private static Context getContext() {
   // Using the global application context is probably ok.
   // The DisplayManager API observers all display updates, so in theory it should not matter
   // which context is used to obtain it. If this turns out not to be true in practice, it's
   // possible register from all context used though quite complex.
   return ContextUtils.getApplicationContext();
 private static void tryObtainingDataDirLockOrDie() {
   StrictMode.ThreadPolicy oldPolicy = StrictMode.allowThreadDiskReads();
   try {
     String dataPath = PathUtils.getDataDirectory(ContextUtils.getApplicationContext());
     File lockFile = new File(dataPath, EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FILE);
     boolean success = false;
     try {
       // Note that the file is not closed intentionally.
       RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(lockFile, "rw");
       sExclusiveFileLock = file.getChannel().tryLock();
       success = sExclusiveFileLock != null;
     } catch (IOException e) {
       Log.w(TAG, "Failed to create lock file " + lockFile, e);
     if (!success) {
           "The app may have another WebView opened in a separate process. "
               + "This is not recommended and may stop working in future versions.");
   } finally {
  * Enables the data reduction proxy, records uma, and shows a confirmation toast.
  * @param isPrimaryButton Whether the primary infobar button was clicked.
  * @param context An Android context.
 private static void accept() {
   Context context = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext();
   DataReductionProxySettings.getInstance().setDataReductionProxyEnabled(context, true);
           context, context.getString(R.string.data_reduction_enabled_toast), Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
  * Check the cached value to figure out if the feature is enabled. We have to use the cached value
  * because native library may not yet been loaded.
  * @return Whether the feature is enabled.
 private static boolean isEnabledInPrefs() {
   // Will go away once the feature is enabled for everyone by default.
   StrictMode.ThreadPolicy oldPolicy = StrictMode.allowThreadDiskReads();
   try {
     return ChromePreferenceManager.getInstance(ContextUtils.getApplicationContext())
   } finally {
  * Loads the native library, and performs basic static construction of objects needed to run
  * webview in this process. Does not create threads; safe to call from zygote. Note: it is up to
  * the caller to ensure this is only called once.
 public static void loadLibrary() {
   Context appContext = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext();
   PathUtils.setPrivateDataDirectorySuffix(PRIVATE_DATA_DIRECTORY_SUFFIX, appContext);
   try {
     LibraryLoader libraryLoader = LibraryLoader.get(LibraryProcessType.PROCESS_WEBVIEW);
     // Switch the command line implementation from Java to native.
     // It's okay for the WebView to do this before initialization because we have
     // setup the JNI bindings by this point.
   } catch (ProcessInitException e) {
     throw new RuntimeException("Cannot load WebView", e);
   * Once native is loaded we can consult the command-line (set via about:flags) and also finch
   * state to see if we should enable WebAPKs.
  public static void cacheEnabledStateForNextLaunch() {
    boolean wasEnabled = isEnabledInPrefs();
    CommandLine instance = CommandLine.getInstance();
    String experiment = FieldTrialList.findFullName(WEBAPK_DISABLE_EXPERIMENT_NAME);
    boolean isEnabled =
            && instance.hasSwitch(ChromeSwitches.ENABLE_WEBAPK));

    if (isEnabled != wasEnabled) {
      Log.d(TAG, "WebApk setting changed (%s => %s)", wasEnabled, isEnabled);
Exemple #7
   * Displays the download manager UI. Note the UI is different on tablets and on phones.
   * @return Whether the UI was shown.
  public static boolean showDownloadManager(@Nullable Activity activity, @Nullable Tab tab) {
    if (!isDownloadHomeEnabled()) return false;

    // Figure out what tab was last being viewed by the user.
    if (activity == null) activity = ApplicationStatus.getLastTrackedFocusedActivity();
    if (tab == null && activity instanceof ChromeTabbedActivity) {
      tab = ((ChromeTabbedActivity) activity).getActivityTab();

    Context appContext = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext();
    if (DeviceFormFactor.isTablet(appContext)) {
      // Download Home shows up as a tab on tablets.
      LoadUrlParams params = new LoadUrlParams(UrlConstants.DOWNLOADS_URL);
      if (tab == null || !tab.isInitialized()) {
        // Open a new tab, which pops Chrome into the foreground.
        TabDelegate delegate = new TabDelegate(false);
        delegate.createNewTab(params, TabLaunchType.FROM_CHROME_UI, null);
      } else {
        // Download Home shows up inside an existing tab, but only if the last Activity was
        // the ChromeTabbedActivity.

        // Bring Chrome to the foreground, if possible.
        Intent intent = Tab.createBringTabToFrontIntent(tab.getId());
        if (intent != null) {
          IntentUtils.safeStartActivity(appContext, intent);
    } else {
      // Download Home shows up as a new Activity on phones.
      Intent intent = new Intent();
      intent.setClass(appContext, DownloadActivity.class);
      if (tab != null) intent.putExtra(EXTRA_IS_OFF_THE_RECORD, tab.isIncognito());
      if (activity == null) {
        // Stands alone in its own task.
      } else {
        // Sits on top of another Activity.
        intent.putExtra(IntentHandler.EXTRA_PARENT_COMPONENT, activity.getComponentName());

    return true;
    public void activateContents() {
      String startUrl = mActivity.getWebappInfo().uri().toString();

      // Create an Intent that will be fired toward the WebappLauncherActivity, which in turn
      // will fire an Intent to launch the correct WebappActivity.  On L+ this could probably
      // be changed to call AppTask.moveToFront(), but for backwards compatibility we relaunch
      // it the hard way.
      Intent intent = new Intent();

      intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_MAC, ShortcutHelper.getEncodedMac(mActivity, startUrl));
Exemple #9
   * Creates an Intent that allows viewing the given file in an internal media viewer.
   * @param fileUri URI pointing at the file, ideally in file:// form.
   * @param shareUri URI pointing at the file, ideally in content:// form.
   * @param mimeType MIME type of the file.
   * @return Intent that can be fired to open the file.
  public static Intent getMediaViewerIntentForDownloadItem(
      Uri fileUri, Uri shareUri, String mimeType) {
    Context context = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext();
    Intent viewIntent = createViewIntentForDownloadItem(fileUri, mimeType);

    Bitmap closeIcon =
        BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.ic_arrow_back_white_24dp);
    Bitmap shareIcon =
        BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.ic_share_white_24dp);

    CustomTabsIntent.Builder builder = new CustomTabsIntent.Builder();

    // Create a PendingIntent that can be used to view the file externally.
    // TODO(dfalcantara): Check if this is problematic in multi-window mode, where two
    //                    different viewers could be visible at the same time.
    Intent chooserIntent = Intent.createChooser(viewIntent, null);
    String openWithStr = context.getString(R.string.download_manager_open_with);
    PendingIntent pendingViewIntent =
        PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, chooserIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT);
    builder.addMenuItem(openWithStr, pendingViewIntent);

    // Create a PendingIntent that shares the file with external apps.
    PendingIntent pendingShareIntent =
        PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, createShareIntent(shareUri, mimeType), 0);
    builder.setActionButton(shareIcon, context.getString(R.string.share), pendingShareIntent, true);

    // Build up the Intent further.
    Intent intent =;
    intent.putExtra(CustomTabIntentDataProvider.EXTRA_IS_MEDIA_VIEWER, true);
    intent.putExtra(Browser.EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID, context.getPackageName());
    IntentHandler.addTrustedIntentExtras(intent, context);

    intent.setClass(context, CustomTabActivity.class);
    return intent;
Exemple #10
   * Returns a URI that points at the file.
   * @param file File to get a URI for.
   * @return URI that points at that file, either as a content:// URI or a file:// URI.
  public static Uri getUriForItem(File file) {
    Uri uri = null;

    // #getContentUriFromFile causes a disk read when it calls into FileProvider#getUriForFile.
    // Obtaining a content URI is on the critical path for creating a share intent after the
    // user taps on the share button, so even if we were to run this method on a background
    // thread we would have to wait. As it depends on user-selected items, we cannot
    // know/preload which URIs we need until the user presses share.
    StrictMode.ThreadPolicy oldPolicy = StrictMode.allowThreadDiskReads();
    try {
      // Try to obtain a content:// URI, which is preferred to a file:// URI so that
      // receiving apps don't attempt to determine the file's mime type (which often fails).
      uri = ContentUriUtils.getContentUriFromFile(ContextUtils.getApplicationContext(), file);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      Log.e(TAG, "Could not create content uri: " + e);

    if (uri == null) uri = Uri.fromFile(file);

    return uri;
 private DeferredStartupHandler() {
   mAppContext = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext();
   mDeferredTasks = new LinkedList<>();
 private DeferredStartupHandler() {
   mAppContext = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext();
   mLocaleManager = ((ChromeApplication) mAppContext).createLocaleManager();
Exemple #13
   * Initializes a new {@link CastSessionImpl} instance.
   * @param apiClient The Google Play Services client used to create the session.
   * @param sessionId The session identifier to use with the Cast SDK.
   * @param origin The origin of the frame requesting the route.
   * @param tabId The id of the tab containing the frame requesting the route.
   * @param isIncognito Whether the route is beging requested from an Incognito profile.
   * @param source The {@link MediaSource} corresponding to this session.
   * @param routeProvider The {@link CastMediaRouteProvider} instance managing this session.
  public CastSessionImpl(
      GoogleApiClient apiClient,
      String sessionId,
      ApplicationMetadata metadata,
      String applicationStatus,
      CastDevice castDevice,
      String origin,
      int tabId,
      boolean isIncognito,
      MediaSource source,
      CastMediaRouteProvider routeProvider) {
    mSessionId = sessionId;
    mRouteProvider = routeProvider;
    mApiClient = apiClient;
    mSource = source;
    mApplicationMetadata = metadata;
    mApplicationStatus = applicationStatus;
    mCastDevice = castDevice;
    mMessageHandler = mRouteProvider.getMessageHandler();
    mMessageChannel = new CastMessagingChannel(this);

    final Context context = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext();

    if (mNamespaces.contains(CastMessageHandler.MEDIA_NAMESPACE)) {
      mMediaPlayer = new RemoteMediaPlayer();
          new RemoteMediaPlayer.OnStatusUpdatedListener() {
            public void onStatusUpdated() {
              MediaStatus mediaStatus = mMediaPlayer.getMediaStatus();
              if (mediaStatus == null) return;

              int playerState = mediaStatus.getPlayerState();
              if (playerState == MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED
                  || playerState == MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING) {
                mNotificationBuilder.setPaused(playerState != MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING);
                    MediaNotificationInfo.ACTION_STOP | MediaNotificationInfo.ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE);
              } else {
          new RemoteMediaPlayer.OnMetadataUpdatedListener() {
            public void onMetadataUpdated() {

    Intent contentIntent = Tab.createBringTabToFrontIntent(tabId);
    if (contentIntent != null) {
          MediaNotificationUma.INTENT_EXTRA_NAME, MediaNotificationUma.SOURCE_PRESENTATION);
    mNotificationBuilder =
        new MediaNotificationInfo.Builder()
            // TODO(avayvod): the same session might have more than one tab id. Should we track
            // the last foreground alive tab and update the notification with it?