Exemple #1
     * obtain the names of the output files from the parameter file
     * @param s is the StringTokenizer
    private void getOutputFiles(StringTokenizer s) {
      String val = s.nextToken();

      trainFileNameOutput = s.nextToken().replace('"', ' ').trim();
      testFileNameOutput = s.nextToken().replace('"', ' ').trim();
      extraFileNameOutput = s.nextToken().replace('"', ' ').trim();
Exemple #2
     * obtain a string value from the parameter file
     * @param s is the StringTokenizer
    private String getParamString(StringTokenizer s) {
      String contenido = "";
      String val = s.nextToken();
      while (s.hasMoreTokens()) contenido += s.nextToken() + " ";

      return contenido.trim();
Exemple #3
     * Constructor of the Class Parametros
     * @param nombreFileParametros is the pathname of input parameter file
    Parametros(String nombreFileParametros) {

      try {
        int i;
        String fichero, linea, tok;
        StringTokenizer lineasFile, tokens;

        /* read the parameter file using Files class */
        fichero = Files.readFile(nombreFileParametros);
        fichero += "\n";

        /* remove all \r characters. it is neccesary for a correst use in Windows and UNIX  */
        fichero = fichero.replace('\r', ' ');

        /* extracts the differents tokens of the file */
        lineasFile = new StringTokenizer(fichero, "\n");

        i = 0;
        while (lineasFile.hasMoreTokens()) {

          linea = lineasFile.nextToken();
          tokens = new StringTokenizer(linea, " ,\t");
          if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {

            tok = tokens.nextToken();
            if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase("algorithm")) nameAlgorithm = getParamString(tokens);
            else if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase("inputdata")) getInputFiles(tokens);
            else if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase("outputdata")) getOutputFiles(tokens);
            else if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase("seed")) seed = getParamLong(tokens);
            else throw new java.io.IOException("Syntax error on line " + i + ": [" + tok + "]\n");

      } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e) {
        System.err.println(e + "Parameter file");
      } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
        System.err.println(e + "Aborting program");

      /** show the read parameter in the standard output */
      String contents = "-- Parameters echo --- \n";
      contents += "Algorithm name: " + nameAlgorithm + "\n";
      contents += "Input Train File: " + trainFileNameInput + "\n";
      contents += "Input Test File: " + testFileNameInput + "\n";
      contents += "Output Train File: " + trainFileNameOutput + "\n";
      contents += "Output Test File: " + testFileNameOutput + "\n";
Exemple #4
  /** Reads the data of the configuration file */
  public void leer_conf() {
    int i, j;
    String cadenaEntrada, valor;
    double cruce, mutacion, a, b, tau;
    int long_poblacion, tipo_fitness;

    // we read the file in a String
    cadenaEntrada = Fichero.leeFichero(fichero_conf);
    StringTokenizer sT = new StringTokenizer(cadenaEntrada, "\n\r=", false);

    // we read the algorithm's name

    // we read the name of the training and test files
    valor = sT.nextToken();

    StringTokenizer ficheros = new StringTokenizer(valor, "\t ", false);
    fich_datos_chequeo = ((ficheros.nextToken()).replace('\"', ' ')).trim();
    fich_datos_tst = ((ficheros.nextToken()).replace('\"', ' ')).trim();
    fichero_br = ((ficheros.nextToken()).replace('\"', ' ')).trim();

    // we read the name of the output files
    valor = sT.nextToken();

    ficheros = new StringTokenizer(valor, "\t ", false);
    fich_tra_obli = ((ficheros.nextToken()).replace('\"', ' ')).trim();
    fich_tst_obli = ((ficheros.nextToken()).replace('\"', ' ')).trim();
    fichero_reglas = ((ficheros.nextToken()).replace('\"', ' ')).trim();
    ruta_salida = fich_tst_obli.substring(0, fich_tst_obli.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

    // we read the seed of the random generator
    valor = sT.nextToken();
    semilla = Double.parseDouble(Quita_blancos(valor));
    Randomize.setSeed((long) semilla);

    // we read the Number of Iterations
    valor = sT.nextToken();
    n_generaciones = Long.parseLong(Quita_blancos(valor));

    // we read the Population Size
    valor = sT.nextToken();
    long_poblacion = Integer.parseInt(Quita_blancos(valor));

    // we read the Tau parameter for the minimun maching degree required to the KB
    valor = sT.nextToken();
    tau = Double.parseDouble(Quita_blancos(valor));

    // we read the Parameter a
    valor = sT.nextToken();
    a = Double.parseDouble(Quita_blancos(valor));

    // we read the Parameter b
    valor = sT.nextToken();
    b = Double.parseDouble(Quita_blancos(valor));

    // we read the Type of Fitness Function
    valor = sT.nextToken();
    tipo_fitness = Integer.parseInt(Quita_blancos(valor));

    // we read the Cross Probability
    valor = sT.nextToken();
    cruce = Double.parseDouble(Quita_blancos(valor));

    // we read the Mutation Probability
    valor = sT.nextToken();
    mutacion = Double.parseDouble(Quita_blancos(valor));

    // we create all the objects
    tipoc = 1;
    tabla = new MiDataset(fich_datos_chequeo, true);
    if (tabla.salir == false) {
      base_reglas = new BaseR(fichero_br, tabla);
      fun_adap = new Adap(tabla, base_reglas, tau, tipo_fitness);
      alg_gen = new AG(long_poblacion, base_reglas.n_reglas, cruce, mutacion, a, b, fun_adap);
Exemple #5
 private String Quita_blancos(String cadena) {
   StringTokenizer sT = new StringTokenizer(cadena, "\t ", false);
   return (sT.nextToken());
Exemple #6
  * obtain a long value from the parameter file
  * @param s is the StringTokenizer
 private long getParamLong(StringTokenizer s) {
   String val = s.nextToken();
   val = s.nextToken();
   return Long.parseLong(val);
Exemple #7
  * obtain an integer value from the parameter file
  * @param s is the StringTokenizer
 private int getParamInt(StringTokenizer s) {
   String val = s.nextToken();
   val = s.nextToken();
   return Integer.parseInt(val);
Exemple #8
  * obtain a float value from the parameter file
  * @param s is the StringTokenizer
 private double getParamFloat(StringTokenizer s) {
   String val = s.nextToken();
   val = s.nextToken();
   return Float.parseFloat(val);