protected void generateSetObjectKeyMethod(SourcePrinter srcWriter) { srcWriter.println( "protected void setObjectKey(" + getTargetObjectClassName() + " object, " + getKeyTypeName() + " key){"); if (hasCompositeKey()) { for (int i = 0; i < keyPath.length; i++) { String k = keyPath[i]; JType jType = JClassUtils.getTypeForProperty(k, targetObjectType); String setterMethod = JClassUtils.getSetterMethod(k, targetObjectType, jType); srcWriter.println( "object." + setterMethod + "((key==null?null:(" + jType.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName() + ")key[" + i + "]));"); } } else { String k = keyPath[0]; JType jType = JClassUtils.getTypeForProperty(k, targetObjectType); String setterMethod = JClassUtils.getSetterMethod(k, targetObjectType, jType); srcWriter.println("object." + setterMethod + "(key);"); } srcWriter.println("}"); srcWriter.println(); }
/** * @param srcWriter * @param type * @param parentVariable * @param added * @param iocContainerVariable * @param configurations */ private static void injectFields( SourcePrinter srcWriter, JClassType type, String parentVariable, Set<String> added, String iocContainerVariable, Map<String, IocConfig<?>> configurations) { for (JField field : type.getFields()) { String fieldName = field.getName(); if (!added.contains(fieldName)) { added.add(fieldName); JType fieldType = field.getType(); if ((fieldType.isPrimitive() == null)) { String injectionExpression = getFieldInjectionExpression(field, iocContainerVariable, configurations); if (injectionExpression != null) { if (JClassUtils.isPropertyVisibleToWrite(type, field, false)) { if (JClassUtils.hasSetMethod(field, type)) { String setterMethodName = "set" + Character.toUpperCase(fieldName.charAt(0)) + fieldName.substring(1); JMethod method = type.findMethod(setterMethodName, new JType[] {field.getType()}); if (method.getAnnotation(Inject.class) == null) // Annotated methods are handled apart { srcWriter.println( fieldType.getQualifiedSourceName() + " field_" + fieldName + " = " + injectionExpression + ";"); srcWriter.println( parentVariable + "." + setterMethodName + "(field_" + fieldName + ");"); } } else { srcWriter.println( parentVariable + "." + fieldName + " = " + injectionExpression + ";"); } } else { throw new IoCException( "IoC Error Field [" + field.getName() + "] from class [" + type.getQualifiedSourceName() + "] is not a writeable property."); } } } } } }
/** * @param dataClass * @return */ private String[] extractIdentifiers(JClassType dataClass) { List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); JField[] fields = JClassUtils.getDeclaredFields(dataClass); for (JField field : fields) { if (field.getAnnotation(DataObjectIdentifier.class) != null) { if (field.isPublic()) { ids.add(field.getName()); } else { ids.add(JClassUtils.getGetterMethod(field.getName(), dataClass) + "()"); } } } return ids.toArray(new String[ids.size()]); }
private String getFormString(RestMethodInfo methodInfo) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; JParameter[] parameters = methodInfo.method.getParameters(); try { for (int i = 0; i < methodInfo.parameterAnnotations.length; i++) { Annotation[] annotations = methodInfo.parameterAnnotations[i]; for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annotation instanceof FormParam) { if (!first) { str.append("&"); } first = false; if (JClassUtils.isSimpleType(parameters[i].getType())) { buildFormStringForSimpleType(str, ((FormParam) annotation).value()); } else { buildFormStringForComplexType( str, parameters[i].getType(), ((FormParam) annotation).value()); } } } } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new CruxGeneratorException( "Unsupported encoding for parameter name on method [" + methodInfo.method.toString() + "]"); } return str.toString(); }
protected void generateDeriveKeyMethod(SourcePrinter srcWriter) { srcWriter.println( "protected " + getKeyTypeName() + " getKey(" + getTargetObjectClassName() + " object){"); srcWriter.print("boolean hasKey = "); boolean first = true; for (String k : keyPath) { if (!first) { srcWriter.print(" || "); } String getterMethod = JClassUtils.getGetterMethod(k, targetObjectType); srcWriter.print("object." + getterMethod + "() != null"); first = false; } srcWriter.println(";"); srcWriter.println("if (hasKey){"); srcWriter.print(getKeyTypeName() + " key"); if (hasCompositeKey()) { srcWriter.println(" = new Object[" + keyPath.length + "];"); int i = 0; for (String k : keyPath) { String getterMethod = JClassUtils.getGetterMethod(k, targetObjectType); srcWriter.print("key [" + i + "] = object." + getterMethod + "();"); i++; } } else { srcWriter.println( " = object." + JClassUtils.getGetterMethod(keyPath[0], targetObjectType) + "();"); } srcWriter.println("return key;"); if (autoIncrement) { if (!getKeyTypeName().equals("Integer")) { throw new CruxGeneratorException("Auto increment keys can only be used on integer keys"); } srcWriter.println("} else {"); srcWriter.println("return null;"); } else { srcWriter.println("} else {"); srcWriter.println("reportError(db.messages.objectStoreDeriveKeyError(name));"); srcWriter.println("return null;"); } srcWriter.println("}"); srcWriter.println("}"); srcWriter.println(); }
private void generateMethodParamToHeaderCodeForComplexType( SourcePrinter srcWriter, String builder, String headerName, JType parameterType, String parameterExpression, String parameterCheckExpression) { PropertyInfo[] propertiesInfo = JClassUtils.extractBeanPropertiesInfo(parameterType.isClassOrInterface()); for (PropertyInfo propertyInfo : propertiesInfo) { if (JClassUtils.isSimpleType(propertyInfo.getType())) { generateMethodParamToHeaderCodeForSimpleType( srcWriter, builder, headerName + "." + propertyInfo.getName(), propertyInfo.getType(), parameterExpression + "." + propertyInfo.getReadMethod().getName() + "()", (propertyInfo.getType().isPrimitive() != null ? parameterCheckExpression : parameterCheckExpression + " && " + parameterExpression + "." + propertyInfo.getReadMethod().getName() + "()!=null")); } else { generateMethodParamToHeaderCodeForComplexType( srcWriter, builder, headerName + "." + propertyInfo.getName(), propertyInfo.getType(), parameterExpression + "." + propertyInfo.getReadMethod().getName() + "()", parameterCheckExpression + " && " + parameterExpression + "." + propertyInfo.getReadMethod().getName() + "()!=null"); } } }
private void buildFormStringForComplexType(StringBuilder str, JType parameterType, String value) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { PropertyInfo[] propertiesInfo = JClassUtils.extractBeanPropertiesInfo(parameterType.isClassOrInterface()); boolean first = true; for (PropertyInfo propertyInfo : propertiesInfo) { if (!first) { str.append("&"); } first = false; String parameterName = (StringUtils.isEmpty(value) ? propertyInfo.getName() : value + "." + propertyInfo.getName()); if (JClassUtils.isSimpleType(propertyInfo.getType())) { buildFormStringForSimpleType(str, parameterName); } else { buildFormStringForComplexType(str, propertyInfo.getType(), parameterName); } } }
protected String getDataObjectWriteExpression( JClassType dataObjectType, String bindPath, String value) throws NoSuchFieldException { StringBuilder writeExpression = new StringBuilder(); String converterVariable = getConverterVariable(); if (converterVariable != null) { value = converterVariable + ".from(" + value + ")"; } JClassUtils.buildSetValueExpression( writeExpression, dataObjectType, bindPath, DATA_OBJECT_VAR_REF, value); // TODO validate conveter type and expression type here return writeExpression.toString(); }
protected String getDataObjectReadExpression(JClassType dataObjectType, String bindPath) throws NoSuchFieldException { StringBuilder getExpression = new StringBuilder(); bindPathType = JClassUtils.buildGetValueExpression( getExpression, dataObjectType, bindPath, DATA_OBJECT_VAR_REF, false, true); String converterVariable = getConverterVariable(); if (converterVariable != null) { getExpression.insert(0, converterVariable + ".to(").append(")"); JClassType typeConverterType = converterType.getOracle().findType(TypeConverter.class.getCanonicalName()); JClassType[] types = JClassUtils.getActualParameterTypes(converterType, typeConverterType); bindInfoType = types[1]; } else { bindInfoType = bindPathType; } // TODO validate conveter type and expression type here return "(" + getExpression.toString() + ")"; }
/** * @param srcWriter * @param className */ private void generateContainerInstatiationMethod(SourcePrinter srcWriter, String className) { try { srcWriter.println( "public " + className + " get" + className.replace('.', '_') + "(" + Scope.class.getCanonicalName() + " scope, String subscope){"); JClassType type = JClassUtils.getType(context.getGeneratorContext().getTypeOracle(), className); IocConfigImpl<?> iocConfig = (IocConfigImpl<?>) configurations.get(className); Class<?> providerClass = iocConfig.getProviderClass(); if (providerClass != null) { srcWriter.println( className + " result = _getScope(scope).getValue(GWT.create(" + providerClass.getCanonicalName() + ".class), " + EscapeUtils.quote(className) + ", subscope, "); generateFieldsPopulationCallback(srcWriter, type); srcWriter.println(");"); } else if (iocConfig.getToClass() != null) { srcWriter.println( className + " result = _getScope(scope).getValue(new " + IocProvider.class.getCanonicalName() + "<" + className + ">(){"); srcWriter.println("public " + className + " get(){"); srcWriter.println( "return GWT.create(" + iocConfig.getToClass().getCanonicalName() + ".class);"); srcWriter.println("}"); srcWriter.println("}, " + EscapeUtils.quote(className) + ", subscope, "); generateFieldsPopulationCallback(srcWriter, type); srcWriter.println(");"); } else { srcWriter.println( className + " result = _getScope(scope).getValue(new " + IocProvider.class.getCanonicalName() + "<" + className + ">(){"); srcWriter.println("public " + className + " get(){"); String instantiationClass = getInstantiationClass(className); JClassType instantiationType = context.getGeneratorContext().getTypeOracle().findType(instantiationClass); if (instantiationType == null) { throw new CruxGeneratorException("Can not found type: " + instantiationClass); } if (instantiationType.isAssignableTo(remoteServiceType) && ConfigurationFactory.getConfigurations() .sendCruxViewNameOnClientRequests() .equals("true")) { srcWriter.println(className + " ret = GWT.create(" + instantiationClass + ".class);"); srcWriter.println( "((" + ServiceDefTarget.class.getCanonicalName() + ")ret).setRpcRequestBuilder(new " + CruxRpcRequestBuilder.class.getCanonicalName() + "(getBoundCruxViewId()));"); srcWriter.println("return ret;"); } else { srcWriter.println("return GWT.create(" + instantiationClass + ".class);"); } srcWriter.println("}"); srcWriter.println("}, " + EscapeUtils.quote(className) + ", subscope, "); generateFieldsPopulationCallback(srcWriter, type); srcWriter.println(");"); } if (type.isAssignableTo(viewBindableType)) { srcWriter.println( "if (scope != " + Scope.class.getCanonicalName() + "." + + " && result.getBoundCruxViewId() == null){"); srcWriter.println("result.bindCruxView(this.getBoundCruxViewId());"); srcWriter.println("}"); } srcWriter.println("return result;"); srcWriter.println("}"); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new IoCException("IoC Error Class [" + className + "] not found.", e); } }
private boolean generateMethodParamToBodyCodeForAnnotatedParameter( SourcePrinter srcWriter, String builder, JParameter[] parameters, boolean formEncoded, int i, Annotation annotation, JType parameterType, String parameterName) { if (annotation instanceof FormParam) { if (!formEncoded) { srcWriter.println( builder + ".setHeader(\"" + HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE + "\", \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\");"); formEncoded = true; } } if (JClassUtils.isSimpleType(parameterType)) { if (annotation instanceof FormParam) { generateMethodParamToCodeForSimpleType( srcWriter, "requestData", parameterType, ((FormParam) annotation).value(), parameterName, (parameterType.isPrimitive() != null ? "true" : parameterName + "!=null"), annotation); } if (annotation instanceof HeaderParam) { generateMethodParamToHeaderCodeForSimpleType( srcWriter, builder, ((HeaderParam) annotation).value(), parameterType, parameterName, (parameterType.isPrimitive() != null ? "true" : parameterName + "!=null")); } if (annotation instanceof CookieParam) { generateMethodParamToCookieCodeForSimpleType( srcWriter, ((CookieParam) annotation).value(), parameterType, parameterName, (parameterType.isPrimitive() != null ? "true" : parameterName + "!=null")); } } else { if (annotation instanceof FormParam) { generateMethodParamToCodeForComplexType( srcWriter, "requestData", parameterType, ((FormParam) annotation).value(), parameterName, parameterName + "!=null", annotation); } if (annotation instanceof HeaderParam) { generateMethodParamToHeaderCodeForComplexType( srcWriter, builder, ((HeaderParam) annotation).value(), parameterType, parameterName, parameterName + "!=null"); } if (annotation instanceof CookieParam) { generateMethodParamToCookieCodeForComplexType( srcWriter, ((CookieParam) annotation).value(), parameterType, parameterName, parameterName + "!=null"); } } return formEncoded; }