Exemple #1
  public JSONObject upload(
      @Parameter(value = "file", required = true) final FileItem file,
      @Parameter(value = "description", required = true) final String fileName,
      final JSONObject serializer)
      throws ORMException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {

    final String relativePath =
        getRelativePath(fileName) + iconsFileStore.getExtension(file.getName());

    if (iconsFileStore.isImage(file)) {
      iconsFileStore.save(file, relativePath);
    } else {
      throw ORMExceptionType.ORM_ICONS_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE.createException();

    return serializer;
Exemple #2
  public JSONObject update(
      @Parameter(value = "file", required = false) final FileItem file,
      @Parameter(value = "name", required = true) final String fileName,
      @Parameter(value = "description", required = true) final String newFileName,
      final JSONObject serializer)
      throws JSONException, AuthException, ORMException, IOException {

    if (!"".equals(file.getName())) { // replace the file
      if (iconsFileStore.isImage(file)) {
        iconsFileStore.save(file, getRelativePath(newFileName));
      } else {
        throw ORMExceptionType.ORM_ICONS_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE.createException();
    } else { // rename the existing file
      iconsFileStore.rename(getRelativePath(fileName), getRelativePath(newFileName));

    return serializer;