/** * Add options to the search scope field. This field determines in what communities or collections * to search for the query. * * <p>The scope list will depend upon the current search scope. There are three cases: * * <p>No current scope: All top level communities are listed. * * <p>The current scope is a community: All collections contained within the community are listed. * * <p>The current scope is a collection: All parent communities are listed. * * @param scope The current scope field. */ protected void buildScopeList(Select scope) throws SQLException, WingException { DSpaceObject scopeDSO = getScope(); if (scopeDSO == null) { // No scope, display all root level communities scope.addOption("/", T_all_of_dspace); scope.setOptionSelected("/"); for (Community community : Community.findAllTop(context)) { scope.addOption(community.getHandle(), community.getMetadata("name")); } } else if (scopeDSO instanceof Community) { // The scope is a community, display all collections contained // within Community community = (Community) scopeDSO; scope.addOption("/", T_all_of_dspace); scope.addOption(community.getHandle(), community.getMetadata("name")); scope.setOptionSelected(community.getHandle()); for (Collection collection : community.getCollections()) { scope.addOption(collection.getHandle(), collection.getMetadata("name")); } } else if (scopeDSO instanceof Collection) { // The scope is a collection, display all parent collections. Collection collection = (Collection) scopeDSO; scope.addOption("/", T_all_of_dspace); scope.addOption(collection.getHandle(), collection.getMetadata("name")); scope.setOptionSelected(collection.getHandle()); Community[] communities = collection.getCommunities()[0].getAllParents(); for (Community community : communities) { scope.addOption(community.getHandle(), community.getMetadata("name")); } } }
/** * processCurateCommunity * * <p>Utility method to process curation tasks submitted via the DSpace GUI * * @param context * @param dsoID * @param request */ public static FlowResult processCurateCommunity(Context context, int dsoID, Request request) throws AuthorizeException, IOException, SQLException, Exception { String task = request.getParameter("curate_task"); Curator curator = FlowCurationUtils.getCurator(task); try { Community community = Community.find(context, dsoID); if (community != null) { // Call curate(context,ID) to ensure a Task Performer (Eperson) is set in Curator curator.curate(context, community.getHandle()); } return FlowCurationUtils.getRunFlowResult(task, curator, true); } catch (Exception e) { curator.setResult(task, e.getMessage()); return FlowCurationUtils.getRunFlowResult(task, curator, false); } }
/** queues curation tasks */ public static FlowResult processQueueCommunity(Context context, int dsoID, Request request) throws AuthorizeException, IOException, SQLException, Exception { String task = request.getParameter("curate_task"); Curator curator = FlowCurationUtils.getCurator(task); String objId = String.valueOf(dsoID); String taskQueueName = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("curate", "ui.queuename"); boolean status = false; Community community = Community.find(context, dsoID); if (community != null) { objId = community.getHandle(); try { curator.queue(context, objId, taskQueueName); status = true; } catch (IOException ioe) { // no-op } } return FlowCurationUtils.getQueueFlowResult(task, status, objId, taskQueueName); }
/** * Take a node list of communities and build the structure from them, delegating to the relevant * methods in this class for sub-communities and collections * * @param context the context of the request * @param communities a nodelist of communities to create along with their sub-structures * @param parent the parent community of the nodelist of communities to create * @return an element array containing additional information regarding the created communities * (e.g. the handles they have been assigned) */ private static Element[] handleCommunities( Context context, NodeList communities, Community parent) throws Exception { Element[] elements = new Element[communities.getLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < communities.getLength(); i++) { Community community; Element element = new Element("community"); // create the community or sub community if (parent != null) { community = parent.createSubcommunity(); } else { community = Community.create(null, context); } // default the short description to be an empty string community.setMetadata("short_description", " "); // now update the metadata Node tn = communities.item(i); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : communityMap.entrySet()) { NodeList nl = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(tn, entry.getKey()); if (nl.getLength() == 1) { community.setMetadata(entry.getValue(), getStringValue(nl.item(0))); } } // FIXME: at the moment, if the community already exists by name // then this will throw a PSQLException on a duplicate key // violation // Ideally we'd skip this row and continue to create sub // communities // and so forth where they don't exist, but it's proving // difficult // to isolate the community that already exists without hitting // the database directly. community.update(); // build the element with the handle that identifies the new // community // along with all the information that we imported here // This looks like a lot of repetition of getting information // from above // but it's here to keep it separate from the create process in // case // we want to move it or make it switchable later element.setAttribute("identifier", community.getHandle()); Element nameElement = new Element("name"); nameElement.setText(community.getMetadata("name")); element.addContent(nameElement); if (community.getMetadata("short_description") != null) { Element descriptionElement = new Element("description"); descriptionElement.setText(community.getMetadata("short_description")); element.addContent(descriptionElement); } if (community.getMetadata("introductory_text") != null) { Element introElement = new Element("intro"); introElement.setText(community.getMetadata("introductory_text")); element.addContent(introElement); } if (community.getMetadata("copyright_text") != null) { Element copyrightElement = new Element("copyright"); copyrightElement.setText(community.getMetadata("copyright_text")); element.addContent(copyrightElement); } if (community.getMetadata("side_bar_text") != null) { Element sidebarElement = new Element("sidebar"); sidebarElement.setText(community.getMetadata("side_bar_text")); element.addContent(sidebarElement); } // handle sub communities NodeList subCommunities = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(tn, "community"); Element[] subCommunityElements = handleCommunities(context, subCommunities, community); // handle collections NodeList collections = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(tn, "collection"); Element[] collectionElements = handleCollections(context, collections, community); int j; for (j = 0; j < subCommunityElements.length; j++) { element.addContent(subCommunityElements[j]); } for (j = 0; j < collectionElements.length; j++) { element.addContent(collectionElements[j]); } elements[i] = element; } return elements; }
/** * Fills in the feed and entry-level metadata from DSpace objects. * * @param request request * @param context context * @param dso DSpaceObject * @param items array of objects * @param labels label map */ public void populate( HttpServletRequest request, Context context, DSpaceObject dso, List<? extends DSpaceObject> items, Map<String, String> labels) { String logoURL = null; String objectURL = null; String defaultTitle = null; boolean podcastFeed = false; this.request = request; // dso is null for the whole site, or a search without scope if (dso == null) { defaultTitle = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("dspace.name"); feed.setDescription(localize(labels, MSG_FEED_DESCRIPTION)); objectURL = resolveURL(request, null); logoURL = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.feed.logo.url"); } else { Bitstream logo = null; if (dso.getType() == Constants.COLLECTION) { Collection col = (Collection) dso; defaultTitle = col.getName(); feed.setDescription(collectionService.getMetadata(col, "short_description")); logo = col.getLogo(); String cols = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.feed.podcast.collections"); if (cols != null && cols.length() > 1 && cols.contains(col.getHandle())) { podcastFeed = true; } } else if (dso.getType() == Constants.COMMUNITY) { Community comm = (Community) dso; defaultTitle = comm.getName(); feed.setDescription(communityService.getMetadata(comm, "short_description")); logo = comm.getLogo(); String comms = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.feed.podcast.communities"); if (comms != null && comms.length() > 1 && comms.contains(comm.getHandle())) { podcastFeed = true; } } objectURL = resolveURL(request, dso); if (logo != null) { logoURL = urlOfBitstream(request, logo); } } feed.setTitle( labels.containsKey(MSG_FEED_TITLE) ? localize(labels, MSG_FEED_TITLE) : defaultTitle); feed.setLink(objectURL); feed.setPublishedDate(new Date()); feed.setUri(objectURL); // add logo if we found one: if (logoURL != null) { // we use the path to the logo for this, the logo itself cannot // be contained in the rdf. Not all RSS-viewers show this logo. SyndImage image = new SyndImageImpl(); image.setLink(objectURL); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(feed.getTitle())) { image.setTitle(feed.getTitle()); } else { image.setTitle(localize(labels, MSG_LOGO_TITLE)); } image.setUrl(logoURL); feed.setImage(image); } // add entries for items if (items != null) { List<SyndEntry> entries = new ArrayList<SyndEntry>(); for (DSpaceObject itemDSO : items) { if (itemDSO.getType() != Constants.ITEM) { continue; } Item item = (Item) itemDSO; boolean hasDate = false; SyndEntry entry = new SyndEntryImpl(); entries.add(entry); String entryURL = resolveURL(request, item); entry.setLink(entryURL); entry.setUri(entryURL); String title = getOneDC(item, titleField); entry.setTitle(title == null ? localize(labels, MSG_UNTITLED) : title); // "published" date -- should be dc.date.issued String pubDate = getOneDC(item, dateField); if (pubDate != null) { entry.setPublishedDate((new DCDate(pubDate)).toDate()); hasDate = true; } // date of last change to Item entry.setUpdatedDate(item.getLastModified()); StringBuffer db = new StringBuffer(); for (String df : descriptionFields) { // Special Case: "(date)" in field name means render as date boolean isDate = df.indexOf("(date)") > 0; if (isDate) { df = df.replaceAll("\\(date\\)", ""); } List<MetadataValue> dcv = itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(item, df); if (dcv.size() > 0) { String fieldLabel = labels.get(MSG_METADATA + df); if (fieldLabel != null && fieldLabel.length() > 0) { db.append(fieldLabel).append(": "); } boolean first = true; for (MetadataValue v : dcv) { if (first) { first = false; } else { db.append("; "); } db.append(isDate ? new DCDate(v.getValue()).toString() : v.getValue()); } db.append("\n"); } } if (db.length() > 0) { SyndContent desc = new SyndContentImpl(); desc.setType("text/plain"); desc.setValue(db.toString()); entry.setDescription(desc); } // This gets the authors into an ATOM feed List<MetadataValue> authors = itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(item, authorField); if (authors.size() > 0) { List<SyndPerson> creators = new ArrayList<SyndPerson>(); for (MetadataValue author : authors) { SyndPerson sp = new SyndPersonImpl(); sp.setName(author.getValue()); creators.add(sp); } entry.setAuthors(creators); } // only add DC module if any DC fields are configured if (dcCreatorField != null || dcDateField != null || dcDescriptionField != null) { DCModule dc = new DCModuleImpl(); if (dcCreatorField != null) { List<MetadataValue> dcAuthors = itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(item, dcCreatorField); if (dcAuthors.size() > 0) { List<String> creators = new ArrayList<String>(); for (MetadataValue author : dcAuthors) { creators.add(author.getValue()); } dc.setCreators(creators); } } if (dcDateField != null && !hasDate) { List<MetadataValue> v = itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(item, dcDateField); if (v.size() > 0) { dc.setDate((new DCDate(v.get(0).getValue())).toDate()); } } if (dcDescriptionField != null) { List<MetadataValue> v = itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(item, dcDescriptionField); if (v.size() > 0) { StringBuffer descs = new StringBuffer(); for (MetadataValue d : v) { if (descs.length() > 0) { descs.append("\n\n"); } descs.append(d.getValue()); } dc.setDescription(descs.toString()); } } entry.getModules().add(dc); } // iTunes Podcast Support - START if (podcastFeed) { // Add enclosure(s) List<SyndEnclosure> enclosures = new ArrayList(); try { List<Bundle> bunds = itemService.getBundles(item, "ORIGINAL"); if (bunds.get(0) != null) { List<Bitstream> bits = bunds.get(0).getBitstreams(); for (Bitstream bit : bits) { String mime = bit.getFormat(context).getMIMEType(); if (ArrayUtils.contains(podcastableMIMETypes, mime)) { SyndEnclosure enc = new SyndEnclosureImpl(); enc.setType(bit.getFormat(context).getMIMEType()); enc.setLength(bit.getSize()); enc.setUrl(urlOfBitstream(request, bit)); enclosures.add(enc); } else { continue; } } } // Also try to add an external value from dc.identifier.other // We are assuming that if this is set, then it is a media file List<MetadataValue> externalMedia = itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(item, externalSourceField); if (externalMedia.size() > 0) { for (MetadataValue anExternalMedia : externalMedia) { SyndEnclosure enc = new SyndEnclosureImpl(); enc.setType( "audio/x-mpeg"); // We can't determine MIME of external file, so just picking // one. enc.setLength(1); enc.setUrl(anExternalMedia.getValue()); enclosures.add(enc); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } entry.setEnclosures(enclosures); // Get iTunes specific fields: author, subtitle, summary, duration, keywords EntryInformation itunes = new EntryInformationImpl(); String author = getOneDC(item, authorField); if (author != null && author.length() > 0) { itunes.setAuthor(author); // <itunes:author> } itunes.setSubtitle( title == null ? localize(labels, MSG_UNTITLED) : title); // <itunes:subtitle> if (db.length() > 0) { itunes.setSummary(db.toString()); // <itunes:summary> } String extent = getOneDC( item, "dc.format.extent"); // assumed that user will enter this field with length of // song in seconds if (extent != null && extent.length() > 0) { extent = extent.split(" ")[0]; Integer duration = Integer.parseInt(extent); itunes.setDuration(new Duration(duration)); // <itunes:duration> } String subject = getOneDC(item, "dc.subject"); if (subject != null && subject.length() > 0) { String[] subjects = new String[1]; subjects[0] = subject; itunes.setKeywords(subjects); // <itunes:keywords> } entry.getModules().add(itunes); } } feed.setEntries(entries); } }