public PlayerQuitMessage(String playerName, String playeraccount) { if (ClientUpdateComponent.hideNames) this.playerName = ""; else if (ClientUpdateComponent.usePlayerColors) this.playerName = Client.encodeColorInHTML(playerName); else this.playerName = Client.stripColor(playerName); this.account = playeraccount; }
public ChatMessage( String source, String channel, String playerName, String message, String playeraccount) { this.source = source; if (ClientUpdateComponent.hideNames) this.playerName = ""; else if (ClientUpdateComponent.usePlayerColors) this.playerName = Client.encodeColorInHTML(playerName); else this.playerName = Client.stripColor(playerName); this.message = DynmapChatColor.stripColor(message); this.account = playeraccount; = channel; }
public ChatMessage( String source, String channel, String playerName, String message, String playeraccount) { this.source = source; this.playerName = Client.stripColor(playerName); this.message = DynmapChatColor.stripColor(message); this.account = playeraccount; = channel; }
public PlayerQuitMessage(String playerName, String playeraccount) { this.playerName = Client.stripColor(playerName); this.account = playeraccount; }
protected void buildClientUpdate(ClientUpdateEvent e) { World world =; JSONObject u = e.update; long since = e.timestamp; String worldName = world.getName(); int hideifshadow = configuration.getInteger("hideifshadow", 15); int hideifunder = configuration.getInteger("hideifundercover", 15); s(u, "confighash", plugin.getConfigHashcode()); s(u, "servertime", world.getTime() % 24000); s(u, "hasStorm", world.hasStorm()); s(u, "isThundering", world.isThundering()); s(u, "players", new JSONArray()); Player[] players = plugin.playerList.getVisiblePlayers(); for (int i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { Player p = players[i]; Location pl = p.getLocation(); JSONObject jp = new JSONObject(); boolean hide = false; s(jp, "type", "player"); s(jp, "name", Client.stripColor(p.getDisplayName())); s(jp, "account", p.getName()); if (hideifshadow < 15) { if (pl.getBlock().getLightLevel() <= hideifshadow) hide = true; } if (hideifunder < 15) { if (bll.isReady()) { /* If we can get real sky level */ if (bll.getSkyLightLevel(pl.getBlock()) <= hideifunder) hide = true; } else { if (pl.getWorld().getHighestBlockYAt(pl) > pl.getBlockY()) hide = true; } } /* Don't leak player location for world not visible on maps, or if sendposition disbaled */ DynmapWorld pworld = MapManager.mapman.worldsLookup.get(p.getWorld().getName()); /* Fix typo on 'sendpositon' to 'sendposition', keep bad one in case someone used it */ if (configuration.getBoolean("sendposition", true) && configuration.getBoolean("sendpositon", true) && (pworld != null) && pworld.sendposition && (!hide)) { s(jp, "world", p.getWorld().getName()); s(jp, "x", pl.getX()); s(jp, "y", pl.getY()); s(jp, "z", pl.getZ()); } else { s(jp, "world", "-some-other-bogus-world-"); s(jp, "x", 0.0); s(jp, "y", 64.0); s(jp, "z", 0.0); } /* Only send health if enabled AND we're on visible world */ if (configuration.getBoolean("sendhealth", false) && (pworld != null) && pworld.sendhealth && (!hide)) { s(jp, "health", p.getHealth()); s(jp, "armor", Armor.getArmorPoints(p)); } else { s(jp, "health", 0); s(jp, "armor", 0); } a(u, "players", jp); } if (configuration.getBoolean("includehiddenplayers", false)) { Set<Player> hidden = plugin.playerList.getHiddenPlayers(); for (Player p : hidden) { JSONObject jp = new JSONObject(); s(jp, "type", "player"); s(jp, "name", Client.stripColor(p.getDisplayName())); s(jp, "account", p.getName()); s(jp, "world", "-hidden-player-"); s(jp, "x", 0.0); s(jp, "y", 64.0); s(jp, "z", 0.0); s(jp, "health", 0); s(jp, "armor", 0); a(u, "players", jp); } } s(u, "updates", new JSONArray()); for (Object update : plugin.mapManager.getWorldUpdates(worldName, since)) { a(u, "updates", (Client.Update) update); } }