Exemple #1
   * Get Field Lookup Value Direct
   * @param windowNo Window
   * @param AD_Field_ID
   * @param keyValues array of id values
   * @param cache
   * @return list of display values
  public ArrayList<NamePair> getLookupValueDirect(
      int AD_Field_ID, ArrayList<String> keyValues, boolean cache) {
    int windowNo = 0; // No Context
    ArrayList<NamePair> displayValues = new ArrayList<NamePair>();
    UIField field = getField(AD_Field_ID, windowNo);

    // if (cache && field.isLookup())
    // field.getLookup().removeAllElements();
    if (field == null) log.warning("Cannot find AD_Field_ID=" + AD_Field_ID);
    for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.size(); i++) {
      String key = keyValues.get(i);
      String value = null;
      if (field != null) value = field.getLookupDisplay(m_context, windowNo, key, cache);
      if (value == null) {
         * if(key == null) value = ""; else value = "<" + key + ">";
        value = "";
      NamePair pp = new ValueNamePair(key, value);
    return displayValues;
  } // getLookupValueDirect
Exemple #2
 public ChangeVO updateRow(
     int windowNo,
     int AD_Tab_ID,
     int queryResultID,
     int relRowNo,
     Map<String, String> context,
     boolean force) {
   if (context == null || context.size() == 0)
     return new ChangeVO(true, Msg.translate(m_context, "NoContext"));
   ArrayList<String[]> data = m_results.get(queryResultID);
   if (data == null || data.size() == 0)
     return new ChangeVO(true, Msg.translate(m_context, "CachedDataNotFound"));
   UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
   if (tab == null) {
     log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return new ChangeVO(true, Msg.translate(m_context, "@NotFound@ @AD_Tab_ID@=" + AD_Tab_ID));
   CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
   ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
   ChangeVO retValue;
   if (force) retValue = tab.saveRow(ctx, windowNo, false, null);
   else retValue = tab.saveRow(ctx, windowNo, false, data.get(relRowNo));
   if (retValue.hasError()) return retValue;
   // Update Results
   String[] dataRow = retValue.rowData.clone();
   data.set(relRowNo, dataRow);
   postProcessChangeVO(retValue, windowNo, context, dataRow, tab);
   retValue.trxInfo = GridTab.getTrxInfo(tab.getTableName(), ctx, windowNo, tab.getTabNo());
   if (retValue.isRefreshAll()) {}
   return retValue;
Exemple #3
 /** Fill Tab and Field arrays */
 private void fillTabsFieldsAndInitFieldsAndCreateDependencyRelations(UIWindow win, int windowNO) {
   ArrayList<UITab> tabs = win.getTabs();
   for (int j = 0; j < tabs.size(); j++) {
     UITab winTab = tabs.get(j);
     Integer tabKey = Integer.valueOf(winTab.getAD_Tab_ID());
     Integer ReferencetabKey = Integer.valueOf(winTab.getReferenced_Tab_ID());
     m_tabs.put(tabKey, winTab);
     m_referencetabs.put(ReferencetabKey, winTab);
     ArrayList<UIField> fields = winTab.getFields();
     for (int k = 0; k < fields.size(); k++) {
       UIField field = fields.get(k);
       field.initialize(m_context, windowNO);
       Integer fieldKey = Integer.valueOf(field.getAD_Field_ID());
       // set the correct value
       if (field.isLookup()) field.getLookup().setContext(m_context, windowNO);
       m_fields.put(fieldKey, field);
 } // fillTabsFields
Exemple #4
  * Retrieve results for Tab. If the from/to range does not exist, it returns existing rows
  * @param queryResultID stored query identifier provided by client
  * @param fromRow from row first is 0
  * @param noRows number of rows
  * @return array of rows of array of field values or null if error. You get the columnNames via
  *     String[] columns = uiTab.getColumnNames();
 public String[][] getResults(int queryResultID, int fromRow, int noRows) {
   if (noRows < 0) {
     log.config("Invalid: fromRow=" + fromRow + ",noRows" + noRows);
   } else if (noRows == 0) return new String[][] {};
   ArrayList<String[]> resultAll = m_results.get(queryResultID);
   if (resultAll == null) {
     log.config("No Results for queryResultID=" + queryResultID);
     return null;
   if (resultAll.size() < fromRow) {
         "Insufficient Results for queryResultID="
             + queryResultID
             + ", Length="
             + resultAll.size()
             + ", fromRow="
             + fromRow);
     return null;
   // copy
   if (resultAll.size() < noRows) {
         "Insufficient Rows for queryResultID="
             + queryResultID
             + ", Length="
             + resultAll.size()
             + ", fromRow="
             + fromRow
             + ", noRows="
             + noRows);
     noRows = resultAll.size();
   String[][] result = new String[noRows][];
   for (int i = 0; i < noRows; i++) {
     int index = i + fromRow;
     if (index >= resultAll.size()) break;
     result[i] = resultAll.get(index);
   return result;
 } // getResult
Exemple #5
  * Get Field Lookup Value Direct
  * @param windowNo Window
  * @param AD_Field_ID
  * @param keyValues array of id values
  * @param cache
  * @return list of display values
 public ArrayList<String> getLookupValueOnlyDirect(
     int AD_Field_ID, ArrayList<String> keyValues, boolean cache) {
   int windowNo = 0; // No Context
   ArrayList<String> displayValues = new ArrayList<String>();
   UIField field = getField(AD_Field_ID, windowNo);
   if (field == null) log.warning("Cannot find AD_Field_ID=" + AD_Field_ID);
   for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.size(); i++) {
     String key = keyValues.get(i);
     String value = null;
     if (field != null) value = field.getLookupDisplay(m_context, windowNo, key, cache);
     if (value == null) {
        * if(key == null) value = ""; else value = "<" + key + ">";
       value = "";
   return displayValues;
 } // getLookupValueDirect
Exemple #6
  * Delete existing Row
  * @param windowNo relative window
  * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
  * @param relRowNo relative row number in results
  * @return error message or null
 public ChangeVO deleteRow(int windowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, int queryResultID, int relRowNo) {
   UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
   if (tab == null) {
     log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return new ChangeVO(true, "@NotFound@ @AD_Tab_ID@=" + AD_Tab_ID);
   ArrayList<String[]> data = m_results.get(queryResultID);
   if (data == null) return new ChangeVO(true, "Data Not Found");
   String[] rowData = data.get(relRowNo);
   // Copy Data into Context
   Map<String, String> context = new HashMap<String, String>();
   String[] columns = tab.getColumnNames();
   for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
     String column = columns[i];
     context.put(column, rowData[i]);
   CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
   ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
   ChangeVO retValue = tab.deleteRow(ctx, windowNo);
   if (retValue.hasError()) return retValue;
   // Update Results
   return retValue;
 } // deleteRow
Exemple #7
  public void sortResults(
      int WindowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, int AD_Field_ID, int queryResultID, final boolean ascending) {
    class SortCell {

      String[] row;

      String sort;
    ArrayList<String[]> results = m_results.get(queryResultID);
    if (results == null)
      log.severe("cannot sort. results non-existent for queryResultID:" + queryResultID);
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    final UIField field = getField(AD_Field_ID, WindowNo);
    final int displayType = field.getAD_Reference_ID();
    final int idx = tab.getFieldIndex(AD_Field_ID);
    // if not a lookup, directly sort
    if (!field.isLookup()) {
      if (FieldType.isNumeric(displayType)) {
            new Comparator<String[]>() {

              public int compare(String[] o1, String[] o2) {
                if (o1[idx] == null) o1[idx] = "";
                if (o2[idx] == null) o2[idx] = "";
                BigDecimal s1 = new BigDecimal(o1[idx].equals("") ? "-1e-10" : o1[idx]);
                BigDecimal s2 = new BigDecimal(o2[idx].equals("") ? "-1e-10" : o2[idx]);
                return ascending ? s1.compareTo(s2) : s2.compareTo(s1);
      } else if (FieldType.isDate(displayType)) {
            new Comparator<String[]>() {

              public int compare(String[] o1, String[] o2) {
                if (o1[idx] == null) o1[idx] = "";
                if (o2[idx] == null) o2[idx] = "";
                Long s1 = new Long(o1[idx].equals("") ? "-1000000" : o1[idx]);
                Long s2 = new Long(o2[idx].equals("") ? "-1000000" : o2[idx]);
                return ascending ? s1.compareTo(s2) : s2.compareTo(s1);
      } else {
            new Comparator<String[]>() {

              public int compare(String[] o1, String[] o2) {
                if (o1[idx] == null) o1[idx] = "";
                if (o2[idx] == null) o2[idx] = "";
                String s1 = o1[idx];
                String s2 = o2[idx];
                return ascending ? s1.compareTo(s2) : s2.compareTo(s1);
    Comparator<SortCell> c =
        new Comparator<SortCell>() {

          public int compare(SortCell o1, SortCell o2) {
            if (ascending) return o1.sort.compareTo(o2.sort);
            else return o2.sort.compareTo(o1.sort);
    // for look up, first get id values
    ArrayList<String> fieldValues = new ArrayList<String>(results.size());
    for (String[] row : results) {
    // then translate into real values
    ArrayList<String> sorts = getLookupValueOnlyDirect(AD_Field_ID, fieldValues, true);
    ArrayList<SortCell> toBeSorteds = new ArrayList<SortCell>(sorts.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < sorts.size(); i++) {
      SortCell toBeSorted = new SortCell();
      toBeSorted.row = results.get(i);
      toBeSorted.sort = sorts.get(i);
    // sort
    Collections.sort(toBeSorteds, c);
    // after sorting, replace col with original values
    int i = 0;
    for (SortCell toBeSorted : toBeSorteds) {
      results.set(i, toBeSorted.row);