private void parseUrl(String url) { if (url == null) return; this.uri = null; try { // TODO check parsing url // URL has some valid protocol. // Check to see if it is a valid url. URL url_inst = new URL(url); String protocol2 = url_inst.getProtocol(); if (protocol2 != null) { // XXX : HACK Extreme hacking on... // there should be a proper way to handle with spaces and URIs. if (protocol2.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTP_PROTOCOL)) { this.uri = URI.createURI( URI.decode( url.replace("http://platform", "platform:") .replace( "platform::/", "platform:/"))); // .replaceAll("%20", " ")); //$NON-NLS-1$ // //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ } else if (protocol2.equalsIgnoreCase(PLATFORM_PROTOCOL)) { this.uri = URI.createURI(URI.decode(url)); } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // not a valid URL. Just return. } }
/** Add the specified list any external resource for this EReference feature */ protected void processReferenceValue( final Resource eResource, final EObject eObject, final EReference eReference, final EObject value, final List externalResources, final Set unresolvedResourceURIs) { if (value == null) { return; } // Check if the object is an EMF proxy ... if (value.eIsProxy()) { if (value instanceof InternalEObject) { final InternalEObject iObject = (InternalEObject) value; final URI proxyUri = iObject.eProxyURI(); CoreArgCheck.isNotNull(proxyUri); // Get the URI of the resource ... URI resourceUri = proxyUri.trimFragment(); // Make the relative URI absolute if necessary URI baseLocationUri = eResource.getURI(); URI proxyLocationUri = UriHelper.makeAbsoluteUri(baseLocationUri, resourceUri); // URI proxyLocationUri = resourceUri; // if (baseLocationUri.isHierarchical() && !baseLocationUri.isRelative() && // proxyUri.isRelative()) { // proxyLocationUri = proxyLocationUri.resolve(baseLocationUri); // } Resource rsrc = findByURI(proxyLocationUri, true); // If the resource URI is a workspace relative path (e.g. "/project/.../model.xmi") if (rsrc == null && baseLocationUri.isFile() && resourceUri.toString().charAt(0) == '/') { String baseLocation = URI.decode(baseLocationUri.toFileString()); String projectName = resourceUri.segment(0); String proxyLocation = URI.decode(resourceUri.toString()); int index = baseLocation.indexOf(projectName); if (index != -1) { proxyLocation = baseLocation.substring(0, index - 1) + proxyLocation; rsrc = findByURI(URI.createFileURI(proxyLocation), true); } } if (rsrc != null && eResource != rsrc && !externalResources.contains(rsrc)) { externalResources.add(rsrc); } else if (rsrc == null) { unresolvedResourceURIs.add(resourceUri); } } } else { Resource rsrc = value.eResource(); if (eResource != rsrc && !externalResources.contains(rsrc)) { externalResources.add(rsrc); } } }
protected void addConnectorDefinition( ConnectorImplementation impl, List<IResource> resourcesToExport) throws FileNotFoundException, CoreException { final IRepositoryStore store = getDefinitionStore(); ConnectorDefinition def = ((IDefinitionRepositoryStore) store) .getDefinition(impl.getDefinitionId(), impl.getDefinitionVersion()); EMFFileStore file = (EMFFileStore) store.getChild(URI.decode(def.eResource().getURI().lastSegment())); if (file != null && !file.canBeShared()) { File f = new File(file.getEMFResource().getURI().toFileString()); if (f.exists()) { IFile defFile = store.getResource().getFile(f.getName()); defFile.create(new FileInputStream(f), true, Repository.NULL_PROGRESS_MONITOR); resourcesToExport.add(defFile); cleanAfterExport.add(defFile); } } else if (file != null) { resourcesToExport.add(file.getResource()); } addDefinitionIcons(resourcesToExport, store, def); addDefinitionPropertiesFile(resourcesToExport, store, def); }
public static String getAbsoluteLocation(final File base, final String relativePath) { final URI baseLocation = URI.createFileURI(base.getAbsolutePath()); URI relLocation = URI.createURI(relativePath, false); if (baseLocation.isHierarchical() && !baseLocation.isRelative() && relLocation.isRelative()) relLocation = relLocation.resolve(baseLocation); return URI.decode(relLocation.toString()); }
/** @since 2.3 */ @Override public List<?> getTargetObjects(Object object, IMarker marker) { if (object instanceof AdapterFactoryEditingDomain) { ArrayList<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>(); AdapterFactoryEditingDomain editingDomain = (AdapterFactoryEditingDomain) object; String uriAttribute = marker.getAttribute(EValidator.URI_ATTRIBUTE, null); if (uriAttribute != null) { URI uri = URI.createURI(uriAttribute); EObject eObject = editingDomain.getResourceSet().getEObject(uri, true); if (eObject != null) { result.add(editingDomain.getWrapper(eObject)); } } String relatedURIsAttribute = marker.getAttribute(EValidator.RELATED_URIS_ATTRIBUTE, null); if (relatedURIsAttribute != null) { for (String relatedURI : relatedURIsAttribute.split(" ")) { URI uri = URI.createURI(URI.decode(relatedURI)); EObject eObject = editingDomain.getResourceSet().getEObject(uri, true); if (eObject != null) { result.add(editingDomain.getWrapper(eObject)); } } } return result; } else { return super.getTargetObjects(object, marker); } }
/** * Returns true if the specified URI string is one of the well-known Teiid Designer/EMF * identifiers to a global resource such as * * <p>"" * "" * "" * "" "" * "" otherwise false is returned. * * @param uri the URI string */ public static boolean isGlobalResource(final String uri) { if (uri == null) return false; // // ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ // ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ // ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ // If the URI is to the Teiid Designer built-in datatypes model ... if (uri.startsWith(DatatypeConstants.BUILTIN_DATATYPES_URI)) return true; if (uri.endsWith(DatatypeConstants.DATATYPES_MODEL_FILE_NAME)) return true; // If the URI is to the Teiid Designer built-in UML primitive types model ... if (uri.startsWith(UML_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_INTERNAL_URI)) return true; if (uri.endsWith(UML_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_MODEL_FILE_NAME)) return true; if (uri.startsWith(UML_METAMODEL_URI)) return true; // If the URI is to the Teiid Designer built-in relationship model ... if (uri.endsWith(RELATIONSHIP_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_INTERNAL_URI)) return true; if (uri.endsWith(RELATIONSHIP_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_MODEL_FILE_NAME)) return true; // If the URI is to one of the Emf XMLSchema resources ... if (uri.startsWith(ModelerCore.XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_GENERAL_URI) || uri.startsWith(ModelerCore.XML_MAGIC_SCHEMA_GENERAL_URI) || uri.startsWith(ModelerCore.XML_SCHEMA_GENERAL_URI) || uri.startsWith(ModelerCore.XML_XSD_GENERAL_URI)) return true; // If the URI is in the form of an Eclipse platform path to // one of the Emf XMLSchema resources ... if (uri.startsWith( XML_SCHEMA_ECLIPSE_PLATFORM_URI_PREFIX)) // MagicXMLSchema.xsd suffix on the resource URI if (uri.indexOf(XML_MAGIC_SCHEMA_ECLIPSE_PLATFORM_URI_SUFFIX) > 0) return true; else if (uri.indexOf(XML_SCHEMA_ECLIPSE_PLATFORM_URI_SUFFIX) > 0) return true; else if (uri.indexOf(XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_ECLIPSE_PLATFORM_URI_SUFFIX) > 0) return true; // Next check if the import reference is to one of our system models try { final Resource[] systemModels = ModelerCore.getSystemVdbResources(); for (int i = 0; i != systemModels.length; ++i) { final String systemModelUri = URI.decode(systemModels[i].getURI().toString()); if (uri.equalsIgnoreCase(systemModelUri)) return true; } } catch (final Exception e) { // do nothing } // Next check if the import reference is to one of our metamodels try { if (ModelerCore.getMetamodelRegistry().containsURI(uri)) return true; } catch (final Exception e) { // do nothing } // MyCode : 18565 if (isLocalResource(uri)) return false; return false; }
/** * @param groupFileUri * @return */ private File toDestinationFolder(URI groupFileUri) { String toReplace = TstGeneral.GROUP_PATH_STR; String forReplace = toReplace + "Y"; String path = URI.decode(groupFileUri.devicePath()); // modify to destination folder path = path.replace(toReplace, forReplace); File destFile = new File(path); return destFile; }
/** @generated */ protected void handleElementMoved(IEditorInput input, URI uri) { if (input instanceof FileEditorInput) { IFile newFile = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace() .getRoot() .getFile(new Path(URI.decode(uri.path())).removeFirstSegments(1)); fireElementMoved(input, newFile == null ? null : new FileEditorInput(newFile)); return; } fireElementMoved(input, new URIEditorInput(uri)); }
/** @generated */ protected void handleElementMoved(IEditorInput input, URI uri) { if (input instanceof FileEditorInput) { IFile newFile = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace() .getRoot() .getFile(new Path(URI.decode(uri.path())).removeFirstSegments(1)); fireElementMoved(input, newFile == null ? null : new FileEditorInput(newFile)); return; } // TODO: append suffix to the URI! (use diagram as a parameter) fireElementMoved(input, new URIEditorInput(uri)); }
/** @generated */ public StateMachine_MAVONewDiagramFileWizard( URI domainModelURI, EObject diagramRoot, TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain) { assert domainModelURI != null : "Domain model uri must be specified"; // $NON-NLS-1$ assert diagramRoot != null : "Doagram root element must be specified"; // $NON-NLS-1$ assert editingDomain != null : "Editing domain must be specified"; // $NON-NLS-1$ myFileCreationPage = new WizardNewFileCreationPage( .StateMachine_MAVONewDiagramFileWizard_CreationPageName, StructuredSelection.EMPTY); myFileCreationPage.setTitle( .StateMachine_MAVONewDiagramFileWizard_CreationPageTitle); myFileCreationPage.setDescription( NLS.bind( .StateMachine_MAVONewDiagramFileWizard_CreationPageDescription, .MODEL_ID)); IPath filePath; String fileName = URI.decode(domainModelURI.trimFileExtension().lastSegment()); if (domainModelURI.isPlatformResource()) { filePath = new Path(domainModelURI.trimSegments(1).toPlatformString(true)); } else if (domainModelURI.isFile()) { filePath = new Path(domainModelURI.trimSegments(1).toFileString()); } else { // TODO : use some default path throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported URI: " + domainModelURI); // $NON-NLS-1$ } myFileCreationPage.setContainerFullPath(filePath); myFileCreationPage.setFileName( .StateMachine_MAVODiagramEditorUtil.getUniqueFileName( filePath, fileName, "statemachinediag_mavo")); // $NON-NLS-1$ diagramRootElementSelectionPage = new DiagramRootElementSelectionPage( .StateMachine_MAVONewDiagramFileWizard_RootSelectionPageName); diagramRootElementSelectionPage.setTitle( .StateMachine_MAVONewDiagramFileWizard_RootSelectionPageTitle); diagramRootElementSelectionPage.setDescription( .StateMachine_MAVONewDiagramFileWizard_RootSelectionPageDescription); diagramRootElementSelectionPage.setModelElement(diagramRoot); myEditingDomain = editingDomain; }
/** * @see * org.teiid.designer.core.container.ResourceFinder#findUnresolvedResourceLocations(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource) * @since 4.3 */ @Override public String[] findUnresolvedResourceLocations(final Resource theResource) { final Collection result = new HashSet(); if (theResource != null) { List dummyList = new ArrayList(); Set unresolvedURIs = new HashSet(); // just get the unresolved URI's addExternallyReferencedResources(theResource, false, true, dummyList, unresolvedURIs); // Check each one, decode it and add to result for (Iterator iter = unresolvedURIs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { URI uri = (URI); result.add(URI.decode(uri.toString())); } } return (String[]) result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); }
@Override public EObject getEObject(String uriFragment) { EList<EObject> contents = getContents(); String name = URI.decode(uriFragment); for (int i = 0; i < contents.size(); i++) { EObject root = contents.get(i); EList<EObject> children = root.eContents(); for (int j = 0; j < children.size(); j++) { EObject child = children.get(j); if (child instanceof NameSupport && name.equals(((NameSupport) child).getName())) return child; } } return super.getEObject(uriFragment); }
/** * @see org.teiid.designer.core.container#isBuiltInSystemResource(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI) * @since 4.3 */ @Override public boolean isBuiltInSystemResource(final URI theUri) { if (theUri != null) { // If the models are not found in an external resource set then // they cannot be one of the built-in shared resources if (!isExternalResource(theUri)) { return false; } // Check if the string form of the URI matches one of the expected names String uriString = URI.decode(theUri.toString()); if (uriString.startsWith(SYSTEM_VIRTUAL_INTERNAL_URI) || uriString.endsWith(SYSTEM_VIRTUAL_MODEL_FILE_NAME)) { return true; } } return false; }
String text(PuppetManifest ele) { String s = ele.eResource().getURI().lastSegment(); return Strings.isEmpty(s) ? "<unnamed>" : URI.decode(s); }
@Override public EObject eObjectForURIFragmentSegment(String uriFragmentSegment) { int length = uriFragmentSegment.length(); if (length > 0) { // Is the first character a special character, i.e., something other than '@'? // char firstCharacter = uriFragmentSegment.charAt(0); if (firstCharacter != '@') { // Is it the start of a source URI of an annotation? // if (firstCharacter == '%') { // Find the closing '%' // int index = uriFragmentSegment.lastIndexOf("%"); boolean hasCount = false; if (index == length - 1 || (hasCount = uriFragmentSegment.charAt(index + 1) == '.')) { // Decode all encoded characters. // String source = URI.decode(uriFragmentSegment.substring(1, index)); // Check for a count, i.e., a '.' followed by a number. // int count = 0; if (hasCount) { try { count = Integer.parseInt(uriFragmentSegment.substring(index + 2)); } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { throw new WrappedException(exception); } } // Look for the annotation with the matching source. // for (Object object : eContents()) { if (object instanceof EAnnotation) { EAnnotation eAnnotation = (EAnnotation) object; if (source.equals(eAnnotation.getSource()) && count-- == 0) { return eAnnotation; } } } return null; } } // Look for trailing count. // int index = uriFragmentSegment.lastIndexOf("."); String name = index == -1 ? uriFragmentSegment : uriFragmentSegment.substring(0, index); int count = 0; if (index != -1) { try { count = Integer.parseInt(uriFragmentSegment.substring(index + 1)); } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { // Interpret it as part of the name. // name = uriFragmentSegment; } } name = URI.decode(name); // Look for a matching named element. // for (Object object : eContents()) { if (object instanceof ENamedElement) { ENamedElement eNamedElement = (ENamedElement) object; if (name.equals(eNamedElement.getName()) && count-- == 0) { return eNamedElement; } } } return null; } } return super.eObjectForURIFragmentSegment(uriFragmentSegment); }
/** Build elements one by one */ public void testGroupReviewCreate() { R4EReviewGroup group = null; // required folder path and group name to build the new group file try { group = fFactory.createR4EReviewGroup(fGroupPath, GROUP_NAME); } catch (ResourceHandlingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } assertNotNull(group); URI uri = group.eResource().getURI(); String expectedURI = fGroupPath.appendSegment("Group_One_group_root.xrer").toString(); assertEquals(expectedURI, uri.toString()); // Deserialise and assert group = null; try { group = fFactory.openR4EReviewGroup(uri); } catch (ResourceHandlingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (CompatibilityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // validate assertNotNull(group); assertEquals(GROUP_NAME, group.getName()); // crate a review R4EReview review = null; try { review = fFactory.createR4EReview(group, REVIEW_NAME1, fUser1); } catch (ResourceHandlingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Exception"); } assertEquals(REVIEW_NAME1, review.getName()); // re-open the group group = null; try { group = fFactory.openR4EReviewGroup(uri); } catch (ResourceHandlingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Exception"); } catch (CompatibilityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Exception"); } uri = review.eResource().getURI(); // read the review try { review = fFactory.openR4EReview(group, review.getName()); } catch (ResourceHandlingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Exception"); } catch (CompatibilityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Exception"); } assertEquals(REVIEW_NAME1, review.getName()); // read the participant R4EUser participant = review.getUsersMap().values().iterator().next(); uri = participant.eResource().getURI(); try { ResourceSet resSet = participant.eResource().getResourceSet(); participant = fReader.deserializeTopElement(uri, resSet, R4EParticipant.class); } catch (ResourceHandlingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Exception"); } assertEquals(fUser1, participant.getId()); // Clean up File folder = new File(URI.decode(fGroupPath.devicePath())); try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(folder); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Exception"); } }
/** * Return a collection EMF resource matching the specified model name. * * @param modelName The name of the model whose resource/s are returned * @return The collection of EMD resources */ private Collection findResourcesByName(final String modelName) { CoreArgCheck.isNotEmpty(modelName); // get the collection of resources to check Collection rsrcs = new ArrayList( (this.getResources() != null ? this.getResources() : getContainer().getResources())); // Add the system models to the collection if not already there Resource[] systemModels = ModelerCore.getSystemVdbResources(); for (int i = 0; i != systemModels.length; ++i) { Resource systemModel = systemModels[i]; if (!rsrcs.contains(systemModel)) { rsrcs.add(systemModel); } } // get the editor to get the name of the resources ModelEditor modelEditor = ModelerCore.getModelEditor(); // find all the resource the match the model name Collection resources = new ArrayList(1); // get the index selector to limit the resource search IndexSelector selector = this.getIndexSelector(); if (selector != null && selector instanceof ModelResourceIndexSelector) { // the selector has reference to the resource and references to its imports ModelResourceIndexSelector resourceSelector = (ModelResourceIndexSelector) selector; // try finding the entity in the selectors resource Resource modelResource = resourceSelector.getResource(); String resourceName = modelEditor.getModelName(modelResource); if (resourceName.equalsIgnoreCase(modelName)) { resources.add(modelResource); } else { // check if any if any of the imported resources have the same name Iterator importIter = resourceSelector.getModelImports().iterator(); while (importIter.hasNext()) { ModelImport modelImport = (ModelImport); String importName = modelImport.getName(); if (importName.equalsIgnoreCase(modelName)) { // compare the import path of the model to the path in the resource String importPath = modelImport.getPath(); for (Iterator resourceIter = rsrcs.iterator(); resourceIter.hasNext(); ) { Resource resource = (Resource); String resourceUri = URI.decode(resource.getURI().toString()); if (CoreStringUtil.endsWithIgnoreCase(resourceUri, importPath)) { resources.add(resource); break; } } } } } } else { // find the resource that matches the model name for (Iterator resourceIter = rsrcs.iterator(); resourceIter.hasNext(); ) { Resource resource = (Resource); String resourceName = modelEditor.getModelName(resource); if (resourceName.equalsIgnoreCase(modelName)) { resources.add(resource); break; } } } if (!resources.isEmpty()) { return resources; } // all open resources as model could not be found return rsrcs; }
/** * @see org.teiid.designer.core.container#isBuiltInResource(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI) * @since 4.3 */ @Override public boolean isBuiltInResource(final URI theUri) { if (theUri == null) { return false; } // The Container for this ResourceFinder should not have a built-in resouce within its contents. // If we find a non-external resource by this URI then return false. if (findByURI(theUri, false) != null) { return false; } String uriString = URI.decode(theUri.toString()); // If the URI is to the Teiid Designer built-in datatypes model if (uriString.startsWith(BUILTIN_DATATYPES_URI) || uriString.endsWith(DATATYPES_MODEL_FILE_NAME)) { return true; } // If the URI is to the Teiid Designer built-in UML primitive types model if (uriString.startsWith(UML_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_INTERNAL_URI) || uriString.endsWith(UML_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_MODEL_FILE_NAME)) { return true; } // If the URI is to the Teiid Designer built-in relationship model if (uriString.startsWith(RELATIONSHIP_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_INTERNAL_URI) || uriString.endsWith(RELATIONSHIP_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_MODEL_FILE_NAME)) { return true; } // If the URI is to one of the XSD global resources ResourceSet globalResourceSet = XSDSchemaImpl.getGlobalResourceSet(); if (globalResourceSet != null && globalResourceSet.getResource(theUri, false) != null) { return true; } // If the URI is a logical URI to one of the XSD global resources if (uriString.endsWith(SCHEMA_FOR_SCHEMA_URI_2001_SUFFIX) || uriString.endsWith(MAGIC_SCHEMA_URI_2001_SUFFIX) || uriString.endsWith(SCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI_2001_SUFFIX)) { return true; } // If the URI is to one of the Teiid Designer metamodel resources if (uriString.startsWith(METAMODEL_PREFIX)) { return true; } // If the URI is to one of the IBM UML2 metamodel resources if (uriString.startsWith(UML2_METAMODELS_PREFIX)) { return true; } // If the URI is to the Teiid Designer built-in system models if (isBuiltInSystemResource(theUri)) { return true; } // If the URI is to one of our metamodels try { if (ModelerCore.getMetamodelRegistry().containsURI(theUri)) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } return false; }
private static String normalizeUriToString(final URI uri) { final String uriString = new Path(URI.decode(uri.toString())).toString(); return normalizeUriString(uriString); }
/** * Returns true if the specified URI string is one of the well-known Teiid Designer/EMF * identifiers to a global resource such as * * <p>"" * "" * "" * "" "" * "" otherwise false is returned. * * @param uri the URI string */ public static String getGlobalResourceUri(final String uri) { if (uri == null) return null; // If the URI is to the Teiid Designer built-in datatypes model ... if (uri.startsWith(DatatypeConstants.BUILTIN_DATATYPES_URI)) return DatatypeConstants.BUILTIN_DATATYPES_URI; if (uri.endsWith(DatatypeConstants.DATATYPES_MODEL_FILE_NAME)) return DatatypeConstants.BUILTIN_DATATYPES_URI; // If the URI is to the Teiid Designer built-in UML primitive types model ... if (uri.startsWith(UML_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_INTERNAL_URI)) return UML_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_INTERNAL_URI; if (uri.endsWith(UML_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_MODEL_FILE_NAME)) return UML_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_INTERNAL_URI; if (uri.startsWith(UML_METAMODEL_URI)) return UML_METAMODEL_URI; // If the URI is to the Teiid Designer built-in relationship model ... if (uri.endsWith(RELATIONSHIP_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_INTERNAL_URI)) return RELATIONSHIP_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_INTERNAL_URI; if (uri.endsWith(RELATIONSHIP_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_MODEL_FILE_NAME)) return RELATIONSHIP_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_INTERNAL_URI; // If the URI is to one of the Emf XMLSchema resources ... if (uri.startsWith(ModelerCore.XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_GENERAL_URI)) return ModelerCore.XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_GENERAL_URI; if (uri.startsWith(ModelerCore.XML_SCHEMA_GENERAL_URI)) return ModelerCore.XML_SCHEMA_GENERAL_URI; if (uri.startsWith(ModelerCore.XML_MAGIC_SCHEMA_GENERAL_URI)) return ModelerCore.XML_MAGIC_SCHEMA_GENERAL_URI; if (uri.equals(ModelerCore.XML_XSD_GENERAL_URI)) return ModelerCore.XML_XSD_GENERAL_URI; // If the URI is in the form of an Eclipse platform path to // one of the Emf XMLSchema resources ... if (uri.startsWith( XML_SCHEMA_ECLIPSE_PLATFORM_URI_PREFIX)) // MagicXMLSchema.xsd suffix on the resource URI if (uri.indexOf(XML_MAGIC_SCHEMA_ECLIPSE_PLATFORM_URI_SUFFIX) > 0) return ModelerCore.XML_MAGIC_SCHEMA_GENERAL_URI; else if (uri.indexOf(XML_SCHEMA_ECLIPSE_PLATFORM_URI_SUFFIX) > 0) return ModelerCore.XML_SCHEMA_GENERAL_URI; else if (uri.indexOf(XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_ECLIPSE_PLATFORM_URI_SUFFIX) > 0) return ModelerCore.XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_GENERAL_URI; // Next check if the import reference is to one of our system models try { final Resource[] systemModels = ModelerCore.getSystemVdbResources(); for (int i = 0; i != systemModels.length; ++i) { final String systemModelUri = URI.decode(systemModels[i].getURI().toString()); if (uri.equalsIgnoreCase(systemModelUri)) return systemModelUri; } } catch (final Exception e) { // do nothing } // Next check if the import reference is to one of our metamodels try { if (ModelerCore.getMetamodelRegistry().containsURI(uri)) { final URI metamodelUri = ModelerCore.getMetamodelRegistry().getURI(uri); return ModelerCore.getMetamodelRegistry() .getMetamodelDescriptor(metamodelUri) .getNamespaceURI(); } } catch (final Exception e) { // do nothing } return null; }