private MAttributeSetInstance saveSelection0() {""); final MAttributeSet as = asiTemplate.getMAttributeSet(); Check.assumeNotNull(as, "as not null"); // Create a new ASI which is copying the existing one final MAttributeSetInstance asi = new MAttributeSetInstance(getCtx(), 0, ITrx.TRXNAME_ThreadInherited); InterfaceWrapperHelper.copyValues( asiTemplate, asi, false); // honorIsCalculated=false => copy everything asi.setM_AttributeSet(as); // make sure we have the right AttributeSet model set // boolean changed = false; final Set<String> mandatory = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // Lot if (!m_productWindow && as.isLot()) { String text = fieldLotString.getText(); asi.setLot(text); if (as.isLotMandatory() && (text == null || text.length() == 0)) { mandatory.add(msgBL.translate(getCtx(), "Lot")); } changed = true; } // Lot // Serial No if (!m_productWindow && as.isSerNo()) { final String serNo = fieldSerNo.getText(); asi.setSerNo(serNo); if (as.isSerNoMandatory() && Check.isEmpty(serNo, true)) { mandatory.add(msgBL.translate(getCtx(), "SerNo")); } changed = true; } // SerNo // // Guarantee Date (if required) if (fieldGuaranteeDateDisplayed) { final Timestamp guaranteeDate = fieldGuaranteeDate.getValue(); asi.setGuaranteeDate(guaranteeDate); if (as.isGuaranteeDate() && as.isGuaranteeDateMandatory() && guaranteeDate == null) { mandatory.add(msgBL.translate(getCtx(), I_M_AttributeSetInstance.COLUMNNAME_GuaranteeDate)); } changed = true; } // // New Instance if (changed || asi.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() <= 0) {; changed = true; } final int attributeSetInstanceId = asi.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(); // // Save Instance Attributes for (final MAttribute attribute : m_attributes) { final CEditor editor = attributeId2editor.get(attribute.getM_Attribute_ID()); if (MAttribute.ATTRIBUTEVALUETYPE_List.equals(attribute.getAttributeValueType())) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final CComboBox<I_M_AttributeValue> editorCombo = (CComboBox<I_M_AttributeValue>) editor; final I_M_AttributeValue attributeValue = editorCombo.getSelectedItem(); if (attribute.isMandatory() && attributeValue == null) { mandatory.add(attribute.getName()); } attribute.setMAttributeInstance(attributeSetInstanceId, attributeValue); } else if (MAttribute.ATTRIBUTEVALUETYPE_Number.equals(attribute.getAttributeValueType())) { final VNumber editorNumber = (VNumber) editor; final BigDecimal value = (BigDecimal) editorNumber.getValue(); if (attribute.isMandatory() && value == null) { mandatory.add(attribute.getName()); } attribute.setMAttributeInstance(attributeSetInstanceId, value); } else if (MAttribute.ATTRIBUTEVALUETYPE_Date.equals(attribute.getAttributeValueType())) { final VDate editorDate = (VDate) editor; final Timestamp value = editorDate.getValue(); if (attribute.isMandatory() && value == null) { mandatory.add(attribute.getName()); } attribute.setMAttributeInstance(attributeSetInstanceId, value); } else { final VString editorString = (VString) editor; final String value = editorString.getText(); if (attribute.isMandatory() && Check.isEmpty(value, false)) { mandatory.add(attribute.getName()); } attribute.setMAttributeInstance(attributeSetInstanceId, value); } changed = true; } // for all attributes // // Throw exception if there are some mandatory fields which were not set if (!mandatory.isEmpty()) { throw new AdempiereException("@FillMandatory@ " + StringUtils.toString(mandatory, ", ")); } // Save Model if (changed) { asi.setMAttributeSet(as); // NOTE: this is workaround for the case when M_AttributeSet_ID=0 attributeSetInstanceBL.setDescription(asi);; } return asi; }
private void tableInit() { m_sql = new StringBuffer(); m_sql2 = new StringBuffer(); // Mostrar todos los ACC y AAP if (tableInit_option == 0) { m_sql.append( "select cb.value ||'-'|| vendor, country, extract(month from cn.CREATED) month," + " extract (year from cn.CREATED) year, NVL(round(sum(cn.XX_UNITPURCHASEPRICEBS),2),0) total," + " dep.value || '-' || department, cat.value || '-' || category," + " o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID, o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID, o.C_BPARTNER_ID vendorID" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID and" + " cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE='ACC'and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID and" + " dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"); m_groupBy = " group by cb.value ||'-'||,, extract(month from cn.CREATED), extract (year from cn.CREATED), dep.value || '-' ||," + " cat.value || '-' ||,o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID, o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID, o.C_BPARTNER_ID"; m_sql2.append( "select cb.value ||'-'|| vendor, country, det.XX_MONTH month," + " det.XX_YEAR year, round(cn.XX_UNITPURCHASEPRICEBS,2) total, o.C_BPARTNER_ID vendorID," + " o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID, o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID, cn.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID creditNotID, cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE tipo" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat, XX_VCN_DETAILADVICE det" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID and cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE<>'ACC'" + " and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID and dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID" + " and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID and det.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID=cn.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"); m_groupBy2 = " group by cb.value ||'-'||,, det.XX_MONTH, det.XX_YEAR, cn.XX_UNITPURCHASEPRICEBS," + " o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID, o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID, o.C_BPARTNER_ID, cn.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID, cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE"; // Búsqueda por mes if (monthCombo.getSelectedIndex() != 0 && monthCombo.getSelectedItem() != null) { m_sql .append(" AND ") .append("extract(month from cn.created)=") .append(monthCombo.getSelectedIndex()); m_sql2.append(" AND ").append("det.XX_MONTH=").append(monthCombo.getSelectedIndex()); } // Búsqueda por año if (yearField.getValue() != null) { m_sql .append(" AND ") .append("extract(year from cn.created)=") .append(((BigDecimal) yearField.getValue()).intValue()); m_sql2 .append(" AND ") .append("det.XX_YEAR=") .append(((BigDecimal) yearField.getValue()).intValue()); } // Búsqueda por proveedor if (comboBPartner.getSelectedIndex() != 0 && comboBPartner.getSelectedItem() != null) { if (((KeyNamePair) comboBPartner.getSelectedItem()).getKey() != 0) { int clave_vendor = ((KeyNamePair) comboBPartner.getSelectedItem()).getKey(); m_sql.append(" AND ").append("o.C_BPartner_ID=").append(clave_vendor); m_sql2.append(" AND ").append("o.C_BPartner_ID=").append(clave_vendor); } } // agrego la categoria if (categoryCombo.getValue() != null) { KeyNamePair cat = (KeyNamePair) categoryCombo.getValue(); if (cat.getKey() != -1) { m_sql.append(" AND o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID = ").append(cat.getKey()).append(" "); m_sql2.append(" AND o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID = ").append(cat.getKey()).append(" "); } } // agrego el departamento al query if (departmentCombo.getValue() != null) { KeyNamePair dep = (KeyNamePair) departmentCombo.getValue(); if (dep.getKey() != -1) { m_sql.append(" AND o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID = ").append(dep.getKey()).append(" "); m_sql2.append(" AND o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID = ").append(dep.getKey()).append(" "); } } } String SQL = m_sql.toString() + m_groupBy; int i = 0; xTableACC.setRowCount(i); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(SQL, null); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { xTableACC.setRowCount(i + 1); // Proveedor xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getString("vendor"), i, 0); // 1 // País xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getString("country"), i, 1); // Departamento xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getString("department"), i, 2); // Categoría xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getString("category"), i, 3); // Mes xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getInt("month"), i, 4); // Año xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getInt("year"), i, 5); // Compras hechas xTableACC.setValueAt(rs.getBigDecimal("total"), i, 6); // Se calculan los avisos cerrados(CER) de el mismo mes, año, proveedor, depto y categoría String SQL2 = "select nvl(round(sum(cn.XX_AMOUNT),2),0) totalDesc" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID" + " and cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE='ACC' and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID" + " and dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID" + " and XX_STATUS='CER' and extract(month from cn.CREATED)=" + rs.getInt("month") + " and extract (year from cn.CREATED)=" + rs.getInt("year") + " and o.C_BPARTNER_ID=" + rs.getInt("vendorID") + " and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"; PreparedStatement pstmt2 = null; ResultSet rs2 = null; try { pstmt2 = DB.prepareStatement(SQL2, null); rs2 = pstmt2.executeQuery(); if ( xTableACC.setValueAt(rs2.getBigDecimal("totalDesc"), i, 7); else xTableACC.setValueAt(0, i, 7); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.print(e.getMessage()); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs2); DB.closeStatement(pstmt2); } // Se calculan los avisos pendientes(ACT) de el mismo mes, año, proveedor, depto y categoría String SQL3 = "select nvl(round(sum(cn.XX_AMOUNT),2),0) totalDesc" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID" + " and cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE='ACC' and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID" + " and dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID" + " and XX_STATUS='ACT' and extract(month from cn.CREATED)=" + rs.getInt("month") + " and extract (year from cn.CREATED)=" + rs.getInt("year") + " and o.C_BPARTNER_ID=" + rs.getInt("vendorID") + " and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"; PreparedStatement pstmt3 = null; ResultSet rs3 = null; try { pstmt3 = DB.prepareStatement(SQL3, null); rs3 = pstmt3.executeQuery(); if ( xTableACC.setValueAt(rs3.getBigDecimal("totalDesc"), i, 8); else xTableACC.setValueAt(0, i, 8); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.print(e.getMessage()); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs3); DB.closeStatement(pstmt3); } i++; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.getMessage(); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs); DB.closeStatement(pstmt); } String sqlAAP = m_sql2.toString() + m_groupBy2; i = 0; xTableAAP.setRowCount(i); pstmt = null; rs = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sqlAAP, null); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { xTableAAP.setRowCount(i + 1); // Proveedor xTableAAP.setValueAt( new KeyNamePair(rs.getInt("vendorID"), rs.getString("vendor")), i, 0); // 1 // País xTableAAP.setValueAt( new KeyNamePair(rs.getInt("creditNotID"), rs.getString("country")), i, 1); // Mes xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs.getInt("month"), i, 2); // Año xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs.getInt("year"), i, 3); // Tipo xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs.getString("tipo"), i, 4); // Compras hechas xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs.getBigDecimal("total"), i, 5); // Se calculan los avisos cerrados(CER) de el mismo mes, año, proveedor, depto y categoría String SQL2 = "select nvl(round(sum(cn.XX_AMOUNT),2),0) totalDesc" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID" + " and cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE<>'ACC' and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID" + " and dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID" + " and XX_STATUS='CER' and cn.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID=" + rs.getInt("creditNotID") + " and o.C_BPARTNER_ID=" + rs.getInt("vendorID") + " and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"; PreparedStatement pstmt2 = null; ResultSet rs2 = null; try { pstmt2 = DB.prepareStatement(SQL2, null); rs2 = pstmt2.executeQuery(); if ( xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs2.getBigDecimal("totalDesc"), i, 6); else xTableAAP.setValueAt(0, i, 6); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.print(e.getMessage()); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs2); DB.closeStatement(pstmt2); } // Se calculan los avisos pendientes(ACT) de el mismo mes, año, proveedor, depto y categoría String SQL3 = "select nvl(round(sum(cn.XX_AMOUNT),2),0) totalDesc" + " from XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN cn, C_BPARTNER cb, C_COUNTRY co, C_ORDER o, XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT dep, XX_VMR_CATEGORY cat" + " where o.C_BPARTNER_ID=cb.C_BPARTNER_ID and co.C_COUNTRY_ID=o.C_COUNTRY_ID" + " and cn.XX_NOTIFICATIONTYPE<>'ACC' and cn.C_ORDER_ID=o.C_ORDER_ID" + " and dep.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID=o.XX_VMR_DEPARTMENT_ID and o.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID=cat.XX_VMR_CATEGORY_ID" + " and XX_STATUS='ACT' and cn.XX_CREDITNOTIFYRETURN_ID=" + rs.getInt("creditNotID") + " and o.C_BPARTNER_ID=" + rs.getInt("vendorID") + " and o.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + ctx.getAD_Client_ID() + " AND o.ISSOTRX = 'N'"; PreparedStatement pstmt3 = null; ResultSet rs3 = null; try { pstmt3 = DB.prepareStatement(SQL3, null); rs3 = pstmt3.executeQuery(); if ( xTableAAP.setValueAt(rs3.getBigDecimal("totalDesc"), i, 7); else xTableAAP.setValueAt(0, i, 7); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.print(e.getMessage()); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs3); DB.closeStatement(pstmt3); } i++; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.getMessage(); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs); DB.closeStatement(pstmt); } } // tableInit