/** * Set the value of paymentCompleteFlg as boolean. <br> * (支払完了フラグ)PAYMENT_COMPLETE_FLG: {NotNull, INT(10), classification=Flg} <br> * general boolean classification for every flg-column * * @param determination The determination, true or false. (NullAllowed: if null, null value is set * to the column) */ public void setPaymentCompleteFlgAsBoolean(Boolean determination) { setPaymentCompleteFlgAsFlg(CDef.Flg.codeOf(determination)); }
/** * Get the value of paymentCompleteFlg as the classification of Flg. <br> * (支払完了フラグ)PAYMENT_COMPLETE_FLG: {NotNull, INT(10), classification=Flg} <br> * general boolean classification for every flg-column * * <p>It's treated as case insensitive and if the code value is null, it returns null. * * @return The instance of classification definition (as ENUM type). (NullAllowed: when the column * value is null) */ public CDef.Flg getPaymentCompleteFlgAsFlg() { return CDef.Flg.codeOf(getPaymentCompleteFlg()); }