/** Erases the guide and the feedback shown by the container of the elements. */
  protected void eraseSourceFeedback() {
    if (guideline.getParent() != null) {

    if (_container != null) {

    ChangeBoundsRequest request = new ChangeBoundsRequest(RequestConstants.REQ_MOVE);
    request.setSizeDelta(new Dimension(0, 0));
    request.setMoveDelta(new Point(0, 0));
    for (IGraphicalEditPart part : _movingShapes) {

    ChangeBoundsRequest spRequest = new ChangeBoundsRequest(RequestConstants.REQ_RESIZE);
    spRequest.setSizeDelta(new Dimension(0, 0));
    spRequest.setMoveDelta(new Point(0, 0));
    for (IGraphicalEditPart sp : _subProcesses) {
  // We override reveal to show the Handles of the selected EditPart when
  // scrolling
  public void reveal(EditPart part) {
    // In some case, the editor control is not created, but get the sync selection event.
    // Fix this problem temporary.
    if (getFigureCanvas() == null || getFigureCanvas().isDisposed()) {

    Viewport port = getFigureCanvas().getViewport();
    IFigure target = ((GraphicalEditPart) part).getFigure();

    Rectangle exposeRegion = target.getBounds().getCopy();

    // Get the primary editpolicy
    EditPolicy policy = part.getEditPolicy(EditPolicy.PRIMARY_DRAG_ROLE);

    // If the policy let us access the handles, proceed, otherwise
    // default to original behaviour
    if (!(policy instanceof ISelectionHandlesEditPolicy)) {

    // First translate exposeRegion to the root level
    target = target.getParent();
    while (target != null && target != port) {
      target = target.getParent();

    // Merge selection handles if any to the exposeRegion
    List handles = ((ISelectionHandlesEditPolicy) policy).getHandles();
    for (Iterator iter = handles.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      AbstractHandle handle = (AbstractHandle) iter.next();

      Locator locator = handle.getLocator();

    exposeRegion.getExpanded(5, 5);

    Dimension viewportSize = port.getClientArea().getSize();

    Point topLeft = exposeRegion.getTopLeft();
    Point bottomRight = exposeRegion.getBottomRight().translate(viewportSize.getNegated());
    Point finalLocation = new Point();
    if (viewportSize.width < exposeRegion.width)
      finalLocation.x = Math.min(bottomRight.x, Math.max(topLeft.x, port.getViewLocation().x));
    else finalLocation.x = Math.min(topLeft.x, Math.max(bottomRight.x, port.getViewLocation().x));

    if (viewportSize.height < exposeRegion.height)
      finalLocation.y = Math.min(bottomRight.y, Math.max(topLeft.y, port.getViewLocation().y));
    else finalLocation.y = Math.min(topLeft.y, Math.max(bottomRight.y, port.getViewLocation().y));

    getFigureCanvas().scrollSmoothTo(finalLocation.x, finalLocation.y);
Exemple #3
  private double getFitXZoomLevel(int which) {
    IFigure fig = getScalableFigure();

    Dimension available = getViewport().getClientArea().getSize();
    Dimension desired;
    if (fig instanceof FreeformFigure) {
      desired = ((FreeformFigure) fig).getFreeformExtent().getCopy().union(0, 0).getSize();
    } else {
      desired = fig.getPreferredSize().getCopy();

    desired.width -= fig.getInsets().getWidth();
    desired.height -= fig.getInsets().getHeight();

    while (fig != getViewport()) {
      available.width -= fig.getInsets().getWidth();
      available.height -= fig.getInsets().getHeight();
      fig = fig.getParent();

    double scaleX = Math.min(available.width * zoom / desired.width, getMaxZoom());
    double scaleY = Math.min(available.height * zoom / desired.height, getMaxZoom());
    if (which == 0) {
      return scaleX;
    if (which == 1) {
      return scaleY;
    return Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
  public void figureMoved(IFigure figure) {
    Rectangle bounds = figure.getBounds();

    if (relativeToParent) {
      bounds = Rectangle.SINGLETON.setBounds(bounds); // copy
      Rectangle parentBounds = figure.getParent().getBounds();
      bounds.translate(-parentBounds.x, -parentBounds.y);

    Point loc = element.getLocation();
    if (loc == null || loc.x != bounds.x || loc.y != bounds.y) {
      Point newLocation = new Point(bounds.x, bounds.y);
      if (element instanceof FormElementGroup) {
        FormElementGroupPropertySource formElementGroupPropertySource =
            new FormElementGroupPropertySource((FormElementGroup) element, form);
      } else {
    Dimension dim = element.getSize();
    if (dim == null || dim.width != bounds.width || dim.height != bounds.height) {
      Dimension newSize = new Dimension(bounds.width, bounds.height);
      if (element instanceof FormElementGroup) {
        FormElementGroupPropertySource formElementGroupPropertySource =
            new FormElementGroupPropertySource((FormElementGroup) element, null);
      } else {
 private Viewport getViewPort() {
   Viewport result = null;
   IFigure parent = label.getParent();
   while (parent != null && !(parent instanceof Viewport)) {
     parent = parent.getParent();
   if (parent != null) {
     result = (Viewport) parent;
   return result;
 private void addLabelForFigure(IFigure figure, GraphLabel label) {
   IFigure parent = figure.getParent();
   if (parent instanceof ZestRootLayer) {
     ((ZestRootLayer) parent).addDecoration(figure, label);
   } else {
     if (parent.getChildren().contains(label)) {
     int index = parent.getChildren().indexOf(figure);
     parent.add(label, index + 1);
  /** Shows a nice guideline to show the move */
  protected void showSourceFeedback() {
    if (_container == null) {
    if (guideline.getParent() == null) {
    Rectangle bounds = Rectangle.SINGLETON.getCopy();
    bounds.y = getCurrentPositionZoomed();

    Rectangle containerBounds = _container.getFigure().getBounds().getCopy();


    ((DiagramEditPart) getCurrentViewer().getContents())

    bounds.x = containerBounds.x;
    bounds.height = 1;
    bounds.width = containerBounds.width;

    ZoomManager zoomManager =
        ((DiagramRootEditPart) getCurrentViewer().getRootEditPart()).getZoomManager();

    guideline.setVisible(getState() == STATE_DRAG_IN_PROGRESS);

    ChangeBoundsRequest request = new ChangeBoundsRequest(RequestConstants.REQ_MOVE);
    request.setMoveDelta(((ChangeBoundsRequest) getSourceRequest()).getMoveDelta());
    request.setSizeDelta(new Dimension(0, 0));

    for (IGraphicalEditPart part : _movingShapes) {

    ChangeBoundsRequest spRequest = new ChangeBoundsRequest(RequestConstants.REQ_RESIZE);
    Point moveDelta = ((ChangeBoundsRequest) getSourceRequest()).getMoveDelta().getCopy();
    Dimension spSizeDelta = new Dimension(moveDelta.x, moveDelta.y);
    spRequest.setMoveDelta(new Point(0, 0));

    for (IGraphicalEditPart sp : _subProcesses) {
    ((DiagramEditPart) getCurrentViewer().getContents()).getRoot().refresh();
  * public void addChild() {
  * List<EditPart> listchildren = this.getChildren();
  * if(!listchildren.isEmpty()) {
  * int size = listchildren.size();
  * EditPart childEditPart = listchildren.get(0);
  * this.addChild(childEditPart, size);
  * listchildren = this.getChildren();
  * size = listchildren.size();
  * System.out.printf("Size of ListChildren %d\n", size);
  * }
  * }
 protected boolean removeFixedChild(EditPart childEditPart) {
   if (childEditPart instanceof MessageNameEditPart) {
     if (childEditPart instanceof MessageNameEditPart) {
       IFigure childFigureBefore = ((GraphicalEditPart) childEditPart).getFigure();
       getPrimaryShape().remove(((MessageNameEditPart) childEditPart).getFigure());
       IFigure childFigure = ((GraphicalEditPart) childEditPart).getFigure();
       if (childFigure.getParent() == null) {
       if (childFigure.getBounds() == new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
         // System.out.println("The bound have changed!!!! ");
     return true;
   if (childEditPart instanceof AppliedStereotypeMessageEditPart) {
     return true;
   return false;
  public Image stereotypeIconToDisplay() {

    // retrieve the first stereotype in the list of displayed stereotype

    // String firstStereotypeName = tokenizer.nextToken();
    EList<Stereotype> stereotype_list = getUMLElement().getAppliedStereotypes();
    if (stereotype_list.size() != 0) {
      Stereotype stereotype = stereotype_list.get(0);
      if (stereotype.getName().equals("DataFlowPort")
          || stereotype.getName().equals("ServicePort")) {
        Image icon = Activator.getIconElement(getUMLElement(), stereotype, false);

        IFigure portView = getHostFigure();
        IFigure parentView = portView.getParent().getParent();

        Rectangle parentBounds = parentView.getBounds();
        Rectangle portBounds = portView.getBounds();

        if (portBounds.x() <= parentBounds.x()) {
          // left
          return icon;
        } else if (portBounds.x() >= (parentBounds.right() - portBounds.width())) {
          // right
          return new Image(icon.getDevice(), RotationHelper.rotateImage(icon, 180));
        } else if (portBounds.y() <= parentBounds.y()) {
          // top
          return new Image(icon.getDevice(), RotationHelper.rotateImage(icon, 90));
        } else if (portBounds.y() >= parentBounds.bottom() - portBounds.height()) {
          // bottom
          return new Image(icon.getDevice(), RotationHelper.rotateImage(icon, -90));
        } else {
          return null;
      return Activator.getIconElement(getUMLElement(), stereotype, false);
    return null;
Exemple #10
 private void removeBranchView() {
   IFigure figure = branch.getFigure();
   if (figure.getParent() != null) {