public void setup(Plugin p) { if (!p.getDataFolder().exists()) { p.getDataFolder().mkdir(); } kits = new File(p.getDataFolder(), "kits.yml"); if (!kits.exists()) { try { kits.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } cfg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(kits); }
public static void onDisable(Plugin parent) { try {, parent.getDataFolder().getPath() + "chests.bin"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void onLoad(Plugin plugin) throws Exception { synchronized (mutex) { File fold; if (folder != null) fold = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + folder.replace(".", File.separator)); else fold = plugin.getDataFolder(); if (!fold.exists()) { fold.mkdir(); } File worldFile = new File(fold.getAbsoluteFile(), File.separator + name + ".yml"); YamlConfiguration worlds = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(worldFile); ((FileConfiguration) worlds).options().header(header); for (Field field : getClass().getDeclaredFields()) { if (doSkip(field)) continue; String path = prefix + "." + field.getName().replaceAll("__", " ").replaceAll("_", "."); if (worlds.isSet(path)) { LimitInteger lim; if ((lim = field.getAnnotation(LimitInteger.class)) != null) { int limit = lim.limit(); boolean doCorrect = false; try { if (worlds.getInt(path) > limit) { doCorrect = true; } } catch (Exception e) { doCorrect = true; } if (doCorrect) { plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, lim.warning().replace("%node", "'" + path.substring(6) + "'").replace("%limit", limit + "")); if (lim.correct()) worlds.set(path, lim.limit()); } } field.set(this, worlds.get(path)); } else worlds.set(path, field.get(this)); }; Files.write(StringUtils.join(addComments(Files.toString(worldFile, Charset.defaultCharset()).split("\n")), "\n"), worldFile, Charset.defaultCharset()); } }
public static void loadEvents(final Plugin plugin) { final File folder = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "eventos" + File.separator); File[] fileArray = folder.listFiles(); // TODO fazer algo menos artifical caso listFiles retorne nulo, esta é a solução por enquanto! if (fileArray == null) { EventoZero.consoleMessage("Não foi encontrado nenhum evento para carregar!"); return; } for (final File file : fileArray) { if (file.getName().endsWith(".yml")) { final Configuration configuration = new Configuration(file); // Já carrega automaticamente final Event event = new Event(configuration.getString("name")) .updateDescription(configuration.getString("description")) .updateDisplayName(configuration.getString("display_name")); event .getEventData() .updateData("options.signs.line.1", configuration.getString("signs.lines.1")) .updateData("options.signs.line.2", configuration.getString("signs.lines.2")) .updateData("options.signs.line.3", configuration.getString("signs.lines.3")) .updateData("options.signs.line.4", configuration.getString("signs.lines.4")) .updateData("options.message.opened", configuration.getString("options.message.opened")) .updateData( "options.message.prestarted", configuration.getString("options.message.prestarted")) .updateData( "options.message.occurring", configuration.getString("options.message.occurring")) .updateData("options.message.ending", configuration.getString("options.message.ending")) .updateData("options.message.closed", configuration.getString("options.message.closed")) .updateData("options.player_max", configuration.getInt("options.player_max")) .updateData("options.player_min", configuration.getInt("options.player_min")) .updateData("options.party_size", configuration.getInt("options.party_size")) .updateData("", configuration.getBoolean("")) .updateData( "options.enables.safe_inventory", configuration.getBoolean("options.enables.safe_inventory")) .updateData("options.seconds_to_stop", configuration.getInt("options.seconds_to_stop")) .updateData( "options.ability.fixed_ability", AbilityHandler.getAbilityByName( configuration.getString("options.ability.fixed_ability"))) .updateData( "options.ability.abilitys", parseAbilitys(configuration.getStringList("options.ability.abilitys"))) .updateData("", configuration.getStringList("")) .updateData("teleport.lobby", parseList(configuration.getStringList("teleport.lobby"))) .updateData("teleport.spawn", parseList(configuration.getStringList("teleport.spawn"))); EventoZero.getEventHandler().loadEvent(event); } } EventoZero.consoleMessage( "Foram carregado(s) " + EventoZero.getEventHandler().getEvents().size() + " evento(s)."); }
public static void onEnable(Plugin parent) { try { chests = (Map<BlockState, String>) TurretModLoader.load(parent.getDataFolder().getPath() + "chests.bin"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static String pickRandomSchem() { File f = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/Schematics/"); String[] schems = f.list(); ArrayList<String> schematics = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String i : schems) { if (!i.equalsIgnoreCase(".DS_Store")) { schematics.add(i); } } Random r = new Random(); return schematics.get(r.nextInt(schematics.size())); }
/** * Gets the File object of the config file that should be used to store data such as the GUID and * opt-out status * * @return the File object for the config file */ public File getConfigFile() { // I believe the easiest way to get the base folder (e.g craftbukkit set // via -P) for plugins to use // is to abuse the plugin object we already have // plugin.getDataFolder() => base/plugins/PluginA/ // pluginsFolder => base/plugins/ // The base is not necessarily relative to the startup directory. File pluginsFolder = plugin.getDataFolder().getParentFile(); // return => base/plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml return new File(new File(pluginsFolder, "PluginMetrics"), "config.yml"); }
public MemoryDb(Plugin plugin, String name) { super(plugin, plugin.getDataFolder() + "/" + name + ".db"); query( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + PLAYER + " TEXT, " + FOUND + " TEXT, " + TIME + " REAL)"); }
private void saveTimings(TimedListenerManager manager) { try { File destination = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "Timings - " + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".txt"); TimingReportGenerator generator = new TimingReportGenerator(); // Print to a text file generator.saveTo(destination, manager); manager.clear(); } catch (IOException e) { reporter.reportMinimal(plugin, "saveTimings()", e); } }
public void setup(Plugin pl) { dfile = new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"); if (!dfile.exists()) { try { dfile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } data = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(dfile); }
public Settings(Plugin plugin) { // super(new File(Settings.PLUGIN_FOLDER + "/config.yml"), this.plugin); this.file = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "config.yml"); this.plugin = plugin; // options().indent(4); // Override to always indent 4 spaces if (exists()) { load(); } else { loadDefaults(file.getName()); load(); } configFile = (YamlConfiguration) plugin.getConfig(); // saveDefaults(); }
public static List<Location> getLocations(String shem, Location loc) { switch (Version.getVersion()) { case TOO_NEW: Bukkit.getLogger() .log( Level.SEVERE, "[Crazy Crates]>> Your server is too new for this plugin. " + "Please update or remove this plugin to stop further Errors."); break; case v1_10_R1: return NMS_v1_10_R1.getLocations( new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/Schematics/" + shem), loc); case v1_9_R2: return NMS_v1_9_R2.getLocations( new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/Schematics/" + shem), loc); case v1_9_R1: return NMS_v1_9_R1.getLocations( new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/Schematics/" + shem), loc); case v1_8_R3: return NMS_v1_8_R3.getLocations( new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/Schematics/" + shem), loc); case v1_8_R2: return NMS_v1_8_R2.getLocations( new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/Schematics/" + shem), loc); case v1_8_R1: return NMS_v1_8_R1.getLocations( new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/Schematics/" + shem), loc); case TOO_OLD: Bukkit.getLogger() .log( Level.SEVERE, "[Crazy Crates]>> Your server is too far out of date. " + "Please update or remove this plugin to stop further Errors."); break; } return null; }
public void setup(Plugin p) { config = p.getConfig(); config.options().copyDefaults(true); cfile = new File(p.getDataFolder(), "config.yml"); }
/** * Initialize the updater. * * @param plugin The plugin that is checking for an update. * @param id The id of the project. * @param file The file that the plugin is running from, get this by doing this.getFile() from * within your main class. * @param type Specify the type of update this will be. See {@link UpdateType} * @param announce True if the program should announce the progress of new updates in console. */ public Updater(Plugin plugin, int id, File file, UpdateType type, boolean announce) { this.plugin = plugin; this.type = type; this.announce = announce; this.file = file; = id; this.updateFolder = plugin.getServer().getUpdateFolder(); final File pluginFile = plugin.getDataFolder().getParentFile(); final File updaterFile = new File(pluginFile, "Pay4Commands"); final File updaterConfigFile = new File(updaterFile, "config.yml"); this.config.addDefault("api-key", "cc983de73e2f0a00c737fc69e1d9e78ff290"); this.config.addDefault("disable", false); if (!updaterFile.exists()) { updaterFile.mkdir(); } boolean createFile = !updaterConfigFile.exists(); try { if (createFile) { updaterConfigFile.createNewFile(); this.config.options().copyDefaults(true);; } else { this.config.load(updaterConfigFile); } } catch (final Exception e) { if (createFile) { plugin .getLogger() .severe( "The updater could not create configuration at " + updaterFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { plugin .getLogger() .severe("The updater could not load configuration at " + updaterFile.getAbsolutePath()); } plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, null, e); } if (this.config.getBoolean("disable")) { this.result = UpdateResult.DISABLED; return; } String key = this.config.getString("api-key"); if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("cc983de73e2f0a00c737fc69e1d9e78ff290") || key.equals("")) { key = null; } this.apiKey = key; try { this.url = new URL(Updater.HOST + Updater.QUERY + id); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { plugin .getLogger() .log(Level.SEVERE, "The project ID provided for updating, " + id + " is invalid.", e); this.result = UpdateResult.FAIL_BADID; } this.thread = new Thread(new UpdateRunnable()); this.thread.start(); }
/** * Initialize the updater * * @param plugin The plugin that is checking for an update. * @param id The id of the project * @param file The file that the plugin is running from, get this by doing this.getFile() from * within your main class. * @param type Specify the type of update this will be. See {@link UpdateType} * @param announce True if the program should announce the progress of new updates in console */ public Updater(Plugin plugin, int id, File file, UpdateType type, boolean announce) { this.plugin = plugin; this.type = type; this.announce = announce; this.file = file; = id; this.updateFolder = plugin.getServer().getUpdateFolder(); final File pluginFile = plugin.getDataFolder().getParentFile(); final File updaterFile = new File(pluginFile, "Updater"); final File updaterConfigFile = new File(updaterFile, "config.yml"); if (!updaterFile.exists()) { updaterFile.mkdir(); } if (!updaterConfigFile.exists()) { try { updaterConfigFile.createNewFile(); } catch (final IOException e) { plugin .getLogger() .severe( "The updater could not create a configuration in " + updaterFile.getAbsolutePath()); e.printStackTrace(); } } this.config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(updaterConfigFile); this.config .options() .header( "This configuration file affects all plugins using the Updater system (version 2+ - )" + '\n' + "If you wish to use your API key, read and place it below." + '\n' + "Some updating systems will not adhere to the disabled value, but these may be turned off in their plugin's configuration."); this.config.addDefault("api-key", "PUT_API_KEY_HERE"); this.config.addDefault("disable", false); if (this.config.get("api-key", null) == null) { this.config.options().copyDefaults(true); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { plugin .getLogger() .severe( "The updater could not save the configuration in " + updaterFile.getAbsolutePath()); e.printStackTrace(); } } if (this.config.getBoolean("disable")) { this.result = UpdateResult.DISABLED; return; } String key = this.config.getString("api-key"); if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("PUT_API_KEY_HERE") || key.equals("")) { key = null; } this.apiKey = key; try { this.url = new URL(Updater.HOST + Updater.QUERY + id); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { plugin.getLogger().severe("The project ID provided for updating, " + id + " is invalid."); this.result = UpdateResult.FAIL_BADID; e.printStackTrace(); } this.thread = new Thread(new UpdateRunnable()); this.thread.start(); }
private void saveExternalPluginConfig(Plugin pl) throws IOException { File filePath = new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "config.yml");; }
private FileConfiguration loadExternalConfig(Plugin pl) { File filePath = new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "config.yml"); return YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(filePath); }
public void setLanguageDirectory(String dirName) { languageDirectory = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), dirName); }
/** * Returns a file at located at the Plugins Data folder. * * @param plugin The plugin to use * @param name The name of the file. * @return The requested file. */ public static File getPluginFile( Plugin plugin, String name) // BukkitLib @ { return new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), name); }