public Association connect(ApplicationEntity remote, AAssociateRQ rq) throws IOException, InterruptedException, IncompatibleConnectionException, GeneralSecurityException { CompatibleConnection cc = findCompatibelConnection(remote); if (rq.getCalledAET() == null) rq.setCalledAET(remote.getAETitle()); return connect(cc.getLocalConnection(), cc.getRemoteConnection(), rq); }
public final void setInformationModel(InformationModel model, String[] tss, boolean relational) { this.model = model; rq.addPresentationContext(new PresentationContext(1, model.cuid, tss)); if (relational) rq.addExtendedNegotiation( new ExtendedNegotiation( model.cuid, QueryOption.toExtendedNegotiationInformation(EnumSet.of(QueryOption.RELATIONAL)))); if (model.level != null) addLevel(model.level); }
private TransferCapability roleSelection(AAssociateRQ rq, AAssociateAC ac, String asuid) { RoleSelection rqrs = rq.getRoleSelectionFor(asuid); if (rqrs == null) return getTC(scpTCs, asuid, rq); RoleSelection acrs = ac.getRoleSelectionFor(asuid); if (acrs != null) return getTC(acrs.isSCU() ? scpTCs : scuTCs, asuid, rq); TransferCapability tcscu = null; TransferCapability tcscp = null; boolean scu = rqrs.isSCU() && (tcscp = getTC(scpTCs, asuid, rq)) != null; boolean scp = rqrs.isSCP() && (tcscu = getTC(scuTCs, asuid, rq)) != null; ac.addRoleSelection(new RoleSelection(asuid, scu, scp)); return scu ? tcscp : tcscu; }
public Association connect(Connection local, Connection remote, AAssociateRQ rq) throws IOException, InterruptedException, IncompatibleConnectionException, GeneralSecurityException { checkDevice(); checkInstalled(); if (rq.getCallingAET() == null) rq.setCallingAET(AETitle); rq.setMaxOpsInvoked(local.getMaxOpsInvoked()); rq.setMaxOpsPerformed(local.getMaxOpsPerformed()); rq.setMaxPDULength(local.getReceivePDULength()); final Socket sock = local.connect(remote); // automatically closes the socket in case an exception is thrown Association as; try { as = new Association(this, local, sock); } catch (final IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to open new association, will close underlying socket"); local.close(sock); throw e; } try { as.write(rq); as.waitForLeaving(State.Sta5); } catch (final IOException e) { LOG.warn("{}: Failed to write A-ASSOCIATE-RQ, will abort association", as.toString()); as.abort(); throw e; } catch (final InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn( "{}: Interrupted while waiting to leave state Sta 5, will abort association", as.toString()); as.abort(); throw e; } return as; }
private TransferCapability getTC( Map<String, TransferCapability> tcs, String asuid, AAssociateRQ rq) { TransferCapability tc = tcs.get(asuid); if (tc != null) return tc; CommonExtendedNegotiation commonExtNeg = rq.getCommonExtendedNegotiationFor(asuid); if (commonExtNeg != null) { for (String cuid : commonExtNeg.getRelatedGeneralSOPClassUIDs()) { tc = tcs.get(cuid); if (tc != null) return tc; } tc = tcs.get(commonExtNeg.getServiceClassUID()); if (tc != null) return tc; } return tcs.get("*"); }
protected PresentationContext negotiate( AAssociateRQ rq, AAssociateAC ac, PresentationContext rqpc) { String as = rqpc.getAbstractSyntax(); TransferCapability tc = roleSelection(rq, ac, as); int pcid = rqpc.getPCID(); if (tc == null) return new PresentationContext( pcid, PresentationContext.ABSTRACT_SYNTAX_NOT_SUPPORTED, rqpc.getTransferSyntax()); for (String ts : rqpc.getTransferSyntaxes()) if (tc.containsTransferSyntax(ts)) { byte[] info = negotiate(rq.getExtNegotiationFor(as), tc); if (info != null) ac.addExtendedNegotiation(new ExtendedNegotiation(as, info)); return new PresentationContext(pcid, PresentationContext.ACCEPTANCE, ts); } return new PresentationContext( pcid, PresentationContext.TRANSFER_SYNTAX_NOT_SUPPORTED, rqpc.getTransferSyntax()); }
private AAssociateRQ createAARQ(Association as) { AAssociateRQ aarq = new AAssociateRQ(); for (PresentationContext pc : as.getAAssociateRQ().getPresentationContexts()) aarq.addPresentationContext(pc); return aarq; }