public static void openFile(IWorkbenchPage page, IFile destinationFile, byte[] initialContent) { try { if (destinationFile != null) { // TODO: prompt to create the file ? I say no, why would you try the shortcut if you didn't // want it created if (!destinationFile.exists()) { IPath fullPath = destinationFile.getLocation(); if (fullPath.toFile().getParentFile().mkdirs()) { // create Eclipse resource so that the create file doesn't blow chunks destinationFile .getProject() .getFile(destinationFile.getParent().getProjectRelativePath()) .refreshLocal(IFile.DEPTH_ZERO, null); } destinationFile.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(initialContent), false, null); } if (destinationFile.exists()) { IDE.openEditor(page, destinationFile); } } } catch (CoreException e) { String clazz = destinationFile.getName(); System.err.println("OpenCakeFile can not open file: " + clazz); e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * @param filePath * @return */ protected IFile findFilePath(String filePath) { IPath path = null; IPath fp = new Path(filePath); if (fp.isAbsolute()) { if (getBaseDirectory().isPrefixOf(fp)) { int segments = getBaseDirectory().matchingFirstSegments(fp); path = fp.removeFirstSegments(segments); } else { path = fp; } } else { path = getWorkingDirectory().append(filePath); } IFile file = null; // The workspace may throw an IllegalArgumentException // Catch it and the parser should fallback to scan the entire project. try { file = findFileInWorkspace(path); } catch (Exception e) { } // We have to do another try, on Windows for cases like "TEST.C" vs "test.c" // We use the canonical path. if (file == null || !file.exists()) { File f = path.toFile(); try { String canon = f.getCanonicalPath(); path = new Path(canon); file = findFileInWorkspace(path); } catch (IOException e1) { } } return (file != null && file.exists()) ? file : null; }
@Override protected void build(IFile result, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { IFile file = getRelated(result, "owl"); if (!file.exists()) { clean(result, monitor); return; } CIMBuilder.removeMarkers(file); ProfileValidator checker = new ProfileValidator(getProfileModel(file), getBackgroundModel(file)); try {; } catch (IOException e) { throw error("Failed to validate profile", e); } catch (ParserException e) { throw error("Failed to validate profile", e); } if (checker.hasErrors()) { write(checker.getLog(), null, false, result, IO.RDF_XML_WITH_NODEIDS, monitor); result.setDerived(true); CIMBuilder.addMarker( file, "Profile " + file.getName() + " has consistency errors with respect to its schema"); } else { if (result.exists()) result.delete(false, monitor); } }
public static IStatus cssBuild(IProject project) throws CoreException { SDK sdk = SDKUtil.getSDK(project); if (sdk == null) { throw new CoreException( ThemeCore.createErrorStatus("No SDK for project configured. Could not build theme.")); } ILiferayRuntime liferayRuntime = ServerUtil.getLiferayRuntime(project); if (liferayRuntime == null) { throw new CoreException( ThemeCore.createErrorStatus( "Could not get portal runtime for project. Could not build theme.")); } Map<String, String> appServerProperties = ServerUtil.configureAppServerProperties(project); IStatus status = sdk.compileThemePlugin(project, null, appServerProperties); if (!status.isOK()) { throw new CoreException(status); } IFolder docroot = CoreUtil.getDocroot(project); IFile lookAndFeelFile = docroot.getFile("WEB-INF/" + ILiferayConstants.LIFERAY_LOOK_AND_FEEL_XML_FILE); if (!lookAndFeelFile.exists()) { String id = project.getName().replaceAll(ISDKConstants.THEME_PLUGIN_PROJECT_SUFFIX, ""); IFile propsFile = docroot.getFile("WEB-INF/" + ILiferayConstants.LIFERAY_PLUGIN_PACKAGE_PROPERTIES_FILE); String name = id; if (propsFile.exists()) { Properties props = new Properties(); try { props.load(propsFile.getContents()); String nameValue = props.getProperty("name"); if (!CoreUtil.isNullOrEmpty(nameValue)) { name = nameValue; } } catch (IOException e) { ThemeCore.logError("Unable to load plugin package properties.", e); } } if (liferayRuntime != null) { ThemeDescriptorHelper.createDefaultFile( lookAndFeelFile, liferayRuntime.getPortalVersion() + "+", id, name); } } if (docroot != null && docroot.exists()) { docroot.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null); } return status; }
public static String getBundleSymbolicName(IModule module) throws CoreException { String symbolicName = null; if (module == null || module.getProject() == null) return ""; IFile manifest = module.getProject().getFile("target/classes/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"); if (!manifest.exists()) { manifest = module.getProject().getFile("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"); } if (manifest.exists()) { try { Manifest mf = new Manifest(new FileInputStream(manifest.getLocation().toFile())); symbolicName = mf.getMainAttributes().getValue("Bundle-SymbolicName"); } catch (IOException ex) { symbolicName = null; } } else { // no OSGi bundle - lets take the project name instead symbolicName = null; } if (symbolicName == null) { // no manifest - so grab the artifactId symbolicName = getArtifactId(module); } if (symbolicName == null) { symbolicName = module.getId(); } return symbolicName; }
/** Ensures that controls are correctly set. */ private void dialogChanged() { IResource resource = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().findMember(new Path(getContainerName())); if (resource == null) { updateStatus("File container must be specified"); return; } IContainer container = (IContainer) resource; String fileName = getFileName(); String author = getAuthor(); String titleName = getModelName(); final IFile modelfile = container.getFile(new Path("models/" + fileName)); final IFile htmlfile = container.getFile(new Path("doc/" + titleName + ".html")); if (getContainerName().length() == 0) { updateStatus("File container must be specified"); return; } if ((resource.getType() & (IResource.PROJECT | IResource.FOLDER)) == 0) { updateStatus("File container must exist"); return; } if (!resource.isAccessible()) { updateStatus("Project must be writable"); return; } if (fileName.length() == 0) { updateStatus("File name must be specified"); return; } if (fileName.replace('\\', '/').indexOf('/', 1) > 0) { updateStatus("File name must be valid"); return; } if (!fileName.endsWith(".gaml")) { updateStatus("File extension must be \".gaml\""); return; } if (author.length() == 0) { updateStatus("Author name must be specified"); return; } if (modelfile.exists()) { updateStatus("File already exists"); return; } if (htmlfile.exists()) { updateStatus("Model name already defined"); return; } if (titleName.length() == 0) { updateStatus("Model name must be specified"); return; } updateStatus(null); }
/** * Tries to delete an open project containing an irremovable file. Works only for Linux with * natives. */ public void testDeleteOpenProjectLinux() { if (!(Platform.getOS().equals(Platform.OS_LINUX) && isReadOnlySupported())) return; IProject project = null; File projectRoot = null; IFolder folder = null; try { IWorkspace workspace = getWorkspace(); project = workspace.getRoot().getProject(getUniqueString()); folder = project.getFolder("a_folder"); IFile file1 = folder.getFile("file1.txt"); IFile file2 = project.getFile("file2.txt"); ensureExistsInWorkspace(new IResource[] {file1, file2}, true); projectRoot = project.getLocation().toFile(); // marks folder as read-only so its files cannot be deleted on Linux setReadOnly(folder, true); IFile projectFile = project.getFile(".project"); assertTrue("1.2", projectFile.exists()); assertTrue("1.3", projectFile.isSynchronized(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE)); try { project.delete(IResource.FORCE, getMonitor()); fail("2.0 - should have failed"); } catch (CoreException ce) { // success - a file couldn't be removed } assertTrue("2.1", project.exists()); assertTrue("2.2", file1.exists()); assertTrue("2.3", !file2.exists()); assertTrue("2.5", folder.exists()); assertTrue("2.6", projectFile.exists()); assertTrue("2.7", project.isSynchronized(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE)); setReadOnly(folder, false); assertTrue("3.5", project.isSynchronized(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE)); try { project.delete(IResource.FORCE, getMonitor()); } catch (CoreException ce) { ce.printStackTrace(); fail("4.0", ce); } assertTrue("5.1", !project.exists()); assertTrue("5.2", !file1.exists()); assertTrue("5.3", file1.isSynchronized(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE)); assertTrue("5.4", project.isSynchronized(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE)); assertTrue("6.0", !projectRoot.exists()); } finally { if (folder != null && folder.exists()) setReadOnly(folder, false); if (projectRoot != null) ensureDoesNotExistInFileSystem(projectRoot); } }
/** Tries to delete a folder containing an unremovable file. Works only for Windows. */ public void testDeleteFolderWindows() { if (!isWindows()) return; IProject project = null; InputStream input = null; File projectRoot = null; try { IWorkspace workspace = getWorkspace(); project = workspace.getRoot().getProject(getUniqueString()); IFolder folder = project.getFolder("a_folder"); IFile file1 = folder.getFile("file1.txt"); IFile file3 = folder.getFile("file3.txt"); ensureExistsInWorkspace(new IResource[] {file1, file3}, true); projectRoot = project.getLocation().toFile(); // opens a file so it cannot be removed on Windows try { input = file1.getContents(); } catch (CoreException ce) { ce.printStackTrace(); fail("1.0"); } try { folder.delete(IResource.FORCE, getMonitor()); fail("2.0 - should have failed"); } catch (CoreException ce) { // success - a file couldn't be removed } assertTrue("2.2", file1.exists()); assertTrue("2.4", !file3.exists()); assertTrue("2.5", folder.exists()); assertTrue("2.7", folder.isSynchronized(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE)); assertClose(input); assertTrue("3.5", project.isSynchronized(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE)); try { folder.delete(IResource.FORCE, getMonitor()); } catch (CoreException ce) { ce.printStackTrace(); fail("4.0", ce); } assertTrue("5.1", !file1.exists()); assertTrue("5.2", !folder.exists()); assertTrue("5.3", file1.isSynchronized(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE)); assertTrue("5.4", folder.isSynchronized(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE)); } finally { try { assertClose(input); } finally { if (projectRoot != null) ensureDoesNotExistInFileSystem(projectRoot); } } }
// CreateShortcut, LoadResource, InitDiagramFileAction public void testPredefinedActions() throws Exception { DiaGenSource s1 = createLibraryGen(false); final GenEditorGenerator editorGen = s1.getGenDiagram().getEditorGen(); GenContextMenu menu = GMFGenFactory.eINSTANCE.createGenContextMenu(); menu.getContext().add(s1.getGenDiagram()); final CreateShortcutAction createShortcutAction = GMFGenFactory.eINSTANCE.createCreateShortcutAction(); final LoadResourceAction loadResourceAction = GMFGenFactory.eINSTANCE.createLoadResourceAction(); menu.getItems().add(createShortcutAction); menu.getItems().add(loadResourceAction); editorGen.getContextMenus().clear(); // make sure there's no other (default) menus editorGen.getContextMenus().add(menu); editorGen.getDiagram().getContainsShortcutsTo().add("ecore"); assertTrue("sanity", editorGen.getDiagram().generateCreateShortcutAction()); // generateAndCompile(s1); // IProject generatedProject = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(editorGen.getPlugin().getID()); IFile generatedManifest = generatedProject.getFile("plugin.xml"); assertTrue(generatedManifest.exists()); DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document parsedManifest = db.parse(new InputSource(generatedManifest.getContents())); XPath xf = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); XPathExpression xe = xf.compile("/plugin/extension[@point = 'org.eclipse.ui.menus']/menuContribution/command"); NodeList result = (NodeList) xe.evaluate(parsedManifest, XPathConstants.NODESET); assertEquals(2, result.getLength()); xe = xf.compile("/plugin/extension[@point = 'org.eclipse.ui.commands']/command"); result = (NodeList) xe.evaluate(parsedManifest, XPathConstants.NODESET); assertTrue(result.getLength() > 2); HashSet<String> allCommands = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = result.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { allCommands.add(result.item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("defaultHandler").getNodeValue()); } assertTrue(allCommands.contains(createShortcutAction.getQualifiedClassName())); assertTrue(allCommands.contains(loadResourceAction.getQualifiedClassName())); IFile file1 = generatedProject.getFile( "/src/" + createShortcutAction.getQualifiedClassName().replace('.', '/') + ".java"); IFile file2 = generatedProject.getFile( "/src/" + loadResourceAction.getQualifiedClassName().replace('.', '/') + ".java"); assertTrue(file1.exists()); assertTrue(file2.exists()); // // DiaGenSource s2 = createLibraryGen(true); // fail("TODO"); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public IEditorPart openEditor(IStructuredSelection selection) { Object o = selection.getFirstElement(); EObject obj = null; if (o instanceof EObject) { obj = (EObject) o; } if (o instanceof EObjectGroup) { EObjectGroup group = (EObjectGroup) o; if (!group.getEObjects().isEmpty()) { obj = group.getEObjects().getFirst(); } } if (obj != null) { // URI uri = obj.eResource().getURI(); // String fileString = URI.decode(uri.path()); // fileString = fileString.replaceFirst("/resource", ""); // IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(fileString)); // IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench(); IFile file = ((LinkedList<ResultModel>) viewer.getInput()).get(0).getIFile(); IWorkbenchWindow workbenchWindow = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow(); IWorkbenchPage page = workbenchWindow.getActivePage(); try { if (file.exists()) { return IDE.openEditor(page, file); } } catch (PartInitException exception) { return null; } } return null; }
public static IClasspathContainer readMavenClasspath(IJavaProject javaProject) { IFile file = javaProject.getProject().getFile(".che/classpath.maven"); IClasspathEntry[] entries; if (file.exists()) { try { char[] chars = Util.getResourceContentsAsCharArray(file); String content = new String(chars); if (!content.isEmpty()) { String[] pathToJars = content.split(":"); List<IClasspathEntry> classpathEntry = new ArrayList<>(); for (String path : pathToJars) { String srcPath = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('.')) + "-sources.jar"; classpathEntry.add( JavaCore.newLibraryEntry( new org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path(path), new org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path(srcPath), null)); } entries = classpathEntry.toArray(new IClasspathEntry[classpathEntry.size()]); } else { entries = EMPTY; } } catch (JavaModelException e) { LOG.error("Can't read maven classpath.", e); entries = EMPTY; } } else { entries = EMPTY; } return new MavenClasspathContainer(entries); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { PHPCoreTests.waitForIndexer(); PHPCoreTests.waitForAutoBuild(); project1 = FileUtils.createProject("project1"); IFolder folder = project1.getFolder("src"); if (!folder.exists()) { folder.create(true, true, new NullProgressMonitor()); } file = folder.getFile("test23.php"); InputStream source = new ByteArrayInputStream( "<?php class Item { public $title;} class ItemEx extends Item{public $title;} $a=new ItemEx(); $a->title;?>" .getBytes()); if (!file.exists()) { file.create(source, true, new NullProgressMonitor()); } else { file.setContents(source, IFile.FORCE, new NullProgressMonitor()); } PHPCoreTests.waitForIndexer(); PHPCoreTests.waitForAutoBuild(); }
/** * Validates the fields, displays errors and warnings. Enables the finish button if there are no * errors. */ private void validatePage() { String error = null; String warning = null; // -- validate type TypeInfo type = mValues.type; if (error == null) { if (type == null) { error = "One of the types must be selected (e.g. layout, values, etc.)"; } } // -- validate project if (mValues.project == null) { error = "Please select an Android project."; } // -- validate type API level if (error == null) { IAndroidTarget target = Sdk.getCurrent().getTarget(mValues.project); int currentApiLevel = 1; if (target != null) { currentApiLevel = target.getVersion().getApiLevel(); } assert type != null; if (type.getTargetApiLevel() > currentApiLevel) { error = "The API level of the selected type (e.g. AppWidget, etc.) is not " + "compatible with the API level of the project."; } } // -- validate filename if (error == null) { String fileName = mValues.getFileName(); assert type != null; ResourceFolderType folderType = type.getResFolderType(); error = ResourceNameValidator.create(true, folderType).isValid(fileName); } // -- validate destination file doesn't exist if (error == null) { IFile file = mValues.getDestinationFile(); if (file != null && file.exists()) { warning = "The destination file already exists"; } } // -- update UI & enable finish if there's no error setPageComplete(error == null); if (error != null) { setMessage(error, IMessageProvider.ERROR); } else if (warning != null) { setMessage(warning, IMessageProvider.WARNING); } else { setErrorMessage(null); setMessage(null); } }
protected void handleApplicationBrowseButton() { IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); AppSelectionDialog dialog = new AppSelectionDialog(getShell(), workspace.getRoot(), new HtmlWebResourceFilter()); dialog.setTitle("Select a HTML page to launch"); dialog.setInitialPattern(".", FilteredItemsSelectionDialog.FULL_SELECTION); // $NON-NLS-1$ IPath path = new Path(htmlText.getText()); if (workspace.validatePath(path.toString(), IResource.FILE).isOK()) { IFile file = workspace.getRoot().getFile(path); if (file != null && file.exists()) { dialog.setInitialSelections(new Object[] {path}); } }; Object[] results = dialog.getResult(); if ((results != null) && (results.length > 0) && (results[0] instanceof IFile)) { IFile file = (IFile) results[0]; String pathStr = file.getFullPath().toPortableString(); htmlText.setText(pathStr); } }
public LoadedDeclarations parse(XModelObject o, IPath source, IKbProject sp) { if (o == null) return null; if (o.getParent() instanceof FolderImpl) { IFile f = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(source); if (f != null && f.exists()) { try { ((FolderImpl) o.getParent()).updateChildFile(o, f.getLocation().toFile()); } catch (XModelException e) { ModelPlugin.getPluginLog().logError(e); } if (o.getParent() == null) { boolean b = isLikelyComponentSource(f); if (!b) return null; o = EclipseResourceUtil.getObjectByResource(o.getModel(), f); if (o == null) return null; } } } LoadedDeclarations ds = new LoadedDeclarations(); if (LibraryScanner.isTLDFile(o)) { parseTLD(o, source, ds); } else if (LibraryScanner.isFaceletTaglibFile(o)) { parseFaceletTaglib(o, source, ds); } else if (LibraryScanner.isFacesConfigFile(o)) { parseFacesConfig(o, source, ds); } return ds; }
public void addNotationInfo(RootContainer rootContainer, IEditorInput input) { try { IFile file = getNotationInfoFile(((FileEditorInput) input).getFile()); if (file.exists()) { Element notationInfo = documentBuilderFactory .newDocumentBuilder() .parse(file.getContents()) .getDocumentElement(); Element changedInfo = convertCheck(notationInfo); processRootContainer(rootContainer, changedInfo == null ? notationInfo : changedInfo); if (changedInfo != null) { file.setContents( new ByteArrayInputStream(toNotationInfoXml(rootContainer).getBytes()), true, true, null); } } else { file.create( new ByteArrayInputStream(createInitialNotationInfo().toString().getBytes()), true, null); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.logError("Problem adding notation info", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
/** * Method "replace". * * @return true if ok */ public boolean replace(String migrationTaskName) { IFolder librariesFolder = ResourceManager.getLibrariesFolder(); IFile definitionFile = librariesFolder.getFile(TALENDDEFINITIONFILENAME); if (definitionFile.exists()) { File file = new File(definitionFile.getLocationURI()); try { String content = FileUtils.readFileToString(file, EMFUtil.ENCODING); for (String oldString : old2new.keySet()) { String newString = old2new.get(oldString); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { DefaultMessagesImpl.getString( "TalendDefinitionFileUpdate_MigLog", migrationTaskName, oldString, newString)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } content = StringUtils.replace(content, oldString, newString); } FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, content, EMFUtil.ENCODING); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return false; } } return true; }
protected void addOrUpdateProjectToConf(EditorProject editorProject, IProject gemocProject) { IFile configFile = gemocProject.getFile(new Path(Activator.GEMOC_PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_FILE)); if (configFile.exists()) { Resource.Factory.Registry reg = Resource.Factory.Registry.INSTANCE; Map<String, Object> m = reg.getExtensionToFactoryMap(); m.put(Activator.GEMOC_PROJECT_CONFIGURATION_FILE_EXTENSION, new XMIResourceFactoryImpl()); // Obtain a new resource set ResourceSet resSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); // get the resource Resource resource = resSet.getResource(URI.createURI(configFile.getLocationURI().toString()), true); LanguageDefinition gemocLanguageWorkbenchConfiguration = (LanguageDefinition) resource.getContents().get(0); addOrUpdateProjectToConf(editorProject, gemocLanguageWorkbenchConfiguration); try {; } catch (IOException e) { Activator.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } try { configFile.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, new NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (CoreException e) { Activator.error(e.getMessage(), e); } }
/** * this will convert the IO file name of the resource bundle to java package name * * @param project * @param value - the io file name * @return - the java package name of the resource bundle */ public static String convertIOToJavaFileName(IProject project, String value) { String rbIOFile = value.substring(value.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); // $NON-NLS-1$ IFile resourceBundleFile = null; IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IWorkspaceRoot wroot = workspace.getRoot(); IClasspathEntry[] cpEntries = CoreUtil.getClasspathEntries(project); for (IClasspathEntry iClasspathEntry : cpEntries) { if (IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE == iClasspathEntry.getEntryKind()) { IPath entryPath = wroot.getFolder(iClasspathEntry.getPath()).getLocation(); entryPath = entryPath.append(rbIOFile); resourceBundleFile = wroot.getFileForLocation(entryPath); // System.out.println( "ResourceBundleValidationService.validate():" + resourceBundleFile ); if (resourceBundleFile != null && resourceBundleFile.exists()) { break; } } } String javaName = resourceBundleFile.getProjectRelativePath().toPortableString(); if (javaName.indexOf('.') != -1) { // Strip the extension javaName = value.substring(0, value.lastIndexOf('.')); // Replace all "/" by "." javaName = javaName.replace('/', '.'); } return javaName; }
public void testNewBeansXMLWizard() throws CoreException { NewBeansXMLWizardContext context = new NewBeansXMLWizardContext(); context.init(""); try { WizardNewFileCreationPage page = (WizardNewFileCreationPage) context.wizard.getPage("newFilePage1"); String s = page.getFileName(); assertEquals("beans.xml", s); assertFalse(context.wizard.canFinish()); page.setFileName("beans2.xml"); assertTrue(context.wizard.canFinish()); String c = page.getContainerFullPath().toString(); assertEquals("/tck/WebContent/WEB-INF", c); context.wizard.performFinish(); IFile f = context.tck.getParent().getFile(page.getContainerFullPath().append(page.getFileName())); assertTrue(f.exists()); String text = FileUtil.readStream(f.getContents()); assertTrue(text.indexOf("") > 0); } finally { context.close(); } }
private static IFileEditorInput getFileStorage(int index) throws CoreException { String filename = getBatchDateString(); filename += (index > 0 ? "_" + index : "") + ".tcl"; IFolder templateFolder = SicsVisualBatchViewer.getProjectFolder( SicsVisualBatchViewer.EXPERIMENT_PROJECT, FOLDER_TEMPLATE); IFile templateFile = templateFolder.getFile(FILE_TEMPLATE); IFolder folder = SicsVisualBatchViewer.getProjectFolder( SicsVisualBatchViewer.EXPERIMENT_PROJECT, SicsVisualBatchViewer.AUTOSAVE_FOLDER); IFileEditorInput input = new FileEditorInput(folder.getFile(filename)); if (input.exists()) { return getFileStorage(index++); } else { try { byte[] read = null; if (templateFile.exists()) { long size = EFS.getStore(templateFile.getLocationURI()).fetchInfo().getLength(); // long size = templateFolder.getLocation().toFile().length(); read = new byte[(int) size]; InputStream inputStream = templateFile.getContents();; } else { read = new byte[0]; templateFile.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(read), IResource.ALLOW_MISSING_LOCAL, null); } input.getFile().create(new ByteArrayInputStream(read), IResource.ALLOW_MISSING_LOCAL, null); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return input; }
/** * Gets the fully qualified class name for an active file. For example, its value is * * @param file Get fully qualified class file. * @return The fully qualified class name. For example, */ private String getFullyQualifedClassName(IFile file) { String fullClassName = ""; if (file.exists() && file.getName().endsWith(EclipseSensorConstants.JAVA_EXT)) { ICompilationUnit compilationUnit = (ICompilationUnit) JavaCore.create(file); String className = compilationUnit.getElementName(); if (className.endsWith(EclipseSensorConstants.JAVA_EXT)) { className = className.substring(0, className.length() - 5); } try { IPackageDeclaration[] packageDeclarations = compilationUnit.getPackageDeclarations(); // Should only have one package declaration if (packageDeclarations == null || packageDeclarations.length == 0) { fullClassName = className; } else { fullClassName = packageDeclarations[0].getElementName() + '.' + className; } } catch (JavaModelException e) { // This exception will be thrown if user is working on a Java but did not open // it with "Java Perspective". Thus, the Java Model does not exist to parse // Java files. So we only log out exception while Eclipse's Java Perspective // exits. if (!e.isDoesNotExist()) { EclipseSensorPlugin.getDefault().log(file.getName(), e); } } } return fullClassName; }
@Test public void testNewLiferayModuleProjectNewProperties() throws Exception { NewLiferayModuleProjectOp op = NewLiferayModuleProjectOp.TYPE.instantiate(); op.setProjectName("test-properties-in-portlet"); op.setProjectTemplateName("portlet"); op.setComponentName("Test"); PropertyKey pk = op.getPropertyKeys().insert(); pk.setName("property-test-key"); pk.setValue("property-test-value"); Status exStatus = NewLiferayModuleProjectOpMethods.execute( op, ProgressMonitorBridge.create(new NullProgressMonitor())); assertEquals("OK", exStatus.message()); IProject modPorject = CoreUtil.getProject(op.getProjectName().content()); NullProgressMonitor()); SearchFilesVisitor sv = new SearchFilesVisitor(); List<IFile> searchFiles = sv.searchFiles(modPorject, ""); IFile componentClassFile = searchFiles.get(0); assertEquals(componentClassFile.exists(), true); String actual = CoreUtil.readStreamToString(componentClassFile.getContents()); assertTrue(actual, actual.contains("\"property-test-key=property-test-value\"")); }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; if (this == obj) return true; if (!(obj instanceof BPELModuleDelegate)) return false; BPELModuleDelegate bmd = (BPELModuleDelegate) obj; if (this.getProject() != null && this.getProject().exists() && !this.getProject().equals(bmd.getProject())) { return false; } if (file != null && file.exists() && !(file.getFullPath().equals(bmd.getFile().getFullPath()))) { return false; } if (getId() != null && !getId().equals(bmd.getId())) return false; return true; }
private void replaceToReference(MapEntryModel entry) { for (DFPropModel child : entry.getChild()) { if (child instanceof MapModel) { boolean update = false; DFPropModel[] elements = child.getChild(); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { DFPropModel element = elements[i]; if (element instanceof NamedModel) { try { IFile refFile = getReferencesFile((NamedModel) element); if (refFile.exists()) { String source = getReferencesSource(refFile); DFPropFileModel propModel = new DFPropModelParser().parse(source); propModel.setFileName(refFile.getName()); propModel.setFilePath(refFile.getProjectRelativePath().toString()); propModel.setReferences(true); elements[i] = new DFPropReferenceModel((NamedModel) element, propModel); update = true; } } catch (CoreException e) { } } } if (update) { ((MapModel) child).replaceChild(elements); } } } }
/** @throws PartInitException */ @Test public void testDS3466TableColumnHAlignmentProperty() throws PartInitException { IFile moduleFile = getProject().getFile(MODULE_MODEL); Assert.assertTrue(moduleFile.exists()); IEditorPart ep = openDefaultEditor(moduleFile); PageUiAssert.assertInstanceOfMultiPageEditorPart(ep); MultiPageEditorPart mep = (MultiPageEditorPart) ep; DesignEditor editor = (DesignEditor) mep.getSelectedPage(); RootEditPart rep = editor.getViewer().getRootEditPart(); List<?> list = rep.getChildren(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { WidgetEditPart wep = (WidgetEditPart) list.get(0); Assert.assertNotNull("Module WidgetEditPart is not found", wep); List<?> children = wep.getChildren(); Assert.assertFalse("Module Widget has no children", children.isEmpty()); WidgetEditPart bep = (WidgetEditPart) children.get(0); Assert.assertFalse("Box Widget has no children", bep.getChildren().isEmpty()); WidgetEditPart tableep = (WidgetEditPart) bep.getChildren().get(0); IFigure mfig = tableep.getFigure(); Assert.assertTrue(mfig instanceof TableFigure); List<?> tableChildren = tableep.getChildren(); Assert.assertFalse("Table Widget has no columns", tableChildren.isEmpty()); WidgetEditPart tcep = (WidgetEditPart) tableChildren.get(1); String halign = tcep.getWidget().getContents().get(0).getPropertyValue("item-halign"); Assert.assertNotNull("Horizontal Alignment property not found for table column", halign); Assert.assertEquals("center", halign); } }
private IStatus validateFileName() { fileName = null; String str = fileNameField.getText().trim(); if (str.length() == 0) { return Util.newErrorStatus("Enter a file name"); } // Validate the file name IStatus nameStatus = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().validateName(str, IResource.FILE); if (nameStatus.matches(IStatus.ERROR)) { return Util.newErrorStatus("Invalid file name. {0}", nameStatus.getMessage()); } // Make sure the host page doesn't already exist in the public path if (hostPagePath != null) { IPath htmlFilePath = hostPagePath .append(str) .removeFileExtension() .addFileExtension(((AbstractNewFileWizard) getWizard()).getFileExtension()); IFile htmlFile = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(htmlFilePath); if (htmlFile.exists()) { return Util.newErrorStatus("''{0}'' already exists", htmlFilePath.toString()); } } fileName = str; return Status.OK_STATUS; }
/** * Deletes a set of files from the file system, and also their parent folders if those become * empty during this process. * * @param nameSet set of file paths * @param monitor progress monitor * @throws CoreException if an error occurs */ private void deleteFiles(final Set<IPath> nameSet, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { if (nameSet == null || nameSet.isEmpty()) { return; } Set<IContainer> subFolders = new HashSet<IContainer>(); for (IPath filePath : nameSet) { // Generate new path IFile currentFile = project.getFile(filePath); if (currentFile.exists()) { // Retrieve parent folder and store for deletion IContainer folder = currentFile.getParent(); subFolders.add(folder); currentFile.delete(true, monitor); } monitor.worked(1); } // Delete parent folders, if they are empty for (IContainer folder : subFolders) { if (folder.exists() && folder.members().length == 0) { folder.delete(true, monitor); } monitor.worked(1); } }
public void connect(IDocument document) { fDocument = document; // special checks to see source validation should really execute IFile file = null; IStructuredModel model = null; try { model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getExistingModelForRead(document); if (model != null) { String baseLocation = model.getBaseLocation(); // The baseLocation may be a path on disk or relative to the // workspace root. Don't translate on-disk paths to // in-workspace resources. IPath basePath = new Path(baseLocation); if (basePath.segmentCount() > 1) { file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(basePath); /* * If the IFile doesn't exist, make sure it's not returned */ if (!file.exists()) file = null; } } } finally { if (model != null) { model.releaseFromRead(); } } fEnableSourceValidation = (file != null && isBatchValidatorPreferenceEnabled(file) && shouldValidate(file) && fragmentCheck(file)); }
public boolean pageExists(String wiki, String space, String page, String language) { IFile pageFile = baseFolder .getFolder(PAGES_DIRECTORY) .getFile(getFileNameForPage(wiki, space, page, language)); return pageFile.exists(); }