public PropertyNode addProperty( String name, int modifiers, ClassNode type, Expression initialValueExpression, Statement getterBlock, Statement setterBlock) { for (PropertyNode pn : getProperties()) { if (pn.getName().equals(name)) { if (pn.getInitialExpression() == null && initialValueExpression != null) pn.getField().setInitialValueExpression(initialValueExpression); if (pn.getGetterBlock() == null && getterBlock != null) pn.setGetterBlock(getterBlock); if (pn.getSetterBlock() == null && setterBlock != null) pn.setSetterBlock(setterBlock); return pn; } } PropertyNode node = new PropertyNode( name, modifiers, type, redirect(), initialValueExpression, getterBlock, setterBlock); addProperty(node); return node; }
private void injectAssociationProperties(ClassNode classNode, List propertiesToAdd) { for (Iterator i = propertiesToAdd.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { PropertyNode pn = (PropertyNode); if (! /*GrailsASTUtils.*/hasProperty(classNode, pn.getName())) { // if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { // LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainInjector] Adding property [" + pn.getName() + "] to class [" + // classNode.getName() + "]"); // } classNode.addProperty(pn); } } }
private void addProperty(ClassNode cNode, PropertyNode pNode) { final FieldNode fn = pNode.getField(); cNode.getFields().remove(fn); cNode.addProperty( pNode.getName(), pNode.getModifiers() | ACC_FINAL, pNode.getType(), pNode.getInitialExpression(), pNode.getGetterBlock(), pNode.getSetterBlock()); final FieldNode newfn = cNode.getField(fn.getName()); cNode.getFields().remove(newfn); cNode.addField(fn); }
private void injectIdProperty(ClassNode classNode) { final boolean hasId = /*GrailsASTUtils.*/ hasProperty(classNode, /*GrailsDomainClassProperty.*/ IDENTITY); if (!hasId) { // if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { // LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainInjector] Adding property [" + // GrailsDomainClassProperty.IDENTITY + "] to class [" + classNode.getName() + "]"); // } classNode.addProperty( /*GrailsDomainClassProperty.*/ IDENTITY, Modifier.PUBLIC, new ClassNode(Long.class), null, null, null); } }
private void injectVersionProperty(ClassNode classNode) { final boolean hasVersion = /*GrailsASTUtils.*/ hasProperty(classNode, /*GrailsDomainClassProperty.*/ VERSION); if (!hasVersion) { // if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { // LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainInjector] Adding property [" + GrailsDomainClassProperty.VERSION // + "] to class [" + classNode.getName() + "]"); // } classNode.addProperty( /*GrailsDomainClassProperty.*/ VERSION, Modifier.PUBLIC, new ClassNode(Long.class), null, null, null); } }