Exemple #1
   * For each site of interest, annotate based on the requested annotation types
   * @param tracker the meta-data tracker
   * @param ref the reference base
   * @param context the context for the given locus
   * @return 1 if the locus was successfully processed, 0 if otherwise
  public Integer map(RefMetaDataTracker tracker, ReferenceContext ref, AlignmentContext context) {
    if (tracker == null) return 0;

    // get the variant contexts for all the variants at the location
    Collection<VariantContext> VCs =
        tracker.getValues(variantCollection.variants, context.getLocation());
    if (VCs.isEmpty()) return 0;

    Collection<VariantContext> annotatedVCs = VCs;

    // if the reference base is not ambiguous, we can annotate
    Map<String, AlignmentContext> stratifiedContexts;
    if (BaseUtils.simpleBaseToBaseIndex(ref.getBase()) != -1) {
      stratifiedContexts = AlignmentContextUtils.splitContextBySampleName(context.getBasePileup());
      annotatedVCs = new ArrayList<>(VCs.size());
      for (VariantContext vc : VCs)
        annotatedVCs.add(engine.annotateContext(tracker, ref, stratifiedContexts, vc));

    for (VariantContext annotatedVC : annotatedVCs) vcfWriter.add(annotatedVC);

    return 1;