/** * notify the submitter that the item is archived * * @param context The relevant DSpace Context. * @param item which item was archived * @param coll collection name to display in template * @throws SQLException An exception that provides information on a database access error or other * errors. * @throws IOException A general class of exceptions produced by failed or interrupted I/O * operations. */ protected void notifyOfArchive(Context context, Item item, Collection coll) throws SQLException, IOException { try { // Get submitter EPerson ep = item.getSubmitter(); // Get the Locale Locale supportedLocale = I18nUtil.getEPersonLocale(ep); Email email = Email.getEmail(I18nUtil.getEmailFilename(supportedLocale, "submit_archive")); // Get the item handle to email to user String handle = handleService.findHandle(context, item); // Get title List<MetadataValue> titles = itemService.getMetadata(item, MetadataSchema.DC_SCHEMA, "title", null, Item.ANY); String title = ""; try { title = I18nUtil.getMessage("org.dspace.workflow.WorkflowManager.untitled"); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { title = "Untitled"; } if (titles.size() > 0) { title = titles.iterator().next().getValue(); } email.addRecipient(ep.getEmail()); email.addArgument(title); email.addArgument(coll.getName()); email.addArgument(handleService.getCanonicalForm(handle)); email.send(); } catch (MessagingException e) { log.warn( LogManager.getHeader( context, "notifyOfArchive", "cannot email user" + " item_id=" + item.getID())); } }
protected void notifyOfReject(Context c, XmlWorkflowItem wi, EPerson e, String reason) { try { // Get the item title String title = wi.getItem().getName(); // Get the collection Collection coll = wi.getCollection(); // Get rejector's name String rejector = getEPersonName(e); Locale supportedLocale = I18nUtil.getEPersonLocale(e); Email email = Email.getEmail(I18nUtil.getEmailFilename(supportedLocale, "submit_reject")); email.addRecipient(wi.getSubmitter().getEmail()); email.addArgument(title); email.addArgument(coll.getName()); email.addArgument(rejector); email.addArgument(reason); email.addArgument(ConfigurationManager.getProperty("dspace.url") + "/mydspace"); email.send(); } catch (Exception ex) { // log this email error log.warn( LogManager.getHeader( c, "notify_of_reject", "cannot email user" + " eperson_id" + e.getID() + " eperson_email" + e.getEmail() + " workflow_item_id" + wi.getID())); } }
@Override public void alertUsersOnTaskActivation( Context c, XmlWorkflowItem wfi, String emailTemplate, List<EPerson> epa, String... arguments) throws IOException, SQLException, MessagingException { if (noEMail.containsKey(wfi.getItem().getID())) { // suppress email, and delete key noEMail.remove(wfi.getItem().getID()); } else { Email mail = Email.getEmail(I18nUtil.getEmailFilename(c.getCurrentLocale(), emailTemplate)); for (String argument : arguments) { mail.addArgument(argument); } for (EPerson anEpa : epa) { mail.addRecipient(anEpa.getEmail()); } mail.send(); } }