
/** * createObject handles if the probe created an object with same UUID as another existing object * * @param ecls * @param entityName * @param entityUuid * @return VMTRootobject */ private VMTRootObject createObject(EClass ecls, String entityName, String entityUuid) { VMTRootObject obj = null; VMTRootObject newObj = null; String finalUuid = null; if (entityUuid != null) { finalUuid = REPOSMAN.hashUuid(entityUuid); } obj = name2obj.get(entityName); if (obj == null) { // this is an initial discovery, check if a different probe created an object with the same // uuid obj = REPOSMAN.getObject(finalUuid); if (obj != null) { // This object was created by a different probe if (!obj.eClass().equals(ecls)) { newObj = createObject(ecls, entityName, finalUuid + entityName); handleSameUUID( (VMTManagedEntity) obj, (VMTManagedEntity) newObj, entityName, ecls, false, VMTSeverity.MAJOR); } else { if (logger.isTraceEnabled() && obj instanceof VirtualApplication) logger.trace( target.getNameOrAddress() + "### : " + obj.toVMTString() + " already was created by another probe with uuid " + obj.getUuid()); } } else { // This is the first object created with such a uuid obj = (VMTRootObject) ecls.getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance().create(ecls); if (finalUuid != null) obj.setUuid(finalUuid); obj.setName(entityName); if (logger.isTraceEnabled() && obj instanceof VirtualApplication) logger.trace( target.getNameOrAddress() + ": created NEW object " + obj.toVMTString() + " with uuid " + obj.getUuid()); DISCMAN.incrementCount((VMTManagedEntity) obj); } } else if (!obj.eClass().equals(ecls)) { // object of a different class with the same uuid was created by this probe // newObj = createObject(ecls, entityName, finalUuid + entityName); // handleSameUUID((VMTManagedEntity)obj, (VMTManagedEntity)newObj, finalUuid, ecls, // VMTSeverity.WARNING); handleSameUUID((VMTManagedEntity) obj, null, entityName, ecls, false, VMTSeverity.MAJOR); newObj = null; } if (newObj != null) obj = newObj; name2obj.put(entityName, obj); return obj; } // end createObject()
/** * Generates the object described in the given instanciationInstruction. * * @param instanciationInstruction the instantiation instruction to inspect * @param importedPackageURIS the URIs corresponding to all the packages imported in this * ModelingUnit * @param linkResolver the entity used in order to resolve links * @param modelingUnitGenerator the dispatcher to use for calling the correct generator on * sub-elements * @return the object described in the given instanciationInstruction */ public static EObject generate( InstanciationInstruction instanciationInstruction, List<String> importedPackageURIS, ModelingUnitLinkResolver linkResolver, ModelingUnitGenerator modelingUnitGenerator) { ModelingUnitGenerator.clearCompilationStatus(instanciationInstruction); EObject createdElement = null; // Step 1 : resolving the link to the metaType (thanks to the linkResolver) String metaTypeHref = instanciationInstruction.getMetaType().getTypeName(); try { EClass metaType = (EClass) linkResolver.resolveEClassifierUsingPackage( instanciationInstruction, importedPackageURIS, metaTypeHref); instanciationInstruction.getMetaType().setResolvedType(metaType); // Step 2 : instantiate correctly this entity // Step 2.1 : Creation using the factory createdElement = metaType.getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance().create(metaType); // Step 2.2 : If a name has been associated to this instance if (instanciationInstruction.getName() != null) { // We determine if this name can be assigned to any attribute for (EAttribute attribute : metaType.getEAllAttributes()) { if (isConcernedByNameAttribute(attribute)) { // if so, we set this attribute createdElement.eSet(attribute, instanciationInstruction.getName()); } } } // Step 2.3 : We set all the structuralFeatureAffectation associated to this instance // leaving the other attributes to default values. for (StructuralFeatureAffectation sfa : instanciationInstruction.getStructuralFeatures()) { StructuralFeatureGenerator.generateFeatureAndAddToClass( sfa, createdElement, linkResolver, modelingUnitGenerator); } } catch (ResolveException e) { // If the metaType of the element to generate cannot be resolved // We generate a compilation status modelingUnitGenerator .getInformationHolder() .registerCompilationExceptionAsCompilationStatus( new CompilationException( e.getInvalidInstruction(), CompilationErrorType.INVALID_REFERENCE_ERROR, e.getMessage())); // And we create a sample object, in order to let the compilation running createdElement = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEObject(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { modelingUnitGenerator .getInformationHolder() .registerCompilationExceptionAsCompilationStatus( new CompilationException( instanciationInstruction, CompilationErrorType.INVALID_VALUE_ERROR, e.getMessage())); // And we create a sample object, in order to let the compilation running createdElement = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEObject(); } // Step 3 : Registration of the generated element // Step 3.1 : we add the generated element in the current created Elements list modelingUnitGenerator .getInformationHolder() .addNameToCreatedElementEntry( instanciationInstruction.getName(), createdElement, instanciationInstruction); if (createdElement instanceof EPackage) { linkResolver.unregisterEPackage((EPackage) createdElement); } // Step 3.2 : if any unresolved contribution instructions were contributed to this element // We resolve these contributions for (final UnresolvedContributionHolder contributionHolder : modelingUnitGenerator .getInformationHolder() .getContributionsAssociatedTo(instanciationInstruction.getName())) { ContributionInstructionGenerator.generate( contributionHolder.getReferencedContribution(), modelingUnitGenerator, linkResolver); } return createdElement; }
public void queryXRefs(final QueryXRefsContext context) { final int branchID = context.getBranch().getID(); for (final CDOID target : context.getTargetObjects().keySet()) { for (final EClass eClass : context.getSourceCandidates().keySet()) { final String eClassName = eClass.getName(); final String nsURI = eClass.getEPackage().getNsURI(); final List<EReference> eReferences = context.getSourceCandidates().get(eClass); getObjectContainer() .query( new Predicate<DB4ORevision>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private boolean moreResults = true; @Override public boolean match(DB4ORevision revision) { if (!moreResults) { return false; } if (!revision.getClassName().equals(eClassName)) { return false; } if (!revision.getPackageURI().equals(nsURI)) { return false; } if (!(revision.getBranchID() == branchID)) { return false; } CDOID id = DB4ORevision.getCDOID(revision.getID()); for (EReference eReference : eReferences) { Object obj = revision.getValues().get(eReference.getFeatureID()); if (obj instanceof List) { List<?> list = (List<?>) obj; int index = 0; for (Object element : list) { CDOID ref = DB4ORevision.getCDOID(element); if (ObjectUtil.equals(ref, target)) { moreResults = context.addXRef(target, id, eReference, index); } ++index; } } else { CDOID ref = DB4ORevision.getCDOID(obj); if (ObjectUtil.equals(ref, target)) { moreResults = context.addXRef(target, id, eReference, 0); } } } return false; } }); } } }