/** Tests the prefix scanning interface. */
  public void testScanPrefix() throws StorageException {
    List<String> keys = Arrays.asList("/root/foo", "/root/bar", "/root/baz", "/some/other/file");
    for (String s : keys) {
      store.put(StringUtils.stringToBytes(s), new byte[] {});

    // well-known prefix
    store.scan(StringUtils.stringToBytes("/roo"), callback);
    checkSubsetAndClear(3, keys, callback.keys);

    // invalid prefix
    store.scan(StringUtils.stringToBytes("inv"), callback);
    checkSubsetAndClear(0, keys, callback.keys);

    // empty prefix
    store.scan(new byte[] {}, callback);
    checkSubsetAndClear(keys.size(), keys, callback.keys);
  /** Tests scanning for multiple prefixes. */
  public void testScanPrefixMultiple() throws StorageException {
    List<String> keys =
            "/root/foo", "/root/bar", "/root/baz", "/some/other/file", "/a/different/file");
    for (String s : keys) {
      store.put(StringUtils.stringToBytes(s), new byte[] {});

    // well-known prefix
    store.scan(Arrays.asList(StringUtils.stringToBytes("/roo")), callback);
    checkSubsetAndClear(3, keys, callback.keys);

    // overlapping prefix
        Arrays.asList(StringUtils.stringToBytes("/roo"), StringUtils.stringToBytes("/root/f")),
    checkSubsetAndClear(3, keys, callback.keys);

    // no prefixes
    store.scan(new ArrayList<byte[]>(), callback);
    checkSubsetAndClear(0, keys, callback.keys);

    // multiple
        Arrays.asList(StringUtils.stringToBytes("/roo"), StringUtils.stringToBytes("/a/di")),
    checkSubsetAndClear(4, keys, callback.keys);
  /** Tests the range scanning interface. */
  public void testScanRange() throws StorageException {
    // space makes first key appear before others
    List<String> keys =
        Arrays.asList(StringUtils.SPACE + "first", "aab", "aac", "abc", "aaa", "aaaa");
    for (String s : keys) {
      store.put(StringUtils.stringToBytes(s), new byte[] {});

    store.scan(StringUtils.stringToBytes("aaa"), StringUtils.stringToBytes("aaa"), callback);
    assertEquals(0, callback.keys.size());

    store.scan(StringUtils.stringToBytes("aaa"), StringUtils.stringToBytes("aaab"), callback);
        new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("aaa", "aaaa")), new HashSet<String>(callback.keys));

    store.scan(StringUtils.stringToBytes("aabq"), null, callback);
        new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("aac", "abc")), new HashSet<String>(callback.keys));
 * Base class for tests for the various implementations of {@link IStorageSystem} and {@link
 * IStore}.
 * @author $Author: heinemann $
 * @version $Rev: 46842 $ @ConQAT.Rating GREEN Hash: F2074286F417A89B49F62B7C0E9450A1
public abstract class StorageSystemTestBase extends CCSMTestCaseBase {

  /** Default name of the store used. */
  private static final String STORE = "test";

  /** A default key used during testing. */
  protected static final byte[] KEY = StringUtils.stringToBytes("my_key");

  /** A default value used during testing. */
  protected static final byte[] VALUE = StringUtils.stringToBytes("my_value");

  /** The directory where the data is persisted. Initialized in {@link #setUp()} */
  protected File baseDir;

   * The storage system under test. This is created and closed in {@link #setUp()} and {@link
   * #tearDown()}.
  protected IStorageSystem storageSystem;

  /** The store used. This is created and closed in {@link #setUp()} and {@link #tearDown()}. */
  protected IStore store;

   * A {@link CollectingCallBack}, as it is used by many of the tests. This is recreated each time
   * in {@link #setUp()}.
  private CollectingCallBack callback;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  protected void setUp() throws Exception {

    baseDir = new File(getTmpDirectory(), getClass().getSimpleName());

    storageSystem = openStorage(baseDir);
    store = storageSystem.openStore(STORE);

    callback = new CollectingCallBack();

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
    if (storageSystem != null) {

  /** Template method used for opening the */
  protected abstract IStorageSystem openStorage(File baseDir) throws StorageException;

  /** Tests the very basic set/get interface. */
  public void testSetGet() throws StorageException {
    // key does not exist in empty store

    // put affects result of get
    store.put(KEY, VALUE);
    assertTrue(Arrays.equals(VALUE, store.get(KEY)));

    // other keys do not affect result of get
    store.put(new byte[] {7, 8, 9}, new byte[] {17, 18, 19});
    assertTrue(Arrays.equals(VALUE, store.get(KEY)));

  /** Tests removal of elements. */
  public void testRemoveElement() throws StorageException {
    store.put(KEY, VALUE);
    assertTrue(Arrays.equals(VALUE, store.get(KEY)));


  /** Tests whether different stores are really independent. */
  public void testIndependentStores() throws StorageException {
    IStore store2 = storageSystem.openStore("other");

    store.put(KEY, VALUE);
    assertTrue(Arrays.equals(VALUE, store.get(KEY)));

  /** Tests whether data is really lost during deletion of store. */
  public void testDeleteStore() throws StorageException {
    store.put(KEY, VALUE);
    assertTrue(Arrays.equals(VALUE, store.get(KEY)));

    store = storageSystem.openStore(STORE);

  /** Tests whether persistence between open/close works. */
  public void testPersistence() throws StorageException {
    store.put(KEY, VALUE);
    assertTrue(Arrays.equals(VALUE, store.get(KEY)));

    storageSystem = openStorage(baseDir);

    store = storageSystem.openStore(STORE);
    assertTrue(Arrays.equals(VALUE, store.get(KEY)));

  /** Tests the range scanning interface. */
  public void testScanRange() throws StorageException {
    // space makes first key appear before others
    List<String> keys =
        Arrays.asList(StringUtils.SPACE + "first", "aab", "aac", "abc", "aaa", "aaaa");
    for (String s : keys) {
      store.put(StringUtils.stringToBytes(s), new byte[] {});

    store.scan(StringUtils.stringToBytes("aaa"), StringUtils.stringToBytes("aaa"), callback);
    assertEquals(0, callback.keys.size());

    store.scan(StringUtils.stringToBytes("aaa"), StringUtils.stringToBytes("aaab"), callback);
        new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("aaa", "aaaa")), new HashSet<String>(callback.keys));

    store.scan(StringUtils.stringToBytes("aabq"), null, callback);
        new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("aac", "abc")), new HashSet<String>(callback.keys));

  /** Tests the prefix scanning interface. */
  public void testScanPrefix() throws StorageException {
    List<String> keys = Arrays.asList("/root/foo", "/root/bar", "/root/baz", "/some/other/file");
    for (String s : keys) {
      store.put(StringUtils.stringToBytes(s), new byte[] {});

    // well-known prefix
    store.scan(StringUtils.stringToBytes("/roo"), callback);
    checkSubsetAndClear(3, keys, callback.keys);

    // invalid prefix
    store.scan(StringUtils.stringToBytes("inv"), callback);
    checkSubsetAndClear(0, keys, callback.keys);

    // empty prefix
    store.scan(new byte[] {}, callback);
    checkSubsetAndClear(keys.size(), keys, callback.keys);

  /** Tests the corner case in prefix scanning interface. */
  public void testScanPrefixCornerCase() throws StorageException {
    byte[] prefix = {17, 18, 19, (byte) 0xff};
    store.put(prefix, prefix);

    CollectingCallBack callback = new CollectingCallBack();
    store.scan(prefix, callback);
    assertEquals(1, callback.keys.size());

  /** Tests scanning for multiple prefixes. */
  public void testScanPrefixMultiple() throws StorageException {
    List<String> keys =
            "/root/foo", "/root/bar", "/root/baz", "/some/other/file", "/a/different/file");
    for (String s : keys) {
      store.put(StringUtils.stringToBytes(s), new byte[] {});

    // well-known prefix
    store.scan(Arrays.asList(StringUtils.stringToBytes("/roo")), callback);
    checkSubsetAndClear(3, keys, callback.keys);

    // overlapping prefix
        Arrays.asList(StringUtils.stringToBytes("/roo"), StringUtils.stringToBytes("/root/f")),
    checkSubsetAndClear(3, keys, callback.keys);

    // no prefixes
    store.scan(new ArrayList<byte[]>(), callback);
    checkSubsetAndClear(0, keys, callback.keys);

    // multiple
        Arrays.asList(StringUtils.stringToBytes("/roo"), StringUtils.stringToBytes("/a/di")),
    checkSubsetAndClear(4, keys, callback.keys);

  /** Test scanning for keys with prefix. */
  public void testScanKeysPrefix() throws StorageException {
    store.put(new byte[] {1}, new byte[] {1});
    store.scanKeys(new byte[] {1}, callback);
    assertEquals(1, callback.keys.size());

  /** Test scanning for keys with begin and end. */
  public void testScanKeysBeginEnd() throws StorageException {
    store.put(new byte[] {1}, new byte[] {1});
    store.put(new byte[] {2}, new byte[] {2});
    store.put(new byte[] {3}, new byte[] {3});
    store.put(new byte[] {4}, new byte[] {1});

    store.scanKeys(new byte[] {2}, new byte[] {4}, callback);
    assertEquals(2, callback.keys.size());

  /** Test for multi-get and set. */
  public void testSetGetMultiple() throws StorageException {
    PairList<byte[], byte[]> entries = new PairList<byte[], byte[]>();
    entries.add(new byte[] {1}, new byte[] {1});
    entries.add(new byte[] {2}, new byte[] {2});
    List<byte[]> values = store.get(Arrays.asList(new byte[] {1}, new byte[] {3}, new byte[] {2}));
    assertEquals(3, values.size());
    assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new byte[] {1}, values.get(0)));
    assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new byte[] {2}, values.get(2)));

    store.scan(new byte[] {}, callback);
    assertEquals(0, callback.keys.size());

   * Checks whether the given set is a subset of the superset of given size. Afterwards the subset
   * is cleared. While we use set semantics, the parameters use lists as we are also interested in
   * spurious duplicates.
  private void checkSubsetAndClear(int size, List<String> superSet, List<String> subSet) {
    assertEquals(size, subSet.size());

  /** Callback used for testing the scanning interface. */
  public static class CollectingCallBack implements IKeyValueCallback {

    /** Set to store the keys read. */
    public final List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void callback(byte[] key, byte[] value) {
      synchronized (keys) {